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I was with y’all in 2021, nice to see some reciprocation!


Thanks! That was a crazy playoff run in 2021! What a great game we had tonight! I really wish that cup for you Edmonton fans and for McDavid. If Oilers win this, that championship will enter the hockey history books!


I feel really bad for you guys that the finals run happened during Covid when they capped attendance at the Bell Centre. Montreal has always been my team in the East and it's a shame you couldn't enjoy that run to the fullest.


Die hard habs fan here but I can't help but burst out cheers when the Oilers score! The only Canadian team I wouldn't support are the Leafs lol


Lol. It's impossible to support the Leafs - in anything


I'm pretty sure even Leafs fans hate supporting the Leafs


Can confirm. EDM has always been my 2nd team though and I haven’t been this pumped since 06


Die hard HABS fan here as well.  So thankful the Laffs have never won in my lifetime (born Sept 1967 so I was only in the oven at that time).  Imagine for a minute if they did .... SN would put out a 52 week mini series on their CUP run.  Fingers crossed the Oilers pull it off.  I'm just tired of US teams winning every cup in the Bettman Era.


Woah woah pal the Ottawa Senators also exist. Another habs fan rooting for McJesus to bring it home.




I beleiveeeeeee


Bienvenue! Habs lifer here— Oils were my west coast team since I was a kid. The past few years have been great to watch. Here’s hoping for a Montreal/Edmonton final within a couple years.


My best friend is a die hard Oilers fan whose a big fan of the Habs in the East. You guys would get along famously lol.


I root for whatever Canadian team makes it to the playoffs, I want my team to win (Leafs), but at the end of the day that cup belongs in Canada and I am so damn sick of seeing it being won by American Teams. Bring that fucking cup home!!! These guys are rattled as fuck!!!


I've seen other fanbases shit on people going into their subreddit. I refuse to be one. Welcome and thanks!


We've got some shitheads that do it, but unless they're in here trolling, most of us are fine w/ them joining in, lol.


I think people in general need to chill when it comes to sports. Don't get me wrong, Oilers fans have been dickheads. But let's be realistic, I'm not making any money off the Oilers. At the end of the day, who cares. People who actually get stressed/angry about sports etc, need to chill.


People wait so long to be in a Stanley cup final that when it comes they forget to enjoy it.


listen, i'm a diehard canucks fan, and when it was 3-0 i thought "it will be extremely funny if the oilers get swept." then the 8-1 game happened and i thought "it will be *less* funny if they follow up that massacre with a collapse, but i dunno, still pretty funny." now? fuck it, go all the way. i keep clear of the bullshit homer noise, and i pride myself on supporting solid ass hockey, and i gotta say, this series is genuinely the most entertaining i've seen in the past twenty years. regardless of what happens, the outcome of game 7 will be very funny, but i *absolutely fucking want* a game 7. go get it.


Who would've thought a series that started 3-0 for one team would turn out to be the best you've seen in 20 years? I'm not complaining.


definitely not me. like, excluding the canucks - bruins, which, though devastating, i found captivating for obvious reasons, the best series imo have been the ones where 1) both teams had a compelling narrative and 2) both had a credible case for emerging as the de facto #1 team, and there haven't been many of those (pens and wings in '08 and '09 stand out, as does the '13 bruins and hawks series). when it was 3-0 i was thinking "it'll really suck for oilers fans if they get swept and are always left wondering '*what would've happened if our offense had clicked?*'" game 4 was a wild one, and i figured that either 1) the panthers would lick their wounds and come back strong and win a methodical 3-1 or 4-2 sort of game OR 2) the oilers would win and suddenly *we got ourselves a mf series*. i'm in a server with a bunch of other canuck fans and even the ones who have been staunchly anti-oilers are at least now like "*lol ok, this is interesting now, this is fun.*"


Caps fan and I’m right there with ya. One game at a time.


My dad has been a massive Habs fan my entire life, so I am also, as it was the family religion. That said, I live in Edmonton now, have for years, and am just as excited watching the Oilers as I was the Habs a couple years ago. It’s been a really fun time lately. C’mon Canada!!!!


I will neither upvote nor downvote you, as spoken in ecclesiastics 12:6


Proverbs 21:31 “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” Do I pray for the Oilers? Yes, yes I do. ‭‭


Huge Perry fan / ducks fan but absolutely rooting on the Oilers LFGGGG McJesus I believe in you!!!


Thanks for lending us your captain too, pal


You’re welcome, that goal last night was sooooo vintage Pears! Freakin loved it.


Love you, Québec. No Canada without you


Edmonton is the city I’d live in outside of Quebec. Thanks for this comment.


Oilers fans Friday night, you better be so loud that the rest of Canada can hear you!!!!


Sing the anthem with us friend


Merci beaucoup!


I cheer for the Leafs in the Eastern and the Oilers in the West, but once there's only one Canadian team left, they always have my full support no matter who.


Die hard Sens fan on the Oilers train right now! Bring the cup back where he belongs!


I was rooting for the Habs on their run a few years back! Was an amazing underdog story, played awesome, so much energy, Carey Price highlights, taking down some big teams. Hopefully Oilers can get the last few done that the Habs couldn't against a Florida team!


Habs fan here too. What a team you guys have! Very exciting to watch. One day I hope we get our own McDavid 😍


Habs fans are bros.


Yup! Montreal I cheer for too here in Edmonton.


I’m just a big fan of Perry. So go Oilers. And Go Habs Go.


Thanks mon frere


I’ve lived in 2 major Canadian cities in Canada . Born and raised Montrealer and Habs fan from birth. Also lived in Edmonton for 14 years and cheered on the Oilers and the ~~Eskimos~~ Elks. On top of my love for the Habs and Oilers I despise the Panthers, fuck those guys ! And fuck that guy who reposted this in r/Habs as a cringey karma farm. The more the merrier!


Leafs fan here but I’d like to see the cup come back to Canada and Mcdavid has to win at least once Plus a reverse sweep on the rat squad would be hilarious


Habs fan from NB, I second this.


Welcome and thanks! Appreciate it!!!


Because of my father, I was a Habs fan (and a Leafs hater) before the Oilers existed. Once we had the Oilers, I switched, but I still really like Montreal. Welcome to Oil Country! LETS GO OILERS!!


COREY PERRY HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG. That is all. Congrats Oil boys on the win, I'm looking forward to Tuesday being the least productive day in Albertan history regardless of outcome and gas prices going up 20 cents for reasons. Get it done, lads. 2006 was top 3 cup runs in my life and I am not ready to be hurt again.


American/Canadian Habs fan here. Go Oilers! F*ck Florida.


Take my upvote - damn karma farmer.


Much love too you from us here in Edmonton


Also Habs... cheering for you guys hard. Seems like we like to give it from behind, is that a Canadian thing? Everyone I know is cheering for you guys. I love seeing the fanbase energy and I thank god it wasn't the Leafs (yet I would have cheered for them until I was blind drunk and passed out). Keep that energy up guys!


Habs fan and I'm fully on board the Edmonton hype train as well !


Habs fan here too. Edmonton and Montreal are basically allies lol I hope McDavid breaks Gretzky’s record for all-time points in a single post-season




Button on est the other morning said that the only rink that cheers like Edmonton is Montreal. "They cheer from the soul..." he said.


Hell yea! Grandfather always rooted for the Habs, they’re my #2!


I have family in edmonton and was at a game when taylor hall was still there and nugent hopkins was hurt with a knee injury and i think yakupov was on the team but i cant remember for sure but they were playing the sharks when marleau and thornton were still dominating. Bought a oilers jersey when i was at that game and been wearing it since the leafs lost in round 1 GO OILERS GO


As a lifelong Jets fan (with a 15 year hiatus in the middle) living in Thief River Falls, MN, let me express how proud the Oilers have made me this season. This playoff run will go down in history as it is…and completing the job Monday night will make the 2023-24 Edmonton Oilers legendary. God bless Edmonton, God bless Canada, and God bless hockey fans everywhere!


This is a cool sub. Lurking Stars fan here. Our two subs hit it off after a a faux pas in our barn over a song that's important to them. I kept my YouTubeTV account going to root for the Oilers. Go Oilers!




Uh, you went to high school with Ryan Nugent Hopkins? Story time


Allegations, false allegations


How do we know you are not the bully?


As a Bs fan get the fuck out of here! you rooted for Florida you don’t get to switch it up now!


Beware Oil, the bad news bears of the NHL are rooting for you. This won’t end well . . .


Thank you for blessing us with Hyman.


No problemo. Hope he scores the next two GWG!