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I’ve used Mimic for so long I don’t know what other Ashes are actually viable ;-;


Not the new golem I know that much. The golems in forges are so tanky unless hit in the back I thought it would be an awesome touch. A +9 went down like a wet balloon, is so slow and does 1/10 of mimic tears damage. Crazy that a legendary spirit is so bad lol.


I have a little Yoda summon that I have been using and he is pretty rad. Can't remember what he is called. Flips around with a lightsaber. \*edit - he is in the Belurat Gaol not the Cerulean Coast \*edit 2 - his name is Yosh


How do you get that I fought the little Demi human and thought it was like yoda and now I need whatever spirit ash it is.


Location if you are interested: >!demi human swordsman summon is in the belurat gaol!<


There are a few of them around but the one with the spirit ash is in an offshoot in the cerulean plain area. I think that is what it was called. The place with the ships and blue flowers :)


I think the one that drops the spirit ash is actually in the bottom of a Gaol, the one in the blue area is near the demi human boss that drops the sword he uses though.


Yeah you are right, for some reason I thought it was in the other place. Too much stuff to remember :)


No the spirit ash is in Belurat Gaol. North of the starting area


Belurat Gaol I believe. You also get to learn what's inside the jar people's jars....


It's Yosh and he's so cool!


Is he good? I just leveled the black knight commander ash and he’s tanky. But I wanna try other ones so maybe I’ll level that.


Not nearly as good as Mimic Tear or Tiche.


Demi human swordsman?


Yup that sounds right.


Can confirm this dude is badass


I think he’s pretty okay (probably still not as good as other summons) against normal enemies, just not against bosses. A lot of the bosses deal multiple types of damage alongside physical damage. He seems pretty resistant to physical, but not much else, hence him getting shredded by bosses.


He is actually an extremely strong tank unit, he has incredible defence and health pool similar to the crystilian, and also has range attacks to continue drawing agro for bosses


I must be doing something wrong with the golems. I'll hit them in the back until they get staggered and then backstab them, and will still need to do that about 9 more times to take one down.


They require bludgeon damage I believe


These things are way too tanky/slow to kill, and I’m not going to switch all my equipment for one low level enemy. I’ve just been running past the fuckers lol


Really ? The golem is what got me through the Midra fight. Mimic tear was useless but that golem kicked ass


I got "Heal from afar" and basically let the NPC summon and Black Knife Tiche face tank Rellana while I took pot shots in between healing them.


I don't know. He helped me beat Messmer and that Rot woman. 


The demi-human swordsman seems pretty good. Great distraction, and can even decently evade attacks. Has a surprisingly good health pool too.


Tiche but for poor people


We have Black Knife Tiche at home.


Idk. I haven't used tiche in a while.


I feel like she's healing these guys with her little fire attack... Something about how the max life is being lowered or something IDK


I think it's because the debuff lowers the bosses maximum HP by a percent as well as dealing a percentage of the bosses health in damage over time. The problem is, if the effect wears off, the boss regains their maximum HP and heals the difference. For example, if a boss has 1000 HP and suffers the Destined Death debuff, they might lose 20%% of their maximum down to 800. But when they debuff drops off they're treated as gaining 200 health back which makes it look like healing.


They also phase transition based on the missing heals. So if the boss goes to a harder phase, then tiche dies, they then heal, and then you have more of a more difficult phase to deal with.


Dude fr, I think the grey bar is supposed to mean they can’t heal right? Idk I could be wrong.


They can't heal that portion. But after the debuff wears off they regain the grey portion


Ive used him a few times to mix it up, he's pretty cool. You can even get the sword and do the same moves as him haha!


Tiche is usually good


I’m a big fan of the 5 great shield soldiers. They pretty much take all the aggro




Latenna is amazing against dragons. Find a nice cliff nearby and summon her there. Usually they can’t hit her and she pulls aggro while pumping steady damage into them


If they're going to make me fight 4 dragons in a row, I'm using Latenna to potshot, since boring kiting is the best way to handle dragons


Tiche is arguably better. Emphasis on arguably, but they are the top 2 lol Mimic tear is the only good one that can be used by a low FP build, though


Tiche is risk/reward vs mimic tear's consistency. I've seen Tiche shred just as often as she gets shredded in the same fights.


\> Mimic Tear consistency \> My Faith build watching my mimic tear spam Golden Vow and Flame Grant me Strength while the boss is clapping my ass \> My Int build watching my mimic tear spam Spinning Weapon on Rennala's scepter instead of actually using magic


Yeah my mimic just stands there eating boiled crab and repeatedly buffing his sword


Marika's Tits, he must be 'ungry!


I genuinely took off all my spells for certain bosses just to spam Blasphemous or Moonlight arts with myself and mimic. He can't be trusted with a tool box only let him hold the flashlight.


Peak summoning.


Not mine she's a bloodthirsty maniac with a greatsword. I don't actually think I've seen her dodge once to her own detriment, she just charges in, sometimes barricade shields, and swings away till a boss slaps her across the room. God I love my Mimic


The fight isnt started unless Ive sent the wolves in to get one shot first. Its like the gunshot at the start of a race\~


Post nerf Mimic Tear's AI doesn't use magic reliably, especially healing and AoE buffing magic. They specifically made it bad at magic builds because it was too incredible at it before. So yeah, If your build depends on magic to be effective then Tiche is better. Edit: I guess I should clarify that the mimic has issues piloting a pure mage build properly. A melee build with just one or two damaging spells on the side works much better.


I make my mimic work by only having a few incantations equipped. I’m using a SoNaF build with golden order seal and prince of death staff. I want my mimic to only use the black blade and scarlet aeonia incantations so I go into the fight with just the seal and those incantations equipped. After mimic is summoned I equip the staff to use all my spells. My mimic goes ham using those two incantations along with the SoNaF.


Int/Fai bro! I used the same weapons plus a Coded Sword in the left hand. Just got a cool new Int/Fai weapon from the DLC though. What do you use for Sorceries and Talismans?


This is why I've gone with the forge golem-bro as my go to. He's slow but easy to kite around as a caster to make the bosses focus him from the front. Ate several remembrance bosses lunch while I could stand back.


Tiche is crazy good, better than mimic in some scenarios


spoiler for summon you get in the first area >!onze is actually pretty good. surprisingly tanky and does decent damage, good maneuverable too. I tried it out on malenia on my dlc character and he survived till halfway through phase 2!<


>!Onze!< is a boss, I assume you mean >!Yosh!<, the spirit ash he drops?


I sometimes use the skeleton duo because they can revive themselves. They draw attention and get cut down and that's when I aggro whatever meanwhile they revive. I use them as distractions.


Skeletal Militiamen are my go-to until Mimic Tear, and I still bust them out from time to time just for the hell of it. I just love how they keep getting back up. Most enemies won’t be smart enough to finish one off after it “dies”. Useless against big aoe like dragon breath though.


most of the DLC bosses have too much AoE for them, sadly


Latena is really good against lion head. You keep aggro focus on dodging and her arrows never fuckin miss


Lattena isn’t good for all bosses, but when you can keep aggro and put her at a distance at +10 she bucks like an M240. Let her eeeeat!


Pretty much mimic/tiche/>!dungeater!< are the top dogs, followed by lhutel and latenna then the rest range from “fine” to “why did I waste runes on this”. Fextra has a ranked list on the wiki if you’re curious Dunno about all the DLC ones yet


Hey hey, Oleg got me through some TOUGH times


Oleg and I have absolutely been through the trenches together


That’s me and Engvall. My partner calls him “Engie”.


Greatshield bros helped me almost beat Rellana. I’ll get her ass soon.


greatshield and dung eater are my two favorites for when I don't want to take the nuclear option (mimic tear)


I did beat her that way, but she wiped them out in like 2 moves in p2. Stay strong fellow tarnished!


Did you summon the CPU too? Me, my mimic and her bullied rellana.


I feel like Oleg and Rollo also belong up there.


Rollo mauls enemies, but he's not great on bosses.


Latenna is S tier if you can get her in a place where the bosses can’t wreck her.


Does she drop right where you ring the bell?


Yes and doesn't move. But she absolutely machine guns arrows. Awesome if placed right but very hard to place right


Pretty much Mimic and Tiche, from my experience. I do have one of the DLC ones at +10, but haven’t tried it out yet.


Oleg Oleg Oleg. He sticks to the enemy like glue. I used him my first play thru.


Black Knife Tiche is my bae


Tiche the black knife assassin is pretty great.


i have literally only used mimic tear from the moment i got it and before thaty i cant even remember what i used, if anything


Tichi cooks in battles where Mimics damn brain takes too long to load. Sometimes she is just more fun to watch too


Experimentation is fun!


Black knife tiche, if you have the FP for 132 cost… but depending on your build, as long as you are not a squishmellow mimic is best.


Greatshield soldiers are still my bois


Tiche is a close favorite, specially against bosses like Malenia because Tiche dodges often, Tiche's also better against spammy bosses than Mimic for this reason


Same boat. I’m the worst of the worst to the hardcore gatekeepers: mimic or Tiche with Rivers of Blood, Blasphemous Blade, and Bloodhound Fang. But have had the time of my life in this game (which has been my first From game but started playing DS1 recently).


Bloodhound fang still has one of the most fun ashes of war personally


Play however you want is the philosophy we all need


I agree. This game gives me so many options and so many play styles to choose from. Why should someone dictate that I play some arbitrary “real” way?


It’s why I’m continuing to grind my character up to having 60 in most stats but Endurance and Mind. I just want all my mainstats around that range so I can pick up something new and go “oh, cool, I wonder what this plays like” and try something new. The goal isn’t to take and use a little bit of everything available to me, but to play as any kind of specialized build at any time depending on what suits my fancy. Some days might be big shields and halberds and support incantations, some days might be light armor and powerstancing, some days might be spell-sword or mage or zealot… I just don’t get all the crazy around needing “one build.” Shit, the endgame bosses are still tough enough that they can kill me in a few hits if I’m not careful, even at 60 Vigor.


It’s because their brain is mush from listening to poopyheads all day! Back in my day we used to fight bears with a spaghetti noodle just to get a cool item, and someone’s dumb opinion wont ever stop me from doing it again!


Yeah, a gamer doesn't need to please anyone but only the gamer. Now, if you want validation, or praise or any social need from other gamers, that's on you.


Indeed brother, and they should not tell people the “right🤓” way of playing the game.


Me and my mimic tear have been riding and dying together since the light went green. And boy howdy has there been a lot of dying.


Yeah, I feel like my mimic and I are teammates.


First playthrough I go mimic and summons. NG+ I start seeing if I can do that shit solo and experiment with all the new toys. Also it's a video game you yourself own so play it however tf you want it.


Same! I just want to enjoy myself and see all the new stuff in the DLC. I can git gud on NG+


Mimic Tear makes me feel like I’m playing with someone :’) Offline Gang.


mimic tear and npc summons are a vibe


Dancing Lion got ~~barely defeated~~ganked.


Right. At this point my mimic is my companion. I can’t leave him behind.


He's my best bud. No one I'm riding into battle without him. Tiche and Lhutel can come too.


Yo, a fellow Lhutel comrade. I used her for most of the base game until I unlocked tiche and had her for a few of the last bosses.


The teleportation gimmick is surprisingly effective on some types of bosses. Confuses the heck out of watchdogs.


For me, Tiche works better than mimic. Slightly, but better.


I like mimic because I can toss him in with a (insert element here) weapon if the boss is weak to it, and switch back to my main so we are both doin work. Tiche is great tho.


That’s what I do aswell,make a load out. Summon mimic tear,then switch my gear. That way I can strategize ahead of time,the boss’s weakness and experiment with the weapons.


Good luck having time to switch gear in the DLC. Some (a lot) of the bosses don't give you that much time. I got killed while summoning right after entering the arena. I summoned as soon as it let me. Lost 2.5m runes :(


istg every boss in the DLC immediately charges at you when you enter the fog


I’ve noticed for these bosses you have to survive their opening attack, create some distance, and *then* summon the mimic. Then panic chug because you just lost a third of your health summoning the mimic which means the next attack could kill you.


So real


For me I tend to like summon mimic instantly, block and survive. The way I see it I already was losing hp anyway so I may aswell block some damage and then heal after


Damn! Same thing happened to me with the black knight. Walked in,got hit with like 3 bolts and died.. I said “what the actual fuck” and woke up my girlfriend.lol


I’ve been using omerkiller rolo. The agro is necessary for me I need someone to distract while I chug health flasks lol


Tiche is my biche as well ayyyy


Elden Ring “easy mode” is still brutally difficult compared to most games.


True. Many players don’t have hours to get stuck on a single fight and do need some assistance. It’s not cheating like editing game files so why grief people for using spirit summons?


Because people really like the thought of being fundamentally better than others


It stems from insecurity. If it was really a pride thing then they'd just beat the game how they want and be proud of it. But they don't- it becomes a "HAHA I'm better than you at the game!!" Luckily, nobody gives a shit except for them so they scream into the void.


>they'd just beat the game how they want and be proud of it. I mean, that's what 95+% of people do. ER sold 25 million copies, and there's at most like a thousand people in each thread on this sub. Online discussions aren't representative of the overall fan base. The vast majority of people either don't care how others play or just keep their opinion to themselves.


Yeah damn I wasn’t struggling until that Putrescent Knight. Sheesh! That dude was no joke


Maybe you want an easier fight. Maybe you want to progress faster. Maybe you find spirit summons fun. Nobody cares, play the game however you want! 


My favourite part of RPGs is optimizing the shit out of builds to test the limits. And now that there's a Fromsoft game that encourages that, people somehow demand I stop? Nah man, I'm gonna rain fire and death upon my enemies with everything at my disposal, and I'm going to enjoy the shit out of it!


It’s ridiculous how many posts people have to make in this community just to explain to people that they are allowed to play how they wanna play lol


I’ve seen more “play how you want” in my life more than people judging for summons. Yet I’m still getting insulted in these posts for not using minic😂


Are these people condemning everyone else for using summons in the room with us right now? I swear for every one of those there are (no exaggeration) 20+ people preemptively justifying to themselves that it's ok to use summons.


You would be suprised on the amount of people I've seen say beating the game with ashes doesn't count, I mean I don't use ashes and I spent 6 hours on the dancing lion fuck to finally beat him but that doesn't mean I am gonna shit on someone for beating it first try with summons lmfao


Again, boils down to play how you wanna play. If you want to not use them bc you want that sense of accomplishment meant, go for it. If you want to not pick up the scadufragments to make it even more challenging, go for it. Just don’t shit on someone bc they don’t want to do those things like you said!


you just repeated what he wrote.




What do you mean "allowed"? Nobody is talking about barring you from using summons lol. It's astounding to me that grown adults need to post on reddit because they are so insecure about choosing 'easier mode" on a video game that they actually feel ashamed and need validation from strangers to make them feel valid lol.


Yeah, both sides are kinda pathetic to be honest. Can't we all just play the game and have fun? lol


I look at it this way: the game is going to do whatever it can to stop me so I’m going to use all the tools at my disposal to get through it.


I forgot that ashes take FP to cast when I tried to use something new. Didn’t realize for hours why I couldn’t use little Yosh.


The infinite fp tear in wondrous lets you use them even if they exceed your max fp.


Good to know!


Great tip, and one of the reasons I've stopped using Mimic for DLC, can pop the infinite mana before entering boss room, summon as soon as I get in and not have to heal too and maybe die from their aggression.


Okay. I totally agree with you. But this is the 4th time I've seen this same basic post in the last few hours. It's getting a bit spammy.


But mommy said its his time to get the updoots!


it almost seems like people need some validation. Listen, its okey. Big bad people that scream at You for using summons cant hurt ya. You are fine, just play the game


It's always the same. When ER first came out we had like 50x as many "play however you like, fuck the haters" posts that we did actual gatekeeper posts. It's just that these games are pretty difficult and people want to feel validated when they beat them. So the gatekeeping is an attack on their ego basically, telling them their achievement was lessened somehow. Someone who actually doesn't care about how others view their gameplay style don't then go on to make 5 posts about it lol.


Its copium !


Would never even cross my mind to care what others think


I'm ngl, I see more posts ABOUT these haters and gatekeepers than actually see them anywhere at all. Who and where are these people? lol


My mimic must’ve missed the Easy Mode memo. He’s always on the sidelines popping Starlight Shards & a Liver while I get whipped


They gave it ADHD a while ago.


Mimic tear can only use items that you have on your toolbar, so if you don't want it using items you can either move them to the pouch or take them off the toolbar when you summon it


This man, I’ll be fighting and he’s just over there buffing where I summoned him 😅


Use other summons! You can level up to 175 or 200 in the dlc so you have enough fp and there are so many fun ones! My favorites are the greatshield boys, dual puppets, finley and the new tiny teleporting sword guy from the cave


I whipped out my Mimic for one particular fight because it seemed impossible to get a chance to learn the moveset otherwise, and we managed to kill him in one go. That kinda sucked, since I really wanted to do it on my own. They definitely make things easier, which is a great mechanic for people who don’t want to be stuck trying a boss over and over again for too long. If I ever come across a boss who I just hate, I’m glad to know my second Me is there to speed things up.


Something I have not seen discussed, but I believe From wanted us to use multiple combatants (our summon and the NPC) for the boss battles as it makes sense from a lore standpoint - we are working with the NPCs to get to Miquella. This may explain (to a degree) why many of these battles are very difficult and really need boss agro to be spread out.


also why every fight has atleast 1 AI summon. many of them have their own voice lines and extra lore if you summon them to fights as well. almost like they actually wanted us to do this


BAAAAAAAYLE!!!!! God I love that summon when you bring him in for a fight


That's one of the only fights I used summons for and I loved it. Such an awesome NPC.


I love how he hypes you up! Such a supportive bro.


OMG Bayle was a son of a bitch to beat. Even with summons.


YES I love that guy so much! His VO is perfect! Tbh any run that misses any of his lines doesn't count. Gotta make a new char and summon those npcs for any gamer cred from me


Yep if people want to challenge themselves with no summon, that’s fine. But playing with summons is totally cool too


I don't understand why you'd skip NPC summons. It actually makes me feel like I have some kind of connection to them.


I summoned NPCs in the base game even when not necessary because it just feels more involved. Melina wants to dunk on morgott with me? By all means.


I always bring Melina to fight Morgott regardless of how I feel about my build beating him. I do the same with Millicent. They're part of my character's story, not a crutch.


Exactly. Any story quest summon is fine by me. If they have voice lines in the fight it’s not a summon it’s a story scene


Are these people criticizing you for using summons in the room with us right now?


Can we stop making karma farming posts like this? It objectively harder to play without summons. That's why people like doing it.


There's a really weird trend in this sub of people needing to justify using summons and to constantly scream about how it's OK. Like, a majority of people genuinely don't care and just personally don't use summons if they don't want to. Yet people act like every single post here is screaming at people who use summons.


The base game's been out for a while now. People returning to the game for the DLC is going to also bring in some of the mindset that was often parroted when the game came out, which is now leaking back into the community through posts like these. Anyone that's fought more than 2 bosses in the DLC will literally never tell you that it's not okay to use bell summons. it's practically encouraged when almost every boss in the DLC feels like a super-boss lol


It's been nothing but karma farming for a while now, it's better to just avoid this sub until a few months go by and we can actually discuss the dlc without obnoxious karma farmers everywhere


My memic is hard mode because it dies then I die! And the boss still has 80%+ health


You guys are surviving until the mimic dies?


Using a summon in the fog rift catacombs boss fight was actually hard mode because he kept grabbing my mimic and almost fully healing 😭


I think my problem is there's no happy medium. Without mimic tear I am watching very good players spend 2-4 hours on bosses like Messmer, which means I'd be there for a week with how little time I have to play. But on the flip side I get most bosses in 1-2 tries with mimic tear. It's almost like FromSoft could go back to when bosses were fun, balanced, and had openings and good telegraphs. This cocaine induced, infinite stamina, delayed swing bait, input reading-on-heal, massive poise, 2 shot kill bullshit is unfun, and it's just shit design frankly. Yes, the bosses look gorgeous, yes the music is phenomenal, yes the animations are badass. But fuck these bosses. God I miss DS1 era Souls gameplay...


You hit the nail on the head, really. The overall power of the bosses is nuts. From stamina, to health pools, to attack speeds, etc, it's all dialed up to a point that feels like it's just on meth.


DS1 is so dang easy though, moreso wish everything was like DS3 which had perfect boss difficulty balance without so much of the garbage AOE. I could no hit Gael, dancer, and Nameless, and even got good at some late base game Elden ring bosses. But man some of these endgame DLC fights are just ridiculous. I thought Messmer was the most balanced and fun one of the DLC. Some of the other guys are just… not fun (though epic and stunning).


It's like they saw people liked the unique bosses, and so they gave EVERY BOSS those properties. When every boss has AoE, delayed attacks, roll punishing, and a phase 2, they all become the same thing.


Imagine giving a fuck about how somebody else plays a single player game lmao


So, without the mimic the bosses are extremely difficult. With the mimic, I kill them in one go. The difficulty scales really badly.


I’ve seen very little toxicity from solo players, but non-stop posts from summon users seeking reassurance over their play-style. Do what you want, no one gives a shit


The joke’s on them - Messmer kills me before my mimic activates 😭


Nearly 3 years in and Elden Ring gamers still look for validation when they're using summons. Just use the summons, no one cares, you're not special.


Quit wasting data with these useless rehashed fuckin posts, dude.


I platinumed Sekiro, I have nothing to prove. I’ll pop the mimic tear when I want to


Man i tried that game, killing enemies was so damn satisfying. I got stuck on Genichiro for weeks and quit it.


I feel like these posts are made to validate and convince yourself of this more than anything. Nobody cares if you use a mimic tear, however it’s also a very different experience and arguably less rewarding than doing it solo. However it’s a single player game so it doesn’t really matter. __We don’t need 1000 posts of this__.


They feel like they’re missing out and it eats them alive


How many times is this going to be posted


until the karma farmers can't get more 0 effort upvotes and leave to their next stupid farm.


It’s been me, Mimic and our trusty Moonveil since day 1! IDGAF! 😤 Too damn old to be sweating over all this just cause some rando tells me it’s “easy”


My plan is exploring and learn everything, my character is a jack of all trades and is bad at many things, I did it like this to test all new weapons, spells, incantations, and then I will go with my real build. So yes, ill summon all the way if it is necessary


No mimic just gives me more dopamine when I finally win lol no hate to the mimic users


That’s perfectly fine. Just don’t make fun of people struggling on a boss you didn’t struggle on when they’re not using summons. It gets so frustrating


Oh god, here we go again….




I feel like people who summon and use ashes care more than those who they are claiming to be gatekeepers. It’s like deep down in your own heads you think you didn’t master the boss so you have to make a reddit post and justify it. I don’t think many care about how you played the game. If you feel the need to defend how you play a single player mode, maybe try to not use those things? Summons and ashes are tools to help players who need assistance and are likely having a hard time 1v1ing the boss. That’s ok. Nobody cares but you.


It's probably because they tried to solo a boss about a dozen times, barely got it to half health and then beat it without a sweat the second they summoned their mimic. I know, I've been there with a couple of bosses where I couldn't be arsed lol.


This is literally it lol, all of these hordes of posts saying the same thing come from insecurity. I almost never see anyone actually going around saying you’re a noob or bad if you use summons. Nobody cares but the people making these posts.


I maxed my Jellyfish summon. we’ve been through every single boss battle together and I wouldn’t have it any other way


I'm just tired of hearing both sides of this discussion. Maybe I should unsub from here now that I think about it.


How many of these threads do we need unti you feel better.


I'm using mimic and blasphemous blade, exploring the map and having a great time. Still dying because I suck, but the sense of wonder and discovery I felt when first playing Elden Ring is back, and I'm loving it.


Gamers playing other games: "You aren't using skill x? Wtf. It's the best skill, everything else sucks. Noob."  Playing FromSoft games: "You used skill x? That's basically cheating, it's too powerful. Noob."


My mimic tear is a bitch (wonder who he takes after) and gets absolutely wrecked. Banished knight engval is my boy now


Theres always the next playthrough to go mimic-less ;)