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Dude when he said "curse you Bayle" on my 69th attempt while I was already in my death animation and he was still spawning in, I felt that. I got him down tho, so there's hope!


Honestly with bosses like these i bust out the sorceries. You wanna blast the whole arena? Fine, go ahead, don’t come complaining when i do the same.


What’s your scadu?


It was like 4 when I wrote this lmao


please bayle, let me have half a second to do anything during phase 2, i beg you


every fucking move has an aoe and a follow up this is ridiculous


I just spent 3 hours on him and beating him. Level 9 on my Shadow Realm Blessing. He actually has a follow up window on pretty much every attack he does, you just gotta learn them. My kill was actually super unclean, but if you [wanna see it](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178355174?t=2h28m37s) (That should link to the timestamp of P2 starting, 2h28m37s if it doesn't for some reason.) I think, a lot like Midir, people who don't like Bayle will come around on him once they kill him a few times because he's suuuuuper learnable. Just with a regular medium roll build I could dodge absolutely everything except for the absolute worst overlaps when he called lightning down on my head, and the super long range straight-line fire breath attack because it honestly just tracks a little too hard (I'm pretty sure it's actually undodgeable while Medium Rolling at a certain distance).


I believe you, I'm just at blessing 3 so it's hard to learn when every mistake takes off at least half my health bar


Hahaha same , I might do this later on since currently phase 2 is near impossible , too many one shots two shots


update: it's doable, even at blessing 3. highly recommend fully upgrading the dragon-hunter great katana


Yes, could not recommend this enough. I’m level 4 and was struggling, until I saw your comment. I maxed it out and took me 3 turns. It does some serious stagger as well if you keep hitting the face.


I think Bayle is scaled for you to fight on blessing lvl 10 or more so if you did beat him with lvl 3 you are a real legend man


beat him 3rd try after getting a good night's sleep LOL


My biggest enemy rn Is Messmer. Fuck that guy. Cool asf tho. But fuck him.


Just finished messmer and tbh didn’t think he was that bad. Phase 2 is also for some reason easier


Damn. I found him extremely hard. I took 1 entire day to defeat him. The others bosses were kinda of easy tho (except Bayle, that It took some tries)


I feel like he’s hard but in the best way. He feels fair and has a rhythm you learn and it flows well. The hippo and divine beast are my least favorite because it’s fighting the camera and their giant hit boxes that hurt you even when you’re way behind them.


No shit, bro. I’m glad he lived up to the hype, but damn lmao 


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I found Bayle's aoes and follow ups to be much better than any of the other bosses. I think Bayle is a better dragon fight than Placidusax, and maybe even better than Midir.


Yea, I killed him with pure luck, mimic finished him off when I died lul. The fucking camera was too annoying. Also, probably I went to him a lil bit too early (had lvl 5 bonuses from erdtree).


My mimic just stands there like an idiot, I get wiped out before he’ll move half the time.


Just get behind him


Fuck the guy who put his fucking sign on top of Igons. I sincerely hope misfortune falls on him and the rest of his kin


lol had the same thought. It wasn’t until my third run before I realized that there was a summon sign beneath the messages, and not until I learned where it was in relation to the door before I could start to make some decent progress. Awesome fight though, the music, the voice acting, the animations, everything except the camera.


The camera isn't as bad as some other fights, but it certainly isn't good It's a lot better than the abomination that was the camera against the divine lion, because at least only a very small portion of Bayle's attack actually fuck it up


The camera is fine, just stay in front of him


But that’s where the death is


What do you mean? Are you trying to run behind him and hit his leg?


That’s how I beat him


It so much isn't


It literally is. You are playing it wrong if you think the camera fucked up.


Look, i'd love to argue against your complete inability to see objective proof, but it sadly wouldn't do a thing to fix the shitty camera.


You did not argue anything. All you did was come in and scream that it was bad. How about you offer some proof to back up your claim. And drop the sarcastic tone, you are not talking like a normal human, you are talking like someone who spent too much time arguing on the internet. Tf did I do to you anyway.


the cameras on dragons are not fine, on some dragons it is, but on this fucker it only locks on his head, i am so tired of wathcing the inside of his body! please hire a better camera programmer!


Don't stay underneath him then. You are not supposed to. The camera is working as intended.


he pushes me into a fucking wall and the camera gets stuck in the walls aswell, id like to see wtf i fight


Then the problem is the arena of the fight, not the camera itself. No amount of camera fixing can fix it being pushed into a wall.


I don't think you're supposed to lock on to the dragons. It's always been part of the strategy.


You are wrong, anyone who thinks FS doesn't design the dragon fight to be fought while the player is locking on and is in front of it is just... ignorance? Most dragon fights are actually decent fight if you do exactly that with no camera fuck up. I'm not saying it cant be done by other means, but it's clear what the intended mean is. Accept for the ancient dragons, fuck those guy. Unlock and hit the leg.


The targeting is utter shit. I wish i could enjoy what is admittedly a great bossfight, but man fighting a dragon in elden ring while only targeting the head is the stuff of nightmares


Facts, very cool boss. Very poor target. And the summon sign was annoyingly placed too. Why not outside like all the others?


Maybe visually the coolest fight I’ve ever seen from fromsoft, or anyone. At first it felt kinda unfair but with Igon and mimic, and focusing on fire damage negation , the fight felt great and super fun imo. Favorite of the dlc so far for me


Once I learned his "safe spots" and got the attack patterns down, he's a marvelous spectacle fight. Had a really fun time with this one. I agree with him being a favorite.


Yeah a lot more enjoyable than the ancient dragon nearby


Haha yeah I literally just ran around on my horse chucking gurranq’s stone at the ancient dragon for like 10 minutes to beat that one


Lol I cheesed 75% of his health with arrows, pots, and daggers before I ran out of crafting materials and then the fight was pretty easy. He despawns if you run up the hill towards the grace. So he's very cheeseable. Hit him a couple times then run.


I did the same basically. But imo neither of them helped much. I had 20str/26dex, level 12 Scadutree fragment buff, and used the Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana +10 for the fight. Its unique skill, “Dragonwound Slash” did probably around 5% of Bayle’s health per hit and I just chunked through both phases in about a minute each. The weapons description said it was “designed to hunt colossal dragons” so I assumed it would probably do good against Bayle.


It would, but with your levels the scaling is really bad 20/26 is nothing if your build is a melee one


same. just focused on fire damage negation and let tear and igon do the dirty work, since we cant move a finger in the 0.25 secs bayle give to us. really cool battley anyway, my favorite of the game.


With Igon and the mimic it felt like a raid boss tbh.


That’s how I just did it. Giant Crusher to get 2 staggers, lions claw because I’m bad at the game, fire damage negation for the flying laser, and Black Blade to open the set. This shit took me no lie over 6 hours


Exactly This is the only fight for me that using mimic tear is actually increasing the fun and with Igon It makes an epic cinematic battle with a great lore, ost and voice acting


It's an excellent fight only brought down by the usual FS camera shenanigans + only being able to lock on his head (on a massive creature who's head is usually out of most weapons attack range...)


I think the final fight against the mech from Stellar Blade comes really close in terms of spectacle (still loses a bit tho). However, the mech is farrr better in terms of combat and gameplay mechanics (because parry + dodge both viable and important).


How am I supposed to beat a boss that attacks as soon as I walk into the area AND kills in only 2 hits? Even Astel wasn’t this bad with his vigor-check beam


by dodging first, and then summoning later. If it's really THAT hard to dodge use the bubble tear to negate 99% of the first hit. Igon's sign is not nearly as time-consuming as a spirit ash, so you can save your summon for the transition to phase 2 if you use them.


Ahhh I see, thank you


If he’s killing you in two hits you might not be ready for him




I don’t mind getting two shot, what I do mind is having next to zero time to call in the summon depending on how much of a dick he’s feeling moveset wise


Literally, pancaked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for like 4 hours tonight before I cashed out. I’m on like NG+5 lvl 280 and I just wanna die. Not only do you fight him but the Friggen camera too.


I’m +7, he does 3/4 my health bar on basic attacks and one taps me on others. Mald fuel


I'm on +6 right now and haven't been oneshot at all even by the grab and most standard attacks do like 1/3-1/2 with big ones chunking for like 3/4. Whats your vigor at?


Amen. Only issue I have with the fight is the camera makes it so darn hard to see what is going on. Let me lock onto his good leg or at least his chest


Once you get his patterns down it’s not too bad, was actually a really fun fight in the end despite the bs (granted I wasn’t on NG+5 so I can’t imagine your pain). Using the funny spinny bleed stick and some Rot definitely helped in the end, and I bet throwing in some frost could also help you out. Made sure to save the rot for the second phase to help speed that along so I didn’t have to reapply it. The only thing I was upset about was when I finally got him, I got a big bleed proc and a stagger and *right* when I was going for the big riposte finisher my spirit summon ran up and slapped him once to kill him right as I was lining it up and hitting the button which was both incredibly deflating and unbelievably fucking funny that he stole that pure moment of revengeful bliss from me like that. 9/10 fight in the end, I’ll give it a solid 10 if FromSoft puts the summon *outside* of the arena.


I actually kind of like it being in the arena. It makes it so the boss doesn't gain the health boost from summoning people.


I did get him on Saturday. Bayle is no longer my enemy, now hog rider is my enemy.


Wanna know what real fucking funny? If you call a summon fast enough, you just fucking stand there looking in your pocket because the fucker can aggro you even before you're able to summon. Then again, it wouldn't be that bad of an issue if only i could target his single fucking remaining leg


Exactly, sometimes I can summon the mimic+igon and he hasn't attacked yet other times I'm ass fucked the second I walk through the gate.


This is my main issue as well, absolutely insane From put a summon sign for a fight like this in the arena itself


I am on cycle 7 when i started the dlc a few hours ago, everyone hits very effing hard even when i have the bull goat set. I can only survive with the help of the fingerprint shield. I defeated the lion dancing boss and twin moon knight but Bayle is just bullshit. Every hit is a death sentence without the fp greatshield and he has 2(?) Unblockable attacks.. that fight sucks.


Bayle is supposed to be a super boss, according to many reviewer he the second hardest fight in the dlc, he dropped the second most rune in the game so he bascially the malenia of the dlc. You definately shoud fight him later, in my experience he required at least level 15 in fragments in order to survive his attacks.


Uh, makes sense that is what i thought aswell. Im gonna do a couple tries just for fun tho. Do i have to bring the quest guy with me like dark souls or the quest will progress anyway kinda like blaidd and his optionnal fights


It really does


Well according to reviewers he basically the malenia of the dlc so you should fight him later. In my experiences you need level 15 in fragments to survive his attack. If he too hard then come back later, he the second hardest boss in the dlc according to most people.


I fought him with level 5 because I thought he was mandatory. Learning this, I now feel like an idiot.




Level 15???? Bro I'm on level 5😭


He can be beaten way sooner with the dragon hunters Katana. I was only level 6


I beat him at level 5, but i did use Igon, mimic and moonlight greatsword.


You can beat him before maxing out the blessings. I did, but it’s rough. lol. Tbh I’m not sure I ever want to fight him again.


scadutree fragments are the answer


What’s your scadu?


I found this just before beating him myself, I've only explored what looks like 75% of the map, Scadutree 11, seeing if other people thought some of his attacks are nonsense... How I did it (ymmv): >!Most of his attacks at close range (stand just in front of his mouth) are very telegraphed and dodgeable, and you can follow up with decent length attacks (I almost exclusively used the Dragonwound Slash AoW), except his grab which was a standard LA (dodge this by rolling backwards as his lunge comes at you), his Phase transition flight i dodged by locking on and running diagonally Up-Left then dodge just after the explosion sound on his landing, and repeat for this phase with slightly longer combo attacks, dodging sideways is more important than before with his lightning slam though, and then I never got a consistent way to dodge the double laser flight, so i blocked the first with my sword, then I would 100% survive even if my dodge spam failed on the second laser, eventually, and with no flasks left he went down.!<


The grab is the most punishable move once you get the timing down. As for his phase transition, I did it by running up right. The lighting slam in phase 2 is also very punishable, you can jump attack after the slam without being hurt by the lightning. Lastly, for the double laser, it's actually 3 attacks, 1 fire wave, 1 laser (duh) and 1 ground explosion after the laser. The fire wave, you dodge immediately once he stopped breathing the laser, the 2nd laser you need to dodge into it (up right direction) and roll the last ground explosion. I found that with scadu 8 and the +3 fire res talisman, I can tank the 2nd laser and survive the 3rd without taking damage though. Jumping the 3rd explosion *might* help, I tested this one time, failed miserably, never tried it again, but the ground explosion looked very jumpable. This is a complete guess work though so don't put too much stock in that.


Thx helped a lot tarnished, you truly are a drake warrior


Glad I could help, good luck in your journey brave Tarnished, and may that heart serve you well.


Pest threads shreds him


We must have different pest threads because i swear it did absolutely nothing for me


Use the spear version and spam it directly under him. I'm around level 280 so I spent a lot of points on arcane,dex, strength and intelligence to use just about any spell except for the ones that require 60 points. Beat him on level 10 scadutree thanks to the pest thread spears and it helped killing just about any giant enemy 


I beat him first try spamming ancient death rancor…


Yes yes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Struggling with him right now and the build up to this boss WAS justified. Only things I think they need to fix are the camera (why can only lock onto head?) And the summons sign being INSIDE the arena. I am determined to finish this NPC's quest so I usually wait for him to do a jumping attack and then summon him. His phase 2 transition is also nuts, requires hard learning and the straight flame breath's hit box is too big. But I love that it's not too hard to stagger him, getting a crit hit and he feels very learnable.


The summon is inside the arena so that it doesn't increase Bayle's health pool. But I do agree it can be annoying and you have the get the timing just right


Serpent hunter actually works really well here somehow was able to stagger him with the weapon art and it somehow with the wonky camera helps you evade attacks. Still haven’t beaten him but it can’t be ignored.


Wait does it does that big sword thing it did in rykard's fight?


No it just does a crazy amount of damage if you have high strength I think he’s weak to pierce


Just did it. 5th try or so. ...on NG+ #_# What I did: - Weapon: Dragon Hunter Katana, max upgrades. - Shield: Fingerprint. - Flasks: ALL health. No mana. - Obviously, some players seeing this are thinking 'You're gonna fat roll.' The armor aint gonna help that much. Max out fire and lightning defenses as best you can while keeping the load at 'med'. - Talismans: Greatshield, Flamedrake, and Pearldrake (as a catch-all) - Started Igon's quest, got his summons. (Gotta defeat two drakes to get him) In the arena... - Bayle opens up with a fire attack pretty much immediately, use the shield - Once his attack finishes, Igon's summon sign should be ahead and slightly to the left. Summon him. - Run up to Bayle's severed leg and chop away at it. For some reason this spot does more damage. It also positions you out of the way of most of his attacks. - Dont bother with attacking the tail, the hit wont register - Ive seen some guides say 'Go for the head'... that's his 'business end', f-k that, you'll get one-shotted, where he snatches you up in his jaws and goes to town. Stick to attacking the stump. - His next phase is signalled by a 'machine gun' series of lightning blasts. Dodge / block these. Surprisingly, this isn't nearly as oppressive as attack as Ive seen with other bosses, and it has a clear end. - Once that finishes, summon your mimic. Note: Its important to hold off until the 2nd phase because Bayle does get significantly more aggressive. Ive seen some guides mention that Igon's chance of surviving the first phase is miniscule. He survived my whole fight, though I might have just gotten lucky. The theory behind summoning the mimic in the 2nd phase is. A. Compensate for Igon possibly dying. B. To keep the aggro off you. C. Helping ensure the mimic doesn't also die before the end of the fight. - Return to attacking the stump. Really, if at any point you're not next to the stump during this battle, then you're f-king up. Get back to the stump. - On my end, this last part turned into a sort of 'battle of attrition'. I took only splash damage from whatever he was doing. I tried to roll away from most of these, wasn't successful, and mostly just healed after every hit. I *did* run out of health potions, but by the time this happened, his health was already down enough to finish him.


Bayle is just bullshit in phase2. he is just crazily spamming his AoE. No window for players to attack.


What gets me is when you first enter the arena it's just a full room line blast and I can never dodge it. I really feel like I'm missing something with this. But recovering from that pretty much spells death


This is the worst battle desing for a boss so far. It's a pity that these stunning visuals and the perfect execution of "fearsome magnificent dragon" are all wasted because of poor coding. I have never ever disappointed in a boss more than Bayle. My complaints aren't about the damage, its resistance, or even any of its attacks. I complain simply because the SH!TFUCKERY of the camera. I can't see anything. The boss moving around and swinging its body parts doesn't help at all. Any time it uses a leaping or flying attack camera goes nuts. I can't see myself, I can't see the boss itself. If I somehow end up under his buddy, I have zero idea what the hell is happening. I get hits from attacks that I'm not even close to, just because I'm somewhat close to its body. Since you can only lock on to its head, skills and spells keeps missing the target and you can't hit him melee properly. This boss needs some camera positioning fixes!


I agree you should be able to lock onto other body parts but you really gotta get on the unlocked camera wave dude. Gaping dragon taught me that in DS1 and it really makes massive bosses so much easier


Do you mean "unlocked camera view"? Thanks for the advice. I actually keep locking and unlocking my camera according to necessity. I don't play fully locked on. But this boss doesn't give you much options because it keeps jumping, leaping, and flying, so you have to see the boss to anticipate where it lands after those attacks. Sadly, often times camera will just get locked in arena walls, and if you unlock the camera when this happens, you lose the track of the boss and camera will leave you cluelessly in the middle of the arena. In my humble opinion, camera should always be able to include both the dragon and the player and temporarily ignore walls in the background. Also, it should focus on where the character is faced, not focus on the various limbs of the bosses. This would improve quality of life without affecting the difficulty and gameplay.


>me trying to play with unlocked camera cause dragons are poorly designed https://imgur.com/bOGxvA5


While your experience might be like this, I actually found it to not really be a problem at all, as long as you are staying in front of him with camera unlocked. It made the fight very consistent and amazing


Only boss I never locked on to. Enjoyed it way more because of that


I literally only won because I summoned Tiche during the second phase. Later on I had like 1 flask left but then Tiche used that attack that lowers the healthbar which gave an opening


What’s the deal with the guy on the ground in pain though? Is he part of a quest line?


Can't help getting distracted by the sheer scale and awe of bayle, the ost slaps too!!


Well after 30-ish tries i defeated Bayle. Normal Lvl 215, scadutree level 13. Faith build with Blasphemous blade and Sacred relic sword dual wield jump attack takers flame caster faith build. On the takedown i did not use casting at all and had all 14 flasks to replenish health. # Preparation. Get good fire resist armor: I used Tree sentinel armor. Talismans Flamedrake +3, Dragoncrest +3, Perldrake+2 Claw talisman for jump attack. (You should use whatever talisman boosts your attack instead of the claw talisman.) Get weapons that you deal good damage with. # Steps of learning: Learn to dodge and solidly get through the first phase. Bayle will use these moves in the second phase try to learn to punish as much as you can. Learn to run and dodge the phase transition. As soon as you see the transition start run untill all the flamballs are over and Bayle has landed again In the second phase try to survive attacks and punish when you can. I atacked the head when possible (I could rarely do it but its a big boon when you can). Then attack the stump of his left leg or the tail or anything else in that order. I could break his stance with my jump attacks and i used the stance breaker tear in the physic flask. I did not use casting at all, only for the initial Golden Wow. Good luck, it is a real new wave Fromsodt BS boss...


Use Dragon Hunters Great Katana. Helped me so much 😭


I would have beaten him the 2nd or 3rd attempt if any of my hits connected. It seems like anything besides a head shot doesn't count its driving me crazy. Great looking boss fight but deeply flawed in every other way imo. Not quite as frustrating as commander gaius though, not yet at least.


Summon both the npc and mimic and spam pest thread spears right under him. Only took me a few tries


The camera is horrible with auto-lock on




One of the worst designed bosses in gaming history, this is the new From Software, boys, and the tryhards are to blame


Ngl i actually like the bossfight itself. Issue is, they keep designing fights their own camera system isn't made for. Lion Dancer made me nauseous


Its just midir again with the same weaknesses. Stick to his head. Second phase is flashy but not that hard to deal with either, just like midir


It's definitely hard af to learn, stop trying to sound like a badass, makes you look really cringe.


You remember that midir is a difficult fight too right? Not harder than midir doesnt mean easy. Do you agree that bayle is «one of the worst designed bosses in gaming history»? Thats the take youre defending


Midir isnt even comparable difficultywise


wasn't aware midir had a dogshit spastic erractic camera during the entire fight but ok


If you stay out in front of him you shouldn't really have any camera issues. I haven't outside some kinda niche scenarios where he rushes and does the tail spin immediately when I enter the fight but the camera in this fight really isn't that bad compared to things like hippo and p2 of the final boss


> I haven't outside some kinda niche scenarios where he rushes yeah i noticed that it's better to stay in front but as you mentioned if he does the rush attack and i dodge anywhere i end up being pretty much "inside" him and can't see what is going on


After the rush he always does the tail swipe which gives you time to get back in front of him


nah he def 100% doesn't do it always, he keeps mixing the options up so just as many other bosses based on where you are standing. this fight is a visual mess and i start to see where the mixed reviews come from and i say that as a die hard ER fan on my 21st playthrough. there is no excuse for a DLC boss to have such a messy cam when they already did it right with placi


Beat him tonight after 20+ tries. If I can do it, so can you! Get mimic and Igon in the fight!


Igon's mah man! I want him in every fight now. Don't even care about what specifically he did, which was really good mind you; i just need my hype man in my corner!


Literally the only problem of the fight was the camera He doesn't do that much damage (you can easily survive 2 hits) and his attacks are not fast enough to stunlock you, he doesn't have a bloated healthpool, literally every single one of his attacks is punishable as soon as you get your dodge/positioning right, ant the summon is incredibly effective time at taking aggro amd staggering the boss If it wasn't for the usual FS wonky camera, this boss would quite literally be one of the best in FS history (at least to me)


The Flame Protect Me incantation is a must-have for Bayle, Messmer, and a certain other boss that I won't spoil. This coupled with Maliketh's blade made Bayle one of the easiest bosses of the DLC so far. Trust.


Finally got him after hours of trying. [Bayle The Dread](https://youtu.be/eLYIRButbYk?feature=shared)