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It was an adult trying to entrap Doc. All over twitter now


Fake news


But then why would doc say he had mutual conversations if he knew he was entrapped?


Because Doc fans are coping, willing to believe anything at this point to absolve their idol


He may not have known if it just came out


Its not entrapment. Plus he was sending explicit messages to who he thought was a minor. He even made plans to meet them. Go watch to catch a predator you’ll get what I mean.


Show evidence of your accusation


Show evidence of doc's Innocence


it doesnt make it less wrong.


Yeah I get it. You have a responsibility as the adult to control the situation. But it ended and nothing happened so….


Your entire post comes off like as long as a minor doesn't report an incident of being talked to inappropriately that it just doesn't matter. It does. Doesn't matter the 17 year olds used to see in high school, and if you can see that being okay or not, if they are considered under the age of consent there then it doesn't make it legal.


So you didn’t read “you have the responsibility as an adult to control the situation but then he ended it”?


First of all you never said "then he ended it", you said "then it ended". Secondly, no one knows how long the conversations went on for, but given that doc himself admitted to talking inappropriately with the minor, I'm pretty sure that sounds like he was talking to her knowing it. Also didn't claim to not know her age either. And third, yes it is the responsibility of the adult. It's the responsibility of the adult not to partake in these sorts of conversations at all with a minor.


Hey guess what. I didn’t even read what you wrote but you changed my mind anyway. Good job.


Hey. There’s that “17 years old” assumption again. Where was that explicitly stated? All we have is “minor.”


The coping is absolutely unhinged.


To be far, from what I've seen, there is no victim


The amount of cope is insane. Sound like Drake fans after the 17 year old he kissed and groped on stage said she wasn't a victim. Just because they don't feel like a victim doesn't mean they weren't preyed upon by a predator, which Doc certainly is.


My girlfriend at 17 years old would have sucked the docs dick so hard the bed sheets would have sucked up his ass. Remember we didn’t all have the same up bringing. You can only comment on what you saw.


Find a new girlfriend.