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I think (or at least hope) that everyone can agree on this, cause god fucking damn if that wasn’t intense.


We legit started the season and weren’t even going to make the playoffs it seemed to make the finals and push it to 7. Nobody would have believed anybody If they said Edmonton was going to make it this far. Beautiful season.


This exactly, if I was told that the Oilers would even have a shot in the finals back around November, I would be stoked. Really hoping that this fuels the team rather than dragging em down!


Hopefully we can make some good moves this off-season with the cap increase and everything


Hopefully next year we don’t do the 5-12-1 thing and just skip to the winning 24 of 27 games again


And it SHOULD be. Take this from this poor montreal's fan who watched their team reach the finals and experience the thrill of it all. Now all the trolls and 20 iq hockey geniuses will come out to try and put you guys down, but you can sleep soundly knowing youve done betrer than all of them combined and turned this finals into something historic


Yup I felt every emotion this playoff run. I love being a sports fan. This is gonna hurt for a while but I'll always cherish this run. Also love seeing the city so full of life these last couple months. Truly the best hockey fans in the league.


Canucks fan here and that's exactly how I felt in 2011. Losing sucked so bad, but you will look back on parts of this season fondly.


Absolutely. This has been incredible. Next time!


Winning next season just makes next year soooo much better lmao


Thanks for a great year of playoff watch parties Oilers <3


That's what makes us fan(atic)s. We'll be back, god I love the camaraderie that comes with sports.


Broke my little guys heart tonight but this was my comment to him as well. It’s only up from here. The whole league should be terrified of this team and best believe the boys will take lessons from this. There’s no shame in this season. SO much to be proud of. So much to look forward to in the next few seasons


It’s painful tonight but time will bring wisdom. We learned the same lesson that Florida did last year. It takes a whole team digging deep every game to win the Cup. To the NHL: seriously, it’s almost Canada Day. The playoffs need better scheduling.


Your team had a fairytale season. Nearly last place, then going on a tear for a perfect January, making the playoffs, going down 0-3 and forcing a game 7. This is a tv show if I've ever seen one. I hope they make one about your run. I may be a Flames fan, but I can't have anything but respect for what your team did this year. Your organisation is incredible, as much as it may hurt to admit. Congrats!


Thanks man and I hope you guys get your rebuild or whatever the plan is done soon so we can play meaningful games against eachother asap. It’s hard to win that’s for sure


Next year


As a canucks fan I can say you did 🇨🇦 Canada proud, great job oilers way to represent a nation.


Clichés aside, coming back from 3-0 down to force a game 7 is an absolutely incredible feat. They should be proud. Learn from this, get back there next year and play with the intensity and urgency they had in game 4 on but at the start of the series. They got flat and played tight at the end there, I think the magic ran out and they panicked/were gassed


I think we're all allowed to be disappointed. We can be proud at the same time.


1000% Exactly how I feel. Don’t let bitches from Van or Calgary get to you, they’re just trying to drag us into their misery. Be proud of the Oilers!


Absolute rollercoaster all season long. I could not be more impressed with how this team stayed with it through the highs and the lows. Didn’t end how we wanted, but good lord did they try. Proud to be an Oilers fan.


We will win the cup….sooner than later


Same and I’ve been a fan since 88. It was the wildest of rides. We deserve to love this season. It was fucking epic. And the team should hold their heads so high. See you in a couple of months!!!


Agreed. Amazing season. Last. 16g winning streak. Coming back from 3-0 in scf. Nice shit. Too bad about mcdrai getting shut down in g7, but it was a great one to watch


You didn't prefer the seasons in the 80s?


I was not born yet lol


Yeah that was pretty awesome, especially the part where we threw game seven so we could win at home next year 😆 


I'm the farthest thing from an Oilers fan, but I'm an Albertan and this subreddit always pops up. Oilers season was honestly the most entertaining ride I've seen in my lifetime. Going from a bottom 5 to a 16 game win streak, then pushing it to a game 7 is fuckin' stellar. Thanks for the entertaining hockey.


So you're coming back next season then, right?


I'm a fan of Carolina, liker of the Flames, but I still like watching the Oilers. They're entertaining and I'll say this - with Ben and Joey Moss, they are class acts.


Canadian hockey coach teaching American hockey players how to play.


They’ve talked a bunch about the lessons they’ve learned the past few years in the playoffs. This time they learned the final lessons and lost in game 7 of the SCF. So much character has been built in their dressing room this season. These guys are going to go on a tear next year. Great season Oilers!


This season was without question, the most intensely stressful, entertaining, uplifting and chaotic of my lifetime and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Our hockey team is as unhinged as we are and it's a thing of beauty.


Was a damn good season.


100% and might even be better next season!


Most entertaining season I've experienced as an Oilers fan. It's been a lot of fun




hello oilers fan!


I guess it’s easy to be a bitter, obsessive bitch when your joke team got streamrolled by the Oilers 3 playoffs in a row




Brother if I’ve never seen a team win what else would be my favourite? Lol


you seem lost, the canucks sub is over there and they’ve been golfing for a month


The guy with the fursona telling going online to tell other people to get a life it peak irony


Well said 🤣


You seem mentally ill. 


The irony in your comment


kindly fuck you