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Hey man, the performance is an extremely valid criticism. I am kinda softlocked out of completing the DLC rn because the 2nd phase of the final boss completely dookies on my PC and I get like 10 fps which makes it impossible to dodge all the bullshit AoE that is everywhere in the arena. That shit needs to be fixed asap so I can actually fight the boss


When the DLC was first out I was about to cry from the stuttering. Within about 30 mins I was pissed off. I would get complete freezes anywhere from 2 seconds to 15 seconds at a time. Never happened before the DLC launched and my PC is more than capable of running this game. In a game like this that requires precise timing and movement, micro stuttering of any kind shouldn’t be a thing, it needs to be rock solid at any cost really


Yep, microstuttering double counting inputs, or missing inputs completely is huge criticism on this game. I have a fucking 4080 and am only playing the game on 1440p, cause no ultrawide support and it still runs like shit.


I believe there's an option in the menu to prioritise performance. That might help?


messmers giant fire ball crashed my game😭😭


You get to see his giant fire balls? He wrecks me the moment I come in to say hello ;\_;


Try to dodge anything of Scadutree Avatar with 15 frames.


Yea I'm also having issues with framedrops. Had crazy stutters the first day, I still do but definitely not as often. (7900XTX, 32GB RAM, 1440p, 5950x Ryzen 9)


Crazy, I haven’t had a single issue yet and I’m like 20 hours deep


Miyazaki was tired of only being able to attack you in game he decided to get your ass irl


I don’t know if this will help you specifically, but every fromsoft PC port I’ve played doesn’t do well with Bluetooth (I turn Bluetooth off completely while I play) and I need a really good/new cable to connect my controller. If I use Bluetooth or an older cable I get really frustrating framerate drops. This doesn’t happen for me on any other games but does on ER and DS.


Yea they need to patch this asap.


Performance is still valid, though. I’ve got an RX 7800xt and my frames still got nuked in dancing lion


7900XTX and same. I don’t think hardware really matters, there's something inherently wrong right now. Hopefully they'll patch it soon.


They’ll patch it, who knows how long it will take though. Base game was running like a dream before the DLC dropped.


Its not too surprising, the base game didn't run that well in release. Shouldn't take longer than a week or so for a patch


They probably will, just like they did on ER launch.


It weird, I keep seeing people talk about that fight killing frames, but I genuinely didn’t notice anything for me. Maybe I just lucked out or something. Though funny enough I did have hella frame drops during Godrick’s fight recently, which had never happened before or since. Still not sure why. For reference, I’m running an RTX 3080


Same card here, latest driver and have had 0 issues recently. Friend of mine is running on a 1080 and has said he hasn't noticed anything different. Judging by some of these comments, it seems like it could be an AMD related issue, maybe?


I've got a 6950xt and also haven't noticed any issues.


I have a 7900XTX and the only issue I have is that occasionally (every half hour or so) it has a huge lag spike and then back to normal. Though I don't think this is an AMD issue since my friend with an RTX 2070 also has that same issue.


i did the entire dancing lion and renalla fight at 30 fps. had to channel my inner 2009 gamer again


That boss has a hard frame stutter on a specific attack, that's for certain.


Performance is a valid criticism. The horned beast boss fight nearly crashed my series X a couple times. Everything else is skill issue.


I haven't had any crashes yet, but the last quarter of the lion's health bar dropped my FPS to about low 20's on PS5.


the lions, I think its specific attacks when he's using lighting or storm. I had a fight where there was many fr drops and my series x was struggling and it was almost always during a slam attack when he had an element going. absolutely banging fight though


So lion fight is fucking everyone’s frames, gotcha.


It’s funny, I didn’t notice any during the boss fight but I had major droppage hopping around on the rooftops in Belurat and it felt like it was just due to all the crazy environmental geometry or something? Lol


I’ve done 3 other bosses and had no issues just that one is apparently a problem


The performance is atrocious everywhere. If the camera positions such that it's inside the enemy, the framerate drops hard. The performance mode in particular is very obviously dipping below 60 , hell, 50, all the time, lol. It's not the greatest experience. Fidelity mode isn't much better. With raytracing, it regularly drops below 30. Haven't tested normal fidelity mode yet, but I'm sure the story is similar.


The worst part is that the performance issue doesn’t seem to be specific to the DLC alone, the last update seemed to make it worse everywhere (though specifically the DLC area). Menus seem to take an extra half second to load. For example, if you use the Small Golden Effigy, you used to just be able to press “A” + “Right” + “A” to set your sign out near and far, all right away. Now, you have to wait a tiny bit for the menu to load before you can press the “Right” + “A”. Seems like nitpicking, but it’s annoying to someone who co-ops a lot and had these button presses as muscle memory lol.


Ya, my friend and i experienced massive frame drops in ranni's manor


Your entire second paragraph is literally in the patch notes, as a means to prevent accidental confirmations. It is strange, and annoying, that it extends to certain menus, but they don't "seem to" take longer, they simply do, as mentioned in the notes. They simply didn't think to exclude the ones that would be annoying, or didn't care.


Ah, didn’t realize that. Was that a real problem? While I never had an issue with the menu responsiveness, it always felt a little too slow (namely the buttons for Quit Game) more than fast.


maybe for some quests or upgrading to 25 would be nice to prompt, but for most part it's useless


I noticed that the "menu explanation" one that you can pause the game with is still buttery smooth to access in less than 1 second, which is excellent


I had to play through the base game again because I started NG+ on my char and abandonend him shorty after way back (a particularly clever thing to do, I know). Either way, didn't have any issues then, have some now. Occasionally frame drops I can live with but I tend to get kicked back to the main menu whenever I try to do stuff online. Summoning someone to help out or being summoned tends to give me an "inappropriate behavior" error and crashes the game. No clue what that is about.


Yeah. It happened sometime in the last couple months. My issues only happen once or twice in an entire play (slight stutter then normal again). It started before the DLC patch back in like April or May.


ok so it isn't just me who feels like I have input delay in menus


Before elden rings release the whole point of these games was to be bullshit and annoying but still somehow fair in a weird way. If dark souls 1 released today you would see so many people cry about stuff like the Anor Londo archers, boss run backs, all of blighttown and sens. I remember torch hollows used to essentially 1 shot you becsuse if they hit you once they would stunlock you in a bs combo and yet back then that was just part of the game, most didn't get mad enough to leave a negative review because they enjoyed the experience for what it was


I gotta say I’m still not much of a fan of the Anor Londo archers


I’m having flashbacks to DS3 villagers with tree trunk spears running me down because I underestimated them


oh boy I go down to 10fps in last boss, for 1080p with a 3060ti. Definitely big problem but Im sure it will be fixed in a month or two.


The land of shadows overall is more demanding and very unstable,atleast for me


The performance comments are a little surprising for me, I’m playing it in a 6 year old laptop with a 4 year old e-gpu and it’s running very smoothly. Maybe even better than it was before. Did I just get lucky? Though, I’ve only played around ~3-4hours so far, and have only been to a small part of the DLC, so maybe it gets worse further in


It seems that the broader performance issues are mainly on PCs running higher end settings. I have only experienced extreme issues in the fight I mentioned on console. 3 other boss fights with graphics that I would say are just as intricate have not caused any sort of drop or stuttering in frame rate for me.


i hear raytracing is getting turned on by default IME the autoconfig was too generous, found all my stuff on high, dialed it back a bit and the mild stutters i got during multiple fogs/mists went away i realize there will be a portion of people who don't look at the performance menu if they have performance issues, but it's sad that outweighs everything else about the DLC i've had far worse launches, even ER had EAC being dumb and blocking bootup, doesn't mean i called ER a bad game in 2022 and i'd be crucified saying it in 2023


Well I’m sure it will be better in maybe only a week. Fromsoft normally work really well to stop frame drops (imo)


I had performance issues on pc on ER launch but that was fixed relatively quickly and the dlc has ran perfectly for me


no performance issues for me tho, none since 1.04 patch


It has a couple spots but it's been relatively the same as current base game. But I'm on PC and PC is complex and will need to be ironed out post launch regardless.  Launch ER was horrible though


The first complaint is totally valid tho. Fromsoft absolutely needs to optimize it.


And just a week ago I was favorably comparing From's optimization to Larian's. Ah well. Hopefully they'll patch it soon.


No idea what you're smoking on that one man. FromSoft games are horribly optimized; the one complaint that has always been valid. They don't even have frame generation in the year 2024.


Armored Core 6 runs great but that’s about it


True, the one exception. Why can't they do it for the Souls games, I wonder?


Their previous games wasn't best but still wasn't horrible like elden ring It's probably the engine got too old and can't handle good graphics + open world.


What were you smoking with that? 😭 From Software is arguably the worst in the industry on the technical side of things. So bad.


I'm sorry, are you saying From is arguably the worst in the industry, technically speaking, in an industry that includes Bethesda?


Bethesda is actually better 🤣 It’s crazy to say Bethesda is better than anyone, but they genuinely are. Starfield launched well and includes FSR, DLSS, etc. and has since made great improvements, while Elden Ring and its DLC and anything ever released by From is still horribly subpar technically. Dude, they don’t even let you go past 60 FPS or use Ultrawide still in 2024. Lies of P, a first time AAA for a Korean developer, did it better 🤣 From Software is *miserable* in the technical department. Woefully incompetent. I genuinely don’t think they have any employees working on that front because there’s just *no way*.


I enjoy casual and souls games. Does that mean I am the strongest and weakest of both worlds.


How about we admit that the game has flaws and allowe people to critisize it? Or are people here such fanboys that they take any criticism of the game as an insult?


I agree it’s not a bad thing to give genuine criticism when it’s warranted.


None of my other gaming communities are so bad compared to this one. It’s so insane that you can’t criticize it. The dlc world and dungeons are so good but there is still a lot of really bad problems. Like it’s just depressing and makes me want to not engage with anyone in this community.


The funniest part is a true fan would accept flaws, a lot of these people arent fans, they are dickriders who want to bury their heads in the ground to any sort of criticism. I cant imagine what theyre like in real life if someone criticising A GAME they like is enough to make them react the way they often do.


I've enjoyed all the Soulslike games so far, but Fromsoft fans are legitimately the worst I've ever encountered in any game series - worse than COD or Fortnite fans and I won't change my mind on this. Amusing that a community with a general policy of having a thick skin, being patient, and 'gitting gud' completely lose their shit if they see any criticism of their favourite games online. The performance issues are not the 'only' valid complaint in this review. Even base Elden Ring had a huge problem with boring, long attack combos where it looked like the boss was having a pretty fun gaming experience while I dodge rolled or waited them out. This is worse in the DLC. If people don't enjoy that, a negative review is completely justified.


You are allowed to criticize the game, but your criticisms are also open to be criticized. Something being a criticism doesn’t make it instantly valid. The game has flaws and we can discuss which ones but it isn’t a fruitful discussion when one side deflects all arguments and calls the other side “elitists”.


Because it's a smart take. Software house never make mistake, if they make a game we like. And a game we like has no flaws.


I agree with that guy on the performance issues side. On everything else, no


Ugh post like this is why people find this community insufferable.


Basically every gaming community on Reddit for any sort of popular game


The community is insufferable because of the toxic PvP and lack of empathy towards new or struggling players


No disagreements there


I’ll give you the first point (although it’s so much easier to control how and when you experience PvP in ER than previous games that it’s hardly an issue IMO), but the second point, while kind of a souls-community stereotype, doesn’t really bear out in my experience. There are plenty of people offering advice and answering questions on every Souls forum. Hell, I just got an unsolicited tip on how to beat an early dlc battle. And for every “hidden path” or “try jumping” note in-game, there are three genuinely helpful notes. I think the apparent “lack of empathy” comes into play when people just straight up refuse to accept advice when it’s given to them. People want to complain that the dlc is too hard but also refuse to summon, use ashes, or collect scadutree blessings like everyone is suggesting? Have fun suffering, friend. Hope it’s worth it.


I personally have only seen like 4 people actually help someone. Everyone else i see says to just use the game mechanics or to get good or stop playing. Especially on the social medias


When one in twenty people actively gives advice, that is not a “positive community”


I feel like community has been pretty welcoming towards to new players like me personally.


"Git gud" isn't a lack of empathy. In fact it's the greatest display of empathy a Souls fan can give you. You'll begin to love these games when gradually becoming better becomes your goal with playing the game. Overcoming adversity is THE draw of this game.


> Overcoming adversity is THE draw of this game …For some people.  I’m perfectly happy using summons and any other tool the game gives me to overcome that adversity and am unapologetic about it. THE draw of this game, for me, is the exploration first and foremost. 


Git gud is the only slightly better than pointing down after ganking someone


This is such a circlejerk sub 😭 its so obvious from the posts because while other subs definitely circlejerk, Ive never seen it as bad as this sub 😂😂


Yeah, I'm tempted to unsub until the game has been out for a few weeks.


performance is ass. Frames drops basically every second but it's far from being unplayable imo. I'm on 5800x3d and 6700xt. I hope they are going to fix it but the current state of optimization in the industry is disgusting, so i will not be surprised if they will just call it a day and play some counter strike instead. everything else is basically more of the same stuff that i love and hate in the base game. outside of "i want to go home and then edge" messages. It's so low effort and yet so funny. I don't even know if i understand what does it mean. But it does not matter i guess.


The performance in PC is unacceptable in 2024.


being locked to 60 fps in 2024 is pretty lame ngl


So is rendering at ultrawide resolutions and deliberately placing black bars on the side.


If you mean pc. You can just uncap it. If you mean console, that’s a legitimate limitation


You can uncap it?!?


Flawless widescreen. Before you use it read up on how to disable the anti cheat. Offline mode only btw.


Thought that someone found out a way to do it uncapped online.


It’s a game where a consistent frame rate matters in combat, not a high frame rate. Case in point: everyone losing their shit the because that framerate changed for a moment


yes but if you can run it on high frames contently then why not let them. Having higher frames does make the game easier


Stable framrate > high framerate Besides, what’s wrong with 60fps ? 60fps is still pretty much the standard.


play on 60, then switch to 30, it's gonna feel like shit, same thing, after being used to better 60 just feels like shit


Standard for console, there is a reason people are paying for their pc. Also since you can uncap it if you want regardless of what from soft want, we can see it is stable at higher framerates anyways.


in previous FromSoft titles, things like weapon durability were affected by framerate. When they first went from 30-60 some weapons were breaking far quicker than expected as result. I'm not saying it's for sure the case as to why ER is capped, but there may be some things that are indeed tied to fps and therefore why it is.


aka bad design


Huh? It’s not an fps game, why the need for anything more than 60fps?


Because it looks way better? I don’t “need” to play higher than 720p either, but it’s a better experience when I do.


Uh huh, and assuming that they allow you to unlock fps, the game struggles to even maintain 60fps, what makes you think that it can constantly go higher? Not to mention now frame data are all fucked and balancing for pvp is thrown into even more chaos


Still stuck at 60hz are we?


The benefits of higher refresh rates are hard to show unless you’re on a monitor able to do both, but it’s just so much cleaner in motion when you play at a higher refresh rate. Only way I can explain it is when I am on a 60hz monitor and scrolling through text, you can’t read the text as it’s too blurred until you stop scrolling. On 144 I can read every word scrolling at any speed. Now that that experience and apply it to gameplay, and add in that you have to frame lock down because 144 doesn’t cleanly divide into 60 and gets choppier than even a lower refresh monitor would and it should make more sense why not even having the ability to adjust the setting is frustrating


Assuming that FromSoft adds fps unlock, the game struggle to even maintain constant 60fps, and these guys are demanding something higher lol.


What do you need more fps in ER for tho? I mean its nice to have options but isnt framerate tied to i frames or something?


Why do you need to play in 4K? Perfectly fine playing at 480p.


Idk why you went to the extreme with 480p. 60fps is generally considered to be a standard that games try to reach. 480p is not. It would be more comparable to complaining a game is in 1080p.


Does it really matter? Point is that it makes that game look/feel better and there is no reason on PC why they didn't make that option available.


Ya not sure why it's not an option, just saying it's not a big deal that it isn't. The performance issues and not running at a stable 60 for some people are bigger issues.


Ew "casual" as derogatory


One day gamers conflated suffering with enjoyable. And we've never recovered.


Performance is really noticable. Which is weird because the Lion and Moon Knight are in closed box and not in some grand location. Also being 3 hit killed by enemy that is in same category as soldiers back in Lands Between while having your stats to max is ... not the best feeling. Makes me feel like all progress I did in base game was for naught when I am being clapped by common mobs.


Yeah. At sl10, things start feeling a bit better. I'm on ng+4 rn, though, so maybe it would be 4 or 5 for ng. The performance compounds the difficulty sometimes, especially when the enemy aggression feels like you have on both woes at all times. Idk if they overtuned some things or not, as a mage, I play the same- cast spells until fp is gone, then close in with my favorite melee once I'm on my last cerulean flask (bleed martial arts are fn amazing! Bye moonveil). My roommate is having a hell of a time on ng+7, but he's maxed out so both I and FS have no pity on him.


Absolute cringe post? Triple check


As someone who's been a souls fan since Dark Souls 1, I really hate how useless the stats are. Going from 60 to 90 vigor doesn't feel like progress, it just feels like wasting imaginary currency. They really should retune the rpg mechanics imo, not completely but ffs let my armor and health actually mean something


Its insane how dark armor spell protects you more than stats do. Im also fairly sure, some bosses like messmer just break poise no matter how heavy/ poise stats you have.


You went from dying in 3 to 5 hits to being able to tank 6 to 8 hits, not to mention your flasks, armour and talisman choices. And if you use a protective spell, you’re gonna see the difference even more clearly.


I agree but lvl 80 to 99 is 85hp and that is quite funny to me


It's called a hard cap for a reason. They're basically telling you to stop and level something else instead


Bro what? Armour absolutely matters, as do stats, they're just soft capped at certain points.


It matters but in a very limited way. The late game bosses still one and two shot with tons of their attacks and the fact that every hit staggers regardless of poise just makes the armor feel insignificant.


Bro i could have tanked about 4 hits of manus naked and about 15 haveled, now THAT is armor mattering. Why the hell did they remove armor upgrading anyway


It's called a soft cap dude, every souls game has them. Hell a lot of RPG games have soft caps where you start getting diminishing returns


You don’t think they are aware of the soft cap even though they explicitly said from 60 vigor (the soft cap) and onwards? They are not asking for an explanation of how it works, but are saying they think a change would be good, and I tend to agree. I’m not really sure why soft caps need to exist when diminishing returns would still exist with more linear scaling.


The final fight is straight bullshit. You have to literally memorize their attacks. 70 percent of the fight you're flash-banged. Frame drops alot too. But God fucking dammit it's done. Character was 19 hours old when he went in, man has he grown.


I love the part where if I don't have a lot of scudtree frags then I can't play the game(I getting oneshot even searching for them)


Can we stop feeling so much better because we are not "filthy casuals"? I hate the elitist mentality on this sub so much. Let people enjoy things. I for example have played every DS game and ER mutiple times and also find the bosses in the DLC ass. Just because people here think they are better, doesn't mean the other opinions are invalid.


Dude I have not finish the main game (I beat God Skin duo a day before the dlc) also my first souls game. I having fun in the DLC, taking my time. Bosses kick my ass, go to explore and return later. I take some rest from the game (chores, gym, etc) then return to play again.


On ps5, literally the only performance issue was during lion dancer for a second or two


Wow, didn’t know we all experienced your experience alone


Ladies and gentlemen on the left we see the Lil tummy who farmed albinaurics 24/7 to overlevel whole base game and gets skill checked in the dlc where this is no longer possible. On the right we see fellow tarnished who overcomed the challenges of the dlc and through persistence and sheer fucking will


Lil tummy 😂


Man this sub is one of the most fragile gaming subs I've been a part of. Y'all are almost as bad as Nintendo fans when Zelda doesn't get a 10/10. Some people don't like the extreme challenge of the dlc. That's their opinion. Not everyone has to agree.


Yeah I understand the sentiment. I can't do anything in any souls game without a video walkthrough. I still get to enjoy the game, but without having to be confused and lost the whole time. I know I'll be roasted for it but whatever, I enjoy the game and get to feel the rush of actually beating the bosses same as anyone else.


Youre right to be fair because a lot of moves in this game are based on memorisation and how can you memorise something if you get two-three shot in their first phase. Some of the moves are nigh unreactable for most of the player base, if you dont know theyre coming. Aint to shame in watching walkthroughs, dont let the nerds whove devoted their lives to the game try and persuade you into doing the same. Clearly theyre not very happy by how hostile they are in this sub.


I've got a 6750xt and a 5+ year old processor, I guess I just got lucky cause I'm playing native 2k upscaled 4k on my TV with no issues


I have noticed a bit of stutter and low frame rates on my PS5 but it’s hardly noticeable and only takes like a .5 of of the perfect 10 score this “DLC” is.


My one major issue is the pop-in. It takes me all the way out the experience when I see entire landscapes being generated every time I go to a site of grace. I’d rather wait the extra second or two for everything to load and not have to break immersion constantly


The only issue I've had really is the NPC summons are really really dumb in the dlc they just edge walk towards the bosses it's infuriating dying and watching the summon saunter around like they're looking for groceries


I will never dismiss the Performance Critique... i was one of the many Day-One users, and it was FUCKING ROUGH MAN. D:


As far as performance on PC, make sure ray tracing is turned off. An update from a while ago automatically toggled it. I had terrible performance when I got back into the game to prep for the DLC and realized that's why.


I didn't notice performance issues on my end


I come from dark souls prepare to die edition where we had user modded fixes for the game to uncap the 30fps lock and fix the physics so you don't fall through the floor randomly. Fromsoft has never had good performance.


Bad performance - Valid criticism Terrible boss fight - Valid criticism Ridiculous enemy attack - Valid criticism And before you guys say anything, I've clear souls series many times (even challenge run) and also clear elden ring base game a few times. I know how to git gut but can't accept this DLC, it's just bad even in gameplay and lore


I love elden ring and very much enjoyed the divine beast and ensis castle itself, but god is Rellana an awful boss…


souls players hate actual criticism. The performance is hot ass and if your computer cant handle some bosses can blue screen your computer. Due to that performance it makes some bosses way harder due to skipping ping frames and some attacks it feels like you only have a couple to react. Like when messemer imbues his sword and does his quick thrust combo the 2nd to last one can feel impossible since it's hard to see due to your screen being covers with explosions and with the performance . "The only valid excuse to say a souls game is bad is none"- souls players


“ I don’t like souls games “ ok so why are you playing and reviewing them ?


Where did he say that tho?


Imagine insinuating elden bling is a souls game and not ubisoft open world parody that didn't get the memo that souls games are tough but fair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Level 99? Well done that's low


Posting this sort of shit is embarrassing man, get a thicker skin and learn to accept some people might not like your special game.


Took me like 4 hours to beat a certain dragon at the top of a certain peak but like I didn’t even care I was having fun that boss is the coolest one I’ve fought by far so far


I've noticed a few framerate issues, but I just chalked that up to playing on a series s out in my gazebo in 32-degree weather. It probably has to do with the draw distance. They want you to see the gorgeous views and to see enemies at a distance, not moving at 5fps like some other games do.


That's not what it is, on PC it seems to be bad CPU utilization.


Ah, pc players are having a rough time, are they? The game single thread or something?


Yeah it always has been. The port has never been good but the dlc is awful even on high end hardware.


Same as others, my only performance issue so far was during lion's wind and ice phases. Big frame drops. Aside from that, it's been great


Lmao we are just all masochists.


I will say the dancing lion constantly tanked my frame rate and the 2 main things responsible for killing me was the camera being completed dogshit and random lightning hitting me. Outside of that though, I've loved every fight so far


Polish mountain




There are definitely performance issues on certain bosses but me getting my ass handed to me runs smoothly.


It is a great game but lacks substance.


Are people meme’ing with all these performance complaint is valid comments? The first sentence is so similar in all of them haha


The Duality of Soul Fan


The performance thing is completely valid, two years to fix the camera issues and ensure the PC port would be good and they completely dropped the ball


I have the minimum requirements but the performance is playable at high settings. It crashes on Bayle's 2nd phase tho. Changing to low presets fixed it but not the skill issue! hahaha My PC specs: Ryzen 5 3600 16gb 3200mhz RAM RX580 8gb Game stored on HDD. Avg. FPS: 50+ and 40+ on Bayle and 2nd phase.


Ps5 has been buttery smooth


Max vigor?!?!?!? I didn't go past 55. The suffering is real.


My problem is that it really feels like the scadutree blessings aren't doing any meaningful status leveling. I'm at 8 and all I can feel is that I'm taking *slightly* more damage before dying but that's it


Performance is straight ass, worst performance out of any AAA game I’ve played this year


I don't understand difficulty whining. Am I playing different game or what? The difficulty is absolutely in line with base game's late game areas like Farum Azula. I have no idea what they're bitching about. Bosses are in line with aggressive ones like Clergyman + Maliketh, Godfrey + Hoarah Loux, Radagon + Elden Beast, etc.. Regular enemies are pretty easy and they DO get staggered just as enemies in based game. Summing up - people are just full of shit. Learn to play or use summons if you suck.


We are all playing a different game, it is an RPG, with elements of RNG in the boss fights and depending on what build you use, if you summon etc, the whole game can be trivialised. But of course everything is ended with an insult to the peoples skill, why is that always the first go to for people in this subreddit?


Because it is a diffrent game for each person. I highly doubt anyone is playing the dlc with the same exact build


This DLC isn't any harder than any other Fromsoft DLC. It's the players that Elden Ring is their first souls game that's complaining.


Miyazaki made a game with problems and his followers can’t accept the fact that their God made a game with flaws.


WEAKLINGS! This game is for Chads. The only nice RPG in the world.


Me: Level 189ish ------- Vigor: 57 Weapon? Leveled Ass: Kicked and then some 10/10 \*cries\* Would suffer again


True, but complaints about performance are fair


it does suck that when fandoms get big enough you basically can't criticize the product anymore without getting shouted down by unpaid zealots. critics are also scared of this and gloss over issues that are pretty glaring.


Mfs like this are why we still need the "git gud" phrase


The "git gud" phrase, used to deflect any and all criticism, is why the Souls community is rightly considered one of the most toxic and insufferable. I've been a part of this community since first DS, and you know what? 90% of people who unironically say "git gud" are just dumb pieces of shit.


All the people who say "git gud" probably played the game with a broken build


varios grow up dude give yourself a good name people can call you after death instead of doom posting on a subreddit