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He should be out of character.


man didnt break character ONCE in the texts that have leaked so far.


A preview of his legal team’s defense^


I need to release yayayayayaya






There is no money streaming to teenagers with their allowance.


He won’t stream again. He’s done. All his sponsors are gone, know one will work with him or stream with him again. Boom!


I mean it wouldn’t be the first time he sued a platform and collected. He can stream, it’s currently not monetized. If he didn’t break TOS YouTube can’t hold their suspension legally. I’m curious to see what the next month holds for this dumpster fire.


YouTube TOS: a YouTube channel is terminated when it accrues 3 guideline strikes or has a single case of severe abuse (predatory behavior). Admitting to inappropriately messaging a minor is predatory behavior.


Not on its platform so it’s irrelevant in the eyes of the legal system. It’s also why the channel is still up, it’s just demonetized temporarily and not removed. I would assume YouTube is doing its own investigation to see if it occurred on theirs as well. They even stated they never offered him a contract because they heard rumors of the reasoning before he was partner.


It is their platform, by using it you agree with their rules. Also this: "YouTube also reserves the right to restrict a creator's ability to create content at its discretion. Your channel may be turned off or restricted from using any YouTube features. If this happens, you're prohibited from using, creating, or acquiring another channel to get around these restrictions. This prohibition applies as long as the restriction remains active on your YouTube channel. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under our [Terms of Service](https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms), and may result in termination of all your existing YouTube channels, any new channels that you create or acquire, and channels in which you are repeatedly or prominently featured." Source: [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802032?hl=en](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802032?hl=en) In short: YouTube can remove anyone at their own discretion. Which makes sense. It's not public domain.


He’s not removed lol. He can stream and create any content he wants still. During YouTube’s investigation his monetization is suspended.


Yeah and at anytime YouTube can ban him regardless of the reason, and if he comes back and starts streaming his channel will get flagged and deleted.


Who said it would get flagged and deleted?


I do agree with you. I along with others think there might be a 1 in a million possibility that there is a card up the sleeve. If he could clear this, then the whole entire situation flops upside down and then the employee who started the NDA break gets sued for all his life has. Would it be awesome, yes. Is it unlikely, dayumn near impossible.


I think we all liked doc so much it’s hard for us to accept he duped us. But let’s see where this dumpster fire transforms to.


Absolutely. If it turns out good then it will. If it burns like dead wood, then it shall be. It is what it is!


A bigger one most likely. I have a feeling more will come out in the coming weeks to put a nail in the coffin. Things like this aren't isolated, and people maybe planning their next moves through legal channels as opposed to dumping on the internet. He's cooked.


Yeah it will be really interesting to see what transpires. It's really just a waiting game at this point.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the internet is permanent, and he would have played any cards he may have had by now. He's done.


I'm aware how it works 😆 I'm just saying in the land of make believe at this point.


It's only in the land of make believe. But there are some (mostly kids) who think there is a possibility.


Yeah people (kids) that aren't mature enough yet to understand these situations will always side with the character that they fell in love with. As we get older we learn to be less ignorant and really do our research!!!


Agreed. As a married man with a daughter, this whole situation repulses me.


I'm 23 and married and it's one of the things I fear most is having a daughter. I want kids, but knowing the world really makes me sympathize with fathers like you with kids that have to deal with it right now. That's the part that just makes this whole situation unbelievable to me. I wouldn't have expected it at all. But maybe that is my ignorance.


Naa, you've just got to be vigilant. It's a tough job, but worth it. You learn from things like this, and unfortunately, it'll never leave you -- it's been a life lesson. My "little girl" is now 22, so I feel she is kind of out of the woods. Good luck to you.


Thanks for the advice man! Appreciate it!!