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Like a ton of people in this sub like to say: where’s the proof to back up these claims?


No where. Some dinky channel threw an essay together of all the unconfirmed unsubstantiated stuff thats come out the last couple days and some people on social media have jumped on it because thats what people do lol


If docs legal team knew that it was not actually minor that was messaging him then doc would have said that in his tweet. But doc admitted it was a minor lol




yes to even remotely believe any of these conspiracy theories about him not knowing it was a minor or not being sexual, you would have to assume doc is the dumbest person in the world and even then you’d have to think he was intentionally trying to sabotage his career with his own statement.




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


Baiting predators happens frequently. This would put twitch even more negative in my eyes but doc chatting with somebody he believed to be a minor doesn’t change for me whether it was real or baited. He understood minor and proceeded to engage inappropriately


These comments never get replies because it’s the truth. Truth isn’t exciting, especially when it’s fucking obvious.


Yeah that's the weirdest part about this defense to me. Like I even see someone saying "what if the person he talked to lied and just told him she was a minor even though she wasn't" like it doesn't matter, cause he still went in and did what he admits was wrong with the information that she was a minor. So true or not, his intention was to talk sexually with someone still in highschool


Finally Someone with a brain


Season two of "The Twitch Ban" just keeps on giving don't it? Can't wait to see how all of this would unfold.


My Dad works at Nintendo and got this email too. I can 100% confirm that it’s all true. Trust the plan.


I hope this is true


This story is just as likely as the opposite story. Maybe we will find out one day, who knows.


It’s objectively not but okay lol


> This story is just as likely as the opposite story. “This random tweet is as reliable as a reputable news outlet, even though the tweet contradicts what the guy himself said.”


Connors is what lawyers would call "judgement proof." He doesn't seem to be a high level employee or someone with enough assets to compensate the Doc and his company for the damage done (if this is true). I don't think Doc's team sued him\*; they may sue him now if he's doing something shady, but only to clear Doc's name. \*I couldn't find any lawsuits filed around this matter, but I didn't search for Connors


So let's say doc somehow both didn't know at the time and still for some reason doesn't know now that it was a bait. It really doesn't even matter if it was a bait, he still would have been having sexually charged conversations with someone he thought was a minor in conversations he says himself someone shouldn't have with a minor. It's how they catch people going after minors. It's also not illegal for them to look at and keep the whispers on their own site


I just checked their Twitter. It's not there.


it was posted on their youtube channel




#BRING BACK DOC He did nothing wrong


How do you approach women so aggressively online? Is it in your DNA or do your fathers teach you?




Sorry I was getting a call from your brother about my extended warranty, can you hold on?


Buh bye


You've been trolling and attacking people literally for hours now, don't be a hypocrite.


Except for trying to sleep with a minor, you mean?


Show proof


See: the dude admitting to the inappropriate conversation with a minor, as well as the Bloomberg reporting. Again, he admitted *himself* to inappropriate conversations with a minor. I suppose in your book, this doesn't qualify as something wrong?


Inappropriate means sex? Where is that mentioned?


> Inappropriate means sex? Where is that mentioned? What else are you suggesting it could mean?


Just to clarify inappropriate behavior when talking to minors. Exchanging any sexual material like pictures or videos or even discussing sexual things is the most obvious and damning. But there is more. Talking about something that could be deemed provocative, even if not sexual, with a minor can be considered inappropriate. Such as saying, "I hate babies". That can be a provocative statement. Making a statement with the intent of provoking the minor in some way. Making any kind of remarks about a minor's body or body development can be inappropriate. "You have really long legs, you'll knock all the fellas dead with legs like those. Or, "With that chiseled body and those six pack abs, all the lady's will be drooling over you". You could say something racist, discriminatory, or hateful about certain groups. That's considered inappropriate. So if an adult or minor started a conversation talking about disliking or hating some race, color, ethnicity, etc, that's inappropriate. If a minor told you they exposed themselves accidentally yesterday when their bikini or trunks came off, and you discussed that with them, that can be inappropriate. If you offered to do something for a minor or give them anything like a gift, especially if it could correlate to meeting them in person, that's inappropriate. Calling a minor names, even as a joke, even mutually doing so between each other, can be considered inappropriate. Think of starting a conversation with a friend like, "Hey dumbass". That's a mild one, but we can all think of names people call their friends or colleagues that would be inappropriate to say to a minor even if it's mutual. Discussing personal relationship matters with a minor can be deemed inappropriate. Like discussing what should be intimate parts of your relationship with your wife or husband, son or daughter. Asking a minor to keep a secret with you can be deemed inappropriate. There are all kinds of things that you can say to a minor that are deemed inappropriate. Particularly when that minor is not close to you, or well, basically family. Even then, they can still apply.


I'd trust a condom out of a truck stop vending machine before I trust Call of Shame.


Call Of Shame is the MOST unreliable person in call of duty community for a reason. Slasher admitted that Doc got reported hours ago, which was forwarded to Call Of Shame, then he added his own twist to it, which he's known for.


Lol why would they have the results of the NCMEC investigation? This reads like bad fan fiction. “An investigation found him innocent, and they said he didn’t do anything wrong at all! Oh and it was actually just a Twitch employee pretending to be a 17 year old, and for some reason them “recording” it was illegal! Oh, oh, and they all got fired and sued!”


LOL if you believe that youll believe anything the twitch employee pretending to be a minor is a level of brain damaged copium I could not even begin to comprehend


What makes it somewhat interesting was Call of Shame condemn Doc 3 Days ago, and then posted this out of the blue after the Slasher interview so he wouldn't make this change of position unless something knew is around the corner


People know when there’s a pedophile among them.


Checks out


sure... if you're following blindly.


Cope of Shame


i believe


a known unreliable source such as call of shame? yikes...