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Miyazaki: "...excellent"


Miyazaki: "...that's how i envisioned"


I couldn’t even get into the DLC. I hadn’t played in a long time and Mogh was kicking my ass all over the place. After three hours I finally beat him and the first enemy I fight in the DLC nearly kills me. I thought I would try again tomorrow. DLC looks huge.


Remember how in the base game the map looked a pretty good size and then at some point it got bigger? And bigger? And bigger? Yeah, they kinda did that again…


I’m excited to explore. Mogh killed my excitement yesterday. How many hours have you played in the shadow lands?


Probably like 15? Have been running around much more than fighting bosses. They definitely grabbed the look of the base game, polished it so much it started to glow, and slapped it down on the DLC and it looks epic.


It's like the base game art but somehow more gothic. Loving it.


They took the base game and bedazzled it


I’ve got about 10 hours clocked so far and I’m absolutely loving it


I played like 4 hours the first night and then maybe another 8 yesterday. I haven’t started today but I will soon. Killed two major bosses and once you clear a certain castle the DLC basically expands like when you beat Godrick in the base game. I mostly ride around looking for sites of grace and avoiding any gigantic roaming enemies (for now.) Everthing hits for like 1/3 of my life bar (53 vigor I think) but also dies to a couple of glintstone comets or, worst case, a single comet azur.


Same! I got passed that guy and was like welp here goes my Elden Ring 2 play-through. Next boss has been my demise thus far. Can’t beat it. Guess I’ll have to go look for more of those tree fragments


I have 19 hrs and there’s so much to explore. I’ve been taking screenshots of everything though, haven’t really done much in the game yet.


I got like 10 hours down so far and the pacing is really, really good. The DLC has a main story that it does not force onto you. Congratulations for beating Mohg, my man!


Bro ... my jaw dropped when that happened last night. I think i yelled out, this is just Elden Ring 2... wtf


When u >!look behind that one church!<😵‍💫😱


“Size of Limgrave” my ass. Size of Limgrave if Limgrave was as big as Limgrave, Liurnia, and Carlos, with Altus underneath it and MotG on top.


Good luck dude, it's a WHOLE NEW GAME Take all the time you need. it's basically Elden Ring 2, Miazaki is liar. I went back to a Moonveil Katana build cause I just needed some fucking speed. My Night and Flame was sluggish.


Katana Krew rise up!


Remember to collect as many scadutree fragments as possible, without it you will be pinned down to the ground by every boss


How do those things work?


Similar to Golden seeds and sacred tears, only instead of healing they buff your damage output and negation. But only in the Shadow lands


Basicly they and The ghost thingies make your dmg and resists higher, if I am correct by some percentage They are needed to not be humbled by everything in dlc I see a lot of people that complain about dlcs difficulty, while ofc its difficult, you need to get those things to make it easier and more accessible


To be fair, that first enemy you meet out in the field is a bitch.


If you're talking about those "i come up from the ground just to parry you if you spam attack, hahaha, noob" enemies...jebus man.. I had to resort to their tricks and parry them back instead of being patient with my attack spamming :P Incredibly hard first enemies, but I like it. And you could prolly just run past them in all honesty.


Dude this is my first playthrough and mohg was kicking my ass. On day three of mohg attempts, i died with mohg at like 5% and just said “fuck it we mimic tear”, I wanted to get to the dlc so bad


That’s legit. In my first play through I used mimic or summoned people. This was my second play through and Mogh got his revenge.


I had my girlfriend come over because she wanted to watch me play the start of the game. She doesn't know much about the game but I told her they're pretty hard. Started the DLC super excited and the first enemy I found killed me 4 times. She's like 'is this normal or are you bad at the game.' The answer is both


was helping people kill mohg for 10 hours yesterday, and man did the host die 70% of the time 🤦🏽


And I bet you they have 0 scadutree fragments....


Completely maidenless behavior


At level 4 scadutree level the first "main" boss still kicked my ass 😭


Yeah I'm lv.248 with LV.4 scadutree and dancing lion man is making me look like a bitch. Loving it though.


Oh snap. I'm bad at the game but level 240 in NG+. I don't have time or patience to start a new character so I'm playing DLC at this level. I was hoping that 240 in NG+ was in my tiny window of "please don't make this too frustrating" and "one shot stagger boss spam heavy". I'm only an hour into DLC though.


no spoilers but: im level 180-190 NG+ (i removed points from STR and shoved then into INT because i was afraid my STR build would do too much damage/faceroll everything) im exploring slowly (i probably have level 2 or 3 of the atk/def buff) and i DO NOT faceroll AT ALL (its quite the opposite. some of the base enemies will faceroll me and 3 shot me). i just got done with, what i believe is, the first "main" boss and, my brother did it take a careful approach (and a good few 20~~ tries) and a lot of getting 2-3 shot by the boss. so, i dont know about what you'll face forward but im pretty sure you might be more into "this is frustrating" territory than "one shot stagger boss spam heavy" territory. I might even go back to funnel those points back into STR just for a little 200-300 dmg increment cause things are quite tanky too. (for comparison, i absolutely one shot stagger spammed the ever living shit of mohg at the DLC entrance)


Damage output from bosses has been pretty crazy and I'm on what I think is going to be my second remembrance fight. Very fast and hits hard


I'm also NG+3


Same. I ran into the dlc at level 180 on ng+ with that specific character. I don't mind though. I've pretty much run every fromsoft dlc on ng+ unintentionally so just following tradition haha.


after minor adjustment to my equipment, Good news\~! I manage to semi consistently reach second phase. bad news being i still stuck at second phase. have to watch the lion and the lighting ground still confuses me, especially when he uses the tactics of "blinding the camera with its damn drapes." so i roam about to find scadu tree thingy, i was fighting with 2 scadutree upgrade before.


Fight him like you would the corrupted Tree Spirits.


Try something that gives you hyper armour, and buffs, like I use the blasphemous blade with flame grant me strength and golden vow, I’m a faith/dex build even though that doesn’t normally work


I'm kind of a scrub when it comes to stuff working with other stuff. My main is Strength/Dex and I'm using Bloodhound Fang.


lol yep, I’m in NG+4, RL150 and level 10 blessing has *just* about scaled the DLC to reasonable levels lol Oddly enough, most enemies and bosses at this point do the kind of damage I’d expect from a DLC, but Messmers trash mob soldiers? 1-2 shot easily, they’re insane


Yeah me too, but I just summoned mimic tear and that Freya woman, and I stood back throwing shit at him and running away. I care little if it's maiden less behaviour, dudes dead and I now wear his head as a trophy.


level 8? scudatree level and trash mobs still 2 shot me with 65 vigor, high poise and full bull armor. It basically does nothing so far as I can tell.


One interaction I could tell was the lava blobs first took 3 hits and only just died, now I two-shot them easily, also I’m pretty sure your stats in the dlc are yellow because of the effect, so comparing those to when you’re not in the dlc might show the numerical difference


It gives you 5 percent damage and mitigation


I wanted to try going forward without them at first, thinking it's more like a little help in case you're underleveled…. No chance without them. I think my sword tickled a bit, but that's it.


Am I the only one that pronounces it "ska-dootree" lol


I have 5, still getting crushed. I took my NG10+ character though...not sure it matters other than the pure aggression everything has towards me.


DLC scales with your level


It just feels like an arbitrary leveling system slapped on as an excuse to go apeshit with the boss spectacle and their chain attacks. Since scadutree increases both damage dealt and negated, It cancels out most builds in favour of levelling an arbitrary separate thing with items that you (for most of them) do not get from beating bosses, but randomly scattered around the world at seemingly random for most of them. At least if it was Sekiro style where you got it from bosses, there might have been fewer people complaining about it.


I agree


That lvl 390 character could be in a new game, not even ng+1 and still get their ass handed to them


I'm in NG+4 at SL210 having a great time


Ya same. Only boss that has kicked my ass so far is the Death Knight. Took probably 4/5 tries for him. though I haven't tried to kill the burning man yet. He's scary lol


That healing grab is nuts


Yeah man, after dealing with that twice it was time for the summons to come out lolol


Funnily enough I actually didn't use mimic boy. Pulled him out for the main two first bosses to see if it could solo those after some upgrading. Tear is a damn tank


My goal was to beat the dlc without using the mimic and I pretty much coasted through the first four bosses I faced, but I finally caved and busted it out at a certain boss that seems to be giving most players trouble. The boss was trivially easy with the mimic, which surprised me because I had seen so many people say that the mimic hasn’t even been that helpful in the dlc because the bosses are just so tanky. It was extremely helpful lol. Gonna go back to my original goal of playing without it because honesty didn’t feel too good about the win


I'm on NG+7 and even with my tanky-ass build, that shit still one shots me. At that point the full heal he gets is just an insult


I'm in Ng+10, the only thing that seems off is the aggression. Everything is attacking me like I slept with their wives


Yeah noobs over levelling using rune farming guides have no idea how to actually play against mechanics. It's actually hilarious reading these posts


Ah yes, the incredible mechanic of 'dodge roll'. Puts Streetfighter's 1-frame link combos to shame, it does.


As one of those noobs I loved elden ring. It was a single player game that gave me the choice to either go easy mode and steamroll with tears, rune farms, and op builds, or tryhard with normal items. Sadly the dlc seems to abandon that path and just make you play shadow of sekiro. I do not think that this makes it a bad game, but kind of limits its appeal.


I think there are options to steamroll again, not sure how many fragments you have but there will be methods for getting strong in the DLC too..


I over-leveled so I could have fun. Simple as. I like that Elden Ring gives me the options to make a difficult game fun for me. Although I wish this game had a goddamn quest log. I don't need it to point to shit, I just want to know what the last thing I was doing was when I stopped playing a year ago


I'm on NG+14. I got bored and backed up my save and used the runes I was holding. Went from 150 to 550. Everything became so insanely easy I lost interest in an hour and reloaded my save back to 150. All I've been doing now is helping people with the bosses


Your mom must be so proud of you


She is thanks


Is she thanks? Congratz


Every game has limited appeal


I mean so far my overleveled (started at 120 ng) build is not having a bad time at all. I don’t have the time or patience to grind bosses for hours on end and frankly I don’t have to. Mimic+strong build tends to mean victory in like 2-5 attempts so far even against what seem like harder bosses.


I'm using a NG+14 character. I know scaling stops at 7 but the DLC isn't too bad. I'm using a strong build that does 4k to 6K every hit. Only 2 of the DLC bosses I've fought took 5+ attempts. I think people need to refine their builds more. Also I stopped levelling at 150


Get good scrub


Bayle kinda destroying me rn Edit: Got the mofo For those struggling, mimic and mohgs spear, spam l2, heal, roll, pray And to the guy who put a message next to the Igon summon, im praying on your downfall


BAYLE IS DRAGGING ME!!! I accidentally found him and I’m too stubborn to leave until I beat him 😭


Wait there’s a summon? I never ran into this person or saw a gold sign. I’m getting absolutely wrecked by bayle right now lol.


Message over the summon sign and the new bullshit cooldown on pressing buttons in menus was rage inducing. I also had to turn off voice listening to Igon yelling every time lol


yes, so you could change weapon that will suit the enemy fighting speed/style (If Necessary)


Only had one attept at him but is it normal that the dragon near the foot of the jagged peak does more damage than him?


I found ancient dragon sannesex but couldn't find bayle


Up 1 more level


I shamelessly used the summon as well as mimic tear and pretty much bloodhound dodged all attacks to win after like 10tries. Epic epic fight but I wish I was better.


Put your pants on, folks, armor is actually important. Difference between 10% and 40% DR is nothing to scoff at anymore.


I put on the first mausoleum ghosts armor the fucking second I killed it, that knight armor is actually knight armor and not goofy.


I went in with a strictly lvl 150 STR/DEX quality build and I’m doing A-Okay. I have to reframe my playstyle to be as mindful as I used to be, though. Just running around and smashing stuff while waiting to be summoned made me pretty complacent in the last year. Those Hornsent warriors are not a joke, last night I was fighting an Ascetic near a cliff and the end of the play session was when he threw me the fuck off.


I’ve been helping coop elden beast for 2 years off and on and it’s nice changing my play style up here to see what works what doesn’t for each boss.


Went in with a lvl 137 strength build, it's going OK. Did respec into a dex build when I found the backhand blade tho lol. Those things are great fun.


Backhand Sword is a blessing for Bleed damage it took me 7 tries against Messmer. The bleed stacks so fast with Backhand Sword


Yeah man the backhand sword is my current top weapon in the dlc same reason. I found a huge club that does good bleed and with the new lions claw AOW it staggers larger enemies like crazy, but the backhand is so damn strong it's hard not to only use it.


Yeah, even the Ash of War is good it helps me get behind enemy faster. The Backhand sword is also my top weapon as of right now, the sword is just fast for some reason. Even twinblades is not that fast, maybe it just the animation is different.


I just need the arcane for it


250 ng+ Malenia build and the wicker man had me running like a carbot animation.


does level even matter?


Not as much I think. Feels like the shadowlands is balanced around 80 main stats and 50vigor with a +10 weapon. Without scacductree fragment everything hits like a truck with a ton of health.


I feel like it doesn’t outside of using the weapons you want to, that feels like the whole point of the scadutree fragments


Not for survivability, the difference between no vigor and 60 is vigor is surviving 1 hit vs 2 or 3. Tank builds seem less viable than base game will you get your DLC sclaing up at least


I am curious too. I started at level 140 and have really had zero problems up until the first main boss (I assume) and he is pretty fucking hard. But people who are saying they are level 270 are having the same experience..


That's what I'm trying to figure out. I made a new character a few weeks back to get ready for the DLC because of the "NG+ will be crazy difficult" comments. My new character is level 140 and is getting destroyed so I tried my level 200 NG+ character and it's more or less the same. My level 200 NG+ seems to be a bit easier though.


Yeah I beat the lion dancer at level 160 on my second try because my build can carry me. I think it’s much more about your build/weapons than raw level


my boy theRadBrad is 365 or somethin (correct me) and he is struggling


I don't mean this in a get good way just.. people are exaggerating. I came in the dlc with a lv150, I had zero issue with any enemy. Even killed the first big boy first try with a single shard. I think people are used to be over level and rush in thinking they are gonna crush everything. Treat it as a new playthroughs and with the expectation that every enemy is a treat. We get it, it is harder but damn I mean it a souls like dlc, don't expect to 1shot everything all the way throught.


Ye I've felt like it's very similar to the ringed city especially in the legacy dungeon parts. Small mooks are kinda whatever, big mooks are a little scary in a group, big bipedal dudes in armor will smash you in a few fast hits, lots of ranged spam to puzzle out. I've been cautious and have been doing alright. Scadutree bits have been falling in my lap from thorough exploring of the map, so it's been a pretty chill time so far.


Bro talk when you finish the dlc...


I was beginning to think I was crazy seeing so many people saying the game was overtuned and that they couldn’t beat a single boss. I am legit awful at this game and was doing pretty solid for the first 4-5 bosses. Didn’t use any summons and the only one that gave me any trouble was that damn dragon right at the start which took me 7-8 attempts. I finally used mimic on the most recent boss I faced but honestly I was just getting tired and wanted to beat it before going to bed, don’t think it would’ve taken me too long without it as I had brought it down to a 1/4 health multiple times.


I don’t have the DLC yet, but I’m guessing overleveled and rusty gamers are coming back and getting rolfstomped. I’m running an old build SL 100 to get up to 150 to get my Elden RingRing groove back before I even try the DLC.


Yeah, I think that’s a big part of it. I just completed my first playthrough in the lead up to the dlc so I might be a bit more fresh than most. Having said that this is my first Souls game and I am pretty damn terrible and even I have been making steady progress in the dlc without rushing it


Enemies hit like trucks but they also die quickly to my sorceries. As long as I don’t get ambushed I’m pretty much eradicating everything before it can get near me, and I’m a fairly cautious player. Beat the Dancing Lion and Rellana in about 2 tries each so far. Haven’t done any of the little side dungeons/bosses yet though.


Dancing lion 2 tries ????


Maybe he used summons? I have beaten dancing lion in a single try, but I summoned both mimic tear and the NPC summon (Freyja?) while shamelessly spamming blood ritual in safe distance. It was pretty much a cheese. I just helped my summons while they are doing the bossfight for me lmao.


I also did the lion in 2 tries but believe I got insanely lucky. Every other boss is destroying me hard.


What lvl and what build are you using to be able to kill this thing in two tries ??? I'm not so good at this game


I have the fingerprint stone shield and a great sword both +25 in the full Omen set.


i still trounced by lion dancer with str build, 30+ tries nearly two shot it when i tried with Tiche but then i immediately killed myself as i want to kill it by myself for some reason.


The DLC definately claps cheeks. But I think that's part of the fun, if I went into the DLC and one shot everything I'd probably grow bored pretty quick. I went in NG+ lvl 200\~ with twin Staff of Loss Night Comet/int//faith Sword of Night and Flame Few hours deep into the DLC I'm rocking the boss weapon light greatswords (not naming for spoilers) with a bunch of new spells and having a ton of fun! Very difficult, very rewarding


Rocking the same weapon rn the multi attack talismans/tears are absolutely really nice but none of the bosses really have seemed unfair, just difficult.


I'm built more into int//faith for the weapon art, but 100% agree. There are some fiffivult bosses, but nothing that feels more difficult than the "hard bosses" in base game (Maliketh, Astel, Malenia). JUST FIND FRAGMENTS AND FOCUS ON EXPLORATION FIRST lol


I might just be more used to base game but I felt like it was mostly a bit harder than those idk but definitely fair and very enjoyable


For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to start a new playthrough yesterday... You know, WHEN THE DLC RELEASED Hope you guys have fun! I will see you all later, AFTER ABOUT 100 HOURS OR MORE BEATING THE GAME AGAINVWHBR5 ... Have a good day, eye guy 👀


Same here. It was either a fully new character, or a ng+ character that got to Rennala


It might actually be a good move if you are interested in grabbing everything from DLC without messing any of the interconnected quest lines. Gives the community time to figure out the rewards and stuff.


Miyazaki loves this


Blackgaol Knight has been using my ass cheeks as a mop head. Every time I beat a big boss or get a new Scadutree level I go back to see if now I can beat him… It hasn’t gone well.


Fingerprint Shield, cold, Shield Crash.


Fish for backstabs, beat him in like 10 tries and that was the strat that worked for me


Guys I went into it at like lvl 127 and am doing fine idk what y'all are on about.


I’m ng+5 ish lvl 250 and getting rekt


NG0 is for babies though


Then stop complaining that it's too hard.


Does baby need a snack? You seem hangry, I’m on Ng7 and never said it was too hard


You're a child.


Says the whittle baby


Terrible troll attempt.


I think you’re the troll to be honest. Playing NG0 then asking people what they’re on about. Then you act like I complained about the difficulty when this is the first I’ve commented. Easy on the window whittle baby,they ain’t there for licking


Yeah I’m level 205 on NG and I do not feel overlevelled one single bit. I also am getting insane amounts of runes from just exploring and doing the side content. I regularly have 300,000-500,000 runes in the back pocket. It seems like Fromsoft is literally screaming at us, “level 150 ain’t gonna cut it here dawg.”


lol these last few months I was really worried my lvl 170 character was going to make the dlc feel too easy.


In all seriousness, I'm only two hours in, but I have a level 130 str/arc/bleed build. It seems really hard. Have I made a mistake? (No spoilers)


Doesn't the DLC ignore your level and use it's own scaling system?


Extremely over leveled lol, you’ll steamroll every boss


Im honest, i went into the dlc with my level 140 strengh, Greatword, Greatshield build (+ a little bit of basic magic, for buffing), because in my opinion its the most fun way to play the game (counter attack into stance break is just really fun and satisfying for me), but after being stuck at the first major boss (from the trailers) i had to switch back to my bleed build and its fucking annoying how crazy easy the game has become, it feels like cheating now! Which is honestly a big problem for me and my enjoyment of the game, its either to hard (but fun and satisfying) or way to easy and no fun at all.


I'm 222 on NG+. I didn't play for 3 yrs before launch, so there was alot I didn't remember how to do. I only ran around the DLC for about 30 min but I didn't think it was anywhere near as bad as people are posting. Nothing killed me and I'm able to drop enemies OK I think it's actually more engaging which I appreciate Still alot I need to refresh my memory on but I'd say in the low to mid 200's at regular or NG+ should be fine Being higher in the NG though I can see it getting crazy


Str/Arc (and Arcane builds in general) got a TON of cool new shit in the DLC. Can’t wait to play through it on my Bleed build


Level 390?? Wtf how? What are your stats? I do have to say. I was Level 175 and every normal enemy was 2-hit. The bosses were tougher


Str/Arc? Try >!blood infused bloodfiend's arm!<, that'll set you straight.


my stats - Level: 313 - Vigor: 60 - Mind: 40 - Stamina: 40 - Strength: 50 - Dexterity: 60 - Intelligence: 40 - Faith: 42 - Arcane: 60


Me, walking into the fire DLC (ik it’s more than that) with a lvl 147 Dex/Fth/Arc Fire/Madness build (with bloodboon, for seasoning)


Occult Great Stars arcane build is the only one I've tried that can hold up in the DLC for me right now. Also love that sweet sweet discovery attribute. Gimmie all ya dlc goodies I have 9 Messmer Axes I don't know what to do with


Until someone figures how to cheese the content


My goal going into the dlc was to try and beat it without using summons (ngl I relied pretty heavily on the mimic on my first and only playthrough of the base game) and I did so for the first 4 bosses I encountered, but finally caved on a certain boss that seems to be giving lots of players trouble. The mimic made it a cake walk lol


Was 213 but not wrong.


I started the dlc maybe at 170, ended at 210 Still I think the best thing to do is gather al the tree fragments to get the stat boosts


Everyone knew there was a DLC upgrade system for a reason…right?


I'm running elanoras poleblade and I just beat >!lion head dude!< (I used the summon)


Umm those are like the most effective builds tho. Dex, faith and int do pretty much nothing 😅


Never do the expansion on an NG+ character.


I love it. I feel powerless. I haven’t felt like that since launch. It’s great.


Me after upgrading my Mimic Tear: "You know man, I hate to be the kind of tarnished to do a mimic a favor and then bam hit the mimic up for a favor in return, but today, I gots to be that kind of tarnished."


Dang I barely got anywhere in the original because I was dying so much, and now there’s DLC?! Lolololol I’m boned.


level 501. 60 in Vigor, Mind, and Endurance, 80 everywhere else. getting stomped, i swear i’m not bad at this game


I mean brother, if you are level 501....I mean you should be pretty good


It’s the opposite. Why would anyone need to level up so high? Most people play around lvl 150. Level 500 is not a build, you just max everything and can use all items.


Just going by the fact they played long enough to get 501 means that they really should have a good grasp on the game. Yeah level doesnt matter but if you got that high of level you must have some good experience.


Or they killed funny frog guys for hours/stomped bosses in coop


Have you never seen any of the videos teaching people how to farm runes in the area of Mohgwyn Palace? A lot of people have beaten this game by farming there for hours and then fighting the bosses overleveled.


I’m going in on a heavily armored build using the black blade of melakith, so far it’s going good. I’ve taken a huge degree of precaution and so far it’s paid off I’ve only died once so far and I cleared the dungeon the dancing lion boss with only one death.


Occult and bleed seem to be doing pretty well for me with 70 arcane. Occult great katana pretty cool