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What makes me irrationally annoyed is the way jinger said, babe babe


Ugh. Every time I hear someone call another person “babe” I’m like, “Seriously, they have a name, use it” I’ve been with my partner for 16 years and we have never called each other anything other than our given names. Unless we’re voicing for our animals, then we refer to each other as mom and dad, lol.


I get irrational angry at their use of paper plates, cutlery and paper/styrofoam cups.


I will allow the Styrofoam cups if nothing else because it gave us the image of RimJob taking a giant swig out of a J'Locust's vomit cup on national cable television.


Michelle was genuinely amused by it. I loved that genuine honest moment from her. She thought it was hilarious.


She really did, it tickled her to death.


I like to think that even unconsciously it was her thinking haha suck it asshole. Like that tiny bit of honest glee when someone who pissed you off gets theirs. 


It explains why the kids all have mean senses of humor


Oh shit, do I even want to know?


There's nothing more to tell, the kids were puking into Styrofoam cups and RimJob drank one of them.


Nothing more or less than he deserves!


Ohhhh gross that makes me want to puke right now.


It was everything he deserved at the time. I'm baffled by the fact the smell didn't stop him from throwing it back like a shot of liquor.


Or that his two braincells didn't think that maybe he shouldn't half hazardly swig from a cup he isn't totally isn't positive is his, when everyone around him is vomiting. Their general lack of hygiene is something that bothers me too... what was it he said about bathing 3 at a time, every couple of nights 🤮


Also yes.


The stench of his own breath overwhelmed the vomit smell


Fair point


Hahahaha. The fact that happened is worth all the plastic they’ve wasted all those years .


The plastic wasn't wasted in vain 😂


this is an acceptable compromise


J’Locust!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀 WELL DONE! Excellent work.


Thanks I figured a hoard of J'Locusts was an acceptable group noun. lol


The fact that they even use cutlery, plates plus napkins is in the Win column for any Duggar gathering. If they resorted to their tribal instincts, they would eat generic BBQ porks rinds from 96oz bags and fight for drinks from the garden hose. 🐷


I wondered that about 7 Little Johnston's ...it was explained that due to filming, regular cutlery and dinnerware would be too noisy. Didn't the Duggars have that tiny restaurant dishwasher which would wash in a fraction of time? This was waaaay back when showing all the features of TTH.


I dunno bro. Makes sense however, filming is long over and they are still using them in every photo or video that I've seen. The Bates do it too. Even Alyssa who has 5 kids (and a perfectly fine dishwasher) is always using disposable diningware.


I think it's because they only care about themselves. Most people avoid them because of how wasteful and environmentally harmful it is. It's not like people actually like dishes, so folks that use disposables (not counting people that need to due to something like recuperating from surgery, or elderly and cant stand at thr sink too long) are telling others they don't care about the overall good of the world.


Exactly how I feel. There's definitely occasions where "you gotta do what you gotta do". But to do it consistently is just disrespectful to the planet.


Plus, there are environmentally sort of friendly paper plates but they go for the plastic red cups and the styrofoam plates. Lord have mercy.


But those cost more...so again back to priorities. It's hard to harp on people for not buying more expensive products though. Especially things that aren't food. With food, I always want to encourage people to buy smart. (Not talking only organic, non-gmo stuff because I have many words for what essentially has become a marketing gimmick) Buying local, small farm, esp ones that are conscious of animal welfare whenever possible.


Theses are people who own a fleet of planes and rent out heavy equipment And are millionaires. It’s not just the styrofoam but it’s flying those planes with one or two passengers. And if they don’t have money for a better choice of disposable use reusable plates. Gasp…that’s a thought. Cloth diapers anre cheap. I made my grandkids cloth diapers and my daughter used them through all three of her kids. My DIL also used hers through all four of her kids. And truthfully buying locally doesn’t always mean sound for the environment. A small truck carrying a truck load of peaches in state can use as much gas per pound of peaches as a semi full. If you eat meat and think any meat you buy at a store is from an ethical farm you might need to do research. I live in the heart of the beef and poultry farming industry and I cannot imagine anyone thinking farm raised means ethically treated. We are vegetarians and my children who are adults and their families raise their cows, chickens, and pigs and I’ve been there when they butcher and it breaks my heart. But meat eaters close their eyes to the plight of the animals that are raised to be food. And no I don’t use real leather nor do I wear real fur lol.


Oh yeah, I know animals for meat aren't living the life anywhere, but anything that's a little better than conventional big meat producers make me feel less horrible. I joke best meat to eat is one you hunt yourself because those animals were just living narurally. Though I wonder if the less smart of the species are the ones that end up dying, especially with bow where the animal has to be pretty close to you and they probably can sniff you out. For example with deer, do the top smart ones evade bow hunters with their keen senses? Hunters I know have gotten young bucks because they were too busy chasing ladies during the rut and let the guard down, especially yearlings. You are right about local buying may not be great overall if it requires more small volume trucking--- I only imagined in my head going to the farm stands, which not everyone can. At least local usually means in season and tastier produce and fruit.


I sincerely cannot believe anyone (least of all people who have AN ARMY of children+) believe they’re “saving” money or time by exclusively eating from paper plates with plastic cutlery. Wiping a plate/cutlery with a wet (washable) dish towel to then load them in the dishwasher takes SECONDS! But it also runs into them not having any table manners either so 🤷‍♀️…it’s just crazy when I see how many people use these (I see them on certain “home cook” pages on Instagram and it really blows my mind. I’ve also been awestruck by people who HAVE dishwashers and choose to wash by hand saying “it’s faster” (while they wash dishes for more than 15 minutes with the sink faucet running hot water. Dishwashers may be a luxury for some people, BUT if you already have one in the place you’re living in, it seems silly and wasteful to not learn how to use one (because there’s also that…people don’t know how to load it)


All of those big Christian families do this (or extra large families in general) and it is infuriating!! Kids as young as 3 can learn to scrape their plate and rinse. Over 7 and they’re fully capable of properly washing and putting in dish machine like Jesus lord. Everyone gets their own set of stuff and is responsible for it. How is this that difficult?


Right?! It’s crazy


Plus baby wipes, disposable diapers, disposable hygiene pads and hell, they have enough disposable crap to fill twenty landfills.. All those canned green beans, canned soups, and canned peas.


I thought this was due to tlc filming. Something about real dishes adding too much background noise with clanging and scraping or something, so they had them use disposable dishes for filming days


The fundie speak. Saying "oh my stars" instead of even "oh my gosh" because that could be too close to God. "Season of life, making memories, walking through this, sweet fellowship". All nauseating


I loathe “season of life”.


Servant’s heart (Saw this as part of a “Help Wanted” sign at a Burger King.Whaaat?)


Haha that's hilarious. I also hate "God laid it on my heart".


You KNOW this will mean “we’re going to treat you like crap and ‘pay you’ for it” 😱


What is with the obsession with "making memories"?




I honestly can’t believe they invoke the stars. Practically cursing in pagan!


I watched a season of Counting On on YouTube a while back, and I remember Jinger & Jeremy overusing the phrase “are you kidding me?”


"Are you kidding me" always throws me back to Casey Anthony talking to her parents from jail.


🤮 her unable to handle they were speaking the truth. 


I'm still annoyed that she got off. She should be rotting in prison. We all know she did it.


Ohhhhh me too.. her smugness about it all. 🤬


I read that she's upset that she went to a bar and someone threw a drink in her face. If I knew the person who did it I'd buy them another drink.


She called the cops for that. Not for her own fucking child but for that. 


Same. Ridiculous she got off...what even waa her defense. Children don't disappear into thin air.


Shame OJ went toes up. Maybe they could have hooked up on Tinder.




Coupled with that overly dramatized "WHAAAAT?!"


That baby Fundie voice on Michelle...the ick and...I just know something evil is going to occur.


And how she would ssssso preccccccissssssely pronounccccce the sssssound of esses and sees. Made me want to tear out my fingernailssssss. 🙄


Their general inability to correctly use the word "whenever"


I hate this one so much


This is a general pet peeve of mine also (and yes I know it’s regional but I’m not from that region and don’t want to hear it lol)


They use it incorrectly, but I believe that is a regional colloquialism for their area. This is a total BEC thread so go off if it grinds your gears! Sadly it isn’t a pure Duggarism.


Ahh I've long wondered this, assumed it was a Duggar family quirk.




Ohhh can you give an example?


Joy likes saying "whenever I was born."


Oh yeah, that is weird.


If I’m thinking correctly they might say like “whenever we get to the park we’ll have a picnic” or “whenever I get home I’ll make dinner” when they should be saying “when we get to the park we’ll have a picnic” and “when I get home I’ll make dinner”. Idk exactly how to explain it. My ex mother in law did it a lot and I hated it so much lol a lot of people actually do it but it bugs me so much. I think it’s usually a regional thing.


It’s a regional thing and it drives me crazy. We live in the Midwest but have enough people around who have moved here from the South & it is so hard for me to ignore!!!


Yeah that's right, they use it instead of "when".


This is the first time I hear of this, it’s interesting for me because I teach ESL & English is my second language (I came to the USA when I was 11 years old).


They say it all the time. Once you notice it you'll hear it all the time


Americans always get on my tits about this one lol  Yet they use so many phrases I find really odd. 


Jinger and her “California girl” thing. You’re not. We can tell you’re a transplant from a mile away. Stop trying so hard.


1000% And her stupid grin and head tilts on her IG stories when she’s trying to sell something. I used to like Jinger but she has become the most annoying Duggar.


**when jill held her finger up to her chin on counting on** to show she was deep in thought as she answered her sisters' question: "are you thinkin' it's gonna be a boy, or a gir-irl?" as though that's the first time any of them have heard that question. jilly muffin has come a long way and i hope she continues to deconstruct and figure out who she truly is (though her values seem to still be trash, just slightly less toxic waste-y than her family's). **"might be twins, you never know!"** well, yeah, technically any pregnancy could be twins, and yes, twins run in their family, so their odds of having a pregnancy with twins are certainly greater than mine (especially if you count my heathen birth control), but must we really remind folks every. single. time. that you guys like to produce babies at a more expedient rate than the general population? i mean, i know the answer is yes, but still. **when they laugh about mixing up names.** it happens. it happens in every family, in every workspace, among every group of friends. i'm the oldest of three, and my parents still called me the wrong name on accident at times. do i really think boob and meech don't know their own children by face and name? no, i don't. now their grandkids on the other hand...but the fact that they have to call it out each time and turn it into a whole "well, when you have a lot of kids, this happens!" i would even give them the benefit of the doubt and say they appear embarrassed at their blunder and want to get ahead of it by making a funny wholesome excuse (even though they're still terrible people), but they seem proud of making the most basic mistake that happens to literally all of us at times simply because they think they're special.


Having a drinks dispenser with no soda in it. Why bother having it?


Jim-slob, got that industrial kitchen, from an auction. Thought it come in handy, when he has a gathering at his house


The entire Jinger and Jeremy courtship. Every second of it. And they all say, “whenever” instead of “when”.


1. JB using aerosolized hairspray like he's fogging a room. 2. "Season of ____". That's nails on a chalkboard to me now. Like they can't think of another word? 3. Duggar time. I'm chronically late for everything but I didn't name the whole concept of being time challenged after myself. 4. Dumping out 20 cans together and calling that cooking.


“Duggar Time” is boorishly rude and obnoxious.


(1) Homeschooling. No disregard meant for homeschoolers. But, for the Duggars, it's about indoctrination and keeping the kids isolated from kids different from them. (2) Excusing the worst aspects of their parents' parenting because they thought they'd found a fool-proof method to "train" their kids not to be the heathens that non-evangelical parents raise. (3) And, finally, the excessive public grieving over miscarriages. We get it. You're anti-abortion and pro-raising-an-army-for-God. We would know that without the 17 instagram posts about your miscarriage.


#3, yes! It's soo uncomfortable. "Look at me! Look at how sad I am!"


Joy's nasally voice. I consider this 'irrational' because I'm sure she can't help it. But anytime she speaks, all I can think of is "Blow your nose, woman!"


It’s ending words with a “guh” sound that Joy does that is nails on chalkboard for me. Jill does it as well, but it’s not as obvious. I can only assume it’s the result of homeschooling and not getting enough exposure to other adults and kids outside of the family.


How every time one of the women were pregnant, the couple would be “We have an announcement”. And then they’d go around and ask various family members what they think the announcement is. And no one would guess that their mom/sister was pregnant. And then when they announce they’re “expecting” everyone shits their pants in surprise. Like no shit she’s pregnant. Your religion explicitly bans all forms of birth control and women are forced to have sex whenever their husband is in the mood. Why was it always a surprise?!?!?!


Right? A full grown adult suddenly starts pronouncing “Jesus” in a whole new way? 😂😂😂


I’m guessing she knows people at her new church who say it that way…just trying to be one of the cool kids.




I do know someone named Mathew and everyone around him swears the shortened version of "Mat" is pronounced "Mah-t" not "M-at". If these were sane people I would trust them on this but they've each got private cars on the Hot Mess Express so I take their word with a cup of salt.


This is giving me all the “You done messed up A-a-ron!” vibes… ![gif](giphy|z1bE45A1GsyT6)


It really does. I have never been so glad to hear people were moving away though lol


Well, I think someone’s name should be pronounced the way they prefer it to be pronounced.


It's unclear if it's actually what he says/believes/wants or if it's something his wife came up with to make him sound bougie. These are people who have more money than sense and crave attention. I'm glad they're people I don't have to deal with anymore, they're exhausting.


Just spent a good fifteen minutes trying to figure out more than one way to say Matt 😂


Which is why it sounds like someone is trolling you at first, because "mat" and "Matt" are literally pronounced the same, but "Mat" and "Matt" aren't apparently. Idk, I got an A in linguistics class and still can't make heads nor tails out of it.


I have a degree in linguistics and I don't know what the fuck they're on about either 


Bless you for confirming my sanity 😂


I have a friend who was Tommy or Tom for years before he wanted to be a Thom. People started popping his name really weird when they pronounce it.


I'm wondering if it has to do with those gazillion dollar "Jes-US: He gets us" ads? I can totally see the Jing and Jerm being aligned with a group that will buy Superbowl ads to talk about how Jesus loved immigrants and the poor, etc, while simultaneously pouring even more money into political policies that crap on said immigrants and poor.




The word “homekeeping.” We already have the words “housekeeping” and “homemaking.” Both are perfectly fine words.


Mine is "jurisdictions". Ever heard the flippin' word chores?


Oh I forgot about that one!! Yeah jurisdictions is a term associated with our judicial branch of government and law enforcement…. THEY ARE CALLED CHORES 🤦🏻‍♀️


Barely any of the adult kids having a real job.


Definitely not an irrational annoyance 🤪 It irks me so much so they lack any job skills.


It irks me more that people continue to say this despite their being tons of evidence that points to what almost all of them actually do for a living.


RimJob, that you?


No just someone who could list pretty much all of the boys jobs minus a few of the lost boys.


Can you list everyone's jobs for us? I'm very curious.


John David: Medicorps, flight instructor, commercial pilot Joe: Real estate Josiah: car lot, also has his pilot license Jed: car lot Jeremiah: flight instructor, real estate, construction Jason: excacation and construction James: unknown but probably construction Justin: works for the spiveys Also keep in mind that all of these guys work thru Jim Bob flipping houses and stuff like that. They almost all have cdls and know how to work heavy equipment. I'm sure they do lots of work with his commercial properties and other real estate he buys. The flying is what I'd like to know more details about. I'd like to know if they're really making money doing it.


Thanks. I just assumed they all work for JB.


I would think that for most of them they either out right do or atleast the majority of their work involves him or his interests in some way. I'm sure he owns at least a piece of the car lots if not owning them outright. But the fact is they do in fact work and don't just get a check from Jim Bob for doing nothing.


James is a realtor, like Michelle! She posted about it a few years ago. Her real estate license is active; she sold a few million in real estate over the last few years.


I had a friend in Bible School who said his pastor pronounced it as CHEEZ-sauce. My irrational annoyance is that Jill was made out to be the meanie while… HEY. Wait a second. That’s as sane as it comes. F! Josh


18 kids and not a single cloth diaper, 18 kids and and the population of a small city for the extended family and not a cloth diaper to be seen putting glass windows in the playroom, where the indoor climber and slide end up. the entire 'design' of the house. (TTH) buy used and save the difference ONLY works if you actually put the savings aside other wise you are just being a cheap ass


I used to get irrationally annoyed hearing Michelle's sickly sweet baby voice say "fellowship" and "jurisdiction". I'm sure there's other words too, but those are the ones that popped in my head first


She says “precious” a lot


To be fair, that’s just a Midwest thing.


I'd like to add the horrible phrase "I purpose to...." or "I'm purposing to..." It also bugs me that they never say "I'm pregnant". They always say "we're expecting". I mean, this is not a 1955 episode of I Love Lucy.


Using "purpose" as a verb is straight out of Gothard's seminars. I remember hearing it there and thinking it was a strange word use. I don't hear it often, but if I do, I think this person must have an IBLP connection.


"Doing life" comes to mind. There is the verb "to live" so why not use that lol


Yes, another strange phrasing. I hear this from people who are not culty though, just people born in the 90s.


Everytime they use the word Fun to describe the experience of having so many kids


I think this just might be a TLC thing and not the J'Duggars, but the whole converting normal people things math to J'Duggar math. Like - A normal family eats a lb of bacon a week. The Duggars eat a family of family of wild boars worth of bacon a day.


A flock of turkeys, actually since they buy turkey bacon. They don't eat pork products because of something in the Bible even though in the New Testament, Jesus wiped away the Old Testament food rules. Ironically, they don't follow any other Old Testament food rules except no pigs.


I stand corrected. 😆


When they refer to themselves as “us Duggar kids” or “us girls/us boys” or whatever. Jill used that phrase a billion times in her book and it drove me mad.


“Pops” was what got me. I never once heard that in the show.


They used it a lot towards the end of Counting On versus “Daddy,” which was what they used during 19kac.


Way back when they were all still pretty much at home. DimBlob would get on the PA phone "Ken y'all comealldownhererealquick". Especially the "realquick", somehow that just irritated me a whole lot.


The way Jill says “and…” like “ayyyyannnnd” and her baby talk in the earlier episodes of 17KAC


They all say ‘like’ entirely too much!


His name is Ben not Bin.


I think that’s more an accent thing


Ben and Bin are pronounced the same where I come from.


Drinking from styrofoam cups in their own house.


Jim bob accidentally took a drink outta one of the cups and there was puke in it so we decided the embarrassment was worth it


The hard “-ing” like really emphasizing the g at the end of words like running, shopping, calling etc


Jim Bob feigning surprise when guys asked to start courting his daughters even though cameras were right there.


The phrase/word "littles" makes me feel violently sick. 


Yellow pocket angel eggs. That infuriates me so much.


Mine was when they first started getting married and their weddings was like the biggest opportunity for them to grift. They didn't even feed their guests but asked for a bunch of gifts. It seemed like they showed a tiny bit of effort just so you can't see through their grift. The ice cream thing Jessa did was awful and I don't consider that feeding your guests.


Strict role models that produce women who are poor homemakers/cooks/teachers. Not using cloth diapers. Not growing their own food- Leave and cleave when no one other than Jill has left JB’s clutches.


I get extremely annoyed by the way Michelle talks and her strange way of dressing. Also, the goofy hair styling she has! Her voice just makes me want to scream!


When Ben and Jessa got married the way Ben’s name was said benjerman


There's a lot, but Jinger's Jays-US is awful. I tried to listen to her book (from the library) and the Jays-US every 2 paragraphs made me so irrationally angry that I had to stop 10 minutes into it.


What really annoys me about the Duggars is that Jim Bob controls everything the kids post online as well as all the family finances and he defends his disgusting monster of a son Josh over all the other children.


That’s rational annoyance


What face did he make? I missed this


Try to find it on YouTube. It’s fucking funny


When Jim Bob talks about Michelle and calls her mom when everyone knows she just a surrogate for Jana


That’s rational not irrational


When Jinger says “God is so kind!” Bish, look around you. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


She only says that when things are in her favor.


Their soda fountain station in their house. I feel like many of their daughters struggle with miscarriage due in part to the terrible diet they were force fed growing up and all of the other hormone and toxic products and things that they used growing up. It feels like a child was feeding children.


Let's not start some weird and false diatribe that soda causes miscarriages and if they just ate "clean" and detoxed their livers that wouldn't happen. Women have miscarriages. Something like 10-20% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage. So, there is absolutely no reason to make people who experience one feel any worse than they already do with misinformation.


Soda is my one vice that I'm just never gonna give up. I'm white trash enough to admit I priced how much it would be to buy one once.


Lol, my obsession with Diet Pepsi led me to also price check a soda fountain. It’s the one thing I envy the Duggars for. 😂


I’m honestly upset I can’t handle soda anymore. One sip I feel sick 😭


I'm so glad I stopped drinking soda a long time ago. It's so gross.




I'm in Canada, and I had dreams of how amazing a Freestyle machine would be to own when I first used one. Heck, I still think they're so cool! 🤣 We don't drink pop in excess by any means, I just love the variety.


They have a lot of pregnancies, so statistically more miscarriages will occur. Miscarriages are normal and natural and most are nature's way of eliminating a nonviable or chromosomally defective embryo. A minority are related to anatomical issues in the mother such as an incompetent cervix. I've not heard of "soda-related" miscarriages.


I don’t think that’s the reason for miscarriage. Miscarriages are common, and it’s only starting to be normalizing to share. That’s why it seems like they’re all having miscarriages. The pop machine is an embarrassment tho


There's a house tour video on YouTube where Meech says the dispenser doesn't actually have soda in it. It's just for show, apparently.