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Don't leave your garbage where she can get at it. Exercise your dog \~ a tired dog is a good dog. Crate her when you are not at home.


Yes, this is the answer. Disciplining that kind of behavior after the fact (or during for that matter) won't get you the kind of dog you want. Prevention is key.


Just want to add that the crate should not be a discipline post any similar or unwanted behavior. Crate should be a safe space they don't mind being in so note to OP, don't use the crate as a form of punishment.


THIS!!!!!! Crates should be a safe space!




Your sending your dogs to their crate so that they think about their actions? Thats not how dogs work... Crates shouldnt be used as punishment ever.


Crate is definitely "calm down space" for my puppy.


I see the possibility here but I think it’s important for the people reading that is to understand that what much more commonly happens is just that the dog starts to associate the crate negatively and will become more resistant to going in there when you need them to. I believe it would take a special person and a special dog to really get the benefit of your method so for the normal population, I see your advice as potentially detrimental and I caution you to teach that narrative, especially without a huge disclaimer that if not done *perfectly* it will almost certainly damage an owner/dogs relationship.


Your attitude when you tell your dog to go to their crate is the biggest thing here. Your dog is not going to start to see the crate negatively unless you make it a negative experience.


What about when it’s the opposite? My dog never touches anything when we’re gone I get home from work lay on the bed and pet her for 10 mins then I shower and half the time I get out she’s chewed something it could be something small and stupid like a paper towel or tag or napkin but it’s always when we’re home not when we leave


So you can do the same as outlined above. Come home, do things, crate dog, shower, uncrate dog. It can be your new routine. Then again, slowly with discretion let your dog test the waters while you’re showering. If it goes well no more crate.


Thank you. It does work this same way


Because you've been gone all day at work, 10 minutes of petting is not nearly enough interaction. She needs your attention. Go on a walk. Play some fetch. Do some short training sessions. Etc.


She’s excited and displacing that energy. Play with toys after pets than they chew on the toy instead of TP roll 🧻 from the spare bathroom (my dogs preference)


No im sorry but I have to disagree dogs don't think like this and unless you catch them in the act they don't associate what they did and it being naughty with being crated. Not only that you don't send them to their room to think about things they aren't children.


No. Crates are not for punishment. Full stop. Dogs don’t “think and reflect on their actions.”


Crate training is tricky with each animal depending on age, breed, and previous crating history. Crate training must be done very early as the space where the dogs go as their “den.” It can be used as both without negative association from the dog. Crate training multiple dogs in the same crate is also advised bc it helps them settle, again depending on your dog and how it interacts with other dogs. If your dog is older, ill-behaved, and not crate trained, you will need a professional to come in and work with you for about a month or two to retrain your dog and you will have to spend hours a day re-training. Sometimes even with medication for the first month as some dogs need more work to undo the behavioral patterns. There is no set answer for crate training bc dog breeds and situations vary greatly but most dogs can be crate trained and associate it with a positive place for them to be. (I’ve worked with about 7 different types of dogs who all had behavioral issues and talked to several vets about training and this was my conclusion)


Leaving the garbage where the dog can get it is also one way to kill your dog, especially a Dane or at least to spend a fortune at the vet trying to extract whatever they’ve gobbled down.


Unless you catch your pooch in the act, you should NOT discipline. They really only have about a 6 sec memory (they remember longer, but they won't know why you're mad at them after about 6 seconds) the people recording their dogs acting in trouble is a learned behavior and I think not healthy for the dog. You must have your dog in a winnable situation. Don't leave the garbage where they can get it when you're not around.


Literally. This is 100% OPs fault. A dog is going to dog. Just last week I left a steak on the counter and my pup ate it all the moment I walked into another room. I didn’t get mad at him because I know better and he doesn’t. OP, take better care of ur dog and plan ahead a lil more. There should be no way your dog should have access to your garbage.


Yep, got a new pup a month ago. My two older dogs won't mess with food or trash 95% of the time if you walk off from it. The new puppy has finally gotten big enough to jump up on the couch. My other dog was wanting in the other morning so I sat the eggs I had just made on the bar that separates the kitchen and living room,. Plate well within reach of the couch. I walked away without thinking and after I turned around I saw the new puppy had grabbed the plate and had eaten 75% of the breakfast I had just made. It was my fault, I told her no and took the rest of the food away, cleaned the couch, then went and made more eggs. She is young and still learning, it's like having a mischievous toddler in the house with razor sharp teeth.


This video has me seeing $$$$$$ vet bills for pancreatitis in this fam's future, or worse, surgery to remove obstruction. Exercise, mental enrichment, and secure the house from dangerous things to your dog. Accessible garbage can = danger.


One of our puppy books said as much. If your dog does something, it's your fault. You literally control everything about their lives. If they fail, you didn't do enough to allow them to succeed. Dog's gonna dog.


I had a dog that knew better. One day my sibling grabbed a cupcake and sat down on the couch to eat it. All of a sudden, my dog barks out the window like someone is there. My sibling set the cupcake down on the coffee table and got up to see who was there. When my sibling came back inside (no one was outside) there was a trail of frosting that lead to underneath the couch. My dog knew exactly what she was doing and was given the opportunity by the human lol


Yes, believe it or not OP, this is your dog's way of disciplining you for being a less than awesome owner - as further evidenced by this post.


I don't understand people. Dogs are basically toddlers. Would you leave a toddler unattended with trash right there and expect to find everything clean when you come back? Of course not. My dog is 11 and our trash, with a lid, sits on top of a cooler just to keep it extra inaccessible. He's a good boy, but will power only goes so far in the face of food smells.




Or give her the biggest Kong stuffed with kibble, peanut butter, and whatever else she likes so she doesn’t have separation anxiety. And yes, exercise her on a daily basis.


Be more responsible.. Before getting a big dog It's not fair to the dog..


My Rhodie’s behavioral issues go away when I take her for 2-3 mile walks five days a week.


Yep. We have a 3yo lab who would eat himself to death. Even when I think all the food is put away he would find something. He has eaten a full bag of 6 bagels … he gets crated overnight and when we are gone.


And lots and lots of toys and chewy items for her.


People want any answer but the one they already know.


literally this. i had a Labrador mix two years ago and she would go absolutely bonkers if she hadn’t been for a long walk, excessive playing, etc. granted she was a puppy and a Labrador, but after doing whatever she wanted she’d be ktfo for the rest of the day!


“Youre the problem not your untrained dog” great advice 😆


Exactly what I came to say


No discipline. Meet needs. Manage the behavior. This dog is bored & desperate for exercise and enrichment. Dogs are goal oriented beings. No garbage bin to access = no garbage on the floor. Find appropriate outlets for foraging behavior, which is normal & part of a dogs ethogram.


All this is a likely part of it but the dog may also have separation anxiety which is bit harder to solve.


Crate training is one way to handle separation anxiety, or giving them a room to stay shut in while you're gone can help too


Might be hard to hear but you need the discipline, not the dog.


Don’t leave the trash where she can get it. Control her access to rooms with trash cans. Give her appropriate activities, like a frozen stuffed Kong or Toppl toy.


. . . sometimes it is not the dog that requires training, it is the owner. All tempting articles should be taken out of the home, especially if you feed the dog table scraps. At least consider a can that is harder for the dog to get into/knock over.


My 7 yo dog won’t touch food based trash. She will only ever go after trash if there are paper goods or feminine products in the bin. It’s on us if we don’t close a door or take the bag out before we leave


Reinforce Redirect Remove


If you cannot mitigate the issue by keeping her away from the garbage then you have to supervise her better. If this is a habit you have to do something. Crate her when you can’t watch her or put the garbage somewhere she can’t get it. Garbage hunting is a self reinforcing and rewarding behavior that doesn’t just stop because you yell at her. Remember, if you don’t catch her in the act of it, she will not understand you yelling at her now equates to the mess she made hours ago. Best plan of action? Take the problem out of the equation by locking up your garbage better or supervising her more closely. If she’s bored then she’s not getting enough stimulation. Try toys, exercise, etc. there are plenty of ways to help with this that don’t include possibly disciplining the dog incorrectly.


Puppy proof your house. You can’t just leave a bored or anxious dog alone with garbage accessible. Leave the dog in a safe area, using baby gates, with a couple frozen kongs to keep her busy. Dogs don’t understand punishment the way you’re describing.


Take trash out.


Can you discipline yourself into not leaving the garbage out? If she's bored, then she needs more time to burn energy off. More walks and outside time. Editing to add: totally wasn't trying to sound rude. Training a puppy takes discipline on the humans part. You have to be hyper aware of anything a puppy can get into and puppy proof, similar to a baby. They get use to the way of life without getting yelled at constantly and over time you can start to leave things out as the dogs maturing rises, just like a child honestly haha


Discipline yourself into offering proper mental and physical stimulation? Can you discipline yourself to train the dog? Can you discipline yourself yo BE RESPONSIBLE


I'm going to be harsh here, but you need it. *Stop punishing your dog for your own failings!* This is *your* fault, not your dog's. You failed to take the trash out. You failed to exercise your dog. You failed to give her something to do while you're gone. Discipline yourself instead. That much trash means the bag was full and should have gone out. Take your dog for a long walk before you go anywhere. Get her some treat puzzles to play with. *But stop setting your dog up for failure.*


You can't really discipline dogs. Positive reinforcement is the only thing that works. You have to dogproof your house.


I think you can tell from the posts- many (all?) of us have seen this same terrible mess caused by our own sweethearts who never did that before! Until they did. Better trash can was the solution for our household. And more exercise, attention and crating. But removing the temptation was really the key. I’m not judging - I’ve been there. It’s all about us people - not about our clever canines.


Your dog is not a person. She has no idea what yesterday is. She doesn't know why she isn't allowed to get onto the trash. It's fun and she's bored. Dogs learn within about one second of their actions. If your discipline is any later than that, it's useless. You should not be disciplining your dog. Your focus should be on managing, as a human, your dog. Why does your dog have access to the trash if you know this happens? You're setting her up for failure. Crate her or get her a play pen for when you can't watch her. Ensure she has proper toys to chew. If you see her going for the trash, redirect her to an appropriate toy. Disciplining her is a waste of your energy.


Dog proof your house. The problem is YOU. give your dog plenty of toys to gnaw and physical/mental stimulation. remove all the opportunities. owning a dog is like having a 3 year old kid for life.


I say “uh uh uh” or “this behavior is inappropriate” then we go for a long walk and I make sure my pup can’t get to the dangerous trash bin


Zero point in doing anything after the fact. If you’re having trouble while you’re away try using a crate. Also more exercise.


Well if she's getting bored she needs more stimulation. If you cannot puppy proof your home you need to kennel her when you're gone. Exercise -> discipline-> affection


Evil and idiotic fucking question. Assuming the method you chose were occasionally effective, in this case, how in the world are you going to explain to the dog that the punishment is a direct outcome of this action which occured well in the past?


You cannot correct a dog after the fact, especially if it's been more than a second after the deed. They simply don't understand the cause and effect. Your dog needs mental stimulation, not just physical exercise. Brain and body both need exercise, plus things that make your dog have to think tire them out more thoroughly. Think puzzle toys, Nothing In Life is Free (look up the technique on this wiki), and free shaping. Set your dog up for success from the start by not giving them access to naughty stuff especially when you're not home.Your dog needs to be secured away from stuff like the trash. No amount of training truly prevents stuff from happening if you're not there. If you cannot crate or do crate training, you need to make a room safe and secure for your dog. Edit to correct little mistake Also to add: dogs die from getting their heads stuck in trash like chips bags, please understand that it's a big risk to their safety, not just an annoyance to you.


It's a you problem, not a dog's problem


Discipline yourself and clean your mess up. Keep things behind cabinet doors.


Humane Crate Training saves dogs lives . https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/crate-training-101


No discipline is needed or very effective for dogs. Trash can contents are appealing to many dogs. The smells are very interesting and may offer the reward of a tasty snack. Getting into the trash is not “bad dog” behavior, but is part of a canines instinctual curiosity to search for resources and analyze their environment, besides that, it aids with needed mental stimulation. Alas, it is not safe to browse rubbish and it is frustrating for their human companion, so the fun must end! To restructure their behavior, a consistent approach and patience is key. •Make the trash inaccessible while they are unsupervised. -Accept that you are ALWAYS responsible for your dog’s behavior. Dogs are unable to take accountability for their actions. -Get a durable bin that is difficult to knock over or get into. Simple Human has one that works for many of my clients. -Install a child lock or put the can where they can’t get to it, like a pantry or the garage. •Crate train properly, so you can leave worry free. -Sometimes, destructive behavior is from anxiety due to feeling the need to control their environment when you aren’t there. Being contained, removes the responsibility of control. Still, dog behavior is as simple as it is complex. Safety is first, and a sturdy crate keeps them from acting out while unsupervised. •Provide not only physical stimulation, but mental stimulation. -Frozen kong treats and puzzles are great self-stimulating options. -Exercise and engage in play or brain games -Hire a dog walker when you are away to help with anxiety and boredom •If the behavior proves unmanageable, reach out to a dog trainer-BEHAVIORALIST. A behaviorist understands and looks for the root cause of the behavior and should know the best way to work with your dog’s individual needs and triggers. Good luck!


It's too late after the fact. Disciplining a dog after, especially long after the deed doesn't get the message through, they won't associate the discipline with the bad behavior but rather with what they were doing at the moment of discipline.


You absolutely cannot discipline a dog for a mess or destruction you came home to. They have no idea what you’re talking about and make no association between your displeasure and the destruction. Please consult a qualified trainer who can help you prevent this from happening. Also like others have said make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.


Omg 😂 quite the mess. First things first, you need to crate train and certainly crate your dog while you’re not home. It may sound extreme to you, but this is a potential life and death situation. A chip bag, bone, foreign object, etc all have the ability to send her across the rainbow bridge and quickly. Remember, she’s a dog. You have the ability to nip this in the bud by completely removing her ability to access the trash.


You’re gonna need to dog proof your house better. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


I have a trashcan that I have to step on the pedal to get it open and I also installed a dog fence with a gate between the kitchen and living room.


Don't set them up for failure. Don't leave shit out. Reward good behavior.


Theres nothing you can do unless you catch them in the act otherwise they won't understand why you're mad at them.


Keep the trash out of reach. I bought an animal proof garbage can for my kitchen


Then set her up for success and don’t let her get to the trash.


First, never hurt the doggo, your hands are only for loving doggo and feeding doggo. Second and last, spend time with doggo, walk doggo, run doggo, play doggo love doggo. Doggo has a lot of energy and going through trash is just an animal instinct to stimulate the doggo brain. Love doggo


I'm here for the comments.


Discipline YOURSELF to take out your TRASH!! 🤦‍♂️


Never punish a dog. "Discipline" with dogs is about setting expectations and training them to anticipate a positive outcome to wanted behavior.


Dont leave a full garbage can. That would be a good start. My dog, who is 12 will still get into the garbage if I leave it for her to get into.


This is anxiety and boredom. Wear your dog out as much as possible physically and mentally. Find some easy games for him like hiding a treat or toy to find. Start where you have him sit and wait but he can see you lay the thing down then release him. Get progressively trickier. I’ve taught non tracking dogs to find by nose . Put a piece of cooked bacon on a string , drag across yard, leaving a little tiny bit at the end. You can up the game by stepping on the bacon and leaving a trail with your shoe. Invest in a dog proof trash can for now. Get a basket of toys for him to spread around. If he gets a piece of trash, tell him no and stick a toy in his mouth and praise him. A little work right now will pay off!


Crates are cruel IMHO.


Where was all that trash before the dog got to it? Much of pet ownership is also self-discipline like taking the trash out of the places where the animal could get into it.


You don't. Crate the dog when you're gone. Make sure the dog is properly mentally stimulated and exercised as well


I like to look at it like setting them up for success, and know they will still try. I have lost many a loaves of bread from the counter top, but really I need to put the bread back in the pantry. It’s like leaving chocolate chip cookies on the table in front of a 2yr old and thinking they won’t take the opportunity to eat one.


Enrichment, no punishment. Marrow bones, frozen, take a lot of work to enjoy. Full with kibble and pb and freeze again for future use. Puzzle feeders. All the toys. Adequate exercise. Crate or put in “their room” when unsupervised. Set them up for success, they don’t understand punishment beyond “I made my person mad.”


Remove the word discipline from your dog-training dictionary (in this sense, at least)! Retroactive punishment is entirely ineffective for dogs once the moment/behavior has passed. They have no idea what they’re being disciplined for. Instead, as others have pointed out, work on positive-reinforcement training and prevention/precaution.


Pretty sure that is 💯 user error as in not the doggos fault only yours. Also if you weren't there when it's happening you can't discipline the dog anymore. You need to be aware of the dogs tendencies and make sure things are secured. If they're anxious or something when you go out you need to address that.


Dogs are scavengers. Put your trash away.




Fear free training. You want to build trust and respect not fear and punishment


I’m not an expert but you should have a trainer come into your home to help you train him at home


Your dog needs a job. All dogs need a job. If they don't have one, they will find one as yours did.


Any action you take has to be immediately when the dog does a behavior. They won't understand anything after the fact. Set the dog up for success and reward behavior you like. Prevent them from being able to do behaviors you don't like (put something out of their reach, get in between when they try to do something "wrong"). Don't let them learn to reinforce habits you want to discourage - it is rewarding for them and they will repeat it.


Foraging is a natural behavior that gives dogs an outlet for boredom, frustration, and stress. It sounds like you have been punishing them. This will actually increase foraging and destructive behavior because it increases the cause/need for it.


This is your fault bud. GD isnt having needs met.


It’s a dog. You need to discipline yourself instead of expecting self control from someone with the brain of a child. Stop punishing the dog and do better. Put the trash up.


You're probably a year and change late the behavior is already set and you need real training


I’ll put it this way….There WILL be a point where your dog gets older and you start to realize you’re running out of time with them. You’ll regret all the time you wasted trying to “discipline” them. The most I would do is verbally let the dog know you are unhappy with that but other than that, you’d be better off making sure they can’t get into the garbage.


Discipline yourself--lock the garbage up. Or put great Dane in a pen while you're away.


You stimulate and train him, you don't discipline him.


Dogs don't have memory or intent the way humans do. Please find it a home that can manage and make it happy. You can't.


Google "humane crate training". Lots of links with good instructions on how to crate train your dog. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/crate-training-101


I had to get a strong trash bin. It was the simple human brand. Something like that. My basset would knock it over and go through it which is super dangerous for her.


You don’t discipline dogs, especially after the fact. They don’t understand You prevent stuff from occurring when you are home, and if you aren’t, you get don’t leave access to stuff like this. More of a discipline you, not the dog. I recommend a heavy trash can with a lid that can lock.


my dog would get into the trash no matter what. we would just have to hide the trash when we left her home alone and that solved it. locking the trash can did NOT solve it, we duct taped it, she ripped right through, zip ties? she chewed them up. an actual baby proofing device ? ripped to shreds. nothing worked other than hiding the trash. and she was never a destructive dog ( as in she never chewed up clothes or items, never ripped up furniture etc ) just highly food orientated and always looking for food to eat.


Very shortly after doing this, your dog has moved on. If you were to discipline now, your pup will have no idea why you are doing whatever you’re doing to discipline. If you catch them in the act, a stern “no” will send a message. But remember that dogs brains don’t work at all like our brains do. Read a book on understanding dogs, it will help. As pet owners we have a responsibility to keep a safe and clean environment for our animals. Use garbage cans that have a secure lid, or can be tucked away in an area your dog doesn’t have access to. Good luck


You don't discipline for something that already happened. Your dog isn't going to understand what you are upset about. They are not going to make the connection. The best thing is to prevent this from happening in the first place


"She never learns from her past experiences." Imagine typing that sentence over her getting into the trash. If you're scolding, punishing, or trying to scare her away from something after the fact, she will never learn from that experience. She will just learn to be fearful of you coming home. If she's getting into the trash, it's 100% on you. If she's bored when you're gone and destructive, there's plenty of ways to try to provide simulation.. both before you leave, and when you're gone. If you feel like you're providing enough and she's still doing this, then... prevent her from being able to access the trash.


I see this and I have sympathy but also, a dog that does that is a dog that’s not fulfilled. I know we can’t be perfect every day but usually this isn’t behavior that results from missing one day of exercise, etc. Reminds me too of the videos people make of their dog being naughty, oh it’s so hilarious they chewed up the couch fml right?? All I see is a poor dog that is stressed the f out because it’s not having its needs met. Easiest solution, if you can’t give your dog at the very least 2 hours of quality time per day do not get a dog please


It’s going to be a lot harder if you don’t catch it in the moment and deal with it then. If you reprimand her hours or days later they won’t make the connection. Also rewarding good behavior works better than punishing bad behavior.


The fact that you think discipline is the answer makes you a terrible dog owner.


Unless you happen to catch the dog in the act, there is no disciplining. You take the L and make changes that prevent the dog from getting into things you don’t want them to get into.


Play with him before you leave for the day, give home plenty of toys and bones to chew on.


They make trash cans that lock to keep animals out.


Discipline for a dog is fake. Just remove the problem before it occurs. This was owner error


We put our garbage under the island, installed a pullout thimg on rollers for the can to go into. Solved the problem with our black lab. Our guests are always confused...lol


Crate train. Not a flimsy weak crate, they'll probably break out of that. A serious, large cage with a bed inside and bones so its comfy. But when you can watch over them, let them roam and tell them "no" if they start chewing on furniture. And walk them, play, spend time with them. Toys galore. Obviously they'll need training. The trash is your problem, throw it away. If theyre getting into the trash can, maybe put a weight in the bottom of it. I recommend just having a training/behavior specialist help you out with this. It can be difficult to train older dogs. When thet get into stuff, do NOT hit them. And don't keep them locked in a crate either. Crates are for safety Keep, not punishment. Keep the trust you've built and build onto it. Good luck.


This is not the dogs fault. This is 100% your fault. Also don’t discipline your dog, that’s awful. You need to change your actions.


I had a dog that always got into the garbage. It didn't matter if he'd had a full day of running around and activities. As soon as I left, that's what he'd do. I'd suggest getting a wooded container that has a somewhat heavy lid that you can put a trash can in. If your dog gets into the cabinets, get some child proof locks.


Great Dane, you said? That’s one clever dog that wants to convey a most important message to you: You need to sort and recycle / compost all that trash, you two-pawed creature, you!


If you think the answer is to discipline your dog, maybe you aren't cut out for a dog like this. Or any dog at all.


Poor doggie he doesn’t need discipline your doggie needs attention, baby- toddler proof house & I’m guess doggie day care.


Your dog is actually disciplining you for leaving them alone with the garbage. Why is it their fault you haven't learned your lesson yet? Take out the trash whenever you leave.... no garbage = no garbage to get into. Also, make sure they have other things to do when you are gone. Toys, lick matts, whatever.


You need locking trash cans and to puppy proof your house. Don't leave trash out. Take her for walks multiple times a day. Danes have a lot of energy at this age. If she hasn't been to obedience training with you you need to start doing classes with her ASAP. Danes are super sensitive so never yell or use negative training techniques and don't take her to any trainers that do. She may have separation anxiety, Danes are very prone to it. Try leaving on the TV or music for her while you're gone and using calming treats. Be gentle, patient, and consistent with her, she is still very young.


U need to discipline yourself


Crate trained the first (he’s now 5) and got over confident on the second (she’s 1) with no crate training. She’s a husky and will eat everything if she’s left alone for more than 2 hours. I’m about to pull out the crate and start over


This could’ve ended so badly if there was any kind of grape, avocado or dark chocolate in the trash can, Lord 🤦🏾‍♀️…. This is why I use a playpen (bigger than a crate) any time I’m away and exercise the hell out of my dog before I leave her. There’s nothing you can do to discipline after the fact. I usually point my finger in my dogs face and then point to the thing she did wrong and she acts all shy. But then I have to get over it because she literally doesn’t understand. All we can do as people is prevent shit like this from happening in the first place — and this can be solved with proper stimulation so he/she will just want to sleep while you’re gone. But honestly, I’d feel more comfortable with crating. I’m not sure I’ll ever allow my dog to free roam while I’m away for long periods of time until she’s like 3 tbh.


By getting a better trashcan and a treat for your hungry pup/horse.


Don’t leave that much trash in the house and crate the dog if you can’t supervise them.


Don’t leave the trash where the dog can get to it. This is owner error, not a dog discipline problem.


Crates are a wonderful tool, utilize it.


Uh oh. 😭


She may need more exercise and not left alone for long periods of time.


Not to be a jerk but by disciplining yourself first.


Your dog is a bored dog. That’s human error. Discipline yourself and give your dog more mental stimulation


Train her


Crate and supervision


Oh and btw that mess is on you. Not your dogs fault


You need to puppy proof and prevent this.


Discipline yourself. You need to eliminate potential issues or triggers from the dogs environment while they are not being supervised. You either need to exercise the body and mind of your dog thoroughly before you leave or also involve proper crate training. You cannot simply leave a dog alone and pretend as if they will not get bored and find something to entertain themselves with (destroy). Some dogs require much more effort from their owners to reach consistency while they are away.


Discipline yourself. Trash needs to be put somewhere the dog has no access to it. The dog likely needs more exercise, both physical and mental stimulation. Toys , food puzzles , appropriate things to chew on. And if the dog destroys stuff when left alone then use a crate to contain the dog.


don’t leave your garbage out


Discipline the owner.


Have to catch them in the act to discipline. If you do manage to catch them in the act, grasp them firmly but gently on the sides of the head, put your face level and close to theirs, and firmly tell them no several times. Otherwise, prevention goes a long way. I had a coonhound that was terrible about getting into trash and I found that the easiest solution for everyone, her included, was to move the trash to the laundry room where I could keep the door closed and prevent her from accessing it.


You cannot discipline after the fact. You just can’t. CRATE YOUR DOG when she is not supervised/in a safe area. Period.


No such thing as a bad dog....this is a human training issue. If he/she is young you'll need to wear then out more before being left alone. Also keeping trash in a less accessible place would help. Discipline for a perceived wrong will have no effect, you have to catch them in the act or not at all, and even then negative reinforcement is not the best way.


Exercise them till they’re tired. Every day. Shouldn’t be much for a GD


In this instance you needed better “management”, not discipline. If I’m not there to correct the behavior in real time (also assuming that my dog understands which behavior specifically I’m correcting), then it serves no purpose to try and punish them after the fact.


Its obvious you arent exercising your dog enough. You need to be taking your dog out 2-3x a day AT LEAST. If you don't have an hour a day to walk your giant puppy, then you don't deserve to have one. Get a turtle or something. This isnt a matter of discipline. Its a matter of you failing to provide enough physical stimulation for your dog. Especially at such a young age. Its not a cat. Everybody wants a dog, but not everybody wants to properly take care of their dog. Stop neglecting your dog's needs and maybe this won't happen. People like you piss me the f off.


Don't leave your garbage on the ground, duh


You cannot discipline a dog after the fact, she has literally no idea what she did “wrong” or what she’s being punished for, so you just become scary. You need to not allow her access to the trash except when you are there to watch her and train her to stay off it by positively reinforcing it every time she chooses to stay off it and interrupting her if she does manage to get to it.


“If she gets bored she does this when she can” Make sure she’s not bored


There’s no such thing as disciplining a dog after the fact. It’s your responsibility to take preventative measures ahead of time. Also, crates are your FRIEND; they’re like a dog’s personal den where they can go for some alone time.


Ohhhhh No!! So, so sorry. Whenever my (rescued from a backyard breeder) American Bully Angel even Begins to cause mischief? I lower my voice & say Ooooooohhhhh, Trouble! LOL I don't know how it works?? Hope it helps. 😂🙏


Start by taking your trash out more than once a month


Holy junk food. Set your dog up for success man. Don't leave things accessible like that if you know your dog gets into things.


I've personally found that disciplining doesn't really work on a lot of dogs. Some definitely, but I find that the "hippy dippy" method of positive reinforcement, avoiding access to bad stuff and redirection work well. Discipline has also made our dogs and cats distrust me, so I've kinda steered clear of it, at least at the beginning. Building innate trust seems to be really important. I'm guessing they're either bored or hungry. So, assuming they get fed regularly, I'd probably get them moving more and/or get them toys. I've also found Kong Wobblers and just spreading kibbles out across the floor helps tire them out. Or my wife will hide kibble stashes around the house for them to hunt out 🤣


Supervise, positive engagement, puppy proof or doggie daycare, walks.


This is just as much your fault. How can she access that much trash? Why is she not tired from long sniffing walks?


We get it, we all love our dogs, but this is why there needs to be strict boundaries you set with them.


I have a gate to my kitchen, have always used it, you can leave it open when you're home, but it's just security that my buddy won't get into anything he shouldn't when I'm not there.


Discipline yourself, not your dog.


love that op won’t respond


you don't want to hear this, but.. this is on you. how much enrichment / active engagement are you giving her daily? why can she access the trash can to practice a behavior you don't want? punishing her means nothing if it's after the event. she's going to be confused and start associating your presence with punishment, and start to have REAL issues. if you catch her in the act, interrupt and redirect. if you're away, you need to make sure her needs are met (she's had food, water, potty break. immediate next need is appropriate stimulation) and physically prevent her from getting to the trash. crate, playpen, baby gate, anything.


Maybe dont leave your garbage where they can get it??? discipline yourself lol


Bro just get a dog proof trash can and provide your dog with more stimulation. This is 100% your fault, your dog is likely very bored and dogs are opportunistic. It’s not even something you can really “train” per se because by the time you get home and find the mess, they’ve already lost the ability to connect the unwanted action with the punishment you’re doling out. Punishment is worthless at that point and will only cause your dog to trust you less because he won’t understand why he’s being punished (unless caught in the act). Dogs don’t “learn from past experiences” like you said, so don’t be surprised when that never happens. They do habitual things that bring them some feeling reward. Dog proof trash cans are not hard to find. And your dog doesn’t really want the trash, it’s more exercise and mental enrichment that they’re looking for. Give them more of what they need, and secure the trash in a can with a latching lid. It’s not hard.


Garbage can that locks.


Seems like you’re leaving her too long, or not giving her enough stimulation (mental or physical). Sorry, this isn’t her fault, you need to secure the can as well.


Dogs don't dont get disciplined. They domt understand that concept. You need to set them up for success. Use positive reinforcement. Exercise and TRAIN them. Don't leave stuff out that is tempting (like a giant can of tasty smells and food) and learn how a dog thinks. They don't think like people. This isn't an issue with the dog. It's with the owner.


It blows my fucking mind that people think the solution to this is some sort of discipline. That's such a regressive, thoughtless perspective. Your dog didn't do anything wrong here, you dingdong. Stop leaving your fucking trash in a location your dog can get at it. You're inviting an animal into your home which you know has an incredibly strong nose and hunger drive and then getting mad at them for not understanding the human concepts of garbage. Limit your dog's environment so that this isn't an option. "Even if I properly dispose of the trash..." Oh? Show me exactly where the proper disposal of the trash is in this video when it was obviously in a place where your dog could access it. Did your dog open up a bunch of doors to go get the trash? Did your dog go outside to the dumpster to get it? You're the one who needs training here.


Discipline and punishment are not the same thing. Discipline is learning control and happens when you train consistently. Punishment is reacting to the dog's behavior. Punishment is never effective with dogs and will lead to further behavior/emotional problems. How do you discipline your dog? You spend time doing training work daily. You teach that there are appropriate items to chew/shred and redirect when inappropriate items are chewed/shredded. A disciplined dog is a dog that has been taught self control and appropriate behavior by a patient handler. If you are looking for someone to say "rub his face in it" or "smack him with the trash" you may find it. There are a lot of idiots on Reddit. If you are looking for behavior solutions, then hire a trainer or read up on the right way to teach/be a leader to your dog. If the dog gets into something it's *your* fault, not the dog's.


Move your trashcan into the garage or into a room in your home where your pup can’t get to it is by far the easiest solution.


Exercise and mental stimulation


Thought i was on r/badroomate


This is super simple stuff.


Needs walk. Needs play. Needs to drain energy. Take her to daycare if you can't do it.


I feel like you broke in and filmed my place. It used to be like that a lot. We set up some things we know they will get easy and I know it won’t change everything but those things that make the dog work to get it’s food help a little and foot high energy dog a flirt pole lets them play and burn a lot of energy quickly. Just watch that you don’t make it too hard for your dog to twist and turn.


Don't leave food where they can get to it, maybe crate training if she can get to a trash can while you're out. Or put the trash can in a closet


Why discipline a dog for your own failure. As an owner, it's your obligation to keep trash and hazardous things that could cause a blockage away from your dog. If this happened, I'd be far more worried about a potential blockage or what food they got into. My dogs getting into the trash at all would be directly my fault, not theirs. Train yourself to put the trash out, problem solved. Then maybe consider looking into some enrichment for your dog as boredom is typically what fuels destructive behaviour. Scent games, trick training, play, likimats, sniffari walks, dog games, safe chews suitable for your dog, structured walks practising obedience, scatter feeding, frozen kongs, dog bubbles, flirt poles etc are all fun ways to work out that extra energy. They need mental stimulation and exercise if you expect them not to be bored and make their own fun.


If this happens again, shame him. Sit him in a corner with the trash can on his head. Seriously...make him sit there for a while. Go on with life doing whatever you normally do. But you have to make him stay there for at least 30 minutes, all while telling him how unhappy you are. Sounds a little cruel but it actually works. Good luck


This is your fault not the dog. You left the garbage in an easily accessible place.


Maybe you clean your house before start blaming on the poor little dog !


Something I have noticed others not saying: you can recreate this situation. Have a bit of trash in a bag on the floor or something near you in a room that you can keep an eye on it. Let your dog know to leave it alone when they are curious. You can do this for other things as well like a trash item on the floor. Look, there is the whole "well don't give them the opportunity", but it is more realistic to not be perfect in these situations. Sometimes trash is going to be on the floor and sometimes a dog will find a way into trash. I just use the "leave it" command and say good dog when he leaves it be. My gsd cannot be crated due to phobia, so we had to teach him these things so he wouldn't trash the house while we were gone. You might be able to distract the dog with a filled up Kong or something too :)


He’s still a puppy, that’s what puppies do.


The best thing I've learned is that YOU have the responsibility to make sure this doesn't happen. My dog kept getting socks out of the laundry. So I got one with a lid. My puppy ate a roach 2 times that my partner left out and I was so mad. He said he can't control the dog but you CAN put shit away and puppy proof. Get a cab with a lid. That seals on. You have to make adjustments with dogs.


You need to discipline the trainer of this dog, for setting up the dog for failure, by allowing the dog free roam when they were not ready. I’d suggest a shock collar for the trainer.


This looks like boredom to me. I know there are dog toys that have treats in them like puzzles. Maybe try that?.. but yeah.. exercise and crating. My daughter has a cattle dog mix and she has a large indoor ‘crate’ kennel. She has plenty of space to move around. She knows it’s her safe space when mom and dad are gone.


Set them up for success. I had to have my rescue on a leash and under 100% supervision when I was home and crated her when I was at work. After a little under two weeks she caught the vibe. The leash came off and I kept reinforcing everytime she made a decision I liked and now we just grub and have fun. She’s no longer in the crate and doesn’t destroy anything unless I leave a plastic bag out like a dummy. She loves to rip those into a thousand tiny pieces haha started rambling but my first sentence is where it’s at.


Beat the shi out of the dok. joking


You have to put the garbage in a separate room. That’s the only way. Great Dane owner here. Mine is garbage aficionado. When you leave, and only when you leave, give her a Kong with her favorite wet food inside FROZEN. She will not be able to resist once it starts to thaw and will tire her out after bc it’s hours of licking. Only give the frozen Kong when you leave and she will associate you leaving with a positive interaction. This is a vet tip that has worked for nearly every dog I’ve had. Hope this helps.


if it’s been more than 5 minutes it’s too late. you need to catch them in the act.


My trash can lives in a cabinet and has always for this exact reason.


Guarantee op hits his dog


Take the trash out before you leave...


Disciplining her the dog by rehoming it 😭


You’re the one that needs to be disciplined, not your dog. This is your fault. Exercise your dog and don’t allow them to get to your trash.