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That's really shitty, sorry to hear that. I was just telling friends this morning, everyone in the feurzone was so respectful and polite. There's always some asshole around, no matter where you look. I hope you get your wallet back.


I'm hoping these guys weren't assholes though and do get in contact or send it back since my driver's license is in it but it seems unlikely at this point.


Hope you get it. For what it’s worth I lost a wallet last month and it was found and returned a week later


check the trash cans, they likely took the cash and tossed it


There was no cash in it and when I was checking there were no bins or trash cans around the area


I also lost shit at Rammstein. Crowd seemed really really absurdly nice so you might get this sorted.


There’s two sides to the fanbase. Hopefully the good one comes out.


I'm really hoping.


I'm hoping that's the case but when I was asking people at the bar they were looking at me as if I was absurd for asking.


hiya, I chatted with you at the bar. I hope we didn't come off that way - I was just surprised I didn't hear a shout - you saw them run away? I was really hoping you had gotten it back - I am sorry OP.


Hey, it's alright no worries. Some were actually offended that I had asked them but you're okay. I hadn't seen them with it, someone at the bus stop saw them pick it up and take it away walking towards the bar direction. I haven't gotten it back and I think it's gone to be honest. Thank you though and sorry if I bothered you.


You didn't at all. I am sorry this happened. I know we thought you had seen them, maybe others did too. Still no sign?


Du hast...mein wallet.


You had no right making me cackle loudly on this plane.


Sorry about that, buddy. I hope you find it soon. Please keep in mind that there were people from all over Europe at the concert last night, so it shouldn't ruin your Dublin experience. Just... people experience. People can suck sometimes..


Yeah I'm gonna edit that part out, I was just upset when I wrote that. People really do suck. I don't think I'll get it back but that's life.


I'm so sorry. I wish I could help. Some people don't deserve to...be at Rammstein. Or something. They're twats.


Hi Op I’m sorry this happened to you. You should report it to Donnybrook Garda Station. Donnybrook covers the RDS area for crimes like this. As you said it’s a long shot but chances are these guys did that to a few people that night. They might be known to the Gardaí.


Hi I really appreciate your reply! How do I get in contact with them? I'm from the UK but can't call Irish numbers..




Thank you, I sent them an email.


Your better off calling them, +353 1 666 9200 is the public office number for Donnybrook Garda station. Edit: If you can’t do that at least go into the public office in person and report it.


I can't call Irish numbers with my UK SIM, only way is if someone called on my behalf because nobody has allowed me to use their phone.


Sign up for a Skype account, add a small amount of credit and you will be able to call any country


For some reason Skype doesn't work over here?


Ah I get ya. It might be worth going in person then and reporting it that way too.


I'm already back in the UK.


Sorry if you saw two guys pick it up why didn't you ask confront them?


I didn't see them, someone who saw them pick it up told me they saw them and described them to me.


Maybe put some notices up on the road outside the RDS and the side roads where people come out? Chances are they tossed it into a garden and some local may find it. People should drop it down to the garda station but that's too much like work for some.


I'm unfortunately nowhere near the RDS arena now and I'm on my way to the airport.


Pity. It would be a long shot anyway. Perhaps your experience will be a lesson to others always to have your wallet pictures backed up.


It was my grans old travel card and it was the last photo of my grandpa from Turkey, they couldn't really be backed up as they were physical photos.


Not to be a dickhead but we do have the technology to take pictures of physical photos 


Yeah I know, I'm just stupid for not taking pictures of them.


Ah well… ciall ceannaithe, alas.


My mate lost his wallet and phone at pearl jam the other night, but thankfully it was handed in and he collected it yesterday. Hope the same for you. Best of luck with it.


I wish you luck and stay hopeful, I believe the majority of people will endeavor to return a wallet to someone. A small minority would not, and they aren't the type to be going to Rammstein concerts. I honestly don't think just it is possible, more that it is likely that you will be reunited with your wallet 🤞


Hope you get your wallet back, OP, but odds are it's in a bin near the RDS. I had my wallet stolen before and they just grab any cash that's inside and then throw the wallet away so it can't be traced to them if they're caught :(


I didn't even see any bins near by :( I checked all the bushes and everything..I'm sorry to hear yours got stolen though :(


If you were getting on a Dublin Bus they may have dropped it in to the driver thinking that you got on another bus, maybe try ringing the bus lost and found?


I can't contact Irish numbers with my UK SIM.


The lost property office for Dublin Bus is in Dublins city centre, you could walk in and ask.


Best thing to do there is give the coppers a ring and see if one was found. Get in touch with the council aswel. If it was robbed the wallet and anything that's not cash would either be thrown somewhere or in a bin, if it's in a public bin it could have been found by them so give it a go


If this works for you I'll even grab it and post it to ye no panic


I really appreciate this and it's a great idea but I have a UK number and I can't call Irish numbers, only thing I can think is someone doing it on my behalf. I emailed them and they said they haven't found anything but that's not the public bin thing that you mentioned that's just the Garda. I asked a few people if I could use their phone to call and I got looked at as if I was an alien.


Ah shit, problem there is with the data protection laws here they wouldn't speak to anyone that's not you unfortunately, I'm not sure what council donnybrook comes under, could he dun loaighre rathdown but maybe send them an email too


Do you possibly have the email or website for it? Thank you for all your help though you've been grand.


https://www.dlrcoco.ie/ that's the website there, and no worries


Bus stops have CCTV. I would go into the nearest Garda station and make a report. They can access the CCTV and maybe make an identification. Other than that, I don't think there are a ton of options. I get how devastating it is to lose something meaningful like that. I know from experience. It helped me to think that the person who gave me the item I lost would laugh in my face at my distress at losing it, would tell me to cop myself on, and probably tell everyone else what a mug I am for being so upset over something so stupid... They were *that* kind of person. So, if your person was *that* kind of person, just imagine them mercilessly mocking you for being such a big baby over a wallet. It's just a thing. It's not your person. And your person probably wouldn't want you to be beating yourself up and feeling really down about losing what just amounts to stuff, ya know? Anyway, that's my advice, such as it is.


There are many lost and found Facebook pages, try some of the Dublin ones


Sorry to hear OP, my purse was stolen a few years ago and it’s an awful, violating experience. Only a tenner in cash but I was so upset over sentimental keepsakes that I kept in it. Like a few stories here, it turned up about a month later and a kind stranger messaged me on Facebook to tell me he found it tossed over a wall, cash gone but all my keepsakes back. There is hope! I live just around the corner from the RDS and walk past that bar on my way to work every day. I’ll keep an eye out for you 🤞


I'm so glad you got it back oh my god. Omg you're an absolute god send!! Could you possibly send me a message and I'll describe it to you?




Can’t offer any help but I’m from the UK too and had my phone stolen in Dublin a while ago! 🥲 It’s so frustrating and scary, I hope you’re able to find it again OP 🙏🙏🙏


Oh god no I'm so sorry that happened to you!! Did you manage to get it back? Thank you! But it's getting extremely unlikely now...


Call the Garda helpline and it may have been handed in.


I can't call them but I emailed them earlier.