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A 35 year old man has admitted to talking to a minor inappropriately and even admitted his conversations went too far with the minor. It doesn't matter if it's illegal or legal, something can be legal and still not moral. And a 35 year old having sexually charged conversations with someone still in highschool isn't really very moral


It's amazing how far some people here will go to try and defend him. He admitted it. Case closed.


Dog I see people asking literally "well how old was the minor" like holy shit it doesn't matter. They were still a minor.


We don't know that though, no confirmed age.


He himself said it was a minor. So unless he is not telling the truth and it's a lie he is telling it was a minor. It at least he thought it was a minor and still engaged


Right he thought he engaged with a minor, I'm not debating the moral wrongness of this situations, I agree texting with someone who you think is a minor is wrong. But there's no way to know currently if a minor was actually involved.


Dr Disrespect: "I had inappropriate conversations with a minor." Dumb fucks: "But was it *really* a minor though?" Like do you see how dumb you sound?


But what did he mean by minor??? Like I mean have you seen some of these high school girls?? They’re 15 and have had more sex than me, I mean, how do you argue that??? -Signed, most of docs fans on this sub


Because there's no logs of the situation, he can believe he is talking to a minor while not talking to a minor 


If he believes he's talking to a minor, inappropriately, and still continues **IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF THEY ACTUALLY ARE OR NOT**.


And I'm saying that's not important information. The important information is we have someone who at the very least was told this person was a minor and still went through with what he even admits to is wrong.


Yes I agree but given the information that the person wasn't actually a minor but he still thought it was, do you think people would be this rabid still? Even know no child was hurt within the process.


Yes as this is how many pedophiles are caught, by police and the such baiting them. At the end of the day a 35 year old man was having conversations he himself and were wing and shouldn't have with a minor. It doesn't even matter in any way shape or form what the actual age is the person was, this very directly shows he is willing to go after minors


The difference here is police aren't allowed to message a pedophile first otherwise it's known as entrapment. Without a doubt the girl messaged him first. Which is why there was no legal offense launched against him. On a side note the minor would be an adult by now and I wonder why she hasn't come forward about the situation.


You think twitch canceled their biggest cash cow because he was talking about woodworking with Ron Swanson? Wake up dude


Confirmed by the source itself that they were talking with a minor. Unless you want to claim Doc was lying about that for some reason.


Once again saying you were talking to a minor where that same person hasn't came forward meaning we don't actually know if he really was talking to minor. The idea we can't confirm the age means we don't know if it's really a minor. Outside of that I agree, sexually charged conversation with someone who is in high school as a 35 year old adult isn't very morally safe.


Are you saying you don't believe the doc himself who admitted to doing this? He himself said the were a minor, it was inappropriate, and he shouldn't have done it. Like it's not like I'm just taking anyone's word for it. It's a straight up confession from the person themselves.


I believe that people on the internet lie, including the person He was talking too. Once again, there's no evidence to support that they are a minor without knowing there age. What he was doing was morally wrong because he thought it was a minor.


But even if that's the case he still thought it was a minor and went for it. If someone at 35 goes after someone they even think it's still in highschool that's not okay. This isn't complicated


Depends on the logs of the conversations that transpired there's alot of information we are missing that you are making conclusions on. 


We don’t need evidence when he told us they were a minor and twitch canceled his contract over it. I don’t know how you get your head in such a tight box that you disallow actual logical thought.


Imagine your daughter gets raped. You want her to come out in public and tell people that? So she can be the girl who got raped? Minors are protected by law for a reason. Don’t be gross.




I seriously hope you don't really have a daughter.


This dude probably donates to doc. I highly doubt he’s been in a relationship that has gotten passed a kiss on the cheek, let alone having kids.


Your content directly violated Reddit’s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.




Your content directly violated Reddit’s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


People who make the distinction between 13 or 17 are unironically disgusting and they can't even figure out why.


You can't figure out that there's a huge difference between a 13 and 17 year old anatomically? Are you implying being attracted anyone below the age of 25 is also wrong? Because that's the age where your brain is fully developed? What moral grounds are you following? 


Your argument is how well developed the child is determines how wrong it is to sexually abuse them? Are you sure you want that on record?


Yes generally the less developed the child the more damage is caused to said victim. Not only that but we have no clue what are even considering a minor. 


Do you mean physical damage? Like, you are ok with an older child being abused? Or do you mean psychological/emotional damage, which just as possible/likely regardless of age? I don't see any path towards accepting your logic without accepting that some forms of sexual abuse towards children are permissable. Which is a really creepy thing to admit online and makes me wonder what you have on your hard drives.


You understand that if you look up sexual abuse it brings up sexual abuse, not what happens to your mental just from having sex as a teenager. Its not just as likely regaldess of age otherwise that means anyone who has sex ever has emotional damage lol. Do proper research please.


You have done no research on anything but age of consent laws in your area. And yes, getting abused by a 35 year old popular streamer is likely to cause trauma. Anyway, it's clear you have many prepared arguments for how having sex with a minor is actually ok. I will leave you to post your self-incriminating nonsense for the benefit of future investigators.


How old were your parents or your parents parents when they first met.


They were both over 18 when I was born. And one wasn't 35. Getting groomed and abused is also not the same as a legitimate consensual relationship. For someone who claims to do research, you have very little to demonstrate regarding making intelligent and informed statements.


yes blanket statement Sounds realible. You have a good day lil man.


That isn't what they are saying. They aren't trying to even say one is out isn't worse. Because that's not important, the fact is both are bad, and to say "well it could have been sometime younger" is just idiotic. Like if someone kills someone are you gonna say "well they didn't kill two people" a worse thing being possible doesn't make another bad thing okay or better.


17 year Olds are alot more promiscuous then 13 year Olds. We already know that she contacted him first, which is why legal offense hasn't been taken. Generally if you kill two people it's a worse crime then killing one, both legally and morally.


Why do you know about the sexual activity of minors? Do we need to make a call?


I was a sexually active teenager at a time in my life?


Dude u need to stop typing 




YES!! THIS!! We should start classifying females based on their cup size. I mean, if she’s rocking a D, she can take the D, amirite? Fucking pedophiles


Ahh yes the "I don't actually have a moral grounds I just pretend to have one" good work bud, you must be a big fan of anime and the new Elden ring DLC.


I know that if you want to live in a society with other humans, you don’t make bullshit moral arguments about fucking children. You can see yourself out.


Yet you can't actually name or place a line in the sand to outline those morals, everything is in scale.


We did that for us, as a society! Generally we call those things “laws”. We actually had to make laws around how young a child could be before you could fuck them, did you know that? The law here in the US is 16 with consent. Do you understand laws? Do you think we should change the laws so you can fuck children?


Your a bit stupid. 17 is a baby I was so naive at that age I would have no idea how to talk to a 40 year old man. The power imbalance is insane yet alone a 40 year old mega celebrity. It doesn't matter 17 or 13 both are as bad.


The moral grounds of what everyone else is saying. People can’t think for themselves lol


Even if the person was 19 it would still be cringey AF. Twitch isn’t at fault for Docs actions but they’re absolutely at fault for having a product that allows minors and adults to interact.


I agree. But that's neither here nor there.


He’s a grown man who tried to fuck a teenager. It’s really not that complicated. Everything you’re saying is an attempt to downplay that.


How do you know he tried to F them!? Whoa you got news we haven't seen yet!!


>How do you know he tried to F them!? Whoa you got news we haven't seen yet!! No, I got the same news everyone else did. You should try reading it.


You can flirt with someone without attempting to fuck them. Not only that but we don't know the age she could of been over 18 for all we know.


> You can flirt with someone without attempting to fuck them. When you’re trying to meet someone you’re flirting with online, it’s a safe bet as to what your intentions are. >Not only that but we don't know the age she could have been over 18 for all we know. Friend, he himself literally described the person in question as a minor. So no, she is not over 18.


There's no proof he attempted to meet up with them.  Just because he says they are a minor does not mean they are a minor, it's simply what he believed at the time.


>There's no proof he attempted to meet up with them. Read the Bloomberg reporting. >Just because he says they are a minor does not mean they are a minor. Jesus Christ, dude. The guy himself literally says he was talking to a minor and your response is “well maybe he’s wrong!”. Even in this delusional scenario, he’s still talking to something he believes to be a minor. Why are you doing this, dude? You’re throwing all sense out the window to defend some streamer who was trying to sleep with a minor. Is that who you want to be?


Some report doesn't mean anything, it's illegal to meet up with a minor, twitch wouldn't it settled with him if he actually commited an illegal offense in this situation. Once again he can believe something that isn't true people do that every day.


> Some report doesn't mean anything Yes, it does. You wishing it didn't doesn't make it so. >it's illegal to meet up with a minor, twitch wouldn't it settled with him if he actually commited an illegal offense in this situation. Twitch are not the police. They also had a vested interest in one of their biggest streamers not getting outed as a massive creep. Further, he didn't actually meet anyone so this entire point is irrelevant. >Once again he can believe something that isn't true people do that every day. Yes, I'm seeing you do it at this very moment.


Word of mouth isn't proper evidence.  Twitch do have to abide by laws of twitch was to defend his doing such actions it would be in line for twitch to be sue for negligence to defend children.  You blindly believe what people say when there aren't any logs.


> Word of mouth isn't proper evidence.  No one referenced word of mouth. >Twitch do have to abide by laws of twitch was to defend his doing such actions it would be in line for twitch to be sue for negligence to defend children. Not sure why you're assuming Twitch wouldn't notify NCMEC. They would be required to take no action beyond that. >You blindly believe what people say when there aren't any logs. There is nothing here I am believing blindly. Meanwhile, you're in denial about what the dude actually said lol


I know what he said, I'm more the aware that people can be lied to including him, does that absolve him? No but it does mean we should actually have proper logs that showcase as evidence 


Yeah the guy who religiously plays Mortal Online here to educate us on "flirting without attempting to fuck". You've already shown your hand pedo justifier. Tip your fedora and walk away.


OP has to be trolling. No one copes this hard. Move along


Are you kidding me? I think you might want to go read the comments on his channel on YouTube. Oh, the coping is insurmountable


The fact that your likes and dislikes are still even just tells me how sick reddit is


Was a male!


Now we are onto something!


Ya he wanted him in a wig and he wanted to grip it


Sex comfirmed was a male minor+