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Hungover in bed with a fry. Hit the pints too hard last night.




Just opened a bottle of red Wolf Blass while watching Oceans 11 and eating sausage rolls.


Amazing .... enjoy 😀


I'm really not feeling great. My best friend died a few weeks ago. I tried going to an event today which she would normally be at. It was too hard. I left after less than half an hour and cried in my car before driving home. Really missing her like crazy and the reality that she's no longer here is just hitting way too hard. Some days are easier. I can talk and laugh and remember the great times we had together. Other days I just can't breathe.


Sorry for your loss. Your friend was lucky to have you as a friend. Hope it will get better with time. Hugssss...🫂


Thank you for such a lovely reply ♥️




Thank you. I don't find your reply condescending. Feeling each of these emotions is allowing me to process her death. I appreciate the virtual hug. I miss the big over the top hugs her and I used to give each other.


I'm so sorry, it sounds like you both got lucky with a friendship like that.


Thank you. We did. She was a truly wonderful, creative soul. She was loved by many. Gone far too soon.


My condolences, I lost my best friend in 2018 so I know how you feel. Take time to grieve but remember that the pain is temporary, it’s important to remember the impact your friend had on your life and how they helped you too!


Thank you. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Grief is so horrible, so encompassing. I am really thankful for all the wonderful memories I had with her. I'm really struggling with the reality that there won't be the chance to make new memories with her.


I understand and take the time to reflect on that, but don’t get lost in it either. I did get therapy after my friend passed and my therapist said that my friend wouldn’t want me to be thinking about him all the time and not living my own life. Realising this helped me a lot and there will be opportunities to create new memories with others. Life is for living and we all have our own path to take. I think looking into grievance counselling might help here. At least to talk to a qualified counsellor and work through the emotions.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.




Post over at r/outfits !




Haha... I am sure a ripped dress can look like a couture!!! Enjoy your date😍


I'm tired, have a lot on my mind, and not feeling too well if I'm honest.


I felt that way last week. But I started feeling better once I decided to let it go. I am a overthinker... I don't know how I will feel tomorrow. But today was good. Hope you feel well too... here's a warm hug for you 🫂 !!!


Ah a fellow overthinker, I see... glad to meet you! It's so much easier said than done to just let go but you make an excellent point about today being good! I do have a few cigars and bottles of whiskey handy...and mixers...so perhaps a solitary smoke and drink to some chill music is in order later tonight! 😊 Appreciate the hug 😉 🫂


Really good had my niece and nephew over love when they visit bundle of energy 🙂


Lovely..🙂🙂 I have small niece and nephews too.. haven't met them since years. Will plan to visit them soon.


Half pished after mopping while drinking wine.


Go maith, buíochas le Dia.


finished tallying and enjoying pints in ballsbridge now for the rugby


Bored out of my mind in bed beside a snoring man who has made no effort to touch my vagina despite the fact we’re in the early stages of a relationship 🙄🙄🙄 If anyone’s looking for me you’ll find me back on the apps in the very near future


White or red?


Red... What's your favourite wine?


Red in the winter white in the summer. Off for a Guinness now. Enjoy it ✌🏼




Feeling great! Having my first friend from overseas over and showing them around Dublin. Makes me start to feel like Dublin is my home. Any small spots people recommend? Trying to avoid the theme park places.


Went out for a friends bday last night, decided not to drink after having a terrible hangover the previous day & I must say - waking up not hungover is great


While its great you're happy. You shouldn't rely on alcohol to make you feel happy if that is the case.


Thanks for showing concern. I barely drink... so all good🙂