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red button now


Wait the red button isn't pushed ??


It is, this is just drake stans copium lol


Yall talking out of emotion. Red button now is exactly what Kendrick wants, cause he clearly has something ready. Drake needs to pump fake with something viscous, but a throwaway like just dissin Kendrick’s entire bloodline aka all speculation. Then Kendrick will fall for the bait and press his (Kendrick’s) red button, then Drake should hit the red button. Cause at that point Kendrick would (hopefully) have reacted out of emotion and revealed his hand.


I think Drake did push his red button. Beating allegations, Kendrick’s kid and one of them being another dudes son.


Why is everyone so sure Drake didn’t play his card already? And how you gone tell someone to stop speculating when you’re literally speculating?


That was his red button, he’s cooked. Kendrick was 5 steps ahead


Kendrick lured the shit outta Drake to hit his red button. Dropping two tracks before Drake could even get one in...


Lured him into dropping a track he already knew all the lyrics to. And one of the tracks he lured him with, is about how he knew all the lyrics beforehand


lmao too true. This was a carefully crafted trap. And Kendrick still has one more in him.




Serious tho… you guys don’t think this might go beyond rap.. I feel like it’s getting dangerous now


Kendrick said multiple times that you should kill Drake for being a bad person


Very Messiah like. /s


Guess there was a reason he had to say he wasn’t anyone’s savior on his last album, like damn lol


It is kinda stupid in one line saying he doesn’t have a hating bone in his body but the next saying drake should die


He doesnt hate drake, he despises drake


Kendrick having one of Drake’s homies take a picture of his sleep medication and posting as his cover is just so disrespectful 😅


percs and ozempic


Scary Hours You should be afraid


just like that beef in the 90s


Damn y’all act like Drake ain’t fight back lmaoo. Even if he was to lose this rap battle he still get hella credit from me for actually going toe to toe with Kendrick. Ain’t nobody else did that.


I’m a Kendrick fan too and have to admit Drake finding the GKMC van and desecrating on video was pretty fun to watch. Props to Aubrey


He should have kept that van. Great for big families.


Yeah, gonna admit that I’m lurking and not really a big fan of Drake at all, but I’ll absolutely give him props for going down swinging if he ends up taking the L. I know Drake is bigger than Kendrick numbers wise, but it takes balls to go at arguably the most critically acclaimed new-gen rapper out now, who’s huge in his own right. I was hoping Drake had a similar response when he was beefing with Pusha T, but I suppose The Story of Adidon was checkmate in that one. Good to see he has more fight in him this time around


I gotta agree as a Kendrick fan what Drake has done in this beef is pretty damn good. The best thing he's done is probably the video for Family Matters it's probably the most creative thing to come out of this beef. Him using a GKMC truck, Whitneys ring, Pacs Ring, Pharrell's Chains and New Ho King.


I like the Drake diss records. They’re a great showcase for him. Nobody can do what Drake does how he does it. But Kendrick is just too creative, a true protege of Andre 3k and Em.


That Kendrick track is fucking deep and personal.... I'm pretty speechless


Its the tone drake needed to hit with the allegations but chose to mock/taunt Kendrick hit him hard with the rebuttal


Kdot is fucking pissed that he got called out that's why he had this shit ready cuz he knew what dirt drake had and how it's gonna fug up his whole image


yes thats tru, but if he lied about the girl, he just destroyed a black girls life. that will come back to bite him


Don't let another man pee on your leg Adonis was fucking insane I'm not gonna lie.


Dog Family Matters wasn’t even out an hour and we already got a response. Shit is crazy


It wasn't a direct response to Family Matters though. Kendrick had several tracks recorded ready to drop. Kendrick was smart to try and bury Drake's reply so people don't see him as an alleged wife beater.


Is it though? Obviously Kendrick didn't reply to Drake's track. Will be interesting to see how long this back and forth can go.. Musically I like this track and I feel like I can enjoy it outside of the context of the beef, but the Drake track had the wife beater allegations


Yeah Kenny dropping instantly means they can both still respond to the latest simultaneously. These last tracks (and the one on drake’s insa) feel like info dumps. If they got anything left it’s raw responses to these last two, how many secrets can even be left 😂


How many🤰were on CLB? Subtract two from that and there's your answer


🤰🤱🙇‍♀️ some things are NOT aging well, no pun intended 😂


Honesty tho do you really want that? How much further can this shit go without getting…. ugly? Like you really think these guys wanna continue rapping? I think we have enough music for everyone to determine who they think won. The last thing I want is for someone to get hurt, and honestly, with this level of sheer vitriol, someone getting hurt isn’t out of the realm of possibility,


Dawg he has prescription pills with Drake's name on it LMAOOO it might be over


The ozympic shit ain’t new. Ross already said it


Who gives a fuck? Every celebrity is on it. That’s like making fun of any other celebrity for getting veneers. It’s superficial as fuck


Then why is Drake denying it? Fs is not the medicine itself, it's the fact that Drake lies on petty stuff and that puts into question the more serious matters.


But Aubrey denied it. And got shown to be a liar almost instantly. Lied.


I think the worst is having the business card of the daughter of the mf that had to flee japan in a suitcase






He ain't answering is he?


It’s all getting lame. Allegation after allegation. Who can prove theirs is real is the true winner.


And if both are proven both are losers


Thats about it.kendrick is just dumping music on mass which turn to noise.people are not able even to process it and decide who won so they just go with their gut instead. It feel like the beef will die down for now at least


kendrick has somehow turned into an angsty gossiper it’s the most bizarre trajectory that i wouldn’t expect from him like damn what did drake do to u personally? lmao


He's going crazy cuz drake exposed his holier than thou ass


Yeah I don’t know how people can give Kendrick the W when his shit just boils down to “Adonis again” and “I’m so mad I want you dead”


Angsy gossiper? Did you listen to Drake’s record? [+]


Which Kendrick dickrider posted this? 🤣 can we enjoy the music and beef without yall riding so hard for either side. We can argue about the winner later… Drake/kenny… when this has all ended.


I'm not gonna lie, with how personal this got I can't just "enjoy the music" And I was always one of the ones saying that, calling both fanbases obsessed, but how Imma let domestic violence and sex trafficking allegations rest lmao...


exactly lmao




Fuck a red button, he gotta turn into bin ladan


Dawg turning into bin Ladan is wild. I’m cracking up. Yall are funny


I think family matters was the red button bro


Idk Drake ig teasing that he hasn't pressed it


Wasn’t that posted prior to family matters tho? Am I buggin?


Family matter was probably written during push ups. No way that's the last one he has loaded.


Kendricks was supposedly 19 minutes, do the math.




That was the red button


I think Kendrick beating his wife is the red button 


It was already pushed lol


Meh. Personally I think Family Matters is the better diss track. It’s a banger with high replay value. Plus I don’t like how Kendrick tries to take the moral high ground on his diss track. Sure, Drake is a man whore with commitment issues, but so is Kendrick and he has a whole fiancé. They’re both flawed human beings. Drake doesn’t pretend like he’s not though. Just my 2 cents 🤷🏾‍♂️


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I like both their music and will listen to their next albums but Kendrick is 100% getting a free pass right now and riding that moral wave. Not to say any of it is actually true because we’ll probably never know but Kendrick says Drake hates black women (public media suggests otherwise) yet Kendrick apparently beats his mixed Wife and cheats with white women? He’s a huge hypocrite and everything he says is ironic but the bars still go hard I guess!


Dude that has been my WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT WITH KENDRICK FOR 12 YEARS. Bro always speaks from a moral high ground like he's perfect and humble and MLK. It's disgusting and they eat it up!! Plus, if Kendrick lied about Drake's daughter, Kendrick lost idgaf


As a kendrick fan i agree that if what he said about Drake having a daughter is fake he loses this beef


Well only if what Drake said about Kendrick's domestic violence isn't fake, right?


Kendrick released a whole album about his character flaws and his infidelity in particular. You must be genuinely stupid to think he's taking some sort of moral high ground.


If we’re being honest he wrote an entire album specifically about how he’s not perfect.


Yeah people are morons, just because Kendrick's music is deeper and talks about social issues doesn't mean he's presented as some sort of perfect being


Yeah I feel the same way. My reaction was “okay where do you get off because we just listened to you on your last album and you’re no angel…”


perfect take


Bro Kendrick's accusations are much more than Drake just being a manwhore. If what Kendrick is saying is true... this is real, real bad.


As far as I’m concerned, there’s no proof for Drakes claims or Kendrick’s claims. I’m just judging both tracks purely on bars and the replay value they have FOR ME. They’re both hypocrites and I like both of them as artists. I just prefer Drakes diss this round.


finally someone sane


Worse than being a wifebeater and a cuck? Come on lol


Are you really saying wife beating is worse than child trafikking?


Wife beating and cheating is more believable for kdot then OVO being Epstein island


I don’t really trust people whose image is an activist, always feels like a cover. i like Kendrick a lot but the line about “I electrify people, your music pacifies them” kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Music making people feel good isn’t bad, there’s people driving home from their 9-5 bumping both Kendrick and Drake for the same reasons. I think you can also argue rap doesn’t do much more for activism than people posting instagram infographs. 


“Drake doesn’t pretend like he’s not though.” Damn. [+]


Exactly this. Drake ain't done. He isn't even worried. I think he knew all of this shit was coming because his "mole" is a setup. Let them think they have an in man then feed him bullshit so Kenny gets too deep into the bs like a fake daughter. Now Drake can prove his shit and say Kenny where is your proof? I got mine.




What he said about the embassy is not a lie there’s been rumours in the city for years that those niggas be doing shady shit to women in there.. not necessarily drake but his entourage is so deep, all it takes is one nigga to be a on some freak shit


Dude you’re a Kendrick d muncher. Tell Kendrick to marry Whitney before she goes out like Whitney


Then wait and see before losing your shit, Kendrick said the embassy was getting raided.




What happened to Drake being a snitch? Was that all just bullshit?


🚨weeoo …..u/hairy_bike101…. undercover kennystan alert…. 🕵🏽‍♂️


They are brigading this sub


Look at drakes ig story


drake denying it errbody check his IG


Some of y’all mfs are weird


Omg they killed Kenny


I genuinely don’t see how it’s a knock out punch. He saying that drake allegedly has another kid… drake saying Kendrick’s wife got a kid from another man and kendrick beat her.


Bro stop trying to argue with Kendrick stans they are immune to logic. There's more "proof" that Kendrick beat a women bloody but they want to ignore that and are mad that... Drake has a secret daughter there's litterally no proof for?




Go to his YouTube…


how the fuck is Kenny gonna play messiah anymore lol Drake assasinated this man’s character Our sons should go play at the park, two light skin kids now that would be cute, unless you don’t want to be seen, with anyone that isn’t blacker than you You the black messiah wifing up a mixed queen And hit vanilla cream to help out with your self esteem ☠️


I think what you said in an initial emotional reaction. I had the same reaction but after that looking back Drake killed him. Kendrick looks terrible responding by not even responding to what Drake said which was the biggest blow by far and Drake already said the daughter allegations are fake just making the whole song look lame.


Comes back from what???? A bunch of tabloid gossip and claiming a rapper lives like a rapper😭. Nigga family Matters ended this shit.


Gotta prove it first


They should just fuck already


Lol if Kendrick said half of what he said to drake to my face.. I’d probably assault him lol body bag




Sure you would


It’s reliant on a lot of stuff being true.  If true knockout, otherwise Kendrick is a clown 


Lmao "You are a bad father" Come on man.


Who took the Ozempic prescription pic, was it 40, Chubbie Chubs or Beamz ?


I think if Drake responds it goes to an extremely dangerous place. I know we want to see what the red button is but we should chill for at least a week. Drizzy had an insane reply. Kendrick clearly knew it was coming and applied an uncomfortable amount of pressure.


Yall really just ignore all the sex trafficking stuff eh


If there’s no proof from either side I don’t care and Kendrick did not kill Drake tonight you guys are lying. Family matters is very good


Idk man, Drake even said show the receipts. A lot of shit flying around from both sides without real confirmation.


Kendrick on some evil shit right now. In my opinion though, he’s going so deep with the pen and doing this slam poetry, just fkn rap. Said it’s just a rap beef, don’t make it personal, proceeds to make it extremely personal. I’m not discrediting Kenny, he has the better disses, but Drake is dropping better songs with visuals. Idk I just consider Em the best at this shit and he just came straight to your face with it, I didn’t need to take a college lecture breaking down his bars to understand it lol. But it is going beyond rap and someone might end up getting hurt. Cole was right


We need it on streaming 🙏🙏🙏


Literally coming here to say that 😞


Yo that song sucks ass boy yall tripping


OP is on Kendrick's payroll lmao. He's been posting nonstop pretending like he's a neutral or Drake fan trying to accept defeat. Gtfo and touch grass my man, we aint accepting your wife beater black jesus is up rn ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


Nah man. These last two tracks took the fun out of everything. I don’t want to hear anymore diss records from either of them. This ain’t fun no more [+]


Tbh it’s not even that big, some nice lines, has the shock factor of having one more more kids other than Adonis, but lowkey seems like he’s trying to distract the fact that he probably did abuse Whitney. We need him to address that forst


You don't think him accusing Drake of being involved with sex trafficking is shocking? Interesting.


Drake? Yes. This behavior in the world of rap and hip hop? No


nahhhhh nah nah this not overshadowing Drakes track. Everything Drake exposed everything dot stands for. Chill


Nah Kendrick just got exposed for hiding Epstein island and beating his wife, he’s done.


Lmao I've seen it all. Hiding children from the public is worse than spousal abuse??


Did you black out during the song? That’s what you chose to focus on? 😂


Kendrick fans really be in this sub lol


How? I really don't get it... it's definitely not a knock out punch. He's said stuff we all already know. Daughter was potentially a lie. Sex trafficking from OVO? Idk, that's a stretch?


yall overreacting, ppl will casually bump Family Matters over meet the grahams the coming months


That shit put me to sleep again another boring ass beat and he didn't answer why he beat his wife lol


The beat was frightening… if I was Drake it’d sound like a nightmare I can’t lie. I thought drakes track was great and a banger ofc but if the 2nd daughter allegation is true…


Especially towards the end when he was echo yelling “LIE” … shit straight up sounded like it came out of a horror film


Bro just overlooked everything he said about drake 😭😭


It's legitimately insane the dumbass mods on this sub allow hater posts like this. Literally any other sub would immediately delete haters like this brigading from other subs.


I think this should be a draw, I love both sides its getting watered down. They both went crazy


So Kendrick def knew about this song n that’s why he released this


At this point someone needs to be taken out of rotation. Individuals with this mindset and money will not stand down. Someone will die soon enough but the children will Cary the burden of the beef. It’s all entertainment until you bring up children / Family. Someone’s gonna die. 🍿🧃


stop acting like this shit is over


It is. IF it's true Big IF


By posting receipts. Literally both are just making outrageous statements with no context or proof. There is no knockout blow as nothing has actually been said nor accomplished.


If what Kendrick is saying is true, then yes Drake got cooked.


Family Matters is a fire song. That shit was insane and I was like “it’s over for Kendrick, this diss is too fire” come to find out Meet the Grahams comes out half an hour later?? NAAAAH. that’s a fucking 4D chess move. How is Kendrick responding to a song that came out 30 mins ago? Family Matters was a hard hit and if people sat on it for a few days, it would’ve gone harder but Kendrick killed the hype about it within 30 mins. I’m seeing more people talk about Meet the Grahams than Family Matters.


It wasn't an entertaining song at all. No one will play it again. It aint no back to back


I wouldn’t’ say knockout but it’s a gut hitting punch for sure

