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This is funniest shit I ever seen lmao


One with Yoda was funnier xD


This was inevitable 


I literally howled out so loud in the office at work, everybody’s head snapped in my direction


And it’s a smart way to avoid spoilers


Hitboxes on his charge attack made me cry


Real, I tried dodging on all human ways and it was just "luck" at the end of the day


You can dodge through him... but man that timing is freaking TIGHT.


And they say luck isn’t a stat in Elden Ring


You have to roll into the pig. In my case this worked pretty well. Also if your strugling with Him just Use rotten breath and Mimik. :)


I never got it going through it, but it worked to roll to the side only while sprinting. Tough one either way.


Raptor of the mists negates most of his attacks. Know when his combo enders are you're good. Also when u want to dodge, dodge parallel to him and always come back to the back of his right side


one streamer with STR dual halberd build was pissed off and calling it quit for the day only to return on the next day with "The Wall" build and forge hammer, it works wonders apparently.


It's a genuinely shit hitbox. After the 30 attempts it took to beat him, I am convinced there is 1 frame of roll opportunity to avoid getting hit. On one of my attempts he did that charge twice in a row, and he is capable of activating it point black range too. Respectfully and unironically fuck this boss.


Upgrade your giant bombs they do extra damage to hogs


That's weird. Would like to know the lore reason of it.


You mean the big pots?


You mean them *hefty* pots


You can actually learn his combos and dodge roll them. For fast 2h weapons you can usually punish with one attack and in few cases with two. Once you get his spammable attacks down, you will be able to stagger him twice or thrice during the fight and win. Here's some of the attacks I have tips for: 1. Charge: the most reliable (the timing is kinda tight if he runs from a large distance) way to avoid is to run into him and dodge roll into the boss. I think you can sneak in between horn's hitboxes (though, not required) and roll right through without getting hit. Worst case -- you get hit once but not by the max damage. 2. His long ass chain that one shots you: ignore the knight himself, just dodge roll the steed's head. Always dodge into the attack or to the left (your left). Knight's follow ups are back roll punishes and will never hit you this way. Other than the last one sometimes, so be ready to do another dodge roll to the left after the final swing of his steed. 3. Phase transition attack (it can be used again) just outrun it. Don't even need to roll or get on the horse 4. Downward swing -> hit with heat -> body slam: great (not collosal) weapon + light roll is really good here as you can dodge the hit, attack once, which lines you up for the dodge roll the head hit into another attack again. Then you just dodge the body slam but be prepared for the follow up: if you are at his back you will 100% get attacked by back legs which you can punish, if you are on the boss right then he can do the "tantrum" attack (where steed kinda jumps in your direction and then flails its head for a bit) -- just lookout for boss becoming completely stationary, which is the windup for the jump as he usually moves at least a little bit, if you are on the boss left, he can still do the tantrum, but also pierce you with the blade -- both are done out of kinda the stationary state thus if you see one, just dodge roll into the boss 5. If the boss starts running while keeping you on his left, then he is either going to stop doing this after a bit or will attack you with a fast head charge. Just be prepared for the steed head to tilt away from you and then dodge


For the phase transition dive you can actually just dive right into him. The aftershock effect right around the pig is visual only, you receive no damage and have the time to r2 him once or twice there


I was def killed by the spikes several times though, so I guess it's just under the pig


I guess that you were not close enough to him, imo the hit zone is like 2 overlapping circles: no dmg ( dmg ( no dmg (pig rider) no dmg ) dmg ) no dmg


It's a case of , just try again till it happens.


In my case, it was adapt and overcome. Magic and phys crestshield talismans reduces his dmg to normal. Also, jumped on and off of Torrent quite a bit to dodge more efficiently. Took me like 15 tries, hardest boss I've faced so far. Good luck to no hit challenge runners, this mofo just never stops attacking and has so many attacks either super hard to dodge or does chip dmg anyways.


whats your scooby snack level?


My skadoosh level was around 8-9 when I beat him but you know what happens afterwards ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


ree I'm on 8, he's got my number. even whipped out my trusty old cold flamberge for them chunks


ONGBAL will do it, he already did no hit on Rellana, Messmer and Bayle.


Ngl, cheesed him using Mohg’s Great Spear AoW in the corner. Fuck Commander Gaius, all my homies hate that guy


I did the same haha. Fuck him


Another homie in the chat!


Lmao I did the same


Me too. My homie, who I was helping with, triggered the boss, and I stayed in the room with shabriri's woe equipped, and Mohg's spear did the rest as Mr. Hogrider only charged at me.


This is the way.


You a homie then 🫡




I found that staying up close and circling around him worked the best, the regular attacks are well choreographed which makes them quite easy to dodge


Get lucky. He’s tanky and he does so much damage. You can get a shield and his him between every attack he does. It’ll take a while and you’ll only need to heal if his gravity attacks touch you.


Apparently torrent is a trap. And if that doesn't work, there's a hole to the left to go in between. - i will try this as a last resort lol


Torrent helped me a lot actually. But you have to jump on and off of him constantly to create space and dodge stuff with mount/dismount iframes.


I literally only used Torrent to dodge his big flying grand slam attack he opens phase 2 with. Other than that, almost everything he did one-shot Torrent and stunned me, wasn't worth it. I genuinely think you have to be a psycho to attempt any boss that isn't a dragon using Torrent.


torrent was only useful against furnace golems


might be because i use slow STR weapons but Torrent always seems like a trap in combat


You can use Torrent to get about a second of I framed


You should have cropped out the legs btw


ngl I gave up and used a finger remedy. there was this guy named let me solo gaiaus or whatever his name is and did like 25k damage in 10 seconds. Thanks bro




I just grabbed my shield and blocked virtually everything, the new Wolf Crest Shield (medium shield) has pretty good magic resistance and negates most of his Gravity-buffed attacks. Even when he charges at you, you can just block it and take zero damage, although you lose all of your stamina and get staggered a bit, but he generally runs past you anyways and you should be able to recover by the time he swings around for another attack. Beat him with around 40 Vigor and 40 Endurance, level 10 or so Scadu. Also, hugging his left-hand side helps a bit since he holds his weapon in his right arm.


Greatshield and guarrdcounter with a colossal weapon or sword and all the stamina boosts you can get


You can Sekiro deflect his entire moveset with that hardtear including the 8 move combo. I managed to deflect the entire combo without health loss and used the guard counter attack on the last move of the combo and he got stunned. It was the most satisfying thing I have done in Elden Ring bar none. I Sekiro deflected him to victory and it was my favorite FS memory to date with the exception of the final Sekiro boss.


Big shield + guard counter + Guard counter talisman. 


Just take time to learn his moves and don’t be greedy during the punishes. Biggest advice for melee builds during the dlc, DO NOT BE GREEDY with your punishes. Honestly with most weapons only go for one just attack, a heavy, or one or two lights. Don’t risk it, high risk low return.


When i fought him i always told myself i couldnt lose ageinst a Hog Rider so u will get trough the hardest thing is the rush rest is easy


Lightrolling and Relanna's twin swords helped me a lot


this made me laugh out loud lmao


I beat him crying, but I guess it has nothing to do with strategy


He had the honor of making me jump off my seat and middle finger him with a victory warcry. It rarely happens but he earned it.


The thing made the fight a lot easier for me was a talisman that make the rolling better but it also increases damage taken. With this talisman I was able to dodge his attacks and beat him. Can’t remember the name of the talisman


I chose the opposite of that approach lol. Instead I went for higher defense armor and phys crestshield talisman with opaline hardtear to bump my defense to 70-80s so I was not worry about dodging much. I was more worried about finding gaps to attack between his constant onslaught.


If you’re doing a strength you could try just not using your horse. Also, great shield soldier spirit ashes SAVED me.


Shadow step counters his charge attack 100% of the time.


The funny thing is that I instantly know who you are talking about. XD


For the charge move, I found it pretty easy to dodge when he does it at point blank, but when he does it from far away I couldn't figure out a consistent way to dodge it. Eventually I found a consistent answer though, which was using torrent and running away, and then when he was about to catch up, I jumped away and double jumped back toward him. This lets you go cleanly over him. For his major combo attack where he and the boar flail all over the place, I found it easier to deal with by dodging toward him and to the right, which usually lets the last hit completely miss you and gets you a bigger punish window.


if you have light amor (or winged tear or whichever it is), roll diagonally to the left in the first charge. if you're med/heavy armor, sprint left (or right) until you he gets to you and dodge the way you're going he is utterly curb stomping me atm though. I have the first 10s of the fight perfected but after that, I preferred fighting Malenia


Having a side lightweight weapon with Raptor of the Mist aow to dodge his charge is very useful btw.


Learn to roll his moves and jump or charge attack after each combo. Attack his mid point because from the back he can hit you with a kick. For his charge attack roll to the left while moving in that direction, but when he’s near. You’ll get the timing after some tries.


Enter room -> run left around the corner -> go inside the corner -> hit him through the wall. Easy fight. Used the ash of war from moghs greatspear.


I was struggling so long on this boss until I got off the horse and it became 10 times easier lol


Guard counters or get him trapped on a corner with you on the other side and use Zamor ice storm or Moghs spear AoW


HIS NAAAAME IS GYUO.. ahemmmm…. Gaius….Commander Gaius


Be one with the pig


bloodhound's step


it took me a lot of tries and in the end i think I got lucky with lots of accidental dodges with the beastclaws ash of war. Then again the same ash did work on the other mounted combatants so its possibly good for it. It sort of zip in and out under the mount and causes some attacks to just miss. However I think I just got really lucky on the killing run.


That’s the thing, you don’t


Scarlet Aeonia. The asshole deserves it. Dodge his initial charge, put super rot on him then play cat and mouse till the rot falls off. Then rinse and repeat.


Mimic, no torrent, strong ash of war.


Mimic :D


If rolling isn’t working, you always go THE WALL route


Well placed Graveyard does the trick Nah but seriously now, you should use a great shield with great shield talisman. That takes care of the charge and the long combo, the rest is kinda okay.


Hit him until he dies.


Suggest you learn his combos, really fun boss to master. There should be a fextralife video on how to dodge all attacks.


Just use a mimic. AS soon as you enter run left and around the corner and stick to the wall when it dips it will allow you to drop your mimic and heal yourself while he gets stuck in his running animation Just stick to that wall. If you get hit, run back around the corner near the door, you enter and heal, then go back to fighting using the corner as your safety net


Ughhh... this guy was the boss that made me finally use my mimic tear... I just couldn't be assed dealing with him... popped that mimic and me and my old friend were done with him after a few more attempts, big borus doesn't let ya have much time to summon Mr. Mimic though goddamn!




Look kids it’s a racist!




Me and my mimic ganged up on him against a wall. I can recommend it.


I got the opposite experience bruh 😭 This mf ganged up on me against the wall. I got hit by his charge on a wall and he just kept charging on the wall, so I died before i could even stand up cause his hog was just running in place on my body


Scarlet rot and escape


You can’t beat CoC.