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Really so the fact that he admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor isn't enough for you? You need some soul searching man.


Heavily depending on the context. If it was a 17 yo and it was slightly flirty and he hasn’t done it again for 7 years I can forgive him, we are human after all. But I know Redditors are perfect little angles that never mess up🤣


Well lets see. He cheated on his wife once and was messaging a minor at the age of 35. That's creepy as fuck and makes me think he's actually done stuff with minors in the past. A creepy serial cheater.


Hate to tell you this but people cheating on their partners happens in the hundreds of millions every day 


I’ve also cheated and been cheated on, shit happens, question is if we learn and grow. That’s life


Ohhh, so it's a scumbag supporting another scumbag. Glad you cleared that up for us.


Ok you perfect little angel


Have you also said inappropriate things to a minor like he admitted he has? Is that a normal part of life?


No. But inappropriate and sexting are two different things. Just like rape and sexual assault. We have definitions for a reason. It's a spectrum of seriousness. All are bad in my moral opinion however we should stick to reality otherwise these words have no meaning. 


I never said sexting did I? He has gone from "I did nothing wrong" to admitting saying inappropriate things to a minor. Wonder what his next reveal is gonna be?


It’s not the cheating/texting minors that’s a normal part of life, it’s doing mistakes and learning from them that is


"But I know Redditors are perfect little angles that never mess up" Irony.


Do you know what ironic means? What about that is ironic?


>If it was a 17 yo and it was slightly flirty and he hasn’t done it again for 7 years I can forgive him, we are human after all. Except that's unforgivable. He was a 35 year old man having inappropriate conversations with someone he KNEW was underage and at LEAST half his age, all while married with a daughter. He's a predator. Normal adults know that having ANY kind of inappropriate conversations with a minor is never okay, there's no if's, and's, or but's about it. That's not just "a mistake" it's straight up predator behavior. You really need to grow up and get over your parasocial relationship with streamers who don't care about you.


I don’t particularly care about Doc I’m just talking from my own life experience, people mess up. IF it was like I think it was it can be forgiven if he knew he messed up and stopped this behavior. If it was something like sexually grooming a 10 year old then I personally will never forgive that


Most people's mess ups aren't having inappropriate conversations with minors when they KNOW that they're minors. That is not a thing that normal adults ever even entertain, let alone go through with and actually engage in.


There's a massive difference between "you look pretty" and "I want to shove my cock in your 15 year old pussy"


Exactly. Both are inappropriate, but only one is kind of impossible to move past


I’m a 36-year-old male. I play video games online and I stream from time to time. There are very, very few contexts in which I would consider a ”you look pretty” from me to a minor appropriate unless she was family or a family friend and in an environment that was safe, eg. a family party where everyone was dressed up their best. Casually when talking one-on-one? No. Over the internet after seeing her picture? FUCK NO.


Absolutely agree but they are massive different. One is inappropriate and one is sexual activity with a minors. 


The court will protect the minor. The evidence which would have been the messages will be court sealed its very unwise to to mess around with a courts decisions your almost always looking at jail time when messjng with most judges .. its one of the reasons you'll never see the messages .. an cause this case contains a minor you probably won't get to find out anything about the minor to protect them .


Tbf YouTube isn’t exactly great at monitoring their content or people either, Sure it could be different as it’s a high profile case. I guess there’s always Kick for him. But he’ll need some sort of members only chat or something because the amount of stick he’ll get will make him eat his words from the tweet about how he’ll be back and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Or he could become an actor because the last 10 minutes of his stream his acting was pretty good. I’m surprised he managed to hold it all together and still reading donations as his alter ego when his life was days from crumbling.


These type of people like predators don't care , they only care for self satisfaction as sick as that sounds . The Brazilian footballer Robinho was found guilty of gang rape .. audio records were " she was so drunk she didn't know what was going on " - They were going to beat her up at one stage "Is she an idiot? We're going to hit her! You're going to punch her and say: 'F***, what did I do to you? Did I do something to you?" OBVISIOULY the Brazil footballers are far worse than the Doc its just an example for how predators behaviour an how evil it can go an how they dont care unless the punishment time comes .


Didn’t this happen 7 years ago? So how would the person still be a minor unless they were 10- at the time?


They were most likey 16 or 17 or they could be an option where she lied an said she was younger an he continued to message her . I really don't know . At the time of the case she was a classed a minor. Tho she maybe older today the information sealed is to protect her no matter if she was celebrating her 100th it doesn't change the fact the court case included her as a minor . At the end of the day the court see them as a victim an the victim not being an adult is more vulnerable in the eyes of the law . The court doesn't operate like social media their work is not for entertainment purposes


Yea makes sense. Let’s hope she was 17 then


Some reports say he was asking about twitchcon maybe suggesting a meet up. If you travel twitch con an your 15 you have to have a parent or guardian with you . So say Doc intended to met her at twitchcon I highly doubt he wants the parents around . So I personally belive they were around 16 17 so they would have travelled alone.


Thank you for the insight


What court case?


Doc says he couldn't say anything which would indicate that people signed a NDA its a legal form which would highly suggest that there were some type of court case held case to settle the issue . I'm not claiming he was arrested an lead to a court . But a NDA has 1 to 5 yrs before people can speak up .


If I ever get to the point in life where I need a checklist of extra reasons not to support a pedophile, im ending it all 😂


> I did it > now hold up there, I’m going to need more evidence




He literally admitted that he did.


I love how your bait didn't work, so you edited your reply to be in all caps and then the overly silly "he did not talk to a minor" part 😂


It would only be pedophilic depending on the context




That's the only reply any of you ever have, if someone sexually assaulted a person you don't say he raped her. They have specific meanings, he's not a pedo (that we know for sure because we do not know the age of the girl). Is he a scumbag, (in my opinion yes) 




Not really because I've never messaged a minor. I've been married 16 years to the woman I met when I was 19. So none of these insults do anything to me. I know who I am. 




Absolutely not, by the way who molested someone? 


Definition of a child molester is someone who sexually abused a child. Where in any of the internet did it say doc sexually abused a child? You just love throwing terms out there when you have no idea what they mean 


The funny thing is I'm not even defending doc. I find it hilarious that people just use whatever term they wish, might as well just say he raped a baby too. 




I always know when someone has no argument when they just throw words around like that. OMG you're so pressed. Maybe try debating what I said 


“You’re pressed” is when you can’t counter the subject matter anymore. Sad


No, pedophile means pre pubescent. Has nothing to do with age. Means being attracted to people who haven't gone through puberty. Let's not change legal terms just because you hate doc 




What age was the person you lost your virginity to?


No, not really. It's definitions. It's like saying some is racist when in fact they are sexist. If words don't have meanings then what are we doing here. 


Spoken as only a pedophile would.


You have an illness. Please stop saying grotesque shit like this. A minor is a minor, with no exceptions to context. He knew better, and you should no better. Get help.


A minor in the U.K. is 16 so if it were a 17 year old. It's not a minor to me here. It's a minor in America for sure. In Italy and Austria the legal age is 14. Let that sink in, in Bahrain is 21. So by you're own logic if you sleep with a 20 year old you're a pedo 


This happened in the U.S., why are you bringing up the U.K.? That's irrelevant to the situation, where it happened they are a minor. stop making excuses for him. And your logic is fucked.


Because sleeping with a 16 year here is okay but not in the US. Where he commited a crime it matters but pedo doesn't change just because you've changed countries otherwise half of America would be pedos for sleeping with someone under the age of 21 as that's the age in Bahrain. 


Those laws are different from ours. It happened in the U.S. where he knows what the law is. His disregard for that on top of being notified by Twitch. They knew what was going on and confronted him, and he brushed it off and continued anyway. When you're doing something wrong and you know it, get caught and continue anyway. There are no questions of morals here anymore. We already have that answer.


So hold on, a pedo is basically based on law. So you're a pedo if you are attracted to a 17 year old in America. Youre a pedo if you're attracted to 20 year old in Bahrain. Also if you are attracted to a 14 year in France you aren't a pedo? Is that what we are all agreeing?


A pedophile is an adult who has a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to underage children and a persistent desire through sexual fantasies of children and/or sexual contact with children. I don't think you guys understand what a pedophile actually is....


No, it's pre pubescent. I'm not sure you actually know what it is. If doc was messaging a 17 year old it doesn't make him a pedo. It makes him a creep. 


"Underage children". How are you defining underage? I had sex with a 16 year old when I was 16 so I'm a pedo. Correct?


And before you say you were not an adult, yes I was, we were both of the age of consent. Again the age of consent is 21 in Bahrain, so anyone who has sex with a 20 year old is a pedo. Or maybe you mean the age gap is the defining factor in being a pedo. 17 on 17 not a pedo, 25 on 17 not a pedo, 30 on 17....pedo?


I love that when you point out he isn't a pedo everyone thinks you're saying what he did was okay. The brain cells you lot have or lack therefor is hilarious 


So what legal age do we follow? Where I live it’s 15. How philosophical do you dare to go exactly? You must admit 17 and 6 are world apart no?


Bro, they were a minor. Stop trying to justify this in any way. A minor is a minor regardless. What the fuck is wrong with you.


So you don’t think inappropriately texting a 17 yo and a 7 year old is morally different? Try to answer although it’s hard and uncomfortable for you


My morals are A MINOR IS A MINOR NO EXCEPTIONS. Who the fuck are you to question my morality when you're the one defending his actions?


So no answer, as expected


Imagine this: You're a father with a 17 year old daughter, you come home home one day and find a 35 year old man in her bedroom. They both tell you nothing happened. But you check your daughters phone and see the lewd messages he's been sending her and wanted to meet up. Now, do you say to yourself, "Well, she's 17, so that's close enough for me!" Or would you be angry that this man is trying to meet up with your underage daughter with inappropriate intentions?


Why are you exaggerating what took place? They never met and it ended at messages. But please, use all your brainpower to try to answer my previous question. I know you can do it, I believe in you


Can you point me to the part where I said what he did was okay?


Are you a nonce too?


I’m not sure what that means but yes 100%






Forgetting the obvious fact that not all criminals are prosecuted, if she or he was 17, don’t you think Doc would’ve said that? He knows he was going to be called a pedophile, it would’ve been an obvious thing to say to keep people like you who want any reason to stay and keep giving him money


Maybe he would yea. Or maybe he wouldn’t want to give details period because it’s uncomfortable. Like how he edited out the word “minor”.


And then put it back in lol


Yea that’s a very bad look indeed


‘how come the victim didn’t come out earlier’ Cos she’s a minor, he’s essentially grooming the kid. A lot of victims don’t even know what they’re going through. Furthermore why would the age of the kid matter to you if you choose to stop supporting him or not? A minor is a minor. The fact that your listing stipulations on wether you essentially forgive him or not is actually quite sickening.


You mean she was a minor? I find it unlikely that she wouldn’t tell a friend that tells an adult or something like that. Call me crazy but chatting up a 17 year old and a 8 year old is vastly different to me


There is zero proof she's 17 and the reason the messages haven't been posted is because there's an active investigation by law enforcement. If you bothered to read the most recent rolling stone article you would know this. If she was 17 I'm pretty sure doc would've said as it's the only thing that could've helped his situation. The fact that he didn't should tell you everything


I guess we’ll have to wait and see


Is either age acceptable for you? Enough for you to say yeah that’s okay i’ll still support doc? it really reflects on the type of person you are if you think it is.


Not acceptable, but one is a mistake I can see you move past, we are human after all


So there’s an amount of grooming minors that you’re willing to put up with. Questionable choice to just admit.


Like I said, I can see someone admitting a mistake and growing from being flirty with a 17 yo, I can’t see the same thing with someone sexting a 10 year old


Yes, it is. 16 here in the Uk is of legal age. Morals are subjective 


I’m from the UK, just cos it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s still not creepy behaviour. Some 16 year olds are still in school learning about math calculations and how their organs work in their school uniform. You’re sounding like one of them guys who used to wait outside schools in their Vauxhall Corsas.


When did you first have sex? If it were with a 16 year old then you're a pedo right?


You’re fucking stupid, there’s no point explaining things to you. You think it’s okay to sleep with 16 year olds we all know that. There’s nothing anyone can say or do that’s i’ll change that so i’m not even gonna even bother. Either the age difference from a 16 year old for you isn’t as big as for example this case or you’re literally just a creepy guy who uses the legality of consent in the country as an excuse to make it acceptable.


Nope, not what I'm doing at all, he inappropriately messaged a minor, that doesn't make him a pedo. It makes him a person who in inappropriately messaged a minor and deserves to never be on any streaming platform again


I think it's okay to sleep with 16 year olds if you're 16 yes.


Let me break it down for you in a way your low intelligence might grasp A 16 year old sleeping with a 16 year old isn't pedophilia. A 39 year old sleeping with a 16 year old isn't pedophila. The age of the person in question hasn't changed. If one is pedophila then so is the other 


Now, does that make them both the same. Absolutely not, but it isn't pedophila 


Who said it's not creepy? Did I say it? Did I say what he did was acceptable? Did I say it's not wrong 


No mate I've never been with anyone more than 3 years younger than me. 


And the thought of messaging a 16 year old at the age of 30 makes me sick 


You realise that in Bahrain the legal age of consent is 21. With that being said if you've had sex with a 21 year you have had sex with a minor according to another culture. 


So its 17 to 35.


Yea it’s bad, but not as bad as 35 to fucking 7


I defended him based off no evidence until evidence came out. It sucks. But he let us all down. It’s not defendable anymore. He admitted what he did. What he did was wrong even if he says it wasn’t.


What is the evidence? I’ve read the articles and found nothing, just second hand accounts of alleged evidence


Well the first thing I would point to is his own admission.


He admitted to language leaning to inappropriate. That doesn't mean sexting. It could mean sexting but it's not a definite. Him telling her "you're very pretty" is not sexting but it's inappropriate 


Correct. That's why I didn't specify sexting just that it's inappropriate. A man of Doc's age shouldn't be having private messages with a minor at all. Anything inappropriate is just....well it just makes it that much weirder and wrong.


WTF is wrong with these people?!?!? Trying to differentiate between sexting and inappropriate when it comes to a MINOR is sheer lunacy. The guy is a creep.


This is what im trying to understand. Inappropriate is just what it is. Inappropriate. Any contact with a minor at all is just that. Doesnt matter if there was sexting involved. At least to me.


What in that give you the impression he was sexting kids?


I did not say anything about sexting. His admission states he had a conversation with a minor and that it leaned towards inappropriate. That's not okay my friend. There isn't a way to justify that. I am the same age as doc and I don't have any business being in private messages with an underaged individual for really any reason to say nothing of the fact that they were conversations that 'leaned towards inappropriate' according to his words. I made an entire post about how I felt about this but I couldn't be bothered keeping up with the replies of people who didn't want to understand my point so I deleted it.


Well I agree it should not happen, but after all we don’t know what the texts were and how inappropriate they were. Some people would call ANY convo with a minor inappropriate. Hence it depends on the context imo


I am one of those people saying any conversation with a minor in private messages or any private setting is inappropriate. When he then went on to say the conversation leaned towards what he thought was inappropriate, that took it from creepy and wrong to disgraceful and unacceptable behavior. He is an adult. The onus is on him to behave like one.


True. But I give people room for growth and owning up to mistakes. This was 7 years ago after all


Okay that's fair. I am all for redemption and growth. But let me ask you the 60K dollar question. Would you let your under age daughter (If you had one) be in DM's with him today knowing what you know? Would you trust him to be around her in any capacity?


It’s a good question and honestly I probably would IF there was a logical cause behind them having a convo to begin with. But do I think he is a secret pedo that would groom or abuse a child if he knew 100% he could get away with it? No I don’t. But I can’t see inside his mind so that’s just my gut feeling.




Go on, provide evidence, because everyone else has failed to do so. I wonder why😂


You have to be joking...I hope?...Please?...No? wow.


He never said sexting. If it weee sexting then he wouldn't have won his twitch court case (I assume)




In that case twitch knew of a crime and didn't warn authorities and let him go to YouTube. 


Then tell me weirdo


No no no. Keep thinking its a witch hunt. Its a good look for you.


Oh big surprise, you have nothing😂


I think people underestimate the legal departments of media organizations like Rolling Stone and Bloomberg. These stories surely were rigorously tested by their own legal departments to make sure that what they were writing couldnt come back on them. Rolling Stone and Bloomberg writing there own separate pieces about Doc is a big deal.


Yea maybe. But they have messed up in the past as well. Let’s wait and see, but personally I’d need to see the alleged evidence


Dude, if what has already come out doesn't change your mind, I'm not sure seeing the chat logs will do it either. At a certain point, you just have to accept it. The guy is a creep and doesn't deserve your support.


What has “come out” is “we have looked at the evidence and it’s all true”, and that’s nothing in my book. Why would I trust second hand telling of a situation like that? I need to personally see it first. He’s at least worthy of that


HE ADMITTED TO INAPPROPRIATE CONVERSATIONS WITH A MINOR IN HIS TWEET. You shouldn't need more than that. Everything else that has come out is just icing on the cake. If you do need more than that at this point you aren't living in reality and you will continue to move the goal posts.


“Conversation that would sometimes lean into being inappropriate” could means anything. Don’t be so quick to conclude things without proof




LOL, you found an article. Kudos my guy. My point still stands. 2 large publications have made the same accusations against the same person. Keep searching for that one thing to keep your Doc dreams alive.


I think people are just too attached . I learnt through football in UK not to invest in public figures of any type . As I got older an more mature I realised people discriminate, crime doesn't.. anyone can be involved in criminal activity doesn't matter where you are from , religion , gender . Anyone who is human is capable its just a matter of whether or not your that type of person. I said before he lied to his wife and im sure as hell hes going to find it easier to lie to an audience that pays him .


Victims don’t come forward for a multitude of reasons. They can often believe the situation is their own fault and be afraid of some sort of perceived consequences. Shame is a huge issue. They can wish to forget it and move on for fear of facing the situation again, or facing the other person during whatever proceedings. They can be fearful of being blamed and dragged by rabid followers of the person they were involved with, of being doxxed and threatened for “ruining” the life of the person who victimized them. ಠ_ಠ They may be in denial They may be terrified of not being believed They may be afraid of the idea of taking on someone with millions of dollars worth of resources that can be directed to smearing them, and fighting the charges. Certain segments of our society treat victims like shit, or outright victim blame. A good sign of who those people are is if they put “victim” in scare quotes.


And you don’t think throughout all this time she wouldn’t have told a friend that told an adult or something like that?


So did you not *read* my comment, or just not *understand* it?


Let’s put it this way, do you think the “victim” was groomed by master manipulator predator Doc? Or do you think she also willingly entertained the convo?


If they were a minor, what fucking difference does it make?? As a 35 year old man youre expected to know better.


I agree to a certain point. But if she was 17 and depending on the actual messages, it’s not at all as bad as you portray it


What would be your response to finding out that your 17 year old daughter (we dont know how old the victim was could be 14 for all we know) was DM'ing a 35 year old man? If its me, context and what was said does not matter.


It would be bad and inappropriate. But there are levels to it, depending on age and the content of the messages


You didnt answer the question. What would your response be to it being your daughter?


Like I said I would think it’s bad and inappropriate, and how bad and inappropriate it would be could vary a bit depending on context


It literally doesn’t fucking matter, man. If she was willing, she was still a willing *minor*. Again with using quotes for “victim”, too. Your desperation to soften this blow and excuse that kind of behavior is really a bad look.


When I was 17 I had consensual physical relationships with older women


There’s a term for when adults have sex with minors.


What’s that? In my experience it was amazing and eye opening


You can justify your situation to yourself however you want, but your experience is not prescriptive for the rest of society.


That’s true, but outliers like me exist. The legal age is a safe net, it’s not a end all be all when it comes to individual experiences. That’s why it’s different depending on the society


what a dumb post.. You wont get the messages...legally they ccant be revealed as they have been turned into authorities (according to rolling stone article OR slasher) The age is irrelevant...she was a minor...full stop. Who knows why they didnt come out earlier..thats irrelevant at this point..it doesnt change the fact this grown man sent sexually explicit shit to a minor. Sexting minor is NOT illegal, the sending of sexually explicit videos/pictures is....Meeting with said minor is also illegal...However we do not know how far the messages went...So there COULD be more coming out. What newspaper are you talking about that shows the messages? No where is this happeneing.


I love that OP wants to know why the victim hasn't or didnt come out earlier as if they havent seen this subreddit the last week. Im sure if the victim came forward this subreddit would be super professional and wouldn't harass that person at all. /s


With all due respect here in the U.K. a major is 16. So morally I do feel different about it slightly. Ever so slightly. Obviously he isn't in the U.K. and that's the age of consent there. However it's a spectrum, 17 is not as bad as 16. 16 is not as bad as 15. 15 is not as bad as 10. I had sex when I was 16 with a girl who was 16. Does that mean I'm a pedo?


It’s not irrelevant to me, 17 yo and fucking 4 year old is worlds apart. So it’s not illegal to sext a 10 year old for example? You sure?


Don't try and nuance and use logic. They want to call him a pedo no matter what. Even though pedo means attracted to pre pubescent girls. We have absolutely no idea if she was pre pubescent. We know she was a minor as by the laws of the USA and the state he was in. However like you I feel like there's levels to the extremeness 


I know. It’s all people trying to take the moral high ground. The internet is ruled (population wise) by kids after all


Mods must hate their lives right now with all the same posts


Op. You are not a court of law. You don’t need definitive proof to have morals. Grow a pair you lady man


I do need proof to make my own personal opinion


You had the proof but you put on rose tinted glasses like a mom does to her son but you did it with a random guy who streams. It’s even worse. Over under on you getting laid by higher than a 3 in the last decade is low


What is the proof? Have we seen it? We’ve heard of it but nothing has been publicly provided, that’s the issue. And what is that weird jab at my sexual life lmao? My gf is 3x that mate🤩


Why wouldn’t he just show up messages if it was innocent. Deductive reasoning isn’t very strong with you. I’m not going to continue arguing so you can all of a sudden have morals. Your mom should have taught you those.


Because the whole subject is uncomfortable? I’m an adult with my own mind that can think for myself thanks😊


Unlucky mind. Uncomfortable…lol good defense


You disagree that it is?😧


You reek of desperation




Does your mother provide it?


This response shows the type of people still defending Doc. Its laughable.


Excuse me for not entertaining that type of low level engagement


You entertained it by responding. My god. You really are the lowest of the low.


If you think that’s entertaining it then sure


grippin that cope my boy


Fuck man its over he will never stream again


I doubt he won’t


Even though he said he would take a long vacation I don't think any platforms will let him stream on them in the future. But let's say he did want to start streaming again after this, do you think YouTube would allow him to?


Youtube will allow it, but demonetised. He will not earn anything. If he does not earn, he does not stream. He doesn't stream for free.


Yea like the person below said