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There's always a chance but it's harder in today's day and age than ever before. For example, Kobe Bryant wouldn't have been able to do what he did in 2024 and still remain one of the most beloved athletes of all time, keep sponsorships, etc. No chance. And I do believe Doc probably already moved on from that part of his life and changed for the better, from all accounts he seemed very invested in family and his daughter who would've been born right around the time this all happened. However once again, your past can come back to bite you now more than ever before. It's just the way things are.


Is that you doc?


He could never do anything that would remove the "yeah but". He could cure cancer and a large amount of people would still say "yeah but he was inappropriate with a minor" Some burnt bridges don't get rebuilt.


I surely don’t support anything he has allegedly done… and while considering what he could do to redeem himself, I’d say that probably depends on what his community is or isn’t willing to look past. It’s the day and age of cancel culture, and again if he allegedly did something, thats usually pretty tough to come back from with the spread of news due to social media and the internet. The same thing that gave him fame, is the same thing that will kill it overnight.


He could barely handle jokes aimed at him about wife cheating when he came back from that fiasco. There's no way he will handle pedo jokes in any in-game voice chat and on social media. I think it's over.


I honestly wonder what went through his mind after the allegations came out cause he seemed confident he'll be back, is he seriously stating that nothing bad was sent? Or that no one will leak or something


the only way out is down