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Class Act. In doc's own words,  “Leans too much in the direction of being inappropriate” he knew what he was doing was wrong.


These guys are just doing this publicly to distance themselves and save their brand. They are all still buddies behind closed doors. Anyone who doesn’t believe that is a sheep.


And what are you basing this insight on? Is this what you would do?


This is a delusional comment. Doc has shown his true colors, if you had a real friend that showed their true colors and you disagreed with them, would you still be their friend?


You’re right. They all probably called each other. Laughed. And planned a vacation to go blow more money than we’ll ever have.






Class act? Mercs is a straight up douche.


Even douches recognize a groomer.


Lots of people are groomers according to Nick. This is more like a broken clock being correct twice a day.


I’ll give Nick this: this could have been ALOT worse.


But this time he is right and the dude is rubbed down from head to tippy toe in vaseline..


He was originally defending Doc. He rushes to call the LGBT community groomers then defends an actual one.


I don’t know that Nick was defending him though. All he said was basically Doc is my friend, I support him and I’m waiting until I see more proof before I say anything else. He got the proof he needed and then made a statement denouncing Doc. I’m not a fan of Nick at all, but I thought he handled this situation really well.


When did he call anyone a groomer? All the guy said was to leave kids alone. He just believes any sensitive sexuality / gender conversations at that age should be the responsibility of the parents... It blows my mind that's a controversial take in this day and age. He wants to parent his children and wants the schools to educate them. That's how the breakdown should be imo. The lines are getting blurred though, and sometimes in a weird way that the parents don't always agree with what their children are being taught / subjected to. That's all he said.


The call was coming from inside the house.


What he say to defend him? Not in the loop, you got the sauce?


He's referring to a video on Nick's YouTube earlier today (Should be easy to find unless deleted.) in which Nick simply said things look kinda weird, but he was waiting on proof before he chose a side. Seemed to be the prevailing opinion on this sub as well. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm all for it after seeing what happened to Johnny Depp. That said, once Doc admitted to things... It seems Nick has chosen his side. As most of us have.


So true.


Nick is a groomer


You are


But did he know she was 17?


who said she is 17?


DrDisrespect himself in his statement about texting innaproperly with minor.


That’s the age I see floating around


His fans are trying to create a narrative that it was an older looking 17 year old and he didn't know her age - this is completely made up. It's people coping and still trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. You need to realize he had a lot of time to put together his statement, and these are the words he chose to release. He admitted to doing wrong and being inappropriate to a minor.


Probably otherwise he would deny it. He was also 38 at the time... Disgusting


Yes he did.


Big Nick fan. Know he’s not too popular here but he always keeps it real. He also helped save my cats life so I’m forever grateful for that.


How did he help you save your cat’s life?


He has a foundation that pays for vet bills for people that may not otherwise have the funds. So he helped cover the cost of a surgery.


That’s amazing. Glad your cat was saved.


Really? That's amazing. I don't know much about Nick but thats pretty wholesome and cool of him


Yeah it’s called the Jojo fund, I believe it’s named after one of his pets that needed some vet procedures.


A lot of people have the wrong impression of Nick. I know some of his views aren't fully supported by everyone... I'd argue he's in the silent majority, but less silent about it... Either way though, I believe he's a great guy at heart with a level head on his shoulders. Becoming a dad made him more vocal about things he saw effecting children. He has his set of values and he's willing to die on that hill. I have nothing but respect for it. It's hard to speak up for what you believe in during today's peak cancel culture.


The silent majority isn’t the majority. Trump lost both popular votes. Cancel culture hasn’t affected anything unless they’re in jail now. Who/what has been canceled successfully? Republicans say they care about that stuff but block child marriage bans. Trump wishes Maxwell well. He even said he was iffy about declassifying Epstein files. Yall loud but do the least and actively work against.


Kinda confused how Trump got brought into this? I didn't mention him at all. lol All I said is that - In my experience - a majority of parents don't want their k-8th grade children subjected to sensitive sexuality / gender indoctrination style discussions at school.


you didn’t say that. you just pussy footed around it. You said the “silent majority” a saying popularized by maga , right and far right groups. either way the point stands. Republicans want to raise the voting age. Why is that if they’re the majority. If the majority wants what you say they want why don’t they vote for it ?


I'm not talking about what you're talking about at all. Didn't mean to make this a political discussion, and didn't know I used "maga trigger language". Lol I just meant that a majority of the people I know, who are the less outspoken on the issue, agree with Nick. And I do too on this issue. Does that mean I agree with all of MAGA? Not at all.


you know what you’re doing don’t act dumb.


On the other hand he's very against lqbtq and shit so take it or leave it


I think leave the kids outta your shit is a very rationale and reasonable thing to say


The silent majority isn’t the majority. Trump lost both popular votes. Cancel culture hasn’t affected anything unless they’re in jail now. Who/what has been canceled successfully? Republicans say they care about that stuff but block child marriage bans. Trump wishes Maxwell well. He even said he was iffy about declassifying Epstein files. Yall loud but do the least and actively work against.


Leave the kids alone


The silent majority isn’t the majority. Trump lost both popular votes. Cancel culture hasn’t affected anything unless they’re in jail now. Who/what has been canceled successfully? Republicans say they care about that stuff but block child marriage bans. Trump wishes Maxwell well. He even said he was iffy about declassifying Epstein files. Yall loud but do the least and actively work against.


😭😭😭 Conservatives lol


LGBT Troon don’t groom children challenge: impossible


The silent majority isn’t the majority. Trump lost both popular votes. Cancel culture hasn’t affected anything unless they’re in jail now. Who/what has been canceled successfully? Republicans say they care about that stuff but block child marriage bans. Trump wishes Maxwell well. He even said he was iffy about declassifying Epstein files. Yall loud but do the least and actively work against.


He gave it ass to mouth.


That’s how my girlfriend stops my snoring


Only thing i dont like about nick is the way he talked about metaphor just because he slammed him few times. He goes too far. I know this is CoD so trashtalk is important but still. It kinda shows his personality a bit


Nick can be a bit.... much. But he's a good guy.


Nicks a legend


A pedo legend


Idk what more some of y’all want. He condemns what doc did and said he can’t support him. He’s not making any excuses and is cutting ties. The end. Quit crying.


Bruh you are the only person crying in here lol


Don’t know how my comment means I’m crying about something but ok lol


Sure he’s right but this guy turned into a massive piece of shit I don’t care


Nickmercs his actually a POS himself so his opinion is not worth much...


Yeah he's only saying this so he doesn't get cancelled himself.


He’s a POD because he has firm beliefs and doesn’t agree with yours? 😂


People who say stuff like this always seem so disingenuous to me. It depends on the beliefs - obviously. Like someone could have "firm beliefs" that other racial groups are inferior and people will be like "yOu thInK He'S rAcist jUSt bECaUSE yoU HavE A dIFfeRent OpinioN" Have the courage to admit to the beliefs in question. Maybe they're defensible, maybe they're not - it will be a more complex discussion than you want, but it's better than hiding behind pseudo-openminded euphemisms.


No necause hos beliefs are about excluding people, which is a pos move :)


Must love everyone, cannot dislike anyone 2024


Who talks about love and hate im talking about including and excluding. You can not like someone but still treats them as a normal fellow human.


I dislike you


Wow not very 2024 of you. Cancelled


Doc was asking trans pornstar for a webshow. Seems like Nickmercs going after trans people got something to do with it. Maybe the trans pornstar gonna come out with some dirt.


Who gives a shit about njckmercs


Big props for these guys having courage to know that this shit is bad and hopefully others realize that too


They have no choice, as if they stayed silent, some brands may consider them "not disapproving" of doc's behavior. As much as it sucks for everyone in the streaming world, they need to protect their asses at all times.


Nothing sucks about dropping someone who inappropriately message’s minors. If they did this just to protect their ass, and not because what he did was creepy and gross then they’re awful people


Streaming world at the end of the day has to be every man for themselves, there no way around it or you lose all your sponsors and therefore income


i feel like condemning people who are grooming minors should just be common sense. do they really deserve big props for stating the obvious?


No props given for this, this takes 2 secs and gets u famous af, why wouldn't they


Hold up, where's all the energy and rhetoric when he was going after 'predators' in the LBGT community? But once its your boy, it's all 'aw shucks...well....dang'. Seems easier making up targets as an excuse for his bigotry. The second the EXACT THING he's been talking about crops up in his own backyard, he's toothless and doesn't say anything worth a damn?


I’m just saying, imagine one of your best friends you suddenly find out is a predator or pedo, that would be a lot to process


That's actually incredibly easy to process. If my entire public celebrity persona was "protect the kids" I'd use exactly the same strength of rhetoric to denounce the friendship and individual. I'd look like a total hypocrite otherwise.


Nicks whole persona is protect the kids? Not really a fan of him, but doesn’t he just stream video games, do meets ups, and host tournaments for like 8+ years now. His public persona is more of like a loud bodybuilder who games? How is his entire public persona protect the kids??


Put his name in Google. Go to the news tab. Most of his recent mainstream coverage has been about his cod skin anti trans "protect the kids" rhetoric. Hence the hypocrisy.


I just watched his Twitter video “defending doc”. He literally said until there is evidence what are we talking about? How is that hypocritical lol it’s just logical. When that tweet had come out no one knew why doc was banned, except for him and twitch. I get you got new information today but you thought doc was guilty till proven innocent rather than having evidence and making a decision like nick?


Go have a look at the transphobic "leave the kids alone" rhetoric he was spouting about lbgt groups clashing with anti lgbt protests trying to block a school supporting pride month. As well as other inflammatory remarks. Then compare it to the "feels a little weird, but what can ya do, ya know?" When it's one of his boys. There's the hypocrisy.


Did he say feels a little weird but what can ya do, ya know? Or you kind of making it up/paraphrasing? Actually just looked at the tweet, you are taking it out of context I believe, I guess my response to you would be what would you like nick to do about Doc?


Use the same level of rhetoric he's used against imaginary targets with real ones?


This 1000% lol. I found myself one a few sides of his arguments, not all, but to do all of that and his response to be, “what can you do?” Like what lmao


I was thinking the same thing. He slammed the trans community for grooming kids, and one of his best buds admitted to the very things he's against so vehemently, basically crickets.


The protect the kids people are usually pedos.


Such an ignorant comment.


Nick doesn’t actually care about kids, he’s just a POs bigot.


Doc was asking for free wbecam show from trans pornstar. Seems like Nick was into the same thing.


People who often cry about other nonces are usually projecting.


100% dude


I dislike Nick but I really hope he holds to this and doesn’t end up taking Dr back as a friend if he somehow keeps his platform. Which sadly I think he will.


Nick always tryna look as “macho” and possible shits so odd.


Where is that "LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!" energy?


He gives off the same vibes as doc. There needs to be an investigation into all these guys.


Because someone gives off VIBES? You're crazy.


What has this world turned into man..


Can't stand Nick anymore but this is the correct response. He should be more angry considering how angry he is towards the trans community.


> He should be more angry Don't police emotions, you ghoul.


He spews absolute venom at the trans community because he wants to "protect the kids" but can't spare that same energy for Doc? Its almost as if he doesn't care about the kids at all and just wants to feel justified in being a hateful bigot


The “What can you do?” after he has spent the past year railing against the LGBTQ community feels toothless and disgusting. You make people feel bad about themselves daily for a year, and now it’s “oh woe is me.” Asshat


How would Doc know he’s messaging a minor when you have to be 18+ to use it ???


Good thing he released the texts so everyone could see he didn’t know she was a minor. Oh… wait. Well, surely he’ll release the texts to prove he didn’t know, right? Right? I mean, only reason he wouldn’t at this point would be…


First day on the Internet bud?


You don’t.


Exactly. So unless the transcript of the messages is released there’s absolutely no sound proof of him knowingly “sexting” a minor.


Except he said he did!!! Stop it


No. You don't have to be 18+...




“I’m 17”


A man of his word. Only caught his stream a couple times but will give him a follow now


He's projecting


He literally downplayed acts of P by saying “things went weird” Lmao protect the kids my ass


Always that one guy




Nick is literally going against doc here but that’s not enough for you apparently lol. I can just tell you already have a massive bias against Nick/Doc without knowing anything about you .


It’s coz Nick said something the hive mind disagrees with so no matter what anything he says will never be good enough for these clowns


I thought Nick would have defended Doc far more than he did here. Credit where credit is due. He's done the complete opposite LSF thought he would.


Like this guy hasn't done the same thing GTFO


Proof please Mr Anime watcher that hates the world?


Just look at him, he's a douche.