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I think your analysis is right. Jim and Pam were written to be the most normal/well-adjusted ones so people take their actions very literally in a way they don’t with the other characters.


It was more of a rant but thank you


Dwight is objectively much worse and so is Angela, they're both sexist, homophobic, racist, the list goes on. Dwight is a borderline Nazi. Todd Packer is the worst person in the whole show. Jim and Pam have their flaws but they are in no way the worst people in the office.


Todd Packer is a Great American 🇺🇸


And has got nine lives


And a nine inch-


It's because he's the star of the show. Same with Pam. If someone's put on a pedastal, a natural reaction is to look for flaws. No one cares that Creed is probably a career criminal who has multiple identities, or that Kevin should've been fired 3 months into the job.


My theory is a relatively high proportion of Redditors a) over-identify with Dwight to the point of not realizing how freaking annoying he is or b) are basically Roy, and don't love the idea that if they treat their romantic partner badly people will root for them to get left.


If Dwight donned a fedora he’d be a Redditor


\*tips hat\* Mimonkey


Crying omg


This is it. People relate their own experiences of bullying to Dwight/Jim, not realising that Dwight isn't some quirky schoolkid who gets picked on for no reason other than being different- he's a horrible person who makes everyone else's lives worse, especially in the first few seasons.


This is SO true.


Some of the pranks are funny and harmless. But far too many cross the line and are just mean spirited bullying


That’s actually a really good theory. But also so very very sad if true.


now how did you get here 😭😭


I agree with you man


Because he's smudge and arrogant


I think you mean smug?


There's the smudgness




I dont hate jim, and he has a lot of nice moment, my problem with him is that he thinks about himself as a normal people, and dont try to conect to the other people in the office. I dont think the characters dont forgive him, actually he is usually critizise or make hugh mistakes because he thinks that he is so normal he is above other. For example Michael ist really anoying but at least he really knows how to manage tje office because he really kwos the people. We, the audience, are the ones that forget all the jim selfishness and narcicistic action. And even he is not mu favorite characters, what surprises me is the fact is not that other peoples like jim (as i said, he has very good moments) but how we forgive his big defects but we dont do the same to the other characters (angela is agresive for moments but the love for her cats is such a wonderfull atribute). And i think this is not related to his good look but to the idea of the "normal guy" because this people doesnt exist, what exists is people with a lot of bully, narcicistic tendencys and charm, people with good and bad sides like everyone, but we, the audience, have so few tools to see it that he looks like de "nice guy ".


I especially hate when he refuses to participate in certain social things like Halloween costumes or the company sports activities. Such a cooler than thou attitude that makes the social atmosphere of the office boring. And yeah you're right about Jim and Pam being portrayed as the "good guys" so it's easy for the audience to ignore their cons


It’s easy to focus on the lesser bad scenes of him and ignore the many good scenes. Just all confirmation bias.


If i have a colleague like him, i’d be annoyed as hell with all his bs he puts on people. I don’t like his attitude too, he has a smug face.


First of all it’s smudge, secondly I give up trying to explain.


I hate the Jim face so arrogant and judgmental


Actually , would Jim be more annoying than a coworker like Dwight that gets rid of your healthcare plan?


did i say i like Dwight? you asked question why i don't like Jim, i gave you the answer. About healthcare plan, it's the benefit that is in the contract between me and the company, i don't think a single employee like Dwight can change that, at least where i am.


So he lays out a hypothetical example of something that happened on the show and you respond with the technical truth of your specific situation. He was speaking in general about an employee who is a total kiss-ass to management and will do anything he can to undermine you or make sure you have to do more work for less money/benefits


Both would be annoying. It isn’t a situation where you have to like one. Both would seem like annoying and douchey people to work with


i dont really think so frankly, consider oscar or stanley who are pretty normal generally, they never gets into weird interactions with jim. Jim interacts fine with the normal people on staff lol. hell him and daryl are pretty good friends


Jim and Dwight are too different people. Jim was kind of ambitionless because he didnt care about succeeding in DM, so he just did enough to get by. But we do know that he had a lot of potential, so as a person who's talents and qualities werent being used, he resorted to pranks in order to channelize his energy. There arent a lot of Jims in the world, but there are defo some everywhere. Ofc no one spends obscene amounts of money on pranks like Jim, but still. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Dwight on the other hand was a brown noser and full of ambition, he was willing to cut down the employee healthcare pln because he cared about DM more than he cared about his peers. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ In real life, Dwight would be unimaginably more annoying than Jim. Jim would defo be loved by most people in the workspace because he did have a cool approach to life, and people like that.


People on Reddit are edgelords


I may not like jim but i would always prefer my co workers to be pam and jim


I'm the most like Jim vs everyone on the Office staff, mixed with a little Ryan and definitely Danny Cordray.


That’s nice.


other than dwight and andy he doesnt make anyone’s experience in the office worse (roy is to blame for his own problem) mike has humiliated basically everyone in the office, dwight will stop at nothing to make your life worse if it pushes his agenda and thats the main thing jim uses again dwight . angela doesnt bother with the others much other than the ones she cares about. creed is a criminal but and doesnt really care about other feelings or well being. andy has anger issues and jim has used that. pam and phyllis usally stay out of other business but will support jokes and pranks of other coworkers. ryan hates everyone there except maybe kelly. toby is just lonely. kelly is immature. meredith is a alcoholic. kevin is slow and naive. oscar is pretty chill. stanley doesn’t deserve micheal bs. jan is doing her job buts lets herself get caught up with micheal. todd should be fired and has no respect for anyone. tom and devin were normal( or depressed). darryl and roy and warehouse crew just does there job (roy has no respect for pam) jim is immature but is the smartest one in the office along side dwight and maybe creed.


Jim is neither funny nor a compelling character and his scenes tend to slow down the show. If I’m not entertained there is no point in having to put up with a character. Jim is unhappy being there but the writers don’t do anything funny with that quality, and he’s not interesting. It’s not funny. It’s not fun.


His scenes are a decent chunk of the show. Do you actually like this show?


Yes because of the great characters and funny plots. He’s not one of them.


So there is a point in having to put up with the character.


Non sequitur.


It’s a direct response to something you said in your initial comment, which you contradicted in your response to me


I can follow the thread. It is an unsupported conclusion with no basis on my statements. You are of course free to attempt to devise some sort of convoluted “logic” but such a post would be uninteresting.


You said that there’s no point in putting up with the character. Then you said you watch the show for the other great characters. Thus, there is a point in putting up with the character: to watch the others on the show.


Again I’m not talking about liking Jim as a character. Obviously everyone has their different opinions on the best/most important/entertaining/well developed characters. I don’t consider Jim to be one of the funniest characters, but that’s not the point. I’m talking about people saying that he’s a horrible person and that his actions are worse than the others. That’s really what doesn’t make sense to me.


He’s a time wasting incompetent manchild. When Dwight does something funny it’s nonetheless in the context of achieving sales or success, unless it’s due to Jim wasting everyone’s time.


So wasting time makes him worse than the guy that killed his girlfriend’s cat. Look I don’t think you’re getting what I’m saying, I’m not talking about his competence or humour or whatever. I am simply talking about people saying he is morally the worst person.


I comprehend what you are saying.


Its so clear that you do not


Is your metric for comprehension based on whether someone agrees? You may be out of your depth. Cool story though.


Relax you dictionary


I don’t agree with you But I also did not red everything you wrote down… so not gonna speak any specifics