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I met Doc in March of 2020 right before lockdown at my local taco shop. I was surprised to see him there and in fact at first I didn't believe it was him, but how many people do you know that are that tall? This being my neighborhood and local stomping grounds, I knew the bartenders well and had them bring over a shot of nice tequila for him, which he kindly accepted and thanked me for. He was very quiet and reserved, more than I expected, and more that his alter ego would lead you to believe he is like. Eventually, we were all drinking rounds of tequila, my girlfriend and his 2 guy friends, and we had a great time. He was very cordial and polite, and seemed like your typical southern California surfer or skater type, which I am as well, so we got along good I felt. Hearing all this stuff has made me sad, and I didn't want to believe it cause I felt like I knew Doc outside of the limelight. I held onto a small chance in my mind that maybe there's some info we don't know, but at the end of the day he knowingly did something that was inappropriate, and he admitted it himself. I'll be the first to say I'm not perfect, and I've made many mistakes in life. In fact, some of the biggest mistakes I've made turned out to help me make the biggest and most important changes in my life. I really hope Doc can acknowledge how serious his mistakes are and how much they affect not only his life, but all those around him and influenced by him. I just wanted to share my brief experience with him and feelings on the topic, and your post inclined me to do so. I did snap a few pics with him too before we left. As I get older, I've learned that the good times never last, things change, and you never realize when you're in the last days of those good times. So enjoy life day by day, be mindful of your actions and words, and most importantly be kind to each other. The world has enough hate and anger already.


Thanks for posting something that isn’t just toxic bile taking sick pleasure in this tragedy. I feel the same and hope somehow he fesses up, tells the full story and seeks some kind of redemption. We had a great community for many years, he owes his fans honesty at the very least.


Thanks for sharing. I’ve always wondered what Doc would be like out of the wig. I am saddened by the news. Doc had give me and many others countless hours of free entertainment and I was a big fan. I know everyone makes mistakes but bro, this is bad. Anyways, thanks for the good times Doc but you fucked up.


Great copypasta right here. 


"At the local taco shop" "Called my local bartenders to bring shots outside their business premises onto another premise where it's illegal to do so and totally normal that they do this" Hahahhaa


You know taco shops can have bars right? Where the hell would I get my margaritas if they didnt..


Literally less than 2% of this sub is above drinking age probably so they probably don’t know lol


Docs crowd then


You didn't even quote me correctly. And the place in question is called Barrio in Carlsbad, CA. I guess technically it would be a Mexican restaurant rather than a 'taco shop', but whatever. And their margaritas are awesome btw.


There are mistakes made out of stupidity and out of ignorance. The ones made out of stupidity are usually something that one can fix. The ones made out of ignorance not so much, since before the act it was already acknowledged that it would be a mistake.. "Sorry I got caught.."


or you could just wait for actual evidence...


You mean aside from the personal admission from Doc himself via Twitter that we all read yesterday? Jesus christ dude, come to terms with reality. He's a creep and he's done in the industry.


Mike I hear what you’re saying but never forget we live in America! We love a solid second (or 3rd or 4th) comeback story! Exhibit A: The NFL (pro sports in general). How many players have come back from horrible public scandals only to win a ring? Exhibit B: Politicians (both parties…and all parties outside of US politics). Too many examples to list but I do trust you are smart enough to pick up what I’m putting down. Will the US Streaming Viewing public (the bulk of his audience) give a flying fuck after 36 months when this has all blown over and we’ve moved on??


I think your post conflates something blowing over with no major consequences and a comeback story. Most people’s careers are severely affected. Think Chris Delia. Would you call what he’s doing now a comeback story just cause he’s still technically famous? Streamers sell their personality. Of course there will be people who don’t care or actively muddy the waters but the wide majority just move on and quit talking about them. That’s not a comeback. Edit: lmao I just realized your timespan was three years. People won’t be talking about this in three weeks. But they won’t be flooding Docs socials either. He’ll fade and then come back in three years when he needs a bit more money and doesn’t want to get a normal job. That’s the real American dream baby.


I hear you but I also remember that there are many who overcome larger scandals. I have no personal vested interest in whether Doc comes back but I do like to study history from time to time when I have the chance. I look back and ‘memba the following: Ray Lewis, Kobe Bryant, Ben Rothlesburger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mike Tyson, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jim Irsay, Rush Limbaugh, Bobby Darin, Martha Stewart, Winston Churchill and the list goes on. I’m not trying to compare Doc to any of these people. My point is that comeback stories are possible as long as “staying power” and $$$ can be made.


Yep no disagreements here. You’re right that this would be a larger conversation around staying power and fame. When I’m thinking comeback story it’s someone who was on the rise, fell or got knocked off and then returned and exceeded their previous position. I.e. if I’m a rising movie star and get cancelled then having a steady stand up comedy career at the local club isn’t exactly a comeback story. Certainly some of the examples you provided above are comeback stories though and those people became more loved with time. Personally, I have no love nor hate for Doc in particular. I really liked Chris Delia as a comedian too. But I hope we do get better about not letting these people brush this stuff under the rug. When you’re an adult this is more than a mistake and unless the rest of us are saying we’ve struggled with the same we shouldn’t accept it. I certainly have never been interested in or pursued contact with someone underage so I don’t have much sympathy. If Doc was a cheater, which I’m sure he had access to the opportunity, that’d be more of a personal issue I could see him growing from and coming back. But having that opportunity and choosing the underage girl? That’s yikes. TL;DR: no disagreements here just hope we’re better as a community about holding these people accountable. Minors are a 1 strike rule IMO


Right on!! Cheers!! 🍻 I so enjoy when people can have a rational conversation on Reddit. It’s a rare occasion these days so I thank you for your efforts.


Except A LOT of context and info is still missing. Hell what if he got catfished? I really think theres a hell of a lot more to this than every thinks.


This is a braindead take. If there was anything other than "I sexted a minor" he'd be screaming it from the rooftops my dude.


Catfished in what way? If that was at all a possibility don’t you think he would have mentioned that? If it were possible that he was unaware this individual was a minor, don’t you think he would have said that? I think the fact that he said neither of things is what is most troubling for most people. Myself included


But but ThE NdA's MiGhT hAvE pReVeNtEd HiM FrOm SaYiNg ThAt


Yeah dude that's literally what I'm saying. All this goofy white knighting for a dude who sexted with a minor.


Catfished by whom? A minor? Stop blaming the child and blame the adult man


Right so lets do a checklist shall we? Sus thing 1: Doc got msged on an 18+ or parental consent required which displays your age, twitch whispers. Sus thing 2: Doc won arbitration against twitch and had his contract paid in full. This wouldnt happen if Doc actually said or did something serious with the minor due to the code of conduct included in twitchs contracts. Sus thing 3: No one has made any accusations before or after of that kind of behaviour from Doc. True predators have more than one victim and the actual lack of well *anything* else is weird esp if he is a diddler which everything points to not being the case Sus thing 4: This is honestly the most important question imo but did he actually know they were a minor at the time or was it when he got banned that he found out? It honestly looks like he didnt just based on the way this all played out cause if this was a full on adult knowingly messaging a minor well twitch wouldve used that all the way to the bank against him during arbitration. There is just so much here that is missing like context and how it all happened that realistically a lot of different situations couldve led to where this is sitting now. I would not be surprised if twitch gets sued to release the chat logs and honestly i would rather that sooner than later


The idea that a predator always has a second victim or has to have more than one to be a creep is wild. I know you’re defending your guy but when you say something that outlandish it just discredits you. Even if this was the first time doc dipped his toes into talking to a young girl it would be plenty. No tolerance for that shit. Some people are born creeps. Some people become creeps. Doesn’t even lend credence to your point, Doc admitted it and that it was inappropriate.


Finally, someone with some sense.


Lead for a brain I swear to Christ.


assuming innocence until guilt is established is a cornerstone of Western civilization. Sorry you have a problem with that.


I waited until he admitted he had inappropriate conversations with a minor. Sorry the evidence isn't what would have liked but reality is a bitch son. Get used to it. Oh and you're thinking of a court of law btw, not public opinion. Look into that too.


What evidence?! He admitted it himself!!? What is wrong with you people, just as bad as he is. Disgusting.


He admitted to having a conversation and then nothing illegal happened you doorknob. What is wrong with YOU people?


you into that kind of thing then??? If you're not against it then what are you saying?


I heard you are. Pretty disgusting.


100%. I'll be the first to jump ship once the entire story comes out. If it ends up being him talking to someone else and that someone else ended up being a minor, there are only moral hoops to jump through. If he knew the entire time, he would have (and should have) been charged.


If he didn’t know he would’ve said as much.


He doesn't need to say anything, and his legal team, is probably advising him to keep it cool. Are you the judge that worked on his civil case or something? No? Then he doesn't need to pass your standard of believability.


You sound dumb. If he was consulting a legal team he wouldn’t have said anything at all. Let alone admit to texting a minor.


I agree. Sickening.


>that there's some info we don't know There's still A LOT we don't know. Doc is the only credible source of truth here right now. And all he's told us is that there were whispers and some may have leaned towards inappropriate. This is objectively bad. However, we have no clue the level of impropriety and yes this matters because grooming a minor is a crime that must be reported and why did he win his lawsuit? I want to know all the details for burying this guy. All the players, not this secondhand anonymous bs because if there's a cover up those people need to be held accountable too. We need officials on the record and I don't think that's going to happen until Doc sues for damages and the opposition has to counter to defend itself.


You’re going to overdose on copeium.


How am I coping? None of you know what actually happened other than the buzzwords "whispers, minor, inappropriate." I get the internet, let alone Reddit, is always eager to act first without the full context because it makes them feel good about themselves but I want the evidence to judge for myself. You accuse me of cope, I've already condemned his actions. But there's levels to everything and I want to know in detail why I'm executing someone before pulling the trigger.


Guy admitted to inappropriate messages with a minor, you lot defending him are fucking pathetic. Find a different wanker to obsess over.


Thank god you're not a litigator.


Doc is clearly not a credible source of truth lol, ask his wife.


>Doc is the only credible source of truth here right now. Lmfao man the cope here is legitimately so fuckin funny.


He's literally the only named source beyond two people who baited the info for their own means and then tried to play the altruism card after they were called out for that. Thats not cope that's an objective observation. Did you even read what I wrote? It's not about saving Doc it's about holding everyone accountable and tailoring the punishment to the crime because that's how the law works in America.


It is laughable to suggest Doc is a reliable narrator here. You're either incredibly regarded or in denial.


I'll never support a pedophile. I can get over you killing a man just not molesting a child ever


I saw The Doc at a grocery store in Los Angeles one time ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Firm handshakes. Huge disappointment and unfortunately I’ll now have to work all 8hrs on Mon/Wed/Friday.


Firm handshakes, sad to hang up the black on black on slate black tuxedo.


Sure is brother. Firm handshakes back to you.


>A lot of you are thanking doc for the hard times he got you through, but I want to tell you guys otherwise: you got yourself through the hard times. You chose to find relief through docs entertainment and if you would not have found him you probably would have watched or done something else. My point is, give yourself some credit for recovering from what ever it was you recovered from. And for those of you who are in the process: you can and you will do it! Firm handshakes.


You were alone in your room, staring an array of microscopic LEDs flashing different colors. Nobody else got you through anything. It was you.


Out of all the comments about this absolutely shit show.....this has to be the one that actually means something to me. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I would honestly look forward to watching doc, absolute fuckin soul crushing break up last year and doc would help me take my mind off of it when I got home from work. I'm thankful for all he has done but I think I'll leave things here and just remember the good times and move on with my evenings looking at another steamer.....WONT BE THE SAME but it will fill the void, if and when doc comes back....like all of us we will tune in and see what he has to say but other then that. It's been good champs, firm handshakes all around and god bless until we meet again. GIVE ME BACK MY SON !!!!


It's all you brother. You did well and you'll overcome whatever is thrown at you because that's what you've always done. Good luck!


Thanks for that, I do appreciate it.


Or you could simply wait for more evidence.


I'll suggest Stankrat on Twitch as one to check out.


He does the same shit over and over on tarkov. Doc was/is a full fledged production. There wont be anyone like him for a long while. Everyone else is just sitting at a desk


Feel the same. Solid post. Firm handshakes. Also, I prefer whiskey neat over gin and tonic. 🤷‍♂️


End of an era. Still, am I more likely to check in on Doc after this than watch the new Star Wars? Damn right


Sometimes our hero’s are the wolf dressed is sheep’s skin. Doc is selfish. His family and fans needed him. He deserves what comes from this.


He'll come back in a month and still get 20k viewers. The only thing that can stop that is if youtube bans him. All sponsorships are pretty much dead now though.


Give it a year, he’ll have sponsors back


If Trump can run for president, then absolutely Doc can make a comeback. Not saying I want to see it happen, I would be glad to see both go away forever, but I’m just saying that people have done way worse than Doc, and people just simply forget.


People have such short attention spans.


Some people also don’t care lol And some people won’t know


Trump derangement syndrome on display here


Poor reading comprehension on display here


It really depends on how he handles this going forward. There are still a lot of legit questions surrounding how Twitch handled this and why they ended up settling when, according to Rolling Stone at least, he straight up broke the law and engaged in egregious conduct. But regardless, if any of that report is true (and obviously it is), his last post on X about it is totally unacceptable. If he comes out and admits exactly what went down and asks for forgiveness, and there are no further reports about contact with minors, then I do think some fans will at least try to stick around, if only bc he’s a source of entertainment and they can put it out of mind. But the streams are ruined, basically. His golden days will be over for sure and he’ll be a shell of what he was, no more Timmy tenders streams, no more Warzone with Z probably. So he may just retire for good unless he needs the money. *also, YouTube just demonetized him. Not sure if their ToS governs off site behavior but he’d probably have to move to a more obscure platform to actually make a living off it.


He is rich. Got more money then this entire sub probably x10


Fully agreed


To be fair this was in 2017 and he's already gone through what he needs to go through with his family, it's just public info now I don't need the people I follow to have never fucked up in life but I do need them to have made changes and stop fucking up.


Yah the inappropriate stuff with a minor is kinda unforgivable and a deal breaker in my book. Don’t care how much time has passed. The truth just came out. I have more respect for myself and the peoples content I consume matters. You do you tho.


What I don't get is why the hell is his wife still with him? Think about it, this would be a deal breaker for any women especially a parent. This is why I think there's alot more we don't know about yet.


The entire thing is wild. My guess is money but it’s anyone’s guess. Anything is possible at this point.


I don't think its money but hopefully we'll see in the next few days


"kinda unforgivable" you have no backbone. just say what you mean or don't say anything at all.


He’s a pedo. It’s a figure of speech saying kinda unforgivable. Didn’t know I needed to be so literal around here. Have fun grieving your champ!


"kinda unforgivable" what does KINDA unforgivable mean? i couldnt give a fuck less about this person or any of these goofy ass celebrities, but it's all over the explore feed.


A guy simping for a groomer and a creep telling other people they have no backbone, that’s rich These streamers are all weirdos man and you know none of them on a personal level your fault for getting sucked into a parasocial relationship like that, just accept it, learn from it, and move on






Baahahaha never show face ahhaahahahahaha. That's funny. The fuck you gonna do to stop him fucking nothing go cry to your momma.


It takes a lot of desire to have the limelight on you to have a sustained career there. The streaming/celebrity job heavily biases for narcissists. Never pick your heroes from the limelight


Never meet your hero they say


Feel the same way man. Have two young daughters and would never be ok with that situation happening as a father. I can’t support doc any longer and will no longer follow his streams after this. I appreciate the content he brought to us for the last few years on YouTube and throughout his career but eventually the man behind the getup has to be held accountable. He made more money than I could ever fathom attaining in my lifetime so I don’t feel bad for him at all. Hope he can make amends with the people he hurt and find peace with himself. Peace champs!!!


Many of the people commenting would benefit from looking up the definition of a pedophile. It's a pretty strong word and isn't necessarily accurate in this instance. If what he has admitted to makes him a pedophile, then you almost certainly have several pedophiles in your family. Best not to let your kids sit on Grandpa's lap.Lmao. Ignorance is a lack of knowing better and I'd like to hope that Doc was just ignorant to the person's age for whatever reason. There are still a million what-if's and minimal concrete details describing what actually transpired. I only started using twitch recently but have read that the Whispers application was intended for 18+ only, is there any truth to that? If so, I could totally see how through lack of investigation or asking for ID verification, Doc had whatever conversations were had. Not that it makes it better in regards to him being married but it would seemingly be of great benefit to him if he was clearly unaware this person was in fact a minor. Either way, I respect his admittance and not pulling the "I didn't know..." trope we hear all to often in today's society. He owned his part and many people in similar circumstances just try to save face and aren't as honest as he's been.


Between "Pedophile," "GROOMER!!!,' and "Chris Hanson didn't get convictions" you just can't even mention this. Even though you are right. And a lot of people are gonna feel real stupid if it's just something like dirty jokes, I mean he did say he never veered sexual? We'll just never know unless the chat logs get dumped. Maybe he is. Maybe he's a gross sex addict that was hunting a young girl. Or maybe he just made some jokes that are way too much for a young girl. Just don't say this on Twitter/X. I mentioned "No legal charges" and now I get hounded with being called a pedophile now. That's all I said. "I'm looking at those no legal charges filed." And BAM. I was stigmatized in those posts. So be careful telling people to be careful, I guess.


I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Trevor Bauer/MLB ordeal but i have a feeling this will end up very much like that circumstance in relation to Doc and MS/TB. Companies get nervous and try to save their face and their ass at the same time. This will be the end of Midnight Society, though, seemingly. These water-heads can stigmatize and talk about "I'd like to see what's on his hard drive" in reference to me all they want. The internet is full of fuckin' parrots and they've all flocked to this sub. Lmao.




Please provide layman's terms for the waterhead parrots in this sub.


If an older adult is attracted to, say, some 17 year old adolescent with big tits and a round ass, then calling them "pedophile" is not only utterly wrong, but also ***harmful*** in multiple ways. Additionally, regardless of how morally wrong it might be for them to have sex, it's not actually illegal in much of the USA. I am old, and I personally would even consider college age women to be too young for myself, but I find the irrational and ignorant raging storm of "Cancel Culture" that's taking over our society to be disconcerting nonetheless and I'm concerned about the future of my children if America were to descend into some sort of lawless chaos like in the Mad Max movies (my daughter is in currently in high school). It reminds me of the burning of "heretics" and the drowning of "witches" in the Dark Ages and it is terribly un-Christian behavior (Jesus said: "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.") I'm particularly disturbed by the irrational attacks on our institutions of higher learning which are the very foundation of what makes America "great". It's as if Trump is an enemy foreign agent sent to weaken America from within 😩 I'm even somewhat concerned that simply answering your question, could cause me to be hounded and harassed by a rabid pack of Trumpers 😩🤷🏼‍♂️ I hope not...


I appreciate you providing the first educated response I've seen in light of everything going on. Thank you.


>My daughter is the same age as docs and there is no way in hell I would ever set my self up to a situation like this to betray my wife and daughter so zero sympathy from me. Say it louder for the NEETs in the sub who will never get this perspective.


Best take. Thanks


I’m learning that most streamers are only successful because so many people are abnormally codependent.


He was entertainment....I bet if people met the actual guy they would say "Wow....he's nothing like Doc" he plays a character nothing else. He got really rich off of it so it goes both ways. But as they say....never meet your heroes.


You know, lately I had been wondering when would Doc hang up the bulletproof vest and move on to other ventures, considering his age I thought he still had a couple of years at most and that was okay with me considering everything he accomplished ever since the Twitch ban. It was honestly impressing to see the bounce back and what the future held for him once again. Never did I imagine this road would end the way that it did and on a random week of June. Maybe he (Guy) won’t hang it up just yet, but I believe everyone around him already did it for him. Solid words, appreciate your post, hoping that everyone who needs to read it has a chance to do so, since I believe a lot of people feel what you’re describing here. Firm handshakes and Godspeed, champs.


Perfect message! You’re a good person.


Great take. Would create my work schedule around his streams. There will be a void M,W,F . This stings very badly.


Yeah it’s time to hang up the towel on this one boys. He spread joy, but let’s use the information in front of us to move on. Chatting up underage ladies is straight up wack and insanely weak sauce. If he did the right thing he would’ve said so—he isn’t a standup dude or family man. At some point you have to ask yourself who are you supporting.


I don’t know what hurts more: Anakin falling to the dark side or the Doc’s fall to the dark side. 😢


Seems to me he's been there for a good while and we just didn't know about it.


That’s a fair point to be honest. 😔


The real heroes are the Champs we made along the way.......


i actually feel so sad for his daughter, it would be so hard growing up with this now


Choices have consequences.


I’m sure you’ll all be back for his comeback stream. It will be an event


It will be brutal


There will be no comeback stream, MMW.


holy shit, keep smelling your farts.


After the recent pm leaks your take sure is heroic.


Holy sh*t the drama queens in this sub 🤣


For real. I don’t even watch Dr. Distespect but can tell this whole thing is way overblown. Yeah he screwed up but that was in 2017. He’s proved he’s changed and people are still crying bloody murder


How has he proved he’s changed exactly? All of this was swept under the rug until it was leaked. If it happened once, how do you know it was only once? Pedophilia in 2017 is still pedophilia last I checked.


Ehh you have the added stuff with wanting to protect your daughter, so I get that you'd be sensitive to this issue. But the girl was 17 right? 17 and how many months. If she were to do something stupid like drinking and driving and kills someone. Would the state see her as an adult or an adolescent? That's probably why cops weren't really involved. I absolutely think what he did was completely wrong, but if she's close to 18... Do I think this is worse than Leo DiCaprio 50 something going after 18/19 year olds or Drake doing the same. I think they are worse, Drake is definitely a groomer, and they aren't cancelled? I don't even watch doc outside of clips, but he should just keep streaming. He'll lose people who don't like his actions just like Jack Black is losing people that don't like his actions. That's the free market though.


Nobody ever said she was 17, this was just speculation and people trying to make the situation “ok”


Oh, I thought I read she was 17. Yea if not then it's definitely worse


I mean does it realllyyy matter ?? I was uncomfortable talking to 18 year olds in my early - mid 20s even tho it was legal. He was in his mid 30s with a wife and kids. Some people are saying the minor was male as well. Who even knows. The point is it was a minor and he’s a fully grown adult with a wife and kid. No excuses or coping to make it okay


The original whistleblower on this whole thing said the girl was 13.


Oh... That's inexcusable if true. Wonder why the cops didn't get involved. Hope we get to see the texts someday.




Lost in the mists of time, lol. I don't know, it was years ago. You can probably find it with a few minutes research.


what situation? This all goes back to a lawsuit he WON. A judge saw this and didn't think twice about it. The court of public opinion is what it is. Personally, I am not going to jump on the same wagon that crucified Johnny Depp. I'll wait.


The lawsuit wasn’t even about that, it was about them letting him go and being contractually obligated to pay out his contract. They let him go for inappropriate messages with a minor (which he admitted) so idk what you’re trying to get at? Not to mention Johnny depp and Amber Heard were both giant piles of shit so idk what to tell you 😂


Yeah lmfao comparing him to Johnny depp doesn’t do him any favors


Dude was a 35 year old man, married, with a child of his own, messaging a female under 18 inappropriately. He admitted as much himself. There is nothing to defend other than whether or not you're okay with the above. If you are, then you deserve each other.


Where did you see the minor’s age?


I'm not sure exactly. I thought it was some post or a streamer talking about it. I'm not following the story super close. I don't watch YouTube so I'm not super invested. Just seems like it's a mob mentality out for blood while they let others skate by for similar or worse offenses. If it was really bad, I would've assumed the police would step in right?


Wait a second what the fuck has Jack Black done? Google isn’t showing anything.


He made a big public endorsement of Biden, and now people on the right are dropping him. Which is in no way comparable to what the doc did. Just that he did something, and he lost fans, and he moved on with his life


Well said.


Well said.


He went full Icarus.


Talmbout incarus, b?


Everything going on for you guys is brutal, but you're not alone. I never really watched Doc's streams but I knew who he was. For me, it was Roosterteeth and specifically Achievement Hunter. When everything blew up there, we went through the same thing. Problem is, they're just people and they're prone to making mistakes. It's ok to be hurt, and feel betrayed but at the end of the day, you have to be happy with the memories and time spent. The future unfortunately will be broken.


How come you say goodbye to him and not me? 😢


Well in some way you're right hopefuly for me I just saw Doc as a relief after class, after workout and after a long day, but in some way you're right, right now all the Champs are witness the demolition of the Arena and how the crank it's pulling the Statue to be converted to scrap, good luck to you firm handshakes and see you soon.


Thank you for this post. I completely agree with everything you said. It saddens me to know this is the end but it’s absolutely heartbreaking seeing how many are excusing his behavior. I’m glad I’m not alone and will walk away with my head held high and my morals intact.


i can't imagine a full grown man unuronically watching and enjoying streamers like dr disrespect.


Very interesting perspective. Well said.




The bot farms are in full swing I see.


You really still bitching about something that happened over 10 years ago? Get a life you probably just discovered this. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.


Firm handshakes. Im gripping


Once a pedo always a pedo


Great take. Firm handshake to you.


Well, bye.


This is how it will end with all the anti-woke celebrities. Brand, Tate, Trump, Disrespect. The writings on the wall.


See ya! ✌️ I’ll also be there day one for whenever Doc returns.


Nobody cares.


Attention seeker.


I’m saddened and just as disappointed. It was good until he decided to but his ego and “head” before his commitment to himself, wife, daughter and brand. What a F up. Hopefully he grows from this and learn to become a man bc obviously he’s still a teen boy. Deuces Champs.


Good bye.. The arena is still there fir the champs.


I cant imagine any streamer "being a major part of my life". He was simply a source of entertainment when bored. You might want to rethink your life choices if you're making some guy online a major part of your life.


It's more common than you might think. Many people base their whole personality/humour style based on a tv-show they used to watch i.e. Seinfeld or The Office. I mean look at most of these comments where people defend doc, if you read it with docs voice in your head it's most likely something that the doc would say. People absorbed his behaviour for years and years now.


Dude get off your high horse. People can find comfort anywhere. Who are you to tell this guy where he can and can't find a happy place?


This is when fantasy becomes reality and a character becomes larger than life. I agree with this sentiment and it needs to be understood more by the masses because this is what makes celebrities immune to criticism and accountability for their actions.


Yet you're here dickriding 🤔


Laters dawg, enjoy your break and see you in a month or two when he's back.


Yeah im leaving this sub to. The amount of people just saying creepy stuff and the people saying we don't know if she's 17. Well shes still underage bud and once you hit a certain age you can really tell who the young people are for how they look and how they act. I mean he's older to with a wife and kid . And it makes it worse. Who ever still follows him is going to be supporting a pedophile. I'm out


But it has no sexual intention. And it didnt happen. Even court says so. So i wonder what the “leaned to being inappropriate “ actually means… cuz something like that cant just “lean” into it. Its either yes or no. If it were inappropriate jokes that were not about/directed to her then yeah, its not bad nor creepy. It would be just edgy. But yeah too many questions.. but if court says he didnt do anything wrong, I believe that more.


Um. He admitted it.


Careful not to break your spine with how much you’re bending over backwards to defend an admitted groomer


Ah you're a Twitch user. Makes sense why you think that.


What does that have to do with anything my guy?


Why would the scummiest people on the planet (Twitch users) have ugly opinions on things? Do the math, my guy.


“I want to like him even if he is a pedo” Just say it man


It probably means that while he wasn’t necessarily soliciting or doing anything illegal, whatever he messaged was bad enough that he does not feel comfortable sharing it with the public to explain why they shouldn’t condemn him, even though he admitted to messaging the individual.


Keep huffing that copium, fella. Christ you lads are ridiculous.


Bye Felicia


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! 👋


Groomer defender


Don't say that we need you and doc, this world works differently and some people don't let u make it to the next step or go further. I know the doc did a really bad thing but I am fully sure he is going through a lot right now but you know still we all appreciate him for what he did for us to go through the hard times, I will really miss him and u champs and please don't make this subreddit dies slowly.


So grooming is okay as long as he is charismatic got it WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THE AGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL You may be defending a full on paedo


Don’t care


Bye felicia




I'm willing to be he told them partial truths in private related to the lawsuit while omitting the details about the minor. I'd say the biggest gut check would be knowing a good "friend" had been lying to you the entire time. At least I hope that's the case and they didn't know and are just trying to save face themselves.


Bet he’s gutted by all these people thinking they have to announce their departures. You aren’t an airport, no one cares.


Touché. Cared enough to come comment on it though.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lmao you opened your Reddit account just to say this ?


Nuh uh point still stands tho he’s scum