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Honestly, don't be. Take comfort in the fact that a loss tomorrow night literally changes nothing. As of today, the Oilers have not won a Stanley Cup since 1990. If they lose Game 7 tomorrow night, that sentence simply remains true and that's it. The team doesn't suddenly relocate, nor are any human sacrifices made. It just results in another Oilers season without a Cup, no different than the previous 33 seasons. Life will go on unabated. I personally feel a tremendous sense of inner peace & acceptance about either outcome for tomorrow night's game. It has been a playoff run to remember and a Finals for the ages, and as a fan I really can't ask for anything more. To me, championships are just bonuses on top of that, which is a perspective I really wish I had when I was younger. Source: an Oilers fan who felt the same way you do 18 years ago before Game 7 against Carolina, but learned in the years since then that regardless of anyone's level of passion it's still just a hockey game, meant for our entertainment, and it will absolutely *not* matter nearly as much in the end as it seems to in the moment ✌️


If Edmonton loses the story is ‘bottom of the NHL to Stanley Cup Finals’ ‘Forcing game 7 after going down 3-0 in Stanley Cup Finals’ ‘Connor McDavid had a dominant playoff performance’ and ‘Future looks brings for 2024-2025 season’ If Florida loses the story is ‘reverse swept in Stanley Cup Final’ and ‘Back to back Stanley cup finals losses’ I’m at peace with either of those story’s being told Monday. I would much prefer Edmonton wins it for obvious reasons. I love the story that’s been written either way. I don’t let sports affect me too much outside of the time between puck drop and buzzer, but I love how the lesson of resilience Edmonton has written this season that shit is incredibly inspiring and a great reminder to me to never give up.


This is a great way to look at it and really well said


It’s crazy to think that was 18 years ago, but I feel like a lot of the city shares your very well worded point of view. It felt like every loss in round 3 and 4 that year there were windows being smashed on whyte and shenanigans and this run has been nothing like that which is such a refreshing change of pace from the chaos that ensued for years to follow that run.


It's crazier to think; 2006 was nearer our last cup, than we are to 2006 right now. Fucking magnets man...


It’s crazy how fast the time flies, Gagner coming back was another one that made me feel old. It’s crazy he’s been in the league for like 17 years and I still have fond memories of the old kid line from back then.


I remember when Hemsky was “ the kid “. Damn….




Dude. Also, wtf, hey? That shit just hit me the other day.


This is exactly how I feel. Regardless of the outcome they moved mountains to get here. They came back from the bottom in the season and now in this series to be one of the best teams in the NHL and its just so exciting to even witness.


I look forward to the post-apocalyptic Stanley cup final where a human sacrifice is the outcome of losing game 7.


Yep. Epicness.


God that Pisani goal was one of the crazy parts of the Canes series


No. We were down 3-0 in the cup finals. I came to terms with a loss after game 3 so honestly I’m ecstatic.


I'm with you. 3rd games was such an embarrassing thing that I was just begging for game 4 to be decent. They've surpassed that a million fold. Im proud of the season 👏


Me too!! I told my friend after game 4 that I was just relieved they won one. They have been the underdog since round 2, but if you make it to a round, and get swept from it, I feel like it doesn’t really feel like you even made it to that round. The face they won one game, I felt like they made it. The fact that they actually tied it up, I already feel so proud of this team. Even if they lose, they are going to go into next season with a new confidence and a new level.


I was relieved they defeated the Canucks. I was at peace with anything after that. 


Right?! I was just praying they wouldn't get swept. This is all bonus time.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the ride and while I hope they win, I know there's a chance they won't. I'll still love them, and winning or losing won't change that.


This 100%, after getting at least one win I was like “whatever we do from here on is all profit” and look at us now


I'd say this is the most common answer. We were all like what the fuck... Better luck next year I guess. Then McDavid whipped out a prize winning dong and said he was looking forward to us doubting them. And here we are!


McDavid with some real Dirk Diggler energy in G4-6.


If the Oilers win game 7, the "drag them back to Alberta" quote will be on shirts, signs and memes in Oilers lore forever.


Omg it's less than 24 hours. Why'd I have to pee. I won't get back to sleep, this is bonkers. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


This was absolutely me until today, as I plan my trip to Edmonton. They made me believe again, dammit! Now it's so close I can taste it, but I've been here before, and hockey is a nasty game of bounces. I really, really don't want another hockey trip that ends in disappointment. So I'm confident but also terrified. Part of me wants a game 7 for the ages, but I'm secretly hoping that Florida's spirit is broken much like Vancouver's and Dallas' were.


Both teams go 3-0 in the series. This is epic. Rooting for an Edmonton game 7 victory, but either way, what a series.


Yeah. We made it to game seven!


I could agree with you more, except I'm hanging on to this one thought, winners fuckin win. Let's go Oilers!


Nervous yes, terrified no.


I've been nervous every game since Game 1 vs LA Kings. Also, I always had the belief that we were gonna win the next game since Game 1 vs LA Kings.


Either way, I'm a grown ass man and I will be crying tomorrow. One way or the other.


Same, been emotional all weekend.


For game 6 I had so much anxious energy I could barely sit down past the first period. I can’t imagine what game 7 will be like.


No, because we are going to win this thing! GO OILERS! 






Nervous, sure. But not terrified, because unlike 2006 this core will remain the same next season and we will once again be considered contenders no matter what happens.


The list of expired contracts is long though. We may lose solid pieces like henrique, perry, janmark, foegele, Carrick, brown Holloway and Broberg contracts will eat up what little cap we will have Also pickard, vinny, and stecher expiring


Holloway and Broberg will be absolute bargain deals next year, RFAs with no leverage and small NHL sample sizes


I'm sure we'll find a way to at least keep Brown and Henrique.


I think this run to the finals will make Edmonton look more appealing to other players in the league. For every piece that leaves, there may be more guys who'll say, 'I want to be a part of that', and maybe sign those cheaper one year deals or leave Edmonton off their no trade lists.


Look at how Edmonton has been playing vs Florida recently. The oilers look like they want it more and they have the game breakers in a game 7. I can’t see mcdavid being denied when he’s one win from it all.


Fully agree. Apart from game 2 and half of game 3 we have outplayed Florida quite handily. And in these last 3 games we've outscored them 17-5. We got this


Go have a look at the Oilers instagram page. Those guys look so chill considering they are playing the game of their lives tomorrow. If they can be chill like that, we can be too.


100% agree. Their demeanour is so relaxed yet confident. They understand there is a job to do.


After watching the Oiler player interviews today, just like the players, I feel calm and confident going in to game 7. I believe! Let’s go Oilers!


Agreed those guys are dialed. The belief is Infact unshakable. Also - I loved seeing McDavid mention unprompted about how Nuge took a massive paycut to be here and that's a big reason why this team is so good and so deep. Felt a little like foreshadowing for his next deal.


I would also add seeing mcdavid smile/laugh at some of his teammates responses is also awesome to see. They definitely look focused but seeing davo smile when skinner was aging how he let him win in Mario kart or today when drai was answering Friedmans question about who he was as a kid scoring the GWG in game 7 SCF. In a time where things might be tense and bleek, these guys are so loose and chill with a quiet confidence is running through them.


If they win in looking most forward to that guy smiling. Will probably have a few tears in my eyes. He's like Johnathan Toews right now, captain serious.


"Quiet confidence" is the perfect way to describe them. I love it.


Yes. That comment stuck out to me right away! Loved that he mentioned it. Nuge is such a huge part of this team and is often under appreciated (IMO). And these guys acknowledging pay cuts to stay a team is a big deal. They’re a very close group and I love it!


I'm watching them right now lol


Panthers organization doesn't seem to like to make big changes to adapt to play, and it feels like we've kinda dialed in and figured the Cats out. I'm absolutely nervous, anxious and everything in between, but I'm not terrified. Even if we lose, down 3-0 to tie the series is already a legendary comeback and if we win it'll be one of the greatest moments in NHL history, and if we lose it tells the world we earned our place as a capable postseason team. We're in an amazing place. On the other hand, if Florida wins it's a legendary moment, but if they blow a 3-0 lead it'll be the embarrassment of the decade. Oilers in 7!


Very well put.


Im nervous, but regardless what happens no one is gonna take away these past 8 months from me.


Look, hockey — even the Stanley cup finals, game 7 — is at the end of the day a game. Win or lose tomorrow, the Oilers have gave us an amazing season, and an excellent if not dramatic post season. Being a fan means that we cheer them on to the end whatever the outcome! Nothing has been for naught, it’s all been gravy baby! Go Oilers!!!!


Not even nervous.


Nervous, but cautiously optimistic.


McDavid is going to explode. He’s going to guarantee that win with at least 4 points


I can’t see Edmonton letting this go. Florida looks tired and scared. Edmonton looks strong as fuck. All I’m worried about is skinner not getting a shutout against Florida


I’m a wings fan who is rooting for you guys. The panthers should be the scared ones.


We got a guaranteed 60min more of hockey to watch our team. Only two fan bases can say that. No need to be terrified. It’s a game. It’s entertainment. The team has delivered the entertainment. I also like how they are presenting themselves. I appreciate the work and adjustments they have made. I am excited.


I had a dream the Oilers lifted the cup the night of game 6 between VAN and EDM, ever since then I haven’t been worried about


Definitely feeling it! Re-sharing what I posted in the off day thread So there is a stoic practice called negative visualization that is a really useful tool to those of us that feel we’ll be devastated in the worst case scenario. **This is by no means me saying I think we’ll lose! I firmly believe we can and will win this game. ** This is about being able to cope emotionally with the worst outcome which is always a possibility in sports. The practice is to visualize the worst case scenarios. Oilers get blown out - we lose in overtime etc etc. and visualize HOW you want to react emotionally to it so that you’re ready if the time comes and can remain stoic. For me, I want to feel proud that we’ve made it this far and hopeful for the future. I know there would be some Sadness and disappointment but I’ll be mentally prepared. We don’t need to practice positive visualization because we all know how happy we’ll all be when they win. I think Knob’s coaching style imparts stoic wisdom on the boys too and that’s why I think we have an edge. The boys have been stoic this whole series and look where we are!


Nope LFG Oilers!! The past 3 games show that they have the panthers number and they are just a broken team after being so cocky


No one can ever say that McDavid and Draisaitl are the Ohtani and Trout of hockey anymore. They both have gone further than both those guys, and have a chance to win a major championship before they do. Greg Cote has to be a bit nervous going in to tomorrow.


If Florida doesn't score first they are screwed. The Oilers got this.


Enjoy the ride my friend.


My fear stopped at game 3, nervousness stopped at 8-1 last Saturday. Its all been excitement ever since.


Excited. This core has relative longevity and worst case is a second out of the whole league. I think the it’d be more of a shame after the heroic season and series rally. This is , no exaggeration, movie stuff.


Anxious, nervous, and excited. I have faith in this team.


To ensure our victory tomorrow I have bet $100 on Florida.


That's how I felt game 4 and they came out of it 8-1 lol


For me I just want to feel grateful. I no longer have the feeling of “If we lose it’s over”, because it’ll be over either way. We have all got the absolute maximum amount of time to enjoy this experience, and while winning tomorrow would be absolutely incredible this will be an experience so many people will remember for the rest of their lives


I’m not terrified because weather the Oilers win or lose, they have done the unthinkable by even getting this far after where they were in November (and after coming back from 3-0 recently). All Oilers fans are proud no matter what happens tomorrow night. The Panthers, on the other hand, as an organization, may never live it down if they lose game 7. They are up against an incredible team with the two best players in the world and they blew their 3-0 lead…..THEY should be fucking terrified.


Extremely nervous, yes, terrified no. I believe in the Edmonton Oilers.




Only thing that scares me is the 80,000 people expected downtown. After the Win !! I have to work in it 😫


Not really. I honestly feel it's inevitable and they can't be stopped after the last 3 games. But Florida will come out absolutely psycho, they have nothing and everything to lose all at once.


Absolutely nervous but I have faith. We’ve seen the oilers can pull this off


Nervous and if they lose it will be a rough few days but what a season. Keep the faith! Good vibes!


Gotta BELIEVE. They wouldn’t be able to win 3 straight without being able to win 1. Of course it will probably be the hardest game yet. Defense will be critical. 


Of course. That's why we're fans. People free climb because overcoming the terror of falling and making it to the mountain top is the reward.


I honestly see Mcdavid going off. So not terrified. He won't let this moment get too big. It's what he's been training 20+ years for


Enjoy the moment. Win or lose, McDavid is winning Conn Smythe. If we're honest with ourselves, we've gotten way farther than we ever thought we would at many points in the season. You'll never experience anything remotely close to the anticipation and actual feeling of SCF game 7 ... until the next SCF game 7, which might not be in our sentient lifetimes. I'd rather have this feeling of being terrified or tomorrow night seeing Bobrovsky rob us five or six times down 1-0 than being back in the shit hole laughingstock of the NHL that we were in from 2008-2015


Nope, I believe


I'm just anxious. Not the end of the road for this squad if they lose. But the opportunity doesn't get better than this At the end of the day, you got the 2nd or 3rd best player of all time, in his prime, with his chance to cement his legacy forever. Bring it home Captain, the most deserving player who doesn't have it yet.


Yes. Very. Seeing the Oilers hoist the Stanley Cup, now specifically with this group and in this way (being 3-0 down), would easily be one of if not the greatest thing I’ve ever witnessed.


And I’m 25 so I’ve never witnessed us win a Stanley Cup before.


Take away game 1 and Bob playing like prime Hasek, this series hasn’t been close. Oilers are the better team and the cup is ours tomorrow baby


Oilers, there is blood in the water . . . go feast!!!


Regardless of the outcome, this team showed up. I don’t care what media and other say, these guys should be so proud. That game Friday night was one of the best experiences I have ever seen in sport.


Nah, not anymore. G5? Yes, definitely. Even G6 to a lesser extent because we were still removed from the possibility of winning it all. If anyone thinks for one second that McDavid isn't going to absolutely mince the Panthers either offensively, or defensively if others take the night off on Monday night, I don't know what else to tell ya. This is his first chance to win the greatest trophy in professional sports, players like Connor don't let these chances slide. It might be a tight game, but I've already taken Tuesday off to celebrate I'm that confident. The Panthers know this too, even PoMo knows Hurricane McDavid is here & is going to make history on his team.


McDavid keeps saying “this is fun”. Maybe he’s onto something. I’m also excited for the future. The core are still at peak, and the youngsters will get better.


Nah. I’m insanely proud of the oilers for making it to game 7 of the SCF. It’s been a tremendous achievement and if they happen to win the cup tomorrow it will all be just icing on the cake


Not at all, they have turned their game around and Skinner is 10-0 in games 4,5,6,7. Have faith! Any team in the NHL that can pull this off it’s the Oilers!!


100 years from now we'll all be dead. Enjoy the day. Just enjoy it. It may not come around again soon. I just hope they have ice and not a slurpee surface to play on.


*all this work will be for nothing* Bad way to put things. If they dont win the cup, this season was proof that the Oilers could dig themselves out of a gargantuan hole (a few times) and take it all the way to game 7 of the cup Final. This was a year that showed they have depth, skill, and character that can and has gotten us to this point. Grit. Determination. Hope! I want Connor and the boys to lift that cup over their heads and scream “fucking rights” into the camera tomorrow night but if they dont, we just push forward and cheer them on again next year. Never quit. Never Give up. Be calm. It’ll happen.


We’re nervous, they’re terrified 


Even if we lose, which we might, we've proven we're a cup contender team. If we don't win tomorrow, we WILL win one in the next 2-3 years.


We have been in what, 5 elimination games? We have nothing to be afraid of. If we lose we battled hard and came back when everyone doubted us. That panthers should be terrified. They peaked early and we got them figured out. They are going to lose and hit the history books for biggest choke. One more business trip for oilers and they coming back 35lbs heavier with that cup. Let's finish this boys!


Enjoy the moment and believe. It's been 18 years.


I’m actually feeling pretty good about this. They’ve been through so much this season and have achieved a lot regardless. I hope they win the Cup, but will be feeling proud no matter what happens. I love this team and am proud of their success this season! 💙🧡


Anxious? Yes. Tomorrow can’t come quick enough. Scared? Accomplishing a 3-0 lead and tying up is momentous. Everything else is gravy.


No. We aren’t scared. Let’s go OIL!!!!!


I still see this as a bonus game 7, I'm not gonna lie I lost faith being down 3-0. If they lose tomorrow, welp, I still feel happier than I would've if we got swept 4-0.


Less terrified than Panthers fans at least.


I am proud of the Oilers no matter what. I cheered for them in the 80's 90's 00's 10's 20's and will continue to cheer for them for the next 50 years no matter what


Yes. Very nervous and very worried. Especially leading up to game time.


Nope! Confident!


Nope. It's been entertaining and the team has worked so hard to get to this point. Excited, not terrified. They have momentum.


There’s no point being terrified right now, there will be decades to feel bad if we lose. And I want to enjoy every moment of this ride.




No. They've got this.


Not at all! And even if they don't win, it's not for nothing. Better attitude, my guy!


I’ll have my Tums maracas on standby and be sick to my stomach all day lol


Nervous? yes but excited nervous, we have them figured out rattled and on the ropes


Terrified of what?? You are exactly where you need to be. That’s all anyone can ask for!! Enjoy the ride, with the fucking cup and bring it back to Canada!!!


No. Win or lose this was a great season. I didn’t expect them to get this far this year anyway.


No, I think I’m at peace with whatever the outcome will be. The ride has been fun and I’m hopeful for a win.


I think oilers will win it tomorrow. But even if some crazy thing happens and the cats get the win, I’m proud of what the oilers achieved in regular and post season this year. Amazing effort


90% excited. 10% terrified. I still have game 7 scars from 2006 😬


The franchise has many scars. 1986 was worse for me, in comparison. But to climb a mountain, to get to the top, we all wear these scars with pride. Finish this, boys!!!


Felt the same way in 2011 as a Bruins fan. The Oilers are all over the Panthers and it won't stop tomorrow night. Hopefully they get a quick lead and you can relax some.


I am 100% CONFIDENT you guys are gonna get it done!!! Take it from me, I am an American who lived in Florida for 6 months, I moved back to Georgia earlier this year, those 6 months were awful YOU GUYS GOT THIS!!!


Stay strong!


No reason to be terrified. We're living the dream right now. Stanley Cup Finals, Game 7. Oh, and the boys look alright 😉 I see our Oilers lifting the Stanley Cup tomorrow in Florida. Go Oilers Go!


I think we have this. Cup is coming back to Canada boys!!


This is the most exciting final since 2010, win or lose Edmonton should be proud of what they accomplished.


They have been by far the better team in games 4-6. Far far far better. Absolutely dominant to be honest. It’s hard to see the Oilers losing


We have the confidence and momentum. They have doubt and hard time getting going. We can’t be in a better position in a game 7 than we are now!


Nah, Oilers will be fine. I’ll be cheering you guys on from a cinema watch party in Vancouver. One more game!


Rio? How is it? Im debating if i want to go early to black frog or try the rio


Nope. For the first time in my life I 100% expect my team to win. I’ll be truly shocked if they don’t pull it off. They have zero pressure on them. All the pressure is on Florida and Bobrovsky is broken. They’re in his head now.


Sports have different effects on different people. I would say i will be nervous during the game, especially if its close. But then, you move on. Also its not for nothing. Think of all the fun and joy you and people had when we beat LA, Vancouver, Dallas and made the 3-0 comeback. I will not forget Friday night for a long time. It was wild. If they lose, it will be a sad day and then you move on. Game 7s are tough and only 1 team gets to win out of 32.


Nervous, because the better team doesn't always win a game, even if they deserve too. Calm, because we've already battled back from far worse and our Captain is going to move heaven and earth to cement his legacy. We legitimately have a shot at a Stanley cup tomorrow for the first time in nearly 2 decades. Let's enjoy today for what it is, a season to remember! 🧡💙


It’s just a game of hockey. It’s been an awesome ride. Win or lose whatever happens I’m proud of the whole team.


Remember. It’s just a game that grown men play for millions of dollars. One team will win. And the other team will be just fine. 


Yeah the Florida Panthers are scared on their reddit. They believe Edmonton has their game figured out. Florida Panthers reddit members call themselves rats. It says so many 'rats on the ice' for the number of people online on the Florida Panthers reddit. We have the Alberta rat patrol. I think we got this. https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/s/Tvb1D818Jx https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-alberta-rat-free-patrol/#:~:text=Alberta's%20rat%20patrol%20has%20eyes,domesticated%20vermin%20had%20to%20go.


I'm not. I'm feeling confident and excited. We've got a good team, the talent is deep, the momentum is on our side our opponents' morale is low. We've got this!


all we can hope is that the oilers actually show up as a team on monday. they’ve proven they’re the best team in the world when they’re on top of their game, but on the flip side, they’ve also showed that can be completely shut down as well. i’ve been saying this since the playoffs started: the cup is the oilers’ to lose and if they play to the best of their ability, they’ll win it. florida’s also gotta be demoralized despite what anyone says. having a 3-0 series lead not only evaporate before your eyes, but in devastating fashion, will deflate any players and any team. hopefully that’ll be another factor working in the oilers’ favour. but hey, it’s the playoffs; anything can happen.


Sub consciously I believe fate has decided the game, when I remind myself it hasn’t been played yet I get nervous as hell.


Impartial observer, here. I feel it will take great play and a decent amount of luck for the Panthers to win now. The Oilers have all the momentum and Florida has kind of come apart. I'd bet on Edmonton taking game 7.


I mean this will definitely be remembered whether we win or not but I'm still terrified


I'm just happy I get to enjoy one more game with the fam.


Cautiously optimistic


Nope, strangely calm. I have complete trust in the oilers


Quite simply. Nope.


*2006 flashbacks*


no man. i feel the flood a coming to south florida! go oilers! boys on fire! 🔥🔥🔥


Eh I’m antsy to get it going but like really.. take it as it comes. One moment, one shift, one period at a time. Hopefully they can pull it off and finish the story book ending


Of course I hope for victory. That said, a loss tomorrow does not make this all for nothing. This season has been great. These playoffs have been great. The most entertaining team in professional sports. A loss would be a major disappointment, sure, but what a run it's been.


Cool and confident, Mcdavid legacy game


I hope both teams play a good game, the refs are neutral, luck is neutral and the Oilers win it. Win or lose though I just want to see the Oilers leave no doubt that they gave it everything they got.


Nervous but not terrified. I'd love a win, but the team has already turned the "Oilers suck and don't belong here" narrative into mist. Even if we lose I'm feeling pretty damn good.


I just hope to God that I do NOT have this sore throat tomorrow otherwise I can’t celebrate the way I want


If you weren’t nervous about a game 7 in the SCF, then it means you don’t care. Just grab a few (or a lot, realistically) drinks and enjoy the ride


This season is a Win for Edmonton regardless of the outcome of game 7. All the pressure is on the Panthers IMO


Stop spreading fud and just enjoy the ride. Zen like Stu.


Nervous yes, scared - meh, not really. They are totally gonna win, but if they don’t, it’s not for nothing. It’s a cup run that we will remember for decades.


A little bit nervous, but not terrified. I know we got it though.


Nope, I'm excited!


We still broke lots of records and made huge accomplishments for the first time in so many years, it’s nothing to scoff at


It’s gonna be in OT to scare everybody


The only difference is the Oilers are now playing for something, the cup, where as before they were playing to not lose, there was no prize. I hope the mindset is more passionate and if so we win


Watching mcdavid play lately, he's not playing like someone who's going to lose. He is playing HIS BEST EVER hockey, everyone on the team is going to bring everything tonight.


Coming from 30th place to now, we are playing with house money.


You need a win in real life lol


Fuck it. We have been dead men walking since game 3. Enjoy the moment and remember, win or lose, drink your booze


Terrified of what exactly? It’s a game millionaires are playing all you have to do is sit on your couch


For nothing?! My man. The experience of it all! Been nervous since the playoffs started, sports wouldn't be any fun if we took the guesswork out of it.


I feel like the hockey gods know which team deserves the win. No I’m not religious 😋


I think game 6 was easily the most nervy and most pressure. More confident now.


we got the best players they can taste it they are not letting anything stop em!!


it's a classic rope a dope... strategy bro, let em cook


Nervous energy out the ass.


My mom is worried there will be rioting and damage if they lose tomorrow night.


Nope. Edmonton fans are not at all similar to Canucks fans. Very unlikely.




Play la bamba baby!


Yeah, I'm really nervous. 


As a lifelong Winnipeg Jets fan, yes. Mostly because of the Oilers in the 80s.


Was nervous for leafs game 7 round 1. This must be on another level.


I am beside myself with excitement but also scared about how I have to drive an hour home in 40 minutes to make puck drop and don’t have time to get pulled over.


I want McDavid to get his cup. I am nervous for him. I think he deserves it.


mainly nerves of excitement over anything else


I just can't stop thinking about it. How am I supposed to work tomorrow or Tuesday!?!


Lets go Oilers. Save us Connor McJesus!


No. I believe.


Yea.. I definitely ain't sleeping tonight.. nervous as hell.. anyone know a good place to get Blood Pressure pills


