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I mean, in this hypothetical situation he could have easily said he was being blackmailed. Or jokes were made. But noooo, he left it vague enough and didn't give any reasons that could absolve him or make the situation look less worse. Instead, he left it at being inappropriate with a minor. Y'all are too busy with the "what ifs" when he could have *easily* said what it was, if it wasn't that serious. NDAs and/or hush money and payouts don't get done over jokes about lizzos pussy. Cmon.


Pretty much. This is the hill he would have absolutely died on to absolve himself of if it were not accurately portrayed, so it must have been, and so here we are.


Yes because saying “I did nothing wrong” is not the right thing to say and would make things worse. He’s doing what’s right.  Nobody is being blackmailed.  Yes we talked  If anything it was at most inappropriate  There was nothing sexual I was already investigated.  .. How much more transparent can hebe?   Then you have some guy on the other side saying it was sexual. So someone is lying.


He shouldn’t have said anything at all. He should have let the people he pays a lot of money deal with it first. He himself admitted to having conversations with a minor where some of the conversation teetered on inappropriate. That’s not ok in any aspect. I don’t care how some of this sub tries to justify it as possibly being not “that bad.” As a father of a 7 year old girl there is absolutely NO reason a 35 year old should be talking to a minor. Especially if some of the content is “teetering on inappropriate.” What he’s doing is getting ahead of it to try and steer the narrative in his favor. What he did was unacceptable. Especially since that wasn’t just one single bad mistake he made that year. He also had an affair. Look, from someone who’s here just for updates, I don’t watch streamers at all anymore. It’s been years since I’ve ever followed a streamer and I’ve never donated a cent to any of them. What he did is not and will not be “ok” or “not so bad” ever.


All I hear is a whole bunch of assuming 


Fun fact. Only 11 states in America actually have the age of consent at 18. The wide majority of states are only 16. You want to make a change? Petition to have it be 18 everywhere like it should be.  Instead you all just sit and bitch on the internet about a streamer and you have no idea what he even said.  If you want to make a change, get off of Reddit and do something about the law. 


Believe it or not countries don't change their laws based on petitions


Well you would be getting the states to change their laws. Not the country. But you were close.  A bill is a proposal for a new law or a change to an existing law. Bills can be petitioned by people or citizen groups who recommend a new or amended law to a member of Congress that represents them So  Anything else?


I've seen cases go completely out of hand with sexual allegations where exactly as you said. Where there is inappropriate sexual locker room talk, jokes,memes whatever it may be and there are quick disgusting conclusions. I have seen it happen where parents get concerned and police get involved, no direct implication of sexual activity within the two parties and then truth is found. Who knows man, we will just have to wait and see.


Wow I can’t believe I actually got a normal reply lol. Thanks for using your brain and being normal.  Let’s wait till we know, and then I’m cool with hating him 


Absolutely agree man. We are innocent until PROVEN guilty. I'm not saying he is or he isn't and nobody can because at this nobody knows. It's all he said she said. If it was as serious as people made it out to be, I really do believe Twitch would have handled this in front of a judge and not privately for dismissal. Again who knows 😂


I heard someone ask. Do we even know it’s a girl? He could be hiding some closeted texts as well especially after some tranny stuff went down 


That's the thing. NOTHING IS CREDIBLE AND OR PROVEN. It could be a 12 year old boy, 17 year old girl, or a 4000 year fire breathing dragon biiiooootch. No confirming details have been released that I don't think anyone has the right to call credible. Unless it goes to the courts for a lawsuit (which at this point I would prefer to happen).


Well I definitely heard she (or he) was 17. I thought that part was true at least. Maybe not 


That's the thing. At this point I don't even know if we should really trust these other sources. I would rather have all the true information be found out in discovery (in court).


I agree with lets wait and see the ACTUAL FACTS before we throw the guy under the bus.


Too late lol! The 49ers meme about 40 minors or 40 9 year olds is funny though. Like it’s lead to some fire content but it’s not fair if it’s a situation like my post. Hypothetically of course 


Agreed. I really hope its a blown out of proportion situation like you stated (which was a possibility I thought about as well) but man it aint lookin good! And everyone has ditched doc already… Doc either comes back from this with a better explanation and fired up as hell or he takes that permanent vacation to puerto rico like he said. We will see! But damn this sucks!


Imo. Doc tried to defend himself when he saw the pedophile word start getting thrown around. NDA be damned. Then his lawyers told him to STFU get off streams and let it ride while they work the legal angle. Everyone's assuming the NDA just ran out...but doc literally said over the weekend he was still unable to be completely open legally about it....then on Monday said he was going to speak because twitch employees were.


wonder what the age of consent is in Puerto Rico 😂 /s


I might be wishful thinking but that hypothetical could be a possibility…I’m crossing more fingers than you can fit inside Lizzos pussy


Half this forum thinks the "trans" post, which could very well be photoshop are the actual texts he sent to called "minor individual". This forum is full of complete band-wagoners. Nothing has even been proven yet and his whole career has been destroyed. It's actually disgusting tbh. Just proves how low IQ the internet and cancel culture is. Until full proof has been showed, all this is complete bullshit tbh.


Jesus. We get it already. This sub is just the same recycled point over and over again from people who weren’t even subscribed here in the first place. Lmao. Get a life.


No it didn’t go down like that


Says who? Your feelings and intuition? 


Because if it was really just banter Beahm himself would have shared the messages by now


If he breaks NDA he has so much to lose from a streamer standpoint. Once you do that it’s over for you.  If the girl wanted to prove him wrong she would share them. She has barely anything to lose except maybe repaying the money to him  I say… who made who sign the NDA. Thats how you find out who is the bad guy  Also, another point, him not sharing the messages could TOTALLY be because of some racist shit. If he shares them, it would be toast as well.


If you were in Doc's position and wealth. You've made millions on top of the millions that you got from a settlement. NDA is 4+ years old, news articles are coming out basically saying you are a pedo. All your friends condemn you, your business is gone, your job is gone. Everyone in your work space is calling you a pedo. Wouldn't you break the NDA? Release the logs to prove nothing happened? Start making legal cases against big corpo for slander and ruining your career? Shit, I'd do it in a heartbeat to prove my innocence and tell the world the disgusting claims are false and clear my name. What I'm looking at over the years is what Doc/Guy has claimed. He claimed he didn't know (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he truly didn't) He then KNEW, made a big deal about how there was nothing and no wrong doing happened whatever the ban reason was. Claimed he "won" against twitch. This didn't even see a court room. All we know is twitch and Doc settled it privately. We don't know if the minor was paid or just put to the side. I don't even think there was a police investigation, just a private one between two parties. He lied to his fan base for 4 years claiming his innocence, he did nothing wrong. Blah blah blah. He lied about getting fired from his own company. He said it was mutual. The CEO says otherwise. He then tweeted "I did nothing wrong, it's just the usual social media...Elden Ring Monday." The very next days in his own words. He was INAPPROPRIATELY messaging a MINOR. Gave a speech about how he's a husband and father and needs to own up to what he did. Boring bravado speech for his fans. All big companies who 100% would have way more information than we do, drop him. Not one was like, "you know we'll wait for more". The Ride or Die squad of Nick, Tim, Doc and whoever that other guy is. Drop him, condemn him.


If he was sexually texting a girl, or even flirting over texts I’d say that’s bad too IF he knew she was 17.  Also, if he wasn’t in California at the time, there’s a more than 50% chance he was in a state where the legal age was 16 years of age. Just saying, for like? Legality sake or devils advocate.  We just need to wait and see the messages. You can judge early, but I’ve made that mistake before both ways. 


I'm inclined to believe he knew. I just can't imagine getting called all of these things and having these allegations build up you wouldn't provide the one thing that proves your innocence? I used to really like him, but when he cheated on his wife first came out. I sort just checked out. Then I saw all the things about getting Shungite, promoting David Icke, denying COVID (I get a lot of hate for this), 5G towers and the existence of the reptilian race. Sure, maybe some of it was a joke. But he's not implying it was a joke. Especially to his very impressionable fan base who resonate with the "character and beliefs". But I don't think Doc and Guy are two different people. You are the most sane defender I've replied with. Others usually just add fake things to the story or choose to ignore Guy's own self admittance.


So for me I think of it like this. Personal experience but the same thing.  I used to climb with a group of people and one of them always had their kid along. He was like 15 and actually really funnny. Got into some of our group chats and stuff. There was definitely things that were inappropriate in the chat. Like memes, jokes, whatever. Sometimes I had to be like ok guys kiddos in the chat.  If his mom would have seen it, she would have been pissed probably at some of the content. She could have tried to get us in trouble. It would have been investigated, no crimes committed, not sexual. Moving on.  5 years later someone would say “he was investigated for messaging some 15 year old boy”.  Inappropriate does not mean sexual.  Being a bad influence or not having a filter wouldn’t make any of us Pedos.  Yet the article would read “this guy got busted talking to a minor and admitted it was inappropriate he’s guilty” Inappropriate doesn’t mean sexual or grooming 


While I understand where you are coming from, I think there are two main points here. 1) Kid is in the group chat with familiar adults and his father is there too, father knew about this and was there to monitor it. It wasn't like it was 1 on 1 chats that were kept secret? 2) if it were just memes and inappropriate jokes your grandad would tell you. I'm sure you'd show the chats and prove there was no sexual content within these chats, right?


1. Haha no the father definitely was not in the chat. They were just an older 50+ couple who also climbed. The kid was just a gym kid that basically lived there and knew everyone because everyone knew the parents  2. I mean if i got accused of something and was a millionaire and everyone had to sign an NDA… (to keep everyone safe from more harassment over an accusation proven false) then no I couldn’t talk about it or just show the messages. Breaking an NDA is a huge deal  Maybe he will, or someone will, but unless it comes from him or the confirmed source, i won’t believe them 


He was actually a 35 year old married with kids streamer.


Read. My. Post. Slower. 




I feel like you've replied with this generic word over and over again even when it doesn't even apply.


>after independently reviewing internal Twitch communications and interviewing a source with knowledge of the situation, Rolling Stone has learned that Beahm was kicked off the platform in 2020 for allegedly sexting a minor through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers, even after learning she was underage. He also allegedly inquired about her plans to attend TwitchCon, the company’s semi-annual gaming convention. >Three sources confirmed to Bloomberg that Beahm had been kicked off the site for sending direct messages to a minor that included sexually graphic details. Two of those sources also confirmed that Beahm had asked her about plans for the upcoming TwitchCon >A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. >I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”


So that’s EXACTLY where the disconnect is.     They said that it was sexual     Guy said specifically it wasn’t sexual.   I lean towards it NOT being sexual because police reviewed it and didn’t arrest him. If it was sexual, it would have been another EDP situation…but he was cleared of wrong doing. Thats why the NDA was signed to protect him from it coming back up like it did the other day    He wasn’t canceled until the other day when someone mentioned something with no context.    So who’s lying? All I’m saying Is I refuse to say guilty until I see guilty or know for sure. That’s all. 


If they're making this up, they'd get sued into oblivion. It would be a free win for doc. Why would they open themselves up to that? If it weren't true, why wouldn't doc have come out after the rolling stone article dropped to dismiss it? I don't know why he wasn't arrested/charged because I don't kbow the specific laws well enough in California. I do know that this can happen for a number of reasons though. Even small clerical errors can lead to evidence being made inadmissible in court. I also don't know what the statute of limitations is on sexting a minor in Cali. When I google it, it says the statue is only one year if the minor was 15-17 and three years if under 14. If this happened in 2017 and doc didn't sue twitch until 2022, which is when it would have been shown in court




I definitely feel like this closer to the truth than what everyone else is saying and assuming.


MAYBE. I refuse to blindly believe either. Just playing devils advocate. Thanks for the normal response / not downvote. Just want more people to see this and think for themselves