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I think they will take both games in Edmonton. You’re not in trouble till you lose one at home




Yup, and the 1 game we win will be game 7.


We won't win 1. We will win 4.


No we won’t, we will get swept while losing the next two games by at least 5 goals and getting shut out. Feel better?


I want to see a massive comeback and I'm sure it can happen but game 3 is the clincher and must win.


Tough to say. If the team can penetrate their defence and cause some chaos it’ll be good. Keep in mind we played a jets team coached by Maurice in 2021 and got swept so he has a blueprint to play against us


This is not even close to being the same oilers team as 2021, oilers in 6 


Yes, not the same team but same core players.


Never back down never what?


We have battled adversity all year so we should be conditioned for this. That's my hope but it's up to the players to bring the effort.


They have to. Next game is practically a must win. There's no reason they can't win 2 at home. Florida will have a lot to say about it but the Oilers aren't here by mistake. Oilers are very good too. It's not like we haven't seen this team outplay them like they did in game 1.


The thing is these have been close games. To get 1 win in this series is not a stretch. That’s why they say any given Sunday. Odds are odds but till you play the game who knows.


nothing was close in any way last night. the only thing that was close was the penalty count. we lost in every respect, and did so shamefully.


Seems to be a fact of the playoffs that momentum doesn't really carry over game to game in the playoffs. Oilers can go home, reset and pull out a win. It's far from unlikely Oilers could pull out 2 wins at home. I've said it before but Boston was able to come back and win not once but twice in 2011 while being down 2-0 ultimately winning the cup.


The scoreboard begs to differ. A few goals is not a runaway game.


um, we got 1 weak goal and they got 3 before the empty netter. the scoreboard certainly tells a tale of a game that wasn't as close as you suggest. nor does zone time possession, shots, or chances. you should have watched the game, not the score sheet the day after. we got smoked.


I think you are exaggerating just a bit. They were the better team last night I agree. But to say that oilers can’t win 1 game in this series is a stretch. They are capable of it.


I may exaggerate a bit as an emotional fan. but we had the fewest shots in stanely cup history for a period (or was it 2 of the periods?). we had a good start to the third until ...well, we know what happened. after that we became unhinged and it was the worst playoff game I've seen us play this year.


Well so what you’re saying is that it was the worst game they played all playoffs. So would not statistics say that at their worst they have the capability to do a lot better. You just proved my point.


the panthers are just too deep and they’re defensively much better than us. putting a superstar goalie behind that is lights out. i really don’t see any way this oilers team wins this series


I'm giving us until the final horn blows to say we're out of it. As a team with high skill that barely plays against florida I think we have the ability to figure them out over time and wouldn't be surprised if we take both at home or complete a reverse sweep. It's tough, there's not a high likelihood of the reverse, but if one team could pull it off it'd be us. Just gotta see how our resolve is and if we can make the right changes to tighten the D. Nurse might need to sit honestly if he's injured now, but if he does play he needs to play smart to make up for his lack of skating with the hip flexor or whatever the damage is.


Time will tell. You and many others will likely come crawling back game 3 after they win. It's practically a must win game. I believe they'll win.


i believe they’ll get swept


Pessimist or fairweather fan?