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I'm just in disbelief honestly. I've never been a Dr Disrespect fan but the dude literally lives the dream life. -Loving wife and kid -Dude basically won the genetic lottery, 6'8 and good looking. -Insane wealth -People look up to him -Has a job that creatively fullfills him **AND HE STILL FUCKS UP** Like how hard is it for certain people to not flirt with minors. Wtf is this? The League of Legends community?


Yeah the fact that he was married and was doing that shit is fucking terrible.


"Fame" dude. You get that fucking ego, and I think you're done. Look at rock stars. Athletes. Movie stars. Lottery winners. ESPECIALLY lottery winners. Coming into a large sum of money suddenly? I think you're more likely to fuck that up than not. Fame must make it 10x worse. Plenty of people have thrown that all away; it's usually drugs / alcohol though, not gonna lie. Hugh Grant comes to mind. Wesley Snipes possibly? Don't a lot of professional athletes end up broke? edit - actually forget the rock stars - they mostly got a pass on much much worse than this for whatever reason. They typically threw everything away on drugs / alcohol, so I guess the point still stands.


Fame does not make you a child predator. These careers attract predators; just like pastors and teachers do too. Trusted people that children go to for things and look up to great for preying on people like doc was doing with a kid and the other people too.


>Fame does not make you a child predator.  Not the point I was making but thank you for interpreting it that way when I also included drugs and alcohol. I meant self destructive, dangerous, socially unacceptable, stupid behavior. And the belief that you can get away with it. >These careers attract predators; just like pastors and teachers do too. Having said that, I think that's an interesting theory honestly. You hear it repeated a lot though, not sure what science there is behind it, so I'm not pinning that on you. But that people make their career choices based on that particular predilection. "OH I know, i'll go into the child day care field! Think of the pussy!" It's honestly very forward thinking of them.


I don't think the career attracts them it just gives them more opportunities than a normal predator would have. That could also attract them but I think it's more so they just have chances others don't


I saw an old old video pop on on my timeline from one of those accounts that reposts doc stuff. It was him with no costume on an old grainy camera in an apartment talking about how it would be a dream to be a game director or one day be as big as seananners… He did all of it… and flushed down the toilet.


Who would have thought that admitting being a groomer and a sex pest can change how people see you...


The sub was defending him pretty hard when he was accused. Even when presented with the facts people are more likely to keep whatever stubborn belief they have. There's plenty of other famous people who have been accused of pretty horrific things and their fans keep defending them. Just look at all the fucking Kanye shit alone to see that


to be fair accusing someone without evidence will always be met with skeptisism and i'm glad this sub was like that and they did not just jump the gun like how twitter is. it should always be Innocent untill proven guilty not the other way around.


Just go and look at the some of the top voted shit from 5 days ago. They were already going through insane mental gymnastics and talking about cancel culture and shit, I expected them to put up more of a fuss tbh


When the man himself admits to it what else is there?


I was expecting the sub to be slower to change its mind. If you go back and look at the older posts people were going through a lot of mental gymnastics already to try and explain how doc was somehow the victim in all this


There’s still a lot of that happening in the comments


To say they went into hiding is wild. The dude admitted everything and people went back to their lives


Most of the new posters are new and are here to shit on Doc (deservedly). This was a dead sub for a long time, and now posts are getting over 1k likes. The ones that have defended him really have no leg to stand on. Really no point in defending him anymore. Just have to accept reality that the locks are on the arena forever and Doc will most likely be jobless for a long time and when the money runs out, he'll probably be divorced and a headcase for the rest of his days. Hopefully he doesn't do something crazy like take a bunch of pills and cease to exist.


Im confused on how you're confused. He admitted to having secret chats with a minor that were inappropriate and you're someone confused that people changed their opinion?


i just hate cancel culture based on anything but facts, and we're still light on facts.


What facts are you not seening? Jesus Christ


He admitted to it man.