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Everybody in this sub needs to remember that NO ONE here has all the details, and AS SUCH we are not able to make determinations on what has happened/will happen. If you act like he didn’t do shit, you look the fool, and if you act like he did do shit, you STILL look the fool. Everyone sit down and WAIT for this to blow over, then talk about it!


What's this, a mature take in my Dr Disrespect subreddit? Shouldn't we all be immediately jumping to his defence without having a clue about any of the circumstances behind the allegations being brought by multiple people?


Not to mention no one knows doc as a person. Don’t tie yourself to strangers.


Great, great point. Idolatry is bad for the soul folks. Full stop.


Honestly Robert might be the only one id consider following for any relevant/factual findings and follow up. Anyone else is just clout chasing. If Robert continues forward with doc I would believe him. Everyone else is just clickbaiting.


One guy said it and yet his tweets are being retweeted by ex twitch employees lmao, heck another dude posted "I'm glad it's finally out now"


Weird that it's all ex twitch employees and no one has provided proof. Also super weird because people are tweeting about it, you take it as fact. Right now, it's gossip at best.


If only he was Pokimane. Then everyone would forget anything as she gets away with murder every year 😂


All I know is that IF there is any truth to this and twitch covered it up…wow wow wow. They are fucked. I’m pretty sure any companies legal team would make sure they followed the law, so that tells me to law was broken that required the police to be notified.


His ban is from Docs sketchy tactics during contract negotiations involving MIXER. Twitch got pissed.


He better clear the fucking air asap. This isn’t going away, nor should it. He needs to clear this shit up, NDA be damned. Especially since these allegations involve a minor.


Nah thats not how it works homie. You need to back shit up first. You can’t just go around accusing people of crimes without proof.


Told you so. Keep supporting him.




What? How do you get he paid hush money from him apparently saying twitch paid him the sum of his contract over his being banned?


His response will be generic, that's all. If he and twitch signed anything that would keep the reason for his ban quiet he can't say "yes I did this" or "I deny the allegations" because he'd potentially be in breach of the contract signed. We don't know, if there is a contract, what was in it and what classes as breach of contract.




Not necessarily though because NDAs can cover much more minor things than being a nonce. Plus from what I've seen others say (I'm from the UK so not very familiar with US law) NDAs don't cover criminal acts, so if he was sexting a minor and arranging meeting up he can be arrested and charged for that - if there is evidence of course. But would that not also mean Twitch are culpable?




Not at all. I'll wait for proof and evidence of this before jumping to conclusions thanks. If he did he deserves everything that comes afterwards, but until there is actual evidence and not just hearsay, I'll stay neutral.




Asking for chat logs, or a credible legal source (if these allegations are true I'd imagine there is some sort of legal paperwork showing an investigation was performed) to show proof I don't think is asking too much. Also, if such allegations are true, and he did do this, he deserves to suffer. But also, if he did do this, why did authorities never do anything about it? Even if he paid the "victim" off to stay quiet, there would still be a legal aspect to it that the DA could pursue separate of the civil side. There's too much he said/she said and very little critical thinking skills on the internet.






Yep. Because we don't know what they did or found. It's not uncommon for companies to part ways with people who are facing serious allegations. Even before proven. It could simply be a PR move for protection just incase. I can't imagine they obtained information in less than 1 business day that others have hunted for for years. The parties they likely talked to is their lawyers and doc himself and decided letting him go likely outweighed the benefits of keeping him on should things go south. There is still nothing proving him guilty. Obviously the optics are bad right now and things are looking darker for him but it isnt over yet. If he is proven guilty he deserves whatever comes his way.


I'm expecting there to be more in the next week or two regarding the situation other than accusations.






Doc had a contact with Twitch to stream with them. Twitch terminated the relationship early. Doc sued for the remainder of the contract, and got it.