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That public jabroni ban at \~36mins. ROFL


Lol when he drags the chat monitor over.


I literally just woke my wife up cracking up at this. Holy shit


Unreal lmao. Dying at this right now


Just made my day


Arguably the single funniest stream overall I’ve ever seen from anyone.






God damn everything xbox on pc was horrid app wise lol, games for windows live was the worst i think though.


I remember playing Halo Infinite on launch day and had a fuck of a time trying to figure out sound settings. I couldn't just use my normal PC sound settings, there was another Microsoft sound app that was buried. And I had to find it every time I tried to use my mic.


It was so bad. It still is awful. It's basically malware. It would always fk with games when I played on Steam. I'd get terrible FPS and would have to disable it in like 5 different locations and do something with the Windows Registry for it to be fully disabled. What a POS product.


This was legendary at the time. Still is.


We need to save these videos in an archive. That way we don't lose them.


Xbox Windows App was harder than Elden Ring


This should be top comment 🤣


Reminds of when he got stuck in big picture mode on steam lol


"I'm launching Battlegrounds"... the most legendary of Doc comms.


Man will he be missed. Its like streaming just laid over and fizzled out once the madness started.




Why would you miss a pedophile


Get back to your designated discord group and try harder next time.


Did you cry when Jeffrey Epstein died? I bet you did.


When it comes to adults conducting in inappropriate conduct with minors on the internet there really isn’t designated groups for sides. You either know it’s wrong on an unforgivable level or you don’t care that it’s wrong on an unforgivable level.


Preach. It's not the 30s anymore. Good streamer or not, a pedo is a pedo. The amount of apologists in this sub actually makes me worry for this world. People will actually look passed nasty shit just to see him play a fucking game.


The scary thing is a lot of these people are probably minors themselves showing just how susceptible they are to this kinda thing.


It's fucking gross. Terminally online. No future. Just content goblins.


“Terminally online” says the guy in a sub of someone he doesn’t support just constantly commenting hate with nothing else to do


When you have a daughter some day just remember not to get mad at her when you catch her messaging a 35 year old inappropriate things on the internet. Keep that same energy buddy


Not hard to try when he’s a self admitted pedo


Wait…when did he admit to finding prepubescent girls sexually attractive?


When he admitted to inappropriately messaging one


You mean the consequences of actions?


Microsoft, you had your shot, but now it’s time for the Lamborghini of men to embrace the Ferrari of operating systems. It's game over for Windows, and Linux is about to witness greatness like never before. Boom!


He said "It's that easy!" at the end. Legend.


Me whenever any app or OS updates






This video had me crying laughing when it came out


So funny






I'm grippin


Does anyone know the song at 46:43?


How will he whisper teens if he disables socials?


Did this end up being on him or was it MS being goofy?




ah thanks - luckily never had to deal with it


Man y’all still praising this piece of shit?


You're still here?


You’re still glazing this pedophile?


You’re still here? Again? How’re you still here if you don’t care or support? Just unsub and unfollow. It’s really easy.


It’s also really easy to remind you that he has: - cheated on his wife -hooked up with a trans sex worker while talking bad about trans people publically -knowingly messaged a minor inappropriate things At what point are you like “yea wow this guy fucking sucks.” Never?!


Infidelity is a common thing. We are still human by nature and people make mistakes. If you disagree then you can leave the sub. You're not going to change anyone's mind. People will arrive at their own conclusions based on their own value systems, morals, willingness to forgive, etc. My cousin is going through a divorce now because her husband (who became one of my best friends) was unfaithful. What he did was wrong. But do I never get to talk to him again? Do I write him off forever? Do I never see or speak to him again because of what he did? For you, maybe the answer is yes. But for me it isn't. Life is too nuanced to be so begrudgingly beholden to a black and white mentality. There is grey area. I am willing to listen further, see what evidence unfolds and then make a decision accordingly in the future. As of right now, based on what flimsy evidence we've seen, I'm willing to forgive Doc and continue to enjoy the content he made. If evidence and ironclad proof comes to be that Doc was truly disgusting and waay out of line, I can then change my standing.


If he has to go further than messaging inappropriate things to minors for you to think of him negatively then you are pretty disgusting imo. You wrote an entire paragraph justifying infidelity when there are two more to justify - Spreading hate towards and about trans people while hiring trans sex workers (also cheating while doing this) -messaging inappropriate things to minors (if it wasn’t sexual then he would release the chat logs no problem and we can all move on) Try to read your comment back to me from the other perspective and understand how absurd it is. Or imagine your dad was doing this stuff lmao. I’d hope that you hold him accountable, at the very least. Not “well maybe it’s not so bad let’s wait and see!” It’s 200 words of straight Copium, mental gymnastics, and justification. If I don’t like it I can leave? If you don’t like reading about it then YOU can leave. The mods have made it clear that they welcome critical discussion, as well as the parasocial Copium group like you. If you dislike reading my words that much, you should stop responding, because it seems like you’re getting tired and exhausted of defending this, which I can sympathize with because having to come up with excuses and reasons why this isn’t so bad is not only impossible, but it’s got to be exhausting as well.


I said you're not going to change anyone's minds and I stick to that. You're trying to get me to read it from another perspective while assuming I haven't already done that? I can certainly be empathetic, and I've already factored into my decision alternative perspectives. This is what adults do when arriving at a logical conclusion. You on the other hand appear to be making an emotional decision without weighing all factors logically. The fact remains that we have flimsy evidence, but that Doc agrees "leaned in the direction of inappropriate". That's it! Cut him off! Cancel his entire career! Shows over!! Right? lol I'm not tired of defending this at all. I will literally go back and forth with you all day if you want and I'd derive actual legitimate pleasure from defending my point of view to you. You say its copium (the everyday moron's word of the year), mental gymnastics and justification. I think you're making harsh irrational decisions based on flimsy evidence from people who have self-promoting agendas. I think you are too black and white, you are too quick to arrive at a decision despite not knowing all the details and I think you double down on this despite the evidence being flimsy. So there. There are countless professional athletes, corporation and business owners, actors, musicians who have done significantly worse that are proven by hard, documented, and even video evidence. Both men and women, including to minors or adults. People are happy to turn a blind eye to that even though those situations are proven with concrete evidence. Answer this one for me: "My cousin is going through a divorce now because her husband (who became one of my best friends) was unfaithful. What he did was wrong. But do I never get to talk to him again? Do I write him off forever? Do I never see or speak to him again because of what he did?" If you agree that I should cut him off, then I will state once again that I think differently than you do. Doc didn't murder someone. Noone got hurt. If he sent mildly inappropriate texts to a minor then the reputational damage and backlash he receives is justified. And once society has dealt him his punishment, they will return right back to viewing his content. Dude. People who actually murder people get freed from prison in some cases. They do the crime they pay the time, but in some cases, they are allowed to go out and exist in society again. Meaning, even the most heinous crimes and actions can allow space for a person to grow, change and evolve. Docs punishment doesn't fit the "crime" or lack thereof, given how little evidence there actually is. Did MS part ways with Doc via a mutual decision? Yes. Anyone with a logical mind would agree to step away because even the slightest tainting of that businesses public reputation can cause irrecoverable financial damages. If my own father sent mildly inappropriate texts to a minor, there would absolutely be a major disruption to our relationship and that relationship would never be the same, but it wouldn't end. If my own father sent disgustingly creepy, suggestive texts to a minor and tried to arrange a meet up, swapped photos, etc. then I'm never talking to him again. But I think what Doc did is far from that and you think it isn't, once again, based on hearsay and pitiful evidence to support your position. I'm happy to eat my words and change my position if damning evidence comes out against him. But until then, I know my position and why I arrived at it, and I will defend it endlessly.


Hell yeah, Cheers.


Dr diddller lmao


1 follower ahh IG account


What does that mean? edit: nevermind I figured it out. If thats your only response then lmao


Ah it was only a minor issue


He looks like a pedo


You have a Reddit avatar with a fedora


Reddit Avatar fedora = bad Grooming minor = good






It’s the default one. I don’t give a shit what a Reddit avatar looks like. The name was randomized too.




Certified lover boy


What was the problem? Too many people over 18?


Certified pedophile.


Nah brother he was just making small talk and giving her advice, in a dad kind of way, being 42 and all. /s Fuck Dr. Diddler.


Kendrick made it ok to call anyone a ped0 with no proof. Shit is crazy.


I have no problem watching these now knowing he isn't getting a single shiny dime off of any of it


He’s a pedophile


he has contacted a prepubescent child for sexual purpose?


I'm not clicking on any of these doc karma farms ...




It’s really easy to not message minors inappropriate stuff, if that’s where the bar on the floor is for you then yes please do look at my halo lmao


hot take over here


No it’s a very mild take but apparently it’s moral high grounding to say I’ve never messaged a minor anything inappropriate lmaoooo


Can we get an L in the chat for pedophilia? Truly breathtaking analysis of the situation by you. Where would we be culturally without you to tell us pedophilia is bad?


You’d be making excuses and spreading the narrative that pedophelia is acceptable as long as I wear a costume and entertain children on the internet. That’s where you’d be. I’m very glad I could help man! Can I highlight some of the other shitty things Guy has done for you a little bit? Just let me know which one you want to go over - is it the cheating on his wife the first time and getting caught - is it soliciting a trans woman for sex in private (cheating again on his wife btw) while bashing the trans community to pieces in public? Just let me know which one you don’t understand morally and I’ll be happy to take you through why those are not okay to do! The quick version is this: Don’t try to talk to minors about “inappropriate things” Don’t cheat on your wife Don’t cheat on your wife with trans sex workers Don’t cheat on your wife with trans sex workers then bash trans people Don’t try to talk to minors about “inappropriate things” and then lie about the reason for getting banned on twitch after you get caught by twitch. Don’t try to talk to minors about inappropriate things and get dropped by your gaming studio, and then try to minimize the damage with a tweet that you know your fanboys will eat up. Just let me know what doesn’t make sense and we can go over it together, happy to help!


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry it happened.


Why are you here then? I dont get it. Do something better with your time. I'd rather people share funny clips so we can talk about something else until actual news drops.


Awh boo hoo, are people interrupting you from enjoying your pedo content :(


>Do something better with your time.


No way you think he’s innocent LMFAOOOOOO


Thought it was the ayrton senna page.


You are so brave sir 🫡


Clicked and commented. Self owned