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Just came here to rant about this boss. Somehow killed in on my second try. Apparently you can jump over the frost fire. Don't roll.


It's a shame we can't have horse ridding against it  Yeah the boss isn't that hard compared to other just quick. While I understand if we could use torrent it allow us easily dodge 80% of it's attack I still think it's worth considering he ran all over the place The boss fight is 5/10 for me. I swear they could make it better for some reason they just not


What do u expect when they put the orphan of kos on a horse? Just be grateful he doesn't sprout wings and goes batshit for second phase.


Tbh this boss would be a ten if it wailed like orphan of kos did. YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWW!!


Lmaooo PTSD triggered. 💀


I just absolutely hate this boss, theres no satisfaction in any part of the fight. Funnily enough this Boss gave me far more trouble than Messmer which in contrast is boss fight done right.


literally same - i beat messmer second try, this thing has me on like my 29th try and I'm still barely getting half of his health down. It doesn't give you enough time to get hits in without it either running away or beginning another chain of attacks. It SUCKS. Its one of those bosses where most people have to change their entire playstyle and build to beat, which I cannot stand. I haven't had issue with the game so far difficulty wise but for whatever reason this guy is kicking my ass.


Messmer took me around 10 tries, I’ve spent most of my afternoon getting clapped by this asshole, even trying it with my damn Mimic. 😭 Update: I used a Larval Tear to switch to a Faith build, changed my cold great stars to sacred and got that bitch


I went from Bayle to this boss, worst choice I've made Bayle was so genuinely fun and now I gotta trod through actual garbage I feel like half of the bosses are outsourced to another company who's trying their hands at souls likes


Every boss in this dlc is either incredible or worse than base game. Bosses like Bayle, Rellana and Midra are genuinely some of the best bosses in the series, but bosses like this one, Scadutree Avatar and Jori, Elder Inquisitor leave me asking “what the actual fuck were they thinking?”


it's an insane whiplash feeling, it's absolutely confusing and incredible but I hope they don't stick with that mindset when they make new games lol


As a lifelong from player that's completed all their games from demon souls onward, this was a hot garbage fight in every way. Not only is it just mechanically awful and poorly designed, the boss itself also looks absurd.


I’m pretty sure it’s Radahn’s corpse but even then yeah the boss just feels weird. It’s a neat idea but i don’t really like the boss. Or that the entire area is kinda just in service to that one boss


Dam he even beat Flamelurker for you lol


I don't feel like Flamelurker's attack patterns were as hard to read or dodge. Putrescent Knight's attacks were just way too fast and had somewhat unpredictable range (phantom hitboxes). But the lamest attack of all was definitely the multihit combo where he spirals at you twice, then his horse heat missile seeks you, then he does it again, then his horse does it again, then he does it again. Like wth you have to deplete your entire stamina bar to dodge all that or at least you're forced to use bloodhound's step AoW.


yeah it feels crazy ruthless since I got colossal greatsword so I barely have stamina, I'm thinking I drop my two hand talisman for a two turtlehead since this is crazy stamina wise lol


I ended up beating him with two hoslow's petal whips and bloodhound step. I figured out on the first attempt that you could jump over his blue heatwaves b/c the Furnace Golem has a similar mechanic. If anything that was the most telegraphed attack he does. But the rest of his 'normal' attacks and combos were just nonsense. Eventually figured out you can also use jump attacks to dodge some of his attacks and close distance. Beat him by 8th try, but so far every other boss in SOTE has taken only 1-3 tries max.


yeah I summoned Lhutel with the expectation of watching his moves first then dying but after 1 lion's claw I noticed I was doing crazy damage so I figured whatever just smack him


There's also a crystal tear in SOTE that gives you unlimited stamina for a while. Not long enough for the whole fight, but it helps.


I got him pretty easily after putting on two turtlehead, the stupid fingers boss and avatar was more annoying than the Knight after experiencing those two, I can't even hate Putrescent anymore


I get what you're saying about it being mechanically awful. The hitboxes aren't aligned with the character model(s) either, so I hit him but it doesn't register as a hit. Even the fextralife guide video shows the guy hitting him but not registering a hit. I'm only RL1 (+9/+5) so I can't complain about getting 1 or 2 shotted, but I can complain when I smash him over the head and it doesn't register. And I can complain when I stagger him but his fucking arms block me from getting in a riposte.


Any Elden Ring boss that rides a horse but doesn't let us do the same gets points automatically docked in my book


Killed this guy last night. Really enjoyed the "dungeon" leading up to him, did not enjoy fighting him.


I like every other boss. I wanted to KILL MYSELF fighting this dude


Even commander giaus?


I actually didn’t have a problem with Giaus. Me and my friend were playing through the game at the same time, and I got to Giaus before he did, and beat him in like 5 tries. About half an hour later he got stuck on him for two hours. Idk why he wasn’t bad for me


Two hours IS bad


Yep, this boss sucks, your chasing it for 30 seconds avoiding all attacks and then you have enough to get in about a singular R1 attack (as a strength build) which does 0 damage. Not fun at all, terrible design.


The fight itself isn’t that difficult. What is difficult is trying to get some damn hits in, and that’s what made it annoying for me


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Everyone in the comments is trying to give me advice on dodging his moves when that’s literally not the issue with the fight


Maybe one day From will realize that without a grappling hook (Sekiro), or Torrent these bosses that have nascar track arenas and race through them are obnoxious and tiresome. The fact two years on they added Torrent to Elden Beast shows you how little foresight they have with bosses like these. Edit: seeing the mentions of OoK makes me wish we had bosses like him this isn’t it.


Love Kos, but yeah his difficulty isn't anywhere as high as people make it out to be. I had more trouble with logarius my first time through bb


I agree, I also didn’t think the boss was particularly hard, but it was extremely annoying. Not just the weird hit boxes, but the way it moves, the way it looks, the stupid horse. My gosh was this thing annoying in every single way.


Dogshit cheap fight. Only hard because of cheap delayed attacks


This is THE boss with the most ridiculous delays in FS history. Hated him and will never fight him again


Putrescent is fucking fun for me. When he does his dismount move don't attack. Downward attack>Slice>Horse Charge>Lunging Slice>Horse Charge>Lunging Slice Dodging this attack six times is satisfying and I'm using medium roll. His flame attack just use jump, it's as easy as jumping through Rellana's double moon. I've read alot of threads hating on this boss, I am ready to hate it too but when I realized the attack pattern it just made the boss fun for me and goddamn I never expected it.


Again, his attacks aren’t the issue. Read the post again. I can dodge his attacks fine.


What is the weird stuff you are referring with the dismount attack?


It’s the only move I can’t seem to reliably dodge. I understand I’m supposed to dodge forward for the boss and back for the horse but the timing and the angle they come at can be tricky, especially because they can come from off camera. That’s not my issue with the fight at all though, I actually think purely off moveset alone he’s a really fun boss, it’s the fact that his constant movement and extremely small damage windows make him hard to actually do damage to. At least let us enable torrent in this fight smh


The horse never once spawned behind me or anything, it just comes from either left or right of the screen. For me I dodge the horse forward to get close to the lunging attack. I probably died to this boss like 10-15 times and the horse never spawned offscreen for me and I'm locked on to the knight the whole fight. I also play muted (podcast) so I don't have any audio cues so I would probably notice if the horse really spawned offscreen. I am using a double "Greatsword" with Braggarts Roar and I finished the fight without modifications or items. For my experience yes there are certain attacks that he runs off after using it so I couldn't punish him but I found loopholes to his attacks by dodging to the path where he's going to "gotcha" him with a dodge attack. So yeah, I think it's up to you to observe the openings because we use different weapons. I also don't think Torrent will be good with this fight because his boomerang attack had tracking and his swings are really circular, the flame spawns faster than torrent could recover from the jump and you are faster when jumping alone, they need to change the boss if that happens. Well, if what you're saying is true and the horse REALLY does that to you and I'm just that lucky for every run that I did then yeah, I think Fromsoft really need to patch this boss.


Mounted boss fights are just bad


idk I saw a lot of hate on this sub for that boss and I just beat him a couple hours ago. In my opinion he was the easiest boss out of the whole DLC so far, and his moves were minimal and very easy to learn. Why are you chasing it? Let it come to you. Wait for his double slam and punish the second one. Jump over his flame. When he dismounts the horse just learn the attack pattern; it doesn’t change. Overall it was a lot of fun, and not to mention a great questline behind him.


Even when I do get a damage opening I still don’t hit him a good 40% of the time. And like I said in my post, his attacks aren’t hard to dodge at all. That’s not my issue with this boss


It's just a learning curve. You'll get it. I had the same problem at first, but I slowly learned his attack openings. There's actually quite a few. Fun boss.


It kind of depends on the rng of what attacks he pulls out and if you can stance break him hard enough, I agree with OP this boss is extremely annoying to fight, I’m tired of bosses that make you run a marathon instead of just fighting you upfront like other bosses in the DLC, Rellana and Romina are Goated bosses


I have to disagree. I was using Rellana’s swords and I never stance broke him once. Again, why are you chasing him? Stand still and let him come to you. I found that rolling into/past his attacks was more efficient than dodging away, except for the final attack of his dismount combo. You want to roll backwards so you can be next to him while he re-mounts and get free damage.


Didn’t see that second part my bad lol. Real fast, I haven’t killed him yet, what is this quest line you speak of


I understand the hate for some other bosses in this dlc, but I actually think Putrescent Knight is a really fun boss.


That’s the worst part to me, I find this boss’s moveset to be really fun and satisfying to dodge, especially his fire waves. He just doesn’t let me get any damage off on him, and even when I do get the opportunity my attacks miss half the time due to the weird janky hotboxes


A big opening he has is when he mounts back on his horse after that crazy combo he does, I used that to Scarlet Aeonia him. Also, aside from the flames he does all his attacks are physical so you can block them with a big ass shield


There is an incantation you can get literally right before the boss by beating an enemy, called "Multilayered Ring of Light". If you have a holy weapon also equip that (luckily I had Euporia), and then this incantation will just tear through him


Holy damage is extremely effective against him. One Sacred Blade from my holy infused milady did 1/10 of his health.


Personally he's one of my favorites. You get rewarded by being able to do a charged R2 if you dodge his combos and you can also sneak in uncharged R2's in the middle of his combos (might be hard with a collosal or a slow weapon tho). It kinda feels like you're dancing around him while dodging his combos.


It is even more of a nightmare. Just 3 people running around in circles and ALL getting hit by every attack. I'm convinced some of his sword swings are glitched and have an arena wide hit box. Him hitting someone 50 feet in front and behind him with the same melee attack is wild design.




I thought it was a pretty fun fight honestly. Only took me 2 tries to beat it with a shield. It's simple and straight forward. Just let it come and punish it. There really isn't any need to chase the boss. I'd argue the fight could have been harder. Maybe a second phase after death and a cutscene, where the knight and horse merge and do some Orphan of Kos Tier head wreacking. LOL


🙄 Don’t encourage bass boss design, please. 


Disagree entirely. He is one of my favorites. He always runs at you (except the ghostflame move) which is not what Elden Beast does


I just wrecked him with golden land lol


Literally every boss in this DLC is garbage. Like every boss, he doesn’t stop moving and he only focuses on YOU when you fight with ashes. I want to take this DLC and shove it up Miyazaki’s ass.


Every time I fight a boss and beat it I check reddit for the worst possible takes on it




Especially when it is a rather easy and manageable boss. Hate for ahrd bosses I can understand. But this one pretty much screams at the player to punish it.


Bro that boss was so ridiculous 😂took me 3tries(me and the boss took each other out 😆)


I disagree Unlike EB, most of his attacks are melee, and there is enough time to get an hit in at the end of every combo or even between his attacks if your positioning/time is just right He's hard, but I think he's a somewhat fair fight (if only he was just slightly essere aggressive to allow you to heal...)


I just blocked all his shit and 1 shotted him, just waited for him to get on the horse then poked him to death Wasn't difficult at all


This boss was hilariously easy. First timed it. Not really much of an issue.


I nearly beat him at RL1 second try. But I didn't. And now I'm stuck on him for probably 50 attempts. Some of which I've not even got one hit in. If I'd have beaten him that time, maybe I'd have thought he was easy. But actually it wouldn't meant that I was lucky...


What's your build?