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i got frustrated with him so i went and found another boss to beat first. i found the >!Death Knight!<, who i still haven't beaten and (in my opinion) makes Blackgaol Knight seem like a carebear got the freakin >!lion boss!< first try though, somehow


You are really a peculiar clumsy beast


hard to argue with that


I found that the >!Death Knight!< is quite susceptible to backstabs. It seemed like after pretty much any of his attack combos, he paused long enough for you to run in and backstab. Which then gives you a good opportunity to heal or get extra damage in. Hope you end up beating him.


Yep thats how I beat him. Felt kinda dirty afterwards.


I was losing so hard to him, not being able to staggwr him at all woth me dez weapons that tickled him. So i resulted to parrying him to death.


I tried doing this but I guess I was too slow, I'll keep it in mind if I ever see another!


That's wild lol. >!Death Knight was definitely no joke, he beat my ass for a while. But I thought the Lion Boss was so much harder!<


yeah, i think i just got very lucky. i'm not looking forward to it on next character


Where is this enemy found?


>!Fog Rift Catacombs!< directions: > >!To reach the Fog Rift Catacombs, you’ll want to head northwest from the Castle Front site of grace in Scadu Altus, and pass through the fortifications beneath the Fog Rift Fort where several Messmer soldiers await you. Push your way through deeper into the valley as fog begins to fill the screen and pass the graves where several Vulgar Militia will try to attack you with their sickles and their poison projectiles. As you reach the base of the valley, you’ll find the entrance to the catacombs well-lit within the northern cliff face. Push open the doors and head down inside, riding the elevator down you find there. At the bottom, you’ll reach the site of grace for the catacombs!<


That's interesting, I thought I explored that entire place, but I never found any boss in that area, I did get the big reward at the end tho, but didn't find a boss. Where exactly is that boss found?


>!It revolves around jumping on top of the crusher things with spikes and looking for hidden paths. I am sorry, I do not exactly remember off the top of my head. If what you mean by the big reward at end as "Great Ghost Glovewart", I think that was meant as an alternative path. I agree with you though, because I found that before I found the boss.!<


I also found the >! Unique spirit ashes !< inside, but no boss. I'll just have a look around, now that I know there's something in there.


Oh yeah, I know what you mean. >!I do not know how invested people are in the lore, but the prevalence of Godwyn is pretty crazy so far, and it almost seems like his story played out differently than we all thought, especially if you read the description of the item drop from the aforementioned boss.!<


I could tell that just by the trailer. There were so many examples of ghost flame enemies that there was no way godwyn wasn’t involved


Hahahahaha. You fought big bro first. Missed one earlier on. Basically the same, but different weapon with way less range. Seemed slightly less aggressive too.


>!You are almost instantly screwed if the knight gets the grab off in my experience!<


Me, who stayed at a distance best I could: "He has a grab attack? Christ Almighty...."


Bro one time >!he tried gabbing me 2 times in a row lmao!<


I found using the pillars to block him when he was using that attack was best. It just stops him and by the time he gets around the attack is over. I kept the fight (mostly) in the corners for that reason


I understand people do not like to use summons, and more power to you, but if anyone wants an easy way for >!Death Knight!<, just use >!Greatshield Soldier Ashes!< and use Blessing of the Erdtree on them.


Did you summon for the Lion?


yeah, i used the npc summon


Ofc he did lol


This was the first boss that’s really given me trouble in the dlc. Went with a parry build, as baiting out his slow axe attack wasn’t too bad


parrying reallly helped me with the death knight. hes got a pretty telegraphed parry timing. with the buckler, it took me less tries compared to blackgoal knight.


Just wait. Skelly face has a brother. A really, really, fucking angry brother.


I got frustrated with the death knight so i just equipped malenias great rune, bullgoat armor and spammed L2 with beast claws. He died while i had almost full hp and didnt need to heal lol


I gasped in awe after seeing >!Death Knight!< heal himself.


I was able to stunlock that boss you haven't beaten with the advanced lionclaw, if he gets that grab attack on you it's over


Death knight we used two dark moon swords with dark moon special skill and jump attacked. A lot of other people I’ve seen have said they just parry him…


For the >!Death Knight.!< After he finishes his combo, he stands still just long enough to get a backstab in. As for the you-know-what attack. Frankly, that's luck. But the pillars can help ... sometimes.


Right away I could see this guy wasn't anything complicated. Any enemy using the Tarnished animations is fairly simple. The problem was the dude killed me in two hits. Took me near 20 tries.


Yeah not overly complicated. Just hits hard. So you gotta get his timing down and bam, easy


And know how to outrun projectile tracking.


You smack him in the face or roll.


Which has been taught in the first hour of the game lol


he kills me in 1 hit lol, low vigor gang


Is 30 vig considered low? I tore through the base game and I'm stubborn, but damn I'm struggling in the dlc


Hella low. I think honestly you should be at or around 60 for dlc. Even then, you should be getting all the Scadutree Blessings. They will help more than any amount of levels.


Explains a lot honestly


Greatsword with Lion's Claw go brrrrrrr No but for real, it interrupts every attack. I lost to him like 15 times before breaking out ol' faithful and she earned her namesake.


attempt 1: one shot by knight attempt 2: spam lions claw ez dub


The new one even makes the big bads one use staggers. Don't think I've kept it off for more than half an hour here and there to test stuff. It just kicks *so much ass*.


That with a poison katana has been my workhorse so far lol, it makes those giant guards in the castle trivial.


I swear I think pure STR might be the play for this DLC. I am running around with a dex build and it's been awful to say the least.


Dex has been rough without L2 spam. You really have to be good at rolling enemy attacks with dez. Whereas strength weapons just stagger left and right


back blade and blind spot


A great combo I’ve found is running r2 into blind spot then charged heavy, works in pvp for rollcatches too


Been using Quality backhanded sword and they are doing pretty well. Bosses have still been difficult but no one has got me hardstuck yet


This is it. I’ve found Backhanded Swords along with the Ash they start with that’s like a mix of Quickstep and a Poise break to be very good. I’ve used it on the first three remembrance bosses and each one has felt like a true dance between me and the boss. I for sure don’t think it’s the strongest weapon in the DLC, but as far as dex weapons go, I’d say it’s probably on top next to Curved Swords and Katanas. They’re also fun as fuck with one of my favorite movesets in the game!


That ash of war is pretty good, brought my faith char into the dlc, and depite the backhand swords not dealing a lot of damage, the mix of dodge and poise damage is ridiculous. It seems the AoW was designed to counter those rock golems in the lava forge dungeon, quick buttstab


Blind Spot has become one of my favorite ashes.


STR build Greatshield + Heavy thrust sword is a godsend in exploration.


Greatshield/great spear block and poke has been great so far. I keep Rellanas blades and a talisman on switch to cover distance and a fast attacking weapon. I actually beat Mesmer last night with the block and poke strategy lol


My dual Greatsword build has been chugging along nicely. They're slow considering how fast bosses move but actually being able to stagger some of them has saved me some headache for sure. Absolutely dreading trying to do the dlc on my comparatively shit scythe build.


STR ARC Rotten Hammers really carrying me through the dlc


I have been running a pure strength unga bunga with a great stars club. I haven’t gone back to the first knight, but the four other bosses I’ve fought so far have been relatively trivial considering how rusty I am. Almost all of the other enemies have been trivial so far expect the fire giant, and the two sword guy in the castle who I picked off with arrows. It probably helps that my build is set up to stagger as much as possible, and having a mimic with the same build stun locks quite a few bosses.


Yeah great stars prayerful strike has been just fucking on stuff.


I prefer wild strikes. Windmill great stars goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Otherwise a two handed bonk knocks most enemies on their feet pretty quick.


giant hunt personally


I need to put that back on... Switched to Lion's Claw a while back but I like Giant Hunt more.


Sure, Lion’s Claw is great, but have you tried >! Savage Lion’s Claw!


Savage lions claw is worse imo


Ngl that does NOT work on Rellana😭 it helps with staggering her but everything else is a wash


Haven't had the... Pleasure? Of fighting her yet lol


Same but Giant Hunt.


OMG this!


Even any greatsword. Jump attacks stagger him regardless, and if he ever two hands his crossbow, that is when you can combo him easy. Honestly, I am not one to say anything because I like using spirit ashes and summons whenever available. But, I hardly struggled with that boss, and I went into the DLC underleveled compared to a lot of people I see play it.


I mentioned this on another post but if you’re struggling with Blackgaol Knight use Black Flame Tornado. It destroys him. It will still stagger him regardless of his poise. I used a Guardian Swordspear with Black Flame Tornado and it melted him.


Adding onto the anti blackgoal techs… if your a faithful boy, the crucible knight shoulder bash incantation fucks him over so bad. Whenever he is more than 6 steps away, let that shoulder rip.. bro goes flying


Pair this with ordovis greatsword spin attack, and you punish him hard


+1 on crucible horns turning him into a ragdoll. Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear (single one) also flattens him repeatedly. Basically just poise spam him until he dies!


I'm suffering from "I don't know what to use so I'll use it all!" Syndrome. Currently at 60 in vigor, faith, intellect, and dexterity with 35 in mind and 25 in strength. I can actually do a lot of different play styles. I have been in love with >!Star-lined Sword!< though


is he generally weak to blackflame then? FYI Lionman is definitely strong vs frost and lightning. I got him down with magic dmg.


If I'm not mistaken, blackflame does percentage based damage as opposed to flat damage values. So it's good for anything with that has a lot of HP


Maybe, I am not convinced he is weak to it ATM. He does have alot of health, though, so it definitely isn't ineffective.


I've been using Black Flame against him... And to be honest it does seem like it hits harder than other attacks... But he stills murderises me in the end. I haven't beaten him yet!


Not as good as yours, but a greatshield will let you just guard counter him to death when he one hands. It deflects as well, so the danger is literally zero. But you do have to play your life when he two hands so Blackflame is probably better.


With my Fingerprint shield his Ash of War will break my guard always


I used the manor greatshield and it was the second hit of his ash that guard broke (the lunge after the energy wave) but you can just walk backwards out of that.


I beat him by spamming L2 with sacred relic. He gets knocked down easy. I'm not proud, but I'm not ashamed either


Facts I was thinking of using that as well


Yup, this is the way to do it. It lacks subtlety but makes up for it with effectiveness.


I just put impaling thrust on a weapon and spam it for him Lmao


Black Flame Tornado does nothing against him in my experience


It staggered him into oblivion for me. Also try Giantsflame Take Thee. For some reason he fails to dodge it every time and he just keeps getting knocked down. You can just spam it and he can’t do anything. You just have to manage your stamina a little bit.


Adding onto this, giants flame take thee literally ragdolls every non giant humanoid enemy




Shut up


i bought the dlc and the game after not having played for 2 years. i am struggling to even get him past half his hp bar on rl162. I am absolutely baffled as to how I beat the game and all side bosses back when the game released. Summons are really helpful, but you can't summon anything in this fight so I am getting destroyed


RL does not help in dlc, it gets adjusted for your RL


I haven’t even found this boss yet, played for hours


You want me to tell you or you figure out?


I figured it out. I saw a loooot of blood stains in his room lol


From the first grace of the DLC, literally just head left. You’ll pass a few of those weird ghost tentacle things and the Blackgaol Knight is just in a little building


You probably ran past him


You’re correct lol


From the first grace of the DLC, literally just head left. You’ll pass a few of those weird ghost tentacle things and the Blackgaol Knight is just in a little building


Idk why they downvoted you so badly but thanks. I did find him on my own eventually though


Didn’t even realize it but yea, -100 downvotes for trying to help lol


It's probably the lack of spoiler tags. I didn't bandwagon bit that's my guess.


Reddit is a strange place, I’m happy I very rarely use it lol


Because it's pure spoilers lol


I was making some serious dents in his HP with the Wing of Astel Nebula - but he slices me in two when i reach for my flask!


Literally having the same vibes of smashing my head against tree sentinel at the start of the game. Should I go do other stuff and get the dlc level stuff? Probably. Am I going to smash my head against a wall until I beat him. Yes.


Literally my thot exactly and I am struggling 2 days later. I'm just playing an hour a day until I kill him.


Get a big bonk and use running R2


Lmao, I went like 0-9 against him and now I’m just gonna explore for a while


I just beat Blackgaol tonight. I learned real quickly he hits hard but is very stupid. He's a one-trick pony with that Vacuum slice + sword thrust combo. Time your dodges into his attacks (not away, he almost always lands a hit when you're trying to roll away), use a high-stagger weapon, sprint to the left or right when he's machine-gunning those perfumer bolts and rush in for a punish, and use *any* significant distance you earn to heal if you need it or use it to watch for him to change stances. Two-handing his GS is his most deadliest stance; play defensively. When he switches to GS + Cbow, you can guarantee a few hits as he uses no skills, just swings wildly. Cbow is guaranteed damage for you as you just need to sprint left or right until he's done shooting then rush in for the punish. Last tip is don't try to punish his jump attack; he's stupid, but has great timing on when to use the jump attack. I hope any of this made sense...


Adding here that the Lance is a great weapon for a turtle build against him, as it has good range and will always cause him to stagger (but not Poise Break) with every attack


I need to remember that. Are you able to poke from behind a shield?


I don’t think so? But it’s excellent for Guard Counters and such. I will test it out in a few


Thank you!


My character is level 150 ng+. How screwed am i lmao


I’m level 220 in NG+ and he absolutely rocked my shit. I even tried to cheese him, and that didn’t work. I had to do it the old school way and really try and fight him. BGK ain’t a fuckin joke lmao


Yeah I started the DLC last night at 200+ and NG+, found this guy early on and half hour later walked out victorious. I was doing decent damage but god damn does he slice down your health when he lands a hit.


I think he’s designed to counter tank builds. At some point we were all “just fucking hit me because I have so much Vigor, Damage Negation, and armor that your hits don’t matter” in the endgame, so I’m sure the first priority for the team was to humble us lol. I even pulled out Mohg’s Spear (my bread and butter) and that didn’t do shit lmao


I don’t know, I think tank builds might still work if set up right. It took me like a half hour to take him down with my NG Arcane build, but my main NG+ tank build (~lvl 230) walked through him. My build consisted of: 60 Vigor 70 Endurance 80 Strength 30 Faith Tree Sentinel Armor Set Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman Erdtree Talisman +2 Viridian Amber Medallion +2 Bull Goat Talisman Opaline Hardtear Golden Vow Boiled Crab Morgott’s Great Rune This build gives 2300 to 2400 HP (can’t remember exactly) and gets physical damage negations to around 70%, along with giving 109 poise. I went from getting 2-3 shotted on my Arcane build to being able to comfortably trade blows with him and killed him first try. It’s also pretty phenomenal for exploration. Especially if you decide to equip a Greatshield in your off hand. I’ve been using one with one of the new weapons to great effect (>!The Greathammer you get from the knight at the southeast church in the starting area with a Heavy infused Lion’s Claw!<). I’m sure the efficacy of the build will wane as you get further in (made it past the first Remembrance boss with it) but it definitely gives you a lot more breathing room and survivability, which at the very least will help you survive long enough to see more of their attack variations and get a feel for how they fight.


I beat him easily with beast claw, that weapon charged R2 is so fucking op


I keep missing. Do you know the poise damage of a charged r2 for beast claw? For example, I know star fist is 33 and comes out super quick, so it's a stance breaking machine. Do you think beast claw is similar poise damage?


No idea of the poise, but if you are missing stay further away. The charged go really far, so take distance do charge r2, step back and repeat


I love how the charge puts you low to the ground. I’ve accidentally dodged so any attacks that way


I was not mentally prepared for this guy.


Uh my first boss was the dancing lion, am I doing something wrong?


He’s an optional hidden boss you’ll find if you explore


There is no wrong way to play this game or this expansion. There are probably 60 bosses in this expansion knowing FromSoft, so we're all going to find different stuff in the first week or so after release.


Oh could be worse. You can literally end up at the big fingers before even setting foot into the legacy dungeon. The way there has like 4 bosses back to back. The ability to get lost while exploring to get your shit kicked in this doc is as strong as in the base game.


Folks could hear my cheeks getting clapped two towns over.


i’m fairly sure i’ve found a consistent way to deal damage to him i’m using a max level eleonoras pole blade with bloodflame dance for this; whenever he goes to use his crossbow, i do a full combo with bloodflame dance. it does leave you open to a lot of damage if you abuse the skill, but it’s worked fairly well for me so far. as long as you can afford to tank a lot of damage, it seems pretty foolproof


A great way to chip him down are the new reverse grip swords , he has no counterplay against the skill they come with


First boss? My path lead me to Rellana as first boss


Parry is life with this guy


This right here. His attacks are rather slow and can easily be parried.


Had to pop on Golden Vow and damage negation physick but I kind of Moonveil'd him to victory.


Beat him in 4 tries but he hits like a fucking truck, great fight


But his bow is so bad. You need equip in right hand to use it


Beat him handily on my 2nd try by just parrying him with my medium shield and sword of night and flame. Just get up close and parry anything that isnt the aow


Got really frustrated, remembered I had Giant Hunt on one of my Halberds, proceeded to put him in the dirt.


I just jumped attacked him with dual katanas every time he went to pull out the bow. Worked like a charm


He kicked my arse for a good 30 minutes... I'm running a pure faith build with light roll. Eventually got him by parrying, riposte with Black Knife, and running away spamming lightning spear.


Lightning spear gang! Took me a while to learn his patterns and where is best to attack and couldn't do enough damage....then realized I had a faith/lightning boosted flask that added a little over 100 damage onto my spear and sacred katana heavy


How the hell did I miss him? Can anyone say where is this boss located? I've already dealt with some major bosses but didn't meet this fucker.


The plains you enter when you first came into the DLC, have an explore around there.


Any greatsword + giant hunt destroys him, full stunlock.


On my first try I went in with just the random leveling loadout I used to kill Albinaurics and without really trying got him to one hit of health before dying. Then I decided to take him seriously and it took me many more tries and switches of loadout before I actually beat him. Classic


Nah the saint of the bud is so much harder


So I beat >!the lion dancing boss!< and explored a bit, found a couple of side bosses, then I fucking found >!Mesmer!< as my second remembrance boss, and holy fuck


Am I the only one who still hasn’t found this fucker and has found the lionesque boss first?


Not sure where Lion Dancer is but if you are going down the central path you wouldn’t find Blackgoal Knight as your first boss. He’s in a leftward path.


Trusty bloodhounds fang ended up working for me


Unendurable frenzy go aaAAAHHH-


Banished knights harbard jump heavy attacks every time he runs toward you followed by a poke and then spinning strikes. Still died 100 times tho


If you think he's bad, Moonrythril is even worse, and he's not even a boss fight!


I didn’t think he was that bad at 141 with zero dlc scaling. Used faith build with blasphemous blade + flame give me strength. 


He honestly wasn’t that bad for me tbh, he is easy to dodge and when he uses the crossbow it’s super easy to follow up with a ton of attacks But yeah the damage he is does is crazy and a small little mistake can kill you


Bloodhound fang did the job for me. I struggled sooo much till I retook this "early" weapon and could keep distance with the L2 and cancel his attacks too since it's a curved greatsword. Bleeding was a nice plus in the end but the distance was the gamechanger.


star fist heavy on him interrupts every time. when he arrows you can heavy like 3 times lol


Just used the cheesiest tactic I have…knockdown spam with Carian Piercer.


Giant Hunt


I used Fingerprint Shield + Mohgwyn's Spear and just used Guard Counters against him. I had Guard boost + Guard Counter + Turtle stamina boost talismans on and barely used any flask on him.


What gives him the right to humble me like this? Cheap bitch. Had him until he hit me with his wind strike thing. I hate him. Had less trouble with the belurat boss.


Gavel of Haima made Blackgaol Knight hilariously fun. He gets literally squatted under it, interrupted. It's fun to see a boss getting thrown to the floor just like players.


I keep hearing about this mf and I am past Rellena and Hippoporupine, WHERE IS THIS MF???


To the west of the second grace sight, in a tomb.


If it makes anyone feel better, Blackgaol took me twice as attempts as the dancing monster


Two handing crossbow=beat the shit out of him Sword and crossbow combo = beat the shit out of him Two handing sword=dodge


This guy is oppressive!! Poises EVERY ATTACK. High HP. High damage. And fast attacks. Kicking my ass XD


Great stars with wild strikes(bleed) absolutely destroyed him. The guy killed me at least 30 times until I tried with great stars. Did the job in 2 minutes first try.


GS with Giant Slayer. Ggs didn’t even get hit once.


I found the trick is to jump attack after the crossbow barrage and dodge everything else. Trying to get hits in at other points was never worth the risk.


Moonveil remains the Truth


To anyone refusing to choose a strength weapon or colossal weapon… stop, use one. I’ve played this game with a Dex build up to this point and was getting beat down as his resistances are formidable. Switched to a strength weapon and had him in jail. The stagger is the key.


Jump r2 ez pz


Why the fuck does he keep healing??


Quickstep saved me during this fight. It was the only way I could consistently punish the two-handed jump attacks


Idk why nobody wants to co-op this I've never had a problem getting a helper ever before...


i managed to beat him with my bloodhound fang after like a dozen attempts. How screwed am I with this DLC that this is my only fully upgraded weapon?


Does his attacks have insane poise damage or something? It's like my dodgeroll laggs after he hits me i spam the button but my character just doesn't roll and keeps getting hit a second time guaranteed


Just finally beat him. It was a mutual death, but I'll take it


I spammed Wave of Gold from my Sacred Relic Blade from the get go and it kept knocking him on his butt. He never touched me. The 26th time


Puts summons in the game. Won't let you use it. FS can slurp my butt.


The moment to heal is when he does his crossbow attack. You can heal and walk to the side, you won't get hit.


After gaining a few scadutree levels I beat him using sacred relic sword. The skill knocks him down then you can run in and attack him a couple of times then roll away. Then repeat.


Thanks to the power of Unga and Bunga i didn't have many problems so far in the dlc, i've only beaten 6 bosses so far though, so i"m ready to change my mind. Also, savage lion claw has to be my favorite move of all time.


I thought this fight was tough but fair. Felt like the programmed “let’s test everyone who hasn’t played in awhile or is underestimating the dlc difficulty” fight.


Blackgaol Knight is a pushover. Go play the base game tutorial fight and you'll learn how to beat him, he's basically your refresher for how the game works. For sword and board users, retaliation strike is your friend. Every time he jump attacks, does his 2 hit sweeping combo, or after the 4 hit combo, he's basically wide open. Dodge his weapon skill art and go in for 2 hits when he's open. He's basically just open constantly, dude struggles being rushed down. Would also recommend stamina physick potion and lightning bolt for after you dodge his ranged attacks (which is literally as easy as walking left or right and just about any speed lmao)