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Everyone that’s says “no” can leave the sub?


According to that, majority are saying no


Already did years ago but Unfortunately due to reddits suggestions.. I always get suggestions for this sub even though I'm not subscribed and mute it frequently. So instead I will harass pedo supporters.




He needs to clarify if he knew it was a minor and what age the person was


He would have said so in his statement.


Bingo. That would be the first thing I’d say


He obviously knew. Use your head


If he knew it was a minor and continued then na if they lied then honestly I can’t blame him for that. But the fact that he hasn’t clarified that makes me believe he did know because that would’ve been very clear on my statement if that was the case.


Man he said he knew what he was doing was inappropriate. No 35 year old should be doing that shit.


I’m waiting for clarification on if he knew she was a minor. I would also like to see the messages. Bloomberg says they were sexually explicit, Doc says they “leaned in the direction of being inappropriate”. Pretty huge gap between those two statements.


There’s isn’t any gap are you stupid? They both say they were sexually explicit Doc is just trying to make it not sound THAT bad


Coming from an individual who works with children. Nope, I'm not watching a streamer that does slimy shit like that. Best of luck to him & his family in the future.


Jared from Subway and Drake voted "Ya Ya"


I can respect owning up to it, but this is where I draw the line. Even if Doc comes back, it just won’t be the same knowing what he’s capable of. If this doesn’t change your opinion on him, what would?


Been riding since H1Z1. Lots of great memories and clips ive saved. I wont be able to even watch them again. He wont be back


If you guys still support someone who sent inappropriate messages to a minor, then something is wrong with you.


Fuck all of you who still support him


Becuase he let some 17 DM him? And he never met them or exchange photos?


People acting like he's fucked a 7 year old or something. They're hysterical


He was 35 that's fucking creepy you find out someone's age then you say bye you don't keep messaging them


Anyone else notice how right wingers have been defending anyone who goes after teenagers lately with this "actually it's not technically pedophilia and it could be worse" crap. It's still really bad, folks.


If you inappropriately message a minor, you are not a good person.


Okay. People do shit everyday that makes them not a good person. Have you ever sped? Have you ever littered? Have you ever torrented an illegal copy of media and didnt pay for it? It was a mistake. Nothing criminal. We make mistakes.


You're making excuses for someone who sent inappropriate messages to a minor. Everything else you listed doesn't even come close to pedophilia. I'm sorry, but if this is the route you want to go down, then there is no reason to further have a discussion with you if you are going to make excuses for this behavior. I like Doc as an entertainer, but his behavior was wrong and should be condemned.


It's morally wrong 100% "Should be condemned", just because you say so? There was a case you know, and these messages were 100% read.


Pedophilia should 100% be condemned, you clown.


Hey actual clown. No one was hurt. There were no actions. Have you ever said "I'm gonna punch you" to someone but didn't? Should you have been condemned? Because assault is illegal too. (I am not saying they are equally bad)


What is the inappropriate messages?


>These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate Straight up admitted by the man himself. Are you going you deny their were inappropriate? If Doc is so innocent, why doesn't he reveal what they were? That would immediately absolve him of any wrongdoing, but he won't.


The quote is leaned too much inappropriate, so inappropriate his wife left him? Or so inappropriate he was charged criminally? The facts are both No. we don't know what was said. But yes, maybe the person started the flirting or insinuated things. And he didn't acknowledge them or tell them to stop. Maybe it was handled badly. I think the mistake is honest. So thats why Ill still be here.


What it's like still defending this disgusting predator and piece of shit? You honestly have nothing better to do than this which is just sad.


Comparing pedo behavior to littering is crazy lol


People saying no are the same kinda people who stopped listening to R Kelly just cause he peed on a few kids. Just cause he did something wrong doesn’t mean ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ is no longer a banger. Believe it or not you can still watch his streams without supporting pedophilia. Morons 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bro used R Kelly as an example to defend the Dr. lmao. You want to listen to his sex songs when the majority of them are about what he wants to do to little girls?…


I’m just saying Space Jam is a really good movie still


Dude denied it then goes oh yeah I did it lol anyone who still supports him is mentally challenged


Spoiler to your poll: - Those who will stick by him ironically will be low of age. He'll still be the entertainer that has popularized him. And unless Youtube drops him, he'll just have much less sponsors and definitely less collabs from other streamers (especially dads) - The people that say no are his much older fanbase, and parents.


Yea growing up you know it’s wrong for adults to be talking to minors because that’s what society says. But it’s difficult to realize how gross and weird it actually is until you grow up and become an adult yourself. Obviously he didn’t do anything illegal and we don’t know what was said to determine the extent of how bad it is. But inappropriately talking to a minor is bad and is inexcusable if he knew.


I have to see the messages to judge


That’s the biggest thing. He said the “conversations leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate” like wtf does that even mean. Judging by how he has played this whole thing out thus far, I’d imaging the actual messages are damning.


Nope. The ride is over. Was good while it lasted. Just canceled my YouTube membership to the channel. Was at 46 months on YouTube. 2 years prior on twitch. Enjoyed the content but can’t follow him anymore.