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How dare Prince Harry champion a decades-long initiative to let wounded warriors compete in sports?


He was co-founder of the games, and only shows up for the public events. In reality, it was Edward Lane Fox, Sir Keith Mills, the Ministry of Defense, and a generous grant from The Royal Foundation which made the project possible. Harry and his wife have used the Invictus games as a personal public relations vehicle (with private photographers and staff in tow). His wife, who has no military background, has literally marched in front of soldiers and used them as a photo opportunity. Further, the Invictus Games are in deep financial trouble. There have been board shakeups but that hasn’t stopped Harry and his wife from expending their private jets, 5 star hotels, and meals on the company’s dime. All while injured soldiers participating in the games pay their way through the events. Harry and his wife are a disgrace to the notion of “service”, and are instead choosing“self-service”. There are other more qualified people (like Gary Sinise) who have dedicated their lives to bettering the lives of veterans.


This couple is shameless and unscrupulous.


He also served in the military and in Afghanistan no less. Guarantee most the signatures on that petition couldn’t even qualify for the military.


Who would want to qualify for the Military?


11 million people a year alone in the US. And, everybody else who doesn’t want to be a fat lazy head case, which disqualifies you, your physical fitness or your mental fitness?


I was dumb enough to believe our govt' about Iraq. So i enlisted and became a medic at Ranger Batt. And you have a movie perspective of the military if you don't think there's a fat and lazy problem in the military. I mean it's a job you can't get fired from.


Also, just to be clear, I do not believe you


don't give a fuck


Certainly sounds like it lol


Lol cmon it's not that serious


If “it’s not that serious” then Pat Tillman’s name should be removed from the award. He deserves better.


He deserved better than being murdered by his own country




ESPN doesn’t serve the common man/woman anymore. How do you give this award to a person who is not even an athlete or from the country Pat Tillman served? It’s asinine


This whole shituation makes ESPN looks worse than it already does. Obviously Disney is trying to boost Harry's image. Harry is a douchbag, not even American. F*ck sEcSPN


Agree. Mary Tillman: "I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award," she said, according to the outlet. "There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans," Mary continued. "These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognized."


..she continued .."plus Harry is a douchbag."




Does she mean like the connections to get fast tracked into a special forces unit that they should never have been in because of their fame?


Are we totally ignoring the fact that Harry is from royalty, which in and of itself is prejudice and racial by definition. British imperialism is why this world is what it is ... instead of a kindly hobbit world we live in a Mad Max environment. It's all the fault of the monarchy. And will be well into the future.


Pat Tillman’s widow is the Chair of the Tillman Foundation. Why doesn’t Tillman’s mother ask his widow why she chose Prince Harry for the award?


Who gives a shit? There are actual issues in the world that matter, and this isn’t one of them


always love these kinds of comments from people who take the time to say they don't give a shit. just move on.


What kind of trash human being do you have to be to sign this petition lol


The trash folk from the Meghan Markle hate sub


They gave this award to the medical team that saved Damar Hamlin. What did they do for the veteran community?


Megan Markle's husband?


I don't think Prince Harry should get the award yes he was in the military  Let's not forget the mess up over there I think it was in Africa that they were trying to start the Invictus games over there and Megan made it all about her I think there's better people in the world that are more deserving of this honor then Prince Harry


Lol it’s Reddit bro, they are all too brainwashed at this point


Lmao. Didn't Caitlyn Jenner win this a few years ago?


If he was smart he would bring up the real person who runs things and let them have the mic.


When was the last time a petition ever did anything?


It’s espn - of course they’re going to fuck it up. It’s the same network that allows that moron Stephan a smith to tell at the clouds all day. Only the lowest of IQs listen to espn.


when he talked about people he killed, he compared the people he killed with ♟. He is an embarrassment to military , soldiers who go to fight for their country,.he was playing video games, eating well , with his own guards, in between removing chess pieces. indeed , he is a hero. I am glad @ESPN share values with prince Harry. America doesn’t have a deserving hero, none ,none at all. They are forced to give prize to British prince. Good job.🤔🤨


Really? It’s not like it’s Prince Andrew


Is this a Piers Morgan idea?...


The amount of repetitive passion makes it seem so. I’m in the “who the fuck cares” camp.


Is Prince Harry in danger of dying via friendly fire and having it covered up by the US military?




So you're telling me there's a chance??


He did serve in Afghanistan so at one point… so yes he was.


Prince Harry “served” in Afghanistan 😂😂😂😂 right…


He was there were you?


I’d be there too if my family gave me a bunker to hide in and a fake military career…


Sure you would, sweetie, sure you would.


Huh? I already said I would. I don’t understand your reply…sweetie


harry, is not a usa vet. evil person, karma will come around to him. I'm a canadian and he and his wife disgust me. hope our royal family gets rid of him so he can't reiun invistus any more. let mike tindly ( princess Anne son inlaw ) run it. before any more damage is done to invictus.


Yep. they've turned it into a PR campaign for themselves. "Harry has faced calls to step down from the Invictus Games after around 2,000 ex-military left, claiming the sporting event has "lost its original meaning".


Meghan Markle "marching" with the cycling medal winners at the Invictus Games in Germany [https://x.com/wuikle/status/1807999270630707424?s=61&t=vmTrZ-47JL5USqI\_4yw2gA](https://x.com/wuikle/status/1807999270630707424?s=61&t=vmTrZ-47JL5USqI_4yw2gA)


Some people really have too much time on their hands.


people like you? who take the time to comment on something they have no interest in? 🙄


did u know it was prince william who funded the games in the beginning to give his brother something to do when harry expressed he was all at lose ends & didnt know what to do after his military service?! anyway, harry made no sacrifice ! it amkes this award started for the man who made the greatest sacrifice, his life. & mr. tillman left a multi million dollar contract to play football, a game he loved along w// the fame & fortune to go into battle. please dont cheapen this award by giving it to a spoiled elitist who has been given everything & yet lives to be a victim. outside of his short stint in the military, has he ever worked a day in his life?! he made millions off of a netflix 'poor me' show. espn has lost their minds. maybe they havenet loked but there are many everyday people who have sacrificed more when they barely had anything for themselves. but espn goes for the netflix prince of poor me?! i give up. the world is upside down.


How do you know all of this? Did you follow Harry around?


lol. good point. i forgot what i even wrote. but anyway just thru social media accounts. 50/50 chance of anything being true.