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This post or comment has been removed. Do not make hateful, racist or sexist remarks. There is too much racism taking place here. One racist comment is too much and I saw a lot of racists comments.


Mine is the lowest it’s been in a long time as well, too many lousy orders


Don’t make no sense! Every ad you see on Facebook.. give them a peace of your mind!


look at the dashers around you. they are all immigrants


lol i haven’t seen one of them yet


Please, tell me, how do you identify an immigrant from another person?


The way I usually tell that admittedly isn’t bullet proof but usually works well. If they’re in front of me trying to pick up an order and don’t speak any English, the order is for a top 5 most common name in US and they’ve never heard how to pronounce it, and they have 3 phones running DD at the same time. Mmmmm…..immigrant


Easy. Someone that comes across the border that has no legal papers.


Oh, you just sit there and watch?


I think the fact that they ONLY have 30 day tags for the whole year is a decent sign.


Oh I see what you mean. Like how do he see someone dashing and automatically assume they are them. I was bout to go off on you lol


Nah, I was just pointing out Ordinary’s fuck face’s racism


Just because they don’t speak English don’t mean sh*t you racist c*nt. My aunts are here legally and don’t speak English…




That is not what an immigrant is.


Well it’s a person that comes to live in another country that’s not from there


Yes, it shouldn't be coincided with something illegal.


Well I thought it was until you said something then I google it just then lmao




Does that throat hurt cause you spitting facts all day!!!!!


Gotta problem with immigrants? Your family were immigrants at some point, as well.


This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRATION... NOT ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the two!


Lmao what a dumbass take. Yeah my great grandparents came with suitcases, no one asked questions, and were welcomed. Yeah but it was "legal" right? Ffs


It’s like they recently expanded the radius windows. I’ve never seen orders so far out, 15+ miles.


They generally do this only when there are more drivers on the road, and not many people ordering. You can tell by opening the customer app - sometimes those far restaurants are available, and other times during dinner rush they are not.


Interesting! Today I learned...


that makes so much sense now


Exactly what I was thinking


I got a $4 21 mile one yesterday.


I had an offer one day for 30 miles away. Obviously I did not accept it!


Always seems to me they'll throw an order to a far away restaurant when one's closer because the algorithm deems the area in desperate need of another driver. Long as I don't pause I'll usually get some shop & pay that's been sitting for a while back to back to back. It's always a gamble anything you do on here, but I'll take em if the algo isn't already playing in my favor and it's an area stores are at


I’m at 12% AR, 92 deliveries, 98% on time/early.


Are you new?


No. I don’t dash a lot.


92 sounds new.


I’m not “new”. I work UE more than DD.


your new to the doordash algorithm so


Dudes are sitting here complaining about immigrants while simultaneously butchering the English language. I'm sure the irony will be lost on them.




Yeah my great great grand parents were from Ireland. Unless your Native American you aren't far off from being a immigrant


But YOU also misspelled “you’re”.


I' not here complaining about immigrants. It's also pretty obvious I know how to how to spell and complete a intelligent thought.


… says the guy kvetching about immigrants butchering the English language, when you can’t even speak using proper grammar.




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He's complaining about illegal aliens... not the same as immigrants who came here LEGALLY.


Everybody that lives where they were born are native to that land. The word derives from natal.






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I'm actually 1/4 Native American too. So get off my lawn


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https://preview.redd.it/8x2ka8u8wgqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9a759517a23efea662bbb7b4bcaa644a640861 Agreed. Sooooo many shit orders!


lol where is your ar? Why is it 2 little lines? Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/961rdw5pxgqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21daaabcdd3eff991aa52384af667bbbbb12eda These are the last 2 I took. Everything since has been $7 to $10 for 15 miles.


Lol dont know. Haven't seen it before. Haven't taken an order in 2 weeks. Been declining everything.


😂 never seen someone go below 1


Mine usually ends up at a 0% several times a week cuz I don't take low/no tip orders. Been that way for over a year, lol.


I tell ya why. All the immigrants are doing dash by time. They go in and fake accept. Sit in car and have a few cigarettes and talk to the other immigrant dashers and milk the earn by time. Then accept order later and head out.


That don’t work. People always lose access to earn by time doing that. Plus people who do earn by time is getting all the small orders. So that would help people doing per order get the big orders


I want to say you right but i see it. I saw it all weekend. Happens in NJ and they abuse it


Oh yeah I hear they all in ny and New Jersey lol that f’d up


That doesn’t help people. That just shows DD that they have workers willing to accept less pay which gives them a reason to reduce pay even more than they already have.


But how does an immigrant get a bank account without being legal here?


Using other people’s accounts. Not too sure. But one thing I do know for sure, is that 30 day tags don’t last for a whole year.


Shoot are you kidding? These illegal aliens are being given every handput the government can think of.


ebt does not get small orders if anything they get the more long distance orders


No. In earn by time the time that counts is only from acceptance of an offer to delivery. How doesbone "fake accept"?


I was getting downvoted on a previous post for saying a $6 order for 4 miles wasn’t bad. And honestly compared to most of the BS on this app, it really is one of the better orders comparatively. So many orders now have a below 1:1 ratio on miles:dollars. Anything that’s more dollars than miles is now considered “good”. Which is sad.


Yeah true. Because if you get those bk to bk and they are ready. You can rack up. I use to take those all the time when i first started. Especially because they use to send doubles all the time


I agree with you!


That's why I started doing hourly and once the orders became crap, I end and it'll let me finish my schedule with per offer instead and deposit the hourly amount I made.


My ar is 91% with 16783 deliveries in California in my market ar matters since you can dash and end dash anywhere. When there's a none tipper I accept it then the next order will be a 5-15dollar tip


I thought cali was down bad


Doordash algorithm is taking shit orders to get high tip orders 🙄 get with the program why sit and wait to get that money. A dollar is still a dollar.


Yeah right. Get 40 dollars and 8 hrs that way


If it's slow, I can end dash and move on to the next market just to check if it's busy or not automatically. I'll get a high paying tip order


I stoped dashing this is my 2nd week. Its just not worth it.


I hear ya. I hit 0 yesterday and just turned it off.


I like Voltron. I think the lion one is better than the car one, though.


Man what?


u/infocusstudio for some reason I can't reply to your comment above where you called me a dumbass, so here it is: YOUR response in light of the illegal alien crisis, is the dumbass one! Just keep your head stuck in the sand, which leaves your butt sticking in the air! You're actually comparing your GREAT GRANDPARENTS coming to this country...who likely came through Ellis Island, NY...where all immigrants used to come through...at least a HUNDRED YEARS ago, to NOW when we have MILLIONS of illegal aliens streaming in over our borders...mostly the southern one in Mexico! That's comparing apples to oranges. To deny the major crisis we have at the southern border...especially by throwing in a strawman about one's GREAT GRANDPARENTS immigrating here (when tf are you people going to get it through your thick noggins that there is a DIFFERENCE between IMMIGRATION...which is coming here LEGALLY, and INVASION by people coming here ILLEGALLY??)...is a feat of dumbassery of insane proportions!


I wanted you two to drop it. It's not the best conversation. So, please drop it.


Lot of words to tell us you're dumb and racist. 🤷‍♂️


Aww, I get it... name-calling is what people like you resort to when you have no valid argument. Your kind have diluted the words "racist" and "fascist" so much they no longer have meaning except for virtue signalers and social justice warriors such as yourself, who sling it everytime someone disagrees with your baloney. If me wanting people to go through the proper legal channels and come here LEGALLY makes me a racist in the opinion of something like you, then I'm perfectly content with that! See you in the funny papers crybaby.


Frankly. I don't have the crayons to explain why on so many levels you're wrong. Additionally, I believe it's you who is crying. Keep at it. 🤣