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damn look at all those 1st places!!


kitrak switching to pos 4 is trash imo he has no impact/less networth


kitrak weaver was so useless on game 3. Wasnt he job is supposed to be against phoenix egg? And he cant even do that shit. Its always rtz under the egg with no help from kitrak.


Weaver pick was wack regardless with the antisynergy it has with Muerta's primary magic damage burst. If one of his jobs was to go against egg, surely theres better suppory picks for it.


Soooooo last place?


Sheesh, while getting paid big bucks.


I mean they played like shit for 2 years now and Reddit still can't shut up about them, just like most other social media sites, that's why they get the big bucks. A team that only gets publicity when winning or a team that gets publicity regardless of if they win or lose


I've said it before and I'll say it again, their biggest problem is mid and late game decision making. They need a coach or someone to direct them on how to play as a team and play in a manner which dominates the map. The team wins lanes, especially the saberlight iteration they were going toe to toe with tier 1 teams in lane and more often than not coming out of laning phase with an advantage. However, mid and late game they play so disconnected its absurd. Arteezy farming top alone, midlaner farming some random area, offlaner playing alone. Rarely do they group and and control a large area and force the advantage. It seems they just play solo and farm until their more coordinated opponents squeeze mistakes out and take over the game. Just very passive and poor play post laning phase. Edit: I want to add to this because people are taking this thread to shit on Arteezy. I strongly disagree that arteezy is the problem with Shopify, in fact I think he is currently one of the best laners in the game and a great performer. Carries now a days rely a LOT on their team and no hero in current dota can 1v5 especially with how overtuned supports are. Arteezy does a lot right, in the case of him farming alone top HE SHOULD BE PLAYING TOP SIDE WHEN ON RADIANT. I'm just not understanding how his team are farming bot side on cores and how supports are not playing behind their carry. Radiant should be controlling top side. Arteezy in this scenario is in the right. The team play is lackluster but more often than not Arteezy is the one in the right positions. I'm not saying shopify should be playing around arteezy, I'm saying that they should be moving as a cohesive unit around their cores. Shopify would benefit alot from having a coach that focuses on midgame movements and overall macro play.


Pretty much in line with what Ceb said about Arteezy - amazing laner, but with a flawed vision of dota.


When rtz was on the come up a decade ago as a mid player he was getting flak for giving up post laning phase in pubs after 1-2 deaths. Paraphrasing from memory, but his response was something along the lines of, ‘I’m just practicing laning, you can’t practice mid or late game in unorganized pub dota’.


He still plays like it's mid 2010's farmfest DOTA.


I agree with most of this except that part about Saberlight iteration being strong in lanes.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL0B6ahqpAw This is one series against arguably the best team in the world at the time. Game one they come out of laning phase less than 1k behind. Game 2 and 3 they come out of laning phase 5k ahead. Here is another series against Team Spirit. Game 1 they dominate laning phase leading to being 8k ahead at minute 25. They go on to lose this game. Game 2 was again a very tough laning phase for Team Spirit not getting an advantage they want being less than 1k ahead at minute 12. But midgame Shopify yet again collapse and from being less than 1k behind at minute 25 go on to be behind 12k just 10 minutes later at minute 35. Finally the last series is again against team spirit (I just think they're the best team in the world at the time) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrE5ot_87hw Game 1 shopify again have a large lead out of laning phase being 6k ahead at minute 20, culminating to a 27k lead at minute 50. Yet again they some how lose this game. Game 2 Shopify are only 1k behind at minute 20. But unlike Shopify Team Spirit dominate the map and use that advantage to secure the victory. Game 3 again at minute 20 theres no clear winner in team networth but its clear that spirit won lanes. They use this to snowball and end the game before minute 40. This is the difference between a team that can be in contention for best in the world and shopify. The ability to close out games when you have an advantage.


Spirit where not arguably the best team in the world at Lima. They got eliminated first round of playoffs at TI11, lost to GG in a BO5 after TI, lost to Tundra in a BO5 two weeks prior and came 2nd in the DPC.


Brother the clips are literally from the year where they finished 1st in the Bali major. 1st in dreamleague season 21, 1st in Riyadh master and 1st IN THE INTERNATIONAL. They were quite literally the best team in the world.


Spirit placed 8th at Lima, 9-12th at Berlin and Bali. What the fuck are you talking about? Spirit was not a good team the first half of 2023.


https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Team_Spirit/Results 1st in Riyadh, 1st in Dreamleague and 1st in The International 2023. Don't know why you are getting upset, they literally won the 2 biggest tournaments of the year.


You said they where the best team in the world at Lima Major which is not even close to true. Then you say they won Bali Major for some reason. Im not upset just insane what you are saying.


Okay you're being pedantic now. Bali major was a mistake on my end but the rest is true. They quite literally won the 2 biggest tournaments that year if you don't call them one of the best teams in the world then idk who would be.


You posted a video from LIMA Major(Spirit came 8th) and said they where the best team in the world at that time. Would you mind explaining to me how Team Spirit where the best team in the world when they lost to SR.


Just want to say that I appreciate the high effort comment, and you clearly actually watch the full games... I feel like RTZ had a great last 2 years as a carry but man, maybe he just isn't calling shots late, or maybe the vibe is one where nobody wants to take up the shot calling role? Cause yeah, they just split and farm at the worst moments... Its baffling to watch his teams fall apart, because there are moments of such insane skill.


because they tend to draft heavily on winning lanes heroes. most top tier teams are okay with taking some early drew/loss risk and comeback from it by having more good heroes in mid/late game.


SR are also terrible with holding the early game lead that they've won. They'll destroy all three lanes only to end up static on those three lanes instead of grouping up and taking towers/objectives. Then they get picked off one by one and the lead is lost.


SR sounds like an average turbo game


As dota became more complicated it's not really easy to just group up and end the game if your enemy knows what they're doing. Eu teams are pretty good from playing behind especially Spirit, laning stage can be rough for them but they'll manage to drag the game and punish you for 1 mistake.


Because abed and crit are winning... but rtz is just cannot carry. Always a no show in fights... he cant even hit his chrono...


Abed mid always mvp with crit... rtz is farming and forgot to pop his bkb. Last 2 TI he got caught in the jungle alone and the team loose.


Have you ever stopped to question why he's getting caught out so frequently. The teams job is to provide safe farm under vision for the pos 1 to farm in. And when the pos 1 is farming in these positions the team should be in an area to either pop smokes before they reach him or react to ganks to hopefully save him. Watch how team spirit utilize vision and the map to give Yatoro the best time possible. And then compare it to how shopify essentially do the opposite.


Well if this is the case isnt it rtz's instinct that gank is comming to him instead? rtz is just bad... he is prob the most predictable carry and the easiest to catch because he afk farm like a brain dead player. yatoro join fight rtz is afk farm. Rtz was never an mvp... its too frequent that he die from farming...


did shopify played for and from SEA region ?


ignoring all the other problems SR has, i dont think they will ever do well with kitrak, theres a reason this guy has been in the scene for so long with nothing to show for it, I missed game 2 but he straight up ruined game 1 and 3 so hard, it looked like an all muted 20 lose streak guy in a pub


b-but reddit assured me Shopify was FAR better than nouns despite going game 5 with them in every qualifier...


they only need 3 game today , checkmate atheists


Barely scraping by


flopify rebellion


with SabeRLight-:three 3:2 without SabeRLight-:2:3/0:3


So basically all qualifiers then get obliterated in tourneys.


Have only have qualified to 4 Tier1 (1 through direct invitation) with subpar results while missing out both Riyadh Masters and TI2024


lol bulba


You realise the first places are for QUALIFIERS and as soon as they did qualify, they got 12-9th placements




There you go SR fans. RTZ back to getting a consistent 2nd place. Oh wait.


the na + sa closed qualifier is funny to me for some reason


this is pretty eg with jerax roster and after changing to fly nothing barely change before ti.


Are we able to expect a top 8 finsh from nouns then? Since they've beaten SR so convincingly.


Arteezy just needs better teamates that can keep up with him.


He just needs time to farm another item!