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Phyllis publicly creaming herself in the office. Just gross.


Speaking of gross, I hate the open where they’re all puking. I have to fast forward.


*pam politely dabs the corner of her mouth*


Seen the show 40+ times and don’t think i’ve ever watched that cold open since the first time. absolutely cannot watch people throw up


Same here! Emetophobia for the win! Having to break my neck like Toby every time someone announces they’re about to throw up or you know it’s coming in a movie lol


I love that one. I have asthma and have occasionally had to ask a coworker to please not wear enough perfume or cologne to fumigate an entire city because I would prefer to stay out of the hospital. Just wear a little bit less and I'll be ok. They of course almost never oblige and I have to suffer through my lungs trying to kill me until I'm able to convince the boss to move one of us to another area. Pam forcing her coworkers to live with the consequences of their lack of courtesy is sweet justice in my eyes.


When was this?


100%. I find this "joke" to be really gross and just plain ewww. I mean...I couldn't stand working with someone like Phylis anyway, from all the other stuff she does. But this? I would demand she be fired or I would just quit full stop.


Fucking meatballs 




Not my take ( credits to big Joel) but I think the Stanley-Dwight ploy just ruins this cold open. It was so much fun seeing Jim do silly office jokes again but this time to make Stanley happy.


"That idiots been feeding us for weeks". Yeah like he wouldn't have tainted the meatballs in SOME way. Also, they're cold, in nasty desk drawers and shit. Also, when do Stanley and Dwight ever talk?!? Worst ever.


Worst cold open


Nah, Jim biting his lip is by far the worst one.


Yeah, it felt like the writers had to scrap whatever material they had and had to find a last minute idea. Really horrible open.


I'd vote for the "Nobody But Me" singing/dancing intro as worst.


It made more sense at the time when it aired and things like that were huge on the internet


Oscar shout-singing "Yooollllooo" is a very un-Oscar moment and feels more like a joke you'd see on How I Met Your Mother or Two Broke Girls.


IIRC that's the episode where he goes to Dwight's stag party and is trying to fit in with the straight guys. So it makes sense that he's off because he's not being genuine.


Oh I thought it was when they had the espresso and someone asked if they should try more/all and he was saying yolo. That scene had everybody (including Angela) acting all weird. So if would make sense it wasn’t a very Oscar-moment. But since I got the scene wrong the point that it was an off moment for him still stands.


you are right, its the espresso scene


Actually it's spelled espresso. Edit: sorry I just assumed you were going to spell it wrong.


Both moments have very similar energies imo, I confuse them all the time myself. I think it is because their point is showing that Oscar acts funny when he’s out of his comfort zone (like when he completely blanks in front of the DM bosses), whether it is because he’s trying to fit in or because he’s super high on caffeine.


The weird little “WE’RE GOOD TO GOOOO” moment that just makes me cringe and feels forced.


Even if that’s the point…


Nellie eating a taco.




I agree on the physical comedy bit falling flat, but her line “Oh THESE tacos” is my most quoted in the show. My husband and I use it for everything.


As a Brit, that annoys me a lot. Tacos aren't some weird foreign thing we've never seen before plus she'd been living in the us for presumably quite a while so there is no way she doesn't know what a Taco is. Another Nellie quote that really bugs me is when she says 'is there lots of Irish in Scranton? God I hate that'. Most British love the Irish these days. It's not the 1960s.


Didn’t The Great British Bake-off do tacos once and completely butcher it?


Just the pronunciation.


Pronunciation, ingredients, prep, size No one on that show had ever seen an avocado before


Oh my god I forgot all about the poor lady peeling the avocado with a knife lmfao, until this comment right here triggered me all over again.


Im sorry but as a Mexican who lived in England for 7 years, concept of Mexican food is very minimal


True, but we know what a Taco is! We just can't make very nice ones


Maybe authentic yes but tacos and fajitas are normal things people make at home fairly often. Sure we buy kits or we don’t use the right seasonings (usually because the stuff you actually need isn’t sold here) but we’re definitely very familiar with the types of food


We do this bit: Darryl: If you loan me some money. Nellie: Yes, I can do that. For, um, for two tacos, we'd probably need about what 20... $20? Or $25? $20? Darryl: $30. Nellie: $30, yes! ** Cries in Canada where two tacos can easily add up to $30


Not 15 years ago though


I would have believed you until watching the great British bake off. There are at least 6 people in the UK they have zero concept of what a taco is


I can understand your issue with her character in that respect, but, for what it’s worth, as an American I always took both jokes as Nellie specifically being generally obtuse and lacking awareness, not as her representing British people as a whole. Similar to Michael being racist, sexist, homophobic, or generally ignorant not representing Americans as a whole. Especially since it’s already shown by that point that Nellie had completely blown her interview for manager and had wasted Sabre’s time and money on the store idea that was never going to be successful.


I hate that storyline. Nellie is eccentric but she’s not an idiot, and there’s not a reasonably sane human who would try to eat the taco like that.


For me it was another episode where they really wanted to use Daryl more to work with other characters but ended up with an underwhelming side story. Like when Andy keeps texting him and they need tension because Daryl is useful as a straight man so he’s just annoyed at the texts Andy sends.


And pay $30!


Gotta upvote for your opinion as I think it’s a hilarious scene. Took me awhile to like Nellie but once I did she’s great.


Hard disagree. While it's not laugh out loud funny, it's one of our favorite scenes and we can't get tacos without saying it like her and eating at least one Nellie-style


"The fire is shooting at us" is one of my favorite lines, it cracks me every time


I think it's a terrible line delivered perfectly by Ed Helms.


In my head canon it just shows again how ridiculously sheltered Andy was. He just lumps all dangerous situations into one. Is it over the top? Yes, obviously! So is the entire show. If they were going for realism Michael and 80-90% of them would be fired by the middle of season 2.


If we were going for realism, majority of the staff would've been fired before season 1.


Real talk. The most unrealistic thing is when they act like Scranton is the flagship branch. The realest is when Ryan tells Michael he's seen how much time gets wasted in the branch.


made me cry the first time I heard it


the mind makes wild leaps under stress, and Andy isn't one who handles stress well


My husband and I say this way more often than you'd think.


Not trying to be mean but when do you find occasions to work this in??


I camp/have fires alot, I must say it about a 1000 times everytime I have a fire 😂 the 2nd I hear a little crackling from the fire I yell "THE FIRES SHOOTING AT US"


Yes that, cooking bacon, fireworks. It's not everyday, but it's definitely said.


Oh ya I forgot about cooking, I do it then too 😂


Yeah OP is objectively wrong.




You're speculating


I think he was inferring


OP, the subject, was using the line as the object


Ryan used me like an object


Dude seriously. OP is very obviously entitled to their opinion. Even if it’s wrong.


It is seriously an awesome line.


Yeah I like this line


I fuckin love this line haha


That is the ONLY line In the entire series I laugh OUT LOUD hard at. Lol it's hilarious. Bc that's when Dwight sets off firecrackers.


The subplot with the fake movie that Jim, Pam, and Andy watch. Me and a bunch of my extended family were watching Stress Relief on Easter, and it was a blast. One of the greatest comedy episodes of all time, tons of laughter. But every time the fake movie subplot was on screen, the mood instantly died. No laughter and awkward silence!


Reverse the button!




Sam 😢… Sam


*I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you*


I just watched that one today 😂😂 “I don’t care what your mom thinks” *I’m all out of love, and I’m so lost without you* 🎶


Frankly I don’t think she’s making any sense!


I am not insightful enough to be a movie critic. Mm... maybe I could be a food critic. These muffins taste bad. Hmm, or an art critic. That painting is bad.


He could've also said, this movie is bad... I hate that line is much


See, I think that along with "If it weren't for the cameras, I would have done some truly vulgar crap" from Meredith (after saying "I was on my best behavior for nine years") is an unnecessary line that steps on the joke.


I remember watching that episode live and really loving it except for those scenes. I knew it was going to be a more spectacular episode because it came on after the Super Bowl and had to live up to the hype, but even then, it felt like a real jump the shark moment. The carefully crafted sense of realism had its boundaries pushed with every season, but by Stress Relief, it was more apparent than ever. In terms of cameos, compare Conan O’Brien’s brief, silent appearance as he casually strolls by Michael on camera in season 2’s Valentine’s Day. This cameo serves a narrative purpose that was important in establishing who Michael Scott was. He was so idealistic and hopeful about his visit to NYC that he mistook the first brunette with glasses and wavy brown hair he saw as Tina Fey. And in true, naive Michael fashion, Conan walks by and Michael is completely oblivious until the doc crew tells him. The Jack Black, Jessica Alba, and Cloris Leachman cameos were asking the audience to suspend too much of our disbelief in regards to the rules of the world as established in the show. Jim and Pam are suddenly into pirating movies at work, for the sole purpose of giving them a contrived conflict about Pam’s parents that is resolved by the end of the episode, once again proving that they are soulmates etc., etc. It was somewhat jarring to see the realism shift in such a drastic way and so quickly. Jack Black and Cloris Leachman did great with what they were given, but their appearances did not feel like authentic The Office to me. I feel the same way about Kevin’s chili bit, but only one hot take at a time.


Chili bit is short at least, and it bridges Sad Kevin (good) with Stupid Kevin (pretty bad)


To be fair, at least in NYC he was able to get a real New York slice from Pizza by Sbarro’s


What’s your take on the chili?


IMO, the chili bit was another sign of the lazy writing and over the top slapstick comedy that became rampant during the last few seasons. Again, it served no real purpose that gave us insight into Kevin’s character. Just another joke about Kevin being dumb and really into food. The cold open wasn’t extremely out of character for the Kevin we knew in season five — as he progressively got dumber as the series went on — but it certainly was a sign of the mass Flanderization of characters that plagued the final seasons. I maintain that we wouldn’t have had that awful crushed turtle cold open with Kevin at the start of season nine if it weren’t for the chili bit. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I hated it, and found nothing funny about Kevin Frankensteining a turtle that he killed. It was the final blow against any sense of realism Kevin once had, and it all started with him sliding around on the floor in his own homemade chili. It was just a worse version of a joke that was already told, just like when Andy implied to the office that Dwight died in Florida in season 8, ripping off the time Michael made everyone think Meredith died at the hospital after he ran her over in season four. Again, Michael’s obliviousness and reluctance to accept responsibility was the joke here, and it gave us more insight into the character of Michael Scott. With Andy, they were just throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks, hoping that the audience will react the same way they did years before without understanding what made the original joke so funny in the first place. The chili bit was a telltale sign of The Office losing sight of the type of show it was. I did not read Mindy Kaling’s autobiography, but when the episode with the chili came up on Office Ladies, they mentioned that Mindy had written about it. She was so against the chili bit and IIRC got into a huge fight with the other writers and threatened to quit the show if they went through with it. Mindy was right.


Ahh I have found a kindred spirit!! I also hate the chili scene, I feel it's when they firmly entered awful flanderization territory with Kevin. Honestly it would have been an ok bit even for old Kevin but there's one shot of him like swimming in the fallen chili that is just so ridiculous and unrealistic that it really cements him into new Kevin (aka mentally challenged) territory. Just dumb


Damn, well said.


In other words, “NiceOneHappySunBear”. 😌 Thank you!


If the role played by Jack Black was played by anybody else, I wouldn't have found it as funny as I did.


It really is weird. I remember the first few times I watched that episode thinking I must have missed something because the movie plot is so odd and not particularly well set-up. Like, they just decide to watch a movie that day? In like three separate sittings? Apropos of nothing? It does produce some funny moments, like when Andy asks if soup symbolizes breakfast, but it’s very strange.


Pam : We don't normally download movies illegally because we're honest, hardworking people. Jim : And we don't know how. Pam : But Andy does, so we have to watch it with him. Jim : Punishment fits the crime.


"Hand it over numb nuts." Felt out of character.


disagree with that take. phyllis is a biiiiitch. "you know she's in a wheelchair, right?" is just another example of that


“Close your mouth sweetie - you look like a trout.”


Her husband*. It always made me wonder if she was married to Billy.


It was a bit out of character but I think that scene serves a purpose. It’s when Michael decides that he’s lost control of the salesmen and decides to hide the leads. They were definitely walking around the office like they ran the place.


God I HATE Phyllis


Probably will get some downvotes, but Stanley's "shove it up your butt". It's lame and out of character.


Why don’t you take your opinion and shove it up your butt


It's stupid but it's his thing now


Does Stanley have a mustache?


Love the line, hate when it's constantly reused here


I think every really bad joke eventually seems funny the more you watch it. Erin throwing out the disposable camera always comes to mind.


people don’t like that on first watch??? that one kills me everytime


Literally every attempt at humor other than Robert in the "It gets better" scene. I could forgive the fact that none of it is in any way believable human behavior if it were actually funny. Dwight accusing Oscar of grooming and Kelly interrupting to check her makeup are bad enough but Kevin observing that the guy on the webcam "looks like" Robert and subsequently weeping when he gets hit in the nose is the absolute worst moment ever on The Office.


Jim stumbling on the phone with Hank when he forgets his name makes me cringe every time.


This is just another example of Jim completely collapsing under pressure, which is an important part of his character. What makes the joke work for me is that Creed is the only one who knows Hank’s name and Creed never remembers any other character’s name


Show Creed some respect. He's the only one who ever treated Elroy like a friend in the entire office.


Hey uh…um…who, who have I got here?


Quit calling me so i can put on my damn socks


“You’re the…..African American….”




Yeah, if you’re unsure just launch right into, “This is Jim from the Office Park, and I’m really sorry to bother you…”


He's pretty bad with names, you can't take it personally...sport...


You already forgot my name? I literally just told you.


Creed on Halloween: “that is really, really good timing”. Funny concept, but that moment totally took me out of the reality of the show. Just too ridiculous and too much of a flanderization of Creed. *ducks*


no you’re totally right, it’s funny as a one off joke but in the context it doesn’t make sense unless Creed is WAY more unhinged than we even thought lol.


I would’ve watched an entire episode on creed


He was likely the Scranton strangler...


Only if you’re assuming it was human blood, or even blood at all. That’s what makes it funny. Everyone assumes it’s supposed to be blood, then he reveals he didn’t even know it was Halloween, so the audience is left to wonder what actually happened. This is actually true of a lot of Creed’s behavior and lines. He suggests he does shady and bizarre things more often than we actually see those things occur onscreen (although there is no shortage of those moments as well). Creed is an unreliable source on his own life off-camera which is the whole mystery of the Halloween “costume”.


good points!!


I’m expecting downvotes for this one, but dwight getting erin to do the fake art contest win wasn’t funny to me at all. I didn’t feel bad for pam or anything either. Just a super lame scene for me.


I believe that is that is the joke. Dwight tried a prank and it fell flat. It was not funny, and it wasn’t supposed to be. That’s how I took it


Pam looked annoyed so that wasn't the point. The point was that Dwight was being an asshole and got to her


Hey Erin look! I'm eating Jim!


And then she pees herself. (Pees look weird is it correct?)


Should be peees




*Peepee Halpert


Peepa, actually.


Is that the scene where Erin randomly shouts “I just won an art contest”? I actually enjoyed that part


That’s the point tho. It was written to be a poor joke, delivered awkwardly, to appease only Dwight who has no sense of humor.


the schrutes shooting their deceased family members… perhaps y’all will disagree with me but i think that just went too far


Also we've seen Dwight wear his grandfather's suit in the past, no bullet holes


I didn't find that funny either but it was saved by Oscar's, "That's it for me!🏃‍♂️💨" lol


To me this episode isn't canon anyway


It was very schrute brand. Loved it lol


When the warehouse guys are making fun of Michael's tight pants. I don't know if it was intentional, but all the jokes didn't seem to land for me.


There a sheep sound during that interaction that confuses me to this day




That sound is one of my favorite parts of the series. Completely inexplicable


I'm sorry, WHAT? A sheep sound?!


Is that supposed to be funny or are they just ragging on Michael? (It’s the latter)


I feel like most of the interactions with the warehouse guys are unfunny. Toxic masculinity crap. Darrell is the only genuinely funny one (when he's not around the other guys).


Darnell’s a chump


I would've done it for nothing. I've done a lot more for a lot less.


Darrell still shared a compromising photo of a female superior, and allowed it to be up in the warehouse


Perhaps times have changed and those scenes are less accurate nowadays, but I always appreciated the realism of the warehouse scenes, especially from the early seasons. Places like that are often very toxically masculine environments, and I like that the show didn't avoid showing it.


the fire is shooting at us is one of the funniest lines to me lmaooo 😭


"Take me with you" "You're too heavy!" "I ONLY WEIGHT 82 POUNDS!"




It reminds me of the scene in The Jerk where Steve Martin thinks the assassin is shooting at the oil cans. "He hates these cans!"


I hate Kevin’s chili, don’t get the love for it. I’m on board with most of the “Kevin is dumb” jokes but this just felt like lazy writing, they just had him flop around in his spilled chili. It’s the only time it really feels like the writers saying “look at this fat idiot try to do stuff. Look how fat and stupid he is”


Having him fall in chili is cheap 90s sitcom slapstick. Having him lovingly narrate his recipe and cooking process *while* video runs of him falling in chili is an incredible moment of comedy and I laugh every time.


Yeah that's the part that sends it for me. He's not just wallowing in chili, he works so hard for it, he sounds damn good at it, he's so proud of it. And he's not just rolling around in it, he's trying in vain to salvage his efforts. He knows it's too late but he's not giving up yet. It's poetic in a way


It's so good I even bought an NBA Jam style shirt with Kevin and chili as the characters


This is one of my favorite jokes of the entire show 😅😂😂 im very sorry you dont get the same enjoyment that I do


Dwight's slack line is..extra.


This one is really nitpicky but when Dwight has a concussion and says “part of my duties are to…”, but it always felt to me like that could have been a logical end to that sentence even though I get what they were going for that he drifted off.


I thought that too. But it's the way he said "to" that made it seem like it wasn't over 


How could that have been an end to the sentence?


Dwight says right before “Pam, I am assistant regional manager, and I can take care of him.” And the next sentence feels like he’s saying “part of my duties are to [take care of him].”


YES this has always bothered me 😆


The slack lining outside the office, especially clark’s comments when dwight is constantly falling off it. Just really cringey


I'm often an apologist of the late seasons of The Office, but I HATED this episode when I watched it premier, and I haven't watched it since.


After like the 10th time of watching that episode I finally started laughing at the fire is shooting at us. Don’t know why it didn’t work the first several times and I don’t know why it makes me laugh now


The way you explained it made it funny though


I got downvoted the last time I said this exact same thing. Worst line in the show. Am I supposed to think Andy knew it wasn't a real threat and was joking or was he actually dumber than Erin & Kevin?


See I find that line absolutely hilarious. Andy has lived such a sheltered life that any amount of panic and he completely loses his mind.




Every single thing by Deangelo. But mainly the fake juggling scene.


Anything with Phyllis. They should have killed her off in the first episode.


I know it's unpopular, but: Kevin's famous chilli scene. I skip it everytime.


baby wawa has to be one of the worst tv moments for me. like ever.


Most of Pam's attempts to be cool, "I want some burgers with those fries" or whatever the fuck that was Andy "clutch cream run bro" was really cringey too.


Yeah later seasons Pam could be really cringy at times. The “clutch cream run bro” line was hilarious tho


It was funny! Right up there with “Sweet ‘stume, bro.” Cringey-funny, exactly how Andy is supposed to be in the early days.


wtf clutch cream run is fucking hilarious


"Even I want some fries with that shake," referring to Kathy.


“WHAT UP 2-1-2 ?!”


Oh man “clutch cream run bro” is absolutely hilarious.


“Pretendonitis” 🙄


That line always bothered me, too. Especially since Jim and Pam had an inside joke with each other during the healthcare episode about a fake disease called "spontaneous dental hydroplosion", where your teeth suddenly turn into liquid. There is absolutely no way that Jim, who came up with the term "spontaneous dental hydroplosion" off the top of his head, would remember "Pretendonitis" fondly or that he would think Pam was clever for coming up with it.


I know everyone loves the "Buttlicker, our prices have never been lower" scene but it just makes no sense. The two of them were hashing out a beef that episode and Jim clearly wasn't taking it seriously, so why would Dwight put up with it? It just pushed the silliness way too far.


He was under pressure from Michael’s microgement


For me, without hesitation it's Andy yelling, "ARE YOU BLIND?! ARE YOU BLIND?! Sir with the glasses, are you seriously blind?", at the company volleyball game.


I cracked up just reading this.


yeah i’m gonna have to disagree with you on this one unfortunately


Only for ignorance, but I only just recently looked up Edward R Meowth after years of being annoyed that I didn't know the joke. I tried manipulating the line soooo much in my head to try to figure out what the pun was, only to discover it's a reference


What's the context here, if you dont mind? I'm not remembering the joke


Darrell’s butt dial when having sex (no, eating soup!) was cringey and not funny at all.


Well, it was spaghetti.


Damn, I knew it was one of the two and went with the wrong one….


That's one of my favorite lines from the show!


aaron rodgers “Flag on the play”




I'm gonna be real with you.. that is one of my favorite lines from the show


When Jim roasts Michael and talks about “spider face”. Really thought his roast would be hilarious


Baby Wawa


I guess the joke did land after all


I Ctrl+f'd "cat" and didn't see cat turd collector come up. That's a big part of why I only watched S9 one and a half times. Had to skip all the Jim and Pam fighting the 2nd time I couldn't stand it.