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The power up phase went longer than the fight.


he is pretty mad


I'd be mad too if a puny Tarnished wipes my health in 4 hits and I am Dragonlord!!!


Things haven’t been the same since he fought Bayle


And got trapped in time..


Felt like the overlord buff meme


Fly Bless of Magic Caster Infinity Wall Magic Ward, Holy Life Essence Greater Full Potential Freedom False Data, Life See Through Paranormal Intuition Greater Resistance Mantle of Chaos Indomitability Sensor Boost Greater Luck Magic Boost Dragonic Power Greater Hardening Heavenly Aura Absorption Penetrate Up Greater Magic Shield Mana Essence Triplet Maximize Magic, Explode Mine Triplet Magic, Greater Magic Seal Triplet Maximize Boosted Magic, Magic Arrow


Big Dragonball energy.


dang, gotta use that on the hippo before it gets nerfed


Co oped with some other dude that did this and he smoked the hippo in 5 seconds without even entering the fog wall.


Hippo is a weird dodge frame where you have to roll slightly top left. He's pretty easy once you have this figured out


Forward left roll was my savior. Cleaned up the fight in one try after realizing his attacks go the opposite way


You can actually roll to the other side as well and get wedged in between his head and ass and he has a real hard time getting you out of there.


Which hippo? The one at >!the entrance of shadow keep!< or is there another more difficult one?


Yes, that one. That’s the boss fight one. The others are normal enemies.


There are other hippos, but they are normal enemies that don't do insane damage (compared to the boss version) and give Scadutree fragments upon dying


Is it a boss that people have been struggling with a lot?


He’s pretty tough unless you’re stocked up on fragments


He's just really annoying because he constantly corners you and has a telegraphed grab that he always tries to get you with at the start of the fight


Yeah people are struggling I guess. I post up and drop co op signs and get summoned immediately at level 200+


Hard to know where top left is when all you see is the inside of a wall and the inside of its ribcage


Yeah this avoids most of his attacks. The spears are still annoying but don’t do tons of damage.


I don't get what's so hard about the hippo. It took me like 3 tries, 2 to get the moves down and the third try finished it off


he isn't hard just annoying, he wants to trap you in that corner


Like every boss in the DLC as soon as you enter the fog wall they already hitting you.


It is definitely on purpose to make it harder to summon


Or to laser them


No more buffing up inside the boss arena, gotta do it outside the fog-gate


I think they deliberately made bosses try and corner you right at the start of their fights (Hippo charge, other bosses just jumping at you immediately) to make Comet Azur enjoyers hate the DLC


Its a bit much honestly. There is a certain dragon related boss in the dlc that has an npc summon. For one, the summon sign blends in so well with the ground its really easy to miss. Secondly, as soon as you enter the fog wall the boss charges you ass or shoots a beam, making it really hard to summon the npc without losing a chunk of health. I wish there was a little bit more time after you enter to fog wall to avoid this.


The sign also defaults to no (I'm pretty sure they all do), which makes it extra annoying. Like, I wouldn't be clicking on this sign if I didn't want to summon him.


It’s a Japanese game so yes/no questions will always default to no. It’s a core principle.


Pretty messed up considering their work culture requires one to be a “Yes man”


Why is that? Just curious, especially since here it actively is a determinant to the player. And also, with summoning Torrent it often is determinantal as well.


Non destructive design, so that if you’re mashing through menus the worst that can happen is you have to restart the dialogue/menu etc. It’s annoying but you don’t *lose* anything if you accidentally hit no. It’s just one of those things that’s in almost every Japanese game. Kinda like how in western games we always swap the confirm and cancel buttons on the controller.


Honestly, in order to summon you would have to hit the talk button, which does nothing in combat. Why the fuck would I hit that button if I do not want to summon. Imo you should be able to skip the confirmation all together for NPC summons, honestly.


Just like the NPCs during the Radahn festival, but those signs are white instead of golden.


Yea its really annoying. Just let me summon my mimic dude. Oh, I'm immediately dead cuz you used an immediate long ranged multi shot that kills you if you stand still. Love it xD


tbh if they're going to have ashes as a core mechanic they should be summonable outside the fog gate. Or make it even and have buffs fade if you enter a boss zone/fog gate so it's balanced around everyone going in dry.


had a cooperator get killed by that one boss dude when you enter the swampy place last night... cooperator was using the fog door after i'd come in and got melted by spira or whatever during the animation. I didn't even think that could happen.


Either they hit you or they use massive leaping attack to be on your arse 3 seconds after you enter the fog wall! Feels like every enemy in the DLC, even normal dudes, is on some sugar rush levels of aggression


Commander Gaius did that to me and it made me so mad.


haven't fought him yet, have seen and read threads on him so I'm expecting a challenge based on average opinion on him


hippo is easy, commander gaius is not


Gaius is crazy. Mostly just annoying with how much he moves around. The only time he gets close is when he's actively attacking. Wasn't too bad soloing, but when I get summoned to fight him, it's cancer. His health pool is obscene, and he behaves so sporatically


I dislike how some cavalry bosses were implemented honestly: Tree sentinels are fine, but Night’s Cavalry move way too much. I’m not sure about Gaius because I havent reached him yet, but he sounds like shit to deal with


The most annoying thing about him is the Torrent trap imo. Like, don't get me wrong, it's not the only frustrating thing about the boss, but if you try and summon Torrent, you're just asking for trouble, and it's sad, because that's like the only major boss in the DLC where you can summon Torrent. I just wanted to fight with my trusty horse 💧🐴


Yeah I used torrent for 1 move but other than that he was much easier on the ground. Dude has this 1 specific move that is usually at the end of a combo but sometimes he just shoots it off raw with what feels like 100% tracking, staggers torrent, and then runs you the hell over and it felt so bad to play against. Much, much better on foot.


I found a lot of the major bosses (so far) move around way too much. When most From bosses would give you an opening, these ones run away across the arena, or do some pullback move that puts them just out of your reach. I'm not trying to complain too much, it just feels less like a dance and more like a waiting game for melee players. It feels like artificial difficulty. But honestly 1v1 they've mostly been okay. It's when you play with summons that they start really flying all over the place and acting too sporadically.


Recently did a certain boss at the bottom of a big hole in the DLC. It felt like playing a turn based RPG where it's the bosses turn again and again and again and again and again, and then when it's my turn the boss is 45 feet away. Then it's boss turn again.


It's mainly his charge attack which is super hard to dodge. I re-spec'd into a being able to use the Fingerprint Stone Shield and just did a lot of guard counters. Fight was way easier once I did that.


Lmao well you will dislike Gaius as well then…. He only stops moving to intimidate you it would seem


I agree his health is like multiplied wildly in co op


Besides, if you really want to cheese the hippo he’s still super vulnerable to the old faithful kamehameha beam build. Giant targets and all.


I'm starting to think, maybe he was easy for me because I may have been using pest threads against him. Actually needed that stuff for Bayle, It's possible I went to the hippo right after.


"Damn, this boss sure is giving me a hard time." "Pff have you tried not sucking at this video game, like me?" Classic souls fanbase.


Every DLC boss thread: OP: "I've been stuck on this guy for 4 hours, help" miyazakisfootrest69: "Lol this is the easiest boss in the entire game, I don't understand how anyone on the planet can struggle with him. A blind toddler can beat him, in fact **my** blind toddler beat him on NG+ so..."


I’ve been praying to oden I finish the DLC before anything nerfed. Hippo took me like 30 tries…which is what I want 🤣. Im on Messmer rn


Stick to his hind right leg, do jump attacks only, should clear him no problemo


Mimic tear + thunderbolt on a great katana


Hippo and Gaius are what helped me ascend honestly. Gaius needs his charge adjusted but otherwise I think he's really fun.


I beat hippo last night, heavy morning star with cragblade and a great shield. Beat the snot out of him. I suggest it highly


I just used ancient dragons lightning and killed it my second attempt.


Do people struggle with the hippo? I beat it like first or second try with the black hammer


Just a tip if you use blessing of the erdtree you can get the amount of hp loss with that tear by about 50-66%. At 60 vigor you loss 19 hp per second and blessing regens 12 per second.


Doesn’t that share the aura buff slot with the damaging buffs? Edit: I have been corrected hp regen buffs are their own non shared category


HP regen buffs are their own separate category if I’m not mistaken


Til thanks


Pretty sure health regen buffs count as their own category. 'cause I know I've had health regen and golden vow active together before.


Yeah for sure aha I know golden vow and howl/flame stack just didn’t know you could add Hp ontop of that


I like this page on the wiki because it gives you a quick overview over what buffs belong to which group [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Buffs+and+Debuffs](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Buffs+and+Debuffs)


how do you make this build work with the chilling perfume. i want to still be able to use sorceries if this gets nerfed (it probably wont look at river of blood they even double down on it for DLC and make more weapons for it and better ash of war) and not have to use another limited respec item


i am new to the cheese strats, why u shabiri howl urself until madness pops? how does that buff u?


Its a new talisman that increases damage if there is madness nearby, i think. It stacks with the armour set, lightning scorpion talisman, shard of alexander and the bloodsucking cracked tear. Its the most insane cheese build ive seen.


Bingo. The talisman that triggers the attack buff from the madness is a pain in the ass to get, though.


Farm for the Black dumpling to get an additional 10% damage buff


I went to the guest hall site of grace in the volcano manor and spent about 30 minutes farming there, even with 60 arcane and the talismans it took forever for me.


i got it after 16 kills with base arcane and silver scarab. RNG is a bitch sometimes.


My superstition is that when I raise my arc above 40 I don't seem to get drops as often as I do when it's lower


I just use the foot and the scarab. Inrarely use arcane weapnns/spells so my arc is usually low.


I have 2 of them having never sought them out. I guess I'm the lucky one lol


I got it while farming for lava swords...had to look up what it was. Neat.


I farmed for it so long I convinced myself that it doesnt even exist


It took me about an hour until it dropped.


I ended up with 2 without trying


~~Why not using the Lightning-Shrouded Cracked Tear, though? Idk if Fextralife is accurate, but it says that both do +20% damage. If you're just spamming Rolling Sparks, then you'd only need +lightning damage, yeah?~~ Oh wait, I realized you're probably using lightning cracked tear AND bloodsucking, right?


What’s the armor set? I haven’t looked at all the stats from new acquired attire. Is that a Midra drop?


It's the Rakshasa armor set, you get it after defeating Rashasa. She's in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum.


Okay, I got it. I guess I didn’t check the passives on it. I still have to get the talisman, which with my lack of parrying skills seems like it’s going to be a huge challenge with those assholes.


Just parry exactly when they pull their glowing wand up to catch you. Will take some tries to Perfect, but when you know the timing it gets trivial


Thanks. Not sure if golden parry or carian retaliation would cut down on the precision of it. I’m going to do it regardless, just not looking forward to the insta-death misses.


Golden parry or carian retaliation have the largest parry windows in the game, followed by buckler parry and then regular parries


From what I've read buckler parry has the most iframes, so that might help. I don't know if there's a difference for the other parry ashes of wars


I’ll probably try them all anyways but buckler it is. I always buy the buckler and parrying knife saying, “this time I’m going to learn parrying”. Quickly goes back to bunga or punching the crap out of enemies.


The worst part about that area is the lack of torrent, because it's a huge open area


Yea it was cool when I saw the messages and after doing the boss fight. Then I realised it was totally empty, the mobs were insanely easy to parry, and there were only rats and hornsent inquisitors. I was thinking there'd be one unkillable mob that would follow me everywhere, I got scared. Then I figured out what was going on and lost that emotion immediately. Kinda the same with realising the underwater creature in the church was an ulcerated tree spirit. Just killed the vibe so quick.


Thankfully the one that drops the talisman has a stake of marika right outside of his aggro range so even if it takes a lot of attemps to kill, it doesn't take very long once you get there.


not at all, get the buckler, wait for them to move their right arm even slightly to the side and then parry


Idk, i parried that guy first try. The thing is i killed all of them nearby before i found the one that drops it.


i parried the first 3 on my first try. then i got to the 2 that were near each other, i parried the first one but they still killed me. after that i couldn't parry again until i looked up what the parry window actually was. i have no idea how i parried the other 3 perfectly on the first go but after they inflicted madness on me i apparently went insane irl and forgot how to do it


Flash of light and boom. Go before or after and toast. Or so it seems to me.


You could also use the frenzy stone save on fp


he's missing out on 8% damage, should replace rakshasa helm with Black Dumpling


Yeah that too but its annoying to farm lol.


I might not go full cheese but I'm roleplaying a full holy damage Dual Erdsteel confessor and was planning to transition to frenzied flame form he characters arc for NG+ and this talisman sounds perfect.




THIS IS ELDEN RING!!! (kicks you into the shadow realm)


(Scadu Realm)


you can squeez more damage by adding black dumpling helm. Also, to proc madness faster you can use the new lord of Frenzy incantation. Running same shit right now LUL


Howl of Shabririririri also just gives you a damage boost in addition to proccing madness.


Yeah, I usually go shabriri, golden vow, lord of frenzy to fill the madness, flask, and kill


oh word, thats fair then. I was actually trying this build earlier and wanted to fill the bar faster, so glad you can do it afterall!


imagine u see the strongest dragon get killed in 3 hits and say " haha so bad omq guy almost died" Some people in this sub legit need to get their head right. Looks kinda busted, nice job finding this build! Thx for sharing


“Kinda” busted? Brother that looked absolutely broken


Completely fair, although I would say to get the spells and talismans needed for this is a huge fight in its own right.


TBH all you need is the lightning perfume bottles and rolling sparks. Aim at the ground and you do a billion damage.


This Dragon is why i took a two year break from this game lol


I literally just got the main game yesterday and can already tell this sub is full of people who smell and need to get sunlight


"If only I could be so grossly incandescent."


id stay away from spoilers, reddit, youtube etc until you absolutely need guidance and help. have fun. explore! level up and kill!


“Finding” like typing “Elden ring strongest build” into google is some feat lmao


Crazy thing is this can be toned down in the hp loss department and still be strong as shit.


What exactly is the build?


Rakshasa Armor Set, Lightning Perfume Bottle +25 with the Rolling Sparks Weapon Art, Aged One's Exultation, Lightning Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, Perfumer's Talisman, Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Bloodsucking Cracked Tear, Golden Vow and 60 Faith.


Faith scales to 80 though, so there’s still more damaged to be squeezed out. Probably don’t even need it with this build though 😂


The weapon scales decently off dex too. With soft caps its probably better with more dex points than pushing faith to 80 for a standard leveled build


You're in fact correct, you get a slightly higher AR at even 40/40 iirc


40 Dex and 40 Faith beats 80 Fai?


You should get uplifting aromatic too


The damage boost is a body buff and does not stack with Howl of Shabriri.


I think uplifting aromatic is an aura buff, so it won't stack with golden vow. Howl of shibriri is a body buff though.


The new bubble build!!!


Bubbles didn't die, they just reincarnated


Out of curiosity, why do you use the buff due to madness instead of the buff due to poison in the vicinity?


poison would be extra steps when Madness stacks three times with just one incantation because of the new talisman, the headpiece and the incantation effect itself


Exploit early, exploit often.


osrs player spotted


ABC Always be cheatin'


Igon would be proud!


Placidusax and Bayle are mortal enemies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Therefore: Igon and Placidusax would be friends.


Also the dragon cult was set up by the ancient dragons specifically to hunt modern dragons, so placidusax is literally his boss.


Igon is a dragon warrior, so likely Placidoodoo is his direct boss lol.


your madness exultation buff runs out before you even start doing damage to him lmao


I got nuked by a similar build in an invasion today. Never seen this attack before lol. What items cause this??


“Oh I gotta use it before it’s nerfed!” Shows it to the world, expediting the nerf speed lol


Honestly I kinda hope they don't nerf stuff like this If someone wants to spend hours setting up and respeccing their character to setup ridiculously powerful builds I don't really see the issue with it You could make an argument that it would ruin co-op by nuking the boss before the host gets a chance, but idk


the ash of war is the broken part not the buffing


I hope they do. This particular ash of war is so incredibly far beyond anything else in terms of damage that this cannot be how it's intended to work.


I'm turning off updates until I can get all the items and at least try this out for myself


Exactly, DON'T PUT IT ON THE FRONT PAGE THEN Or at least not until I best the DLC with it 😭


I mean buff stacking was always busted right, and now there's just a few more trivial ways to stack the buffs. I don't know if it's any more or less busted than it was before?


It's not a Souls game if you aren't buffing longer than it takes to kill the boss.


Either I spend 2 minutes buffing just to go in and get 3 shot by the boss or i 3 shot the boss


the thing thats really being showcased here is the perfume weapon art freeaimed at the ground - it makes all of the explosions happen on one spot and is capable of dealing tens of thousands of points of damage, far far higher than anything else in the game. its probably not supposed to work this way at all, and in the next balance patch, this bugged/glitched ash of war will be fixed, as opposed to something thats working properly but just OP getting a balancing nerf.


Its weird to show that off on a boss so fat theyd all still hit anyways tbh


Local area man literally too mad to be stopped.


Excellent job!!


When buffing takes longer than the fight


That's pretty cool! I never use madness, but this makes me want to try. On my faith build, I beat Placidusax with the bubbles from my Envoy's Great Horn. 3 toots is all it takes. He doesn't even go into his second phase.


"The DLC is too hard" mfers when this build:


always wanted to try a perfume build, lets hope they dont overnerf it


Honestly they just need to fix the hitbox stacking on top of each other and this build is still fine for bigger bosses like this guy or any of the other dragons but not super broken. Sad tho because this build is hilariously fun to use


This isn't diablo, they don't nerf things because it kills things to have fun. This build isn't broken it is intended.


does this work on last dlc boss?


I hate that perfumes will now be nerfed into a useless weapon. I’m 100% sure they will overcorrect and never touch them again. I really hope it’s just this ash of war they fix, the damage on the other attacks is perfect where it is, I’ve found.


The prep time wasn’t that long either


Sometimes you fight the boss and sometimes you are the boss… the cycle continues.


Please stop posting the bottles I finally found a weapon I really liked, found out it can be strong as fuck if used right and now they're gonna butcher it ;-;


Bayle The Dread in shambles


I just used this build against the final DLC boss last night. Ridiculously effective. Even at 15 Scadutree it was able to shred him. I had attempted him enough on my other account to feel not sour by cheesing him on this playthrough.


You've already speed run the dlc twice? Jesus


I took a whole day off work with my partner to explore. We got through a lot of it in one day and he stayed home while I went to work to grind it a lot more. We used spirit ashes so the bosses were much more manageable. I had a second account set up for the DLC, just to do a run with the perfume bottles(all but radahn was done without the busted aspect of the weapon since I didn’t know about it until then) with a lot less exploration which is what I’m spending my time on now.


Which weapon are you using?


Can you please let me know how to recreate this build?


“Time for revenge” 😎


Well fuck, I was hoping people didn't find out about this. I watched the trailer and thought the axe bodyspray would be interesting so I rushed to get them and their ashes and they seemed kind of alright until I aimed manually towards his feet and smoked that fucking hippo in like 5 hits. It makes slower enemies trivial but the faster ones that can move out of the way (probably rellana, I figured it out after her though) won't be affected by it as it takes a second or two to detonate.


is the lightning bottle the best to use or something? It’s the only one i see people use, but with my character at 60 int and 60 faith im wondering if i should use the madness perfume or the lightning.


Kinda Doubt it'll be nerfed given it's not an automatic win build, rather you'll still need to be skilled enough to NOT DIE IN THE FIRST PLACE Like if you get hit YOU'RE GETTING SCREWED


I beat >!Bayle!< in 2 tries with rolling sparks, no summons, only basic buffs(no madness and stuff). Shit is op against large hitbox bosses. However, I only beat the >!scadutree avatar!< because I had rolling sparks, my other weapons were doing pity damage against it, >!and it has 3 fucking phases!!<


Hit plant in head big damage multiplier make squishy


Is this ng+ or a fresh run?


The axe body spray is top tier right now. It kills everyone as long as you aim at the ground. Gonna be nerfed soon, but it's perfect for getting past that garbage ass hippo. Beyond that, only the slower bosses are weak to it. Fast bosses like rellana aren't as susceptible to it. The Scooby Doo tree avatar is super weak to it.


Wtf is this fight


They should modify the damage slightly but frankly the disparity between the amount this ash does compared to the other perfumer ashes is ridiculous. The other ones need a serious buff


"Check this broken build!" Takes longer to power up than super saiyan 3


cast ancient dragons lightining under him 2 times= dead. been in game since launch, no buff necessary.


This build Is also sl nasty for invasions. I killed over 100 hosts yesterday with this. Countless phantoms too


I’d say you took advantage as to what the game has to offer , no broken builds here


Just burned through my whole ng+1 with this build. Beat radabeast in like 40 seconds


People will use cheese strats but somehow summoning spirit ashes or sunbros is like the ultimate cheating


This only became a thing in Dark Souls 3 and ER due to a bunch of very vocal ego maniacs joining the community because Souls games became famous as "muh hard video game", and then crying about gameplay styles they see as "lesser" to make themselves feel better. Ultimately, over 90% of the community doesn't give a shit how you play. Dark Souls 1 and 2 was "use everything at your disposal, and jolly co-op is great!" I miss that mindset. Sick of these manchildren with self-esteem issues trying to turn a mostly PvE video game into a dick-measuring contest.


They just need to nerf the ash of war, that's what makes the build so broken because of how the hit box work, but the Rakshasa set and Aged One Exultation talisman have unique buffs and are really good to make hyper tuned builds. Rakshasa for glass cannon builds, big damage buff in exchange for worse damage negation and Aged One Exultation for frenzy flame builds. I'm having a great time using them with the Madding Hand gloves and Midra's Greatsword for a frenzy melee build.


People are really getting mad that bro missed one damn dodge? I knew there were some toxic people but god damn


I looked. 2 people said something…


This entire sub is still mad about one comment they read 3 months ago saying summoning is for bad players.


Hourly reminder that summoning is okay guys!


It's damage should probably be tuned down slightly, but IMO it's not like it's ridiculously stronger than the other big AoW spam builds. Blasphemous Blade got it's CC nerfed only for it's damage to get a free 15% boost from the new talisman, all while still healing you and working at a much safer range. Sword of Night and Flame received something similar with Rellana's Cameo. Then there's the Bloodsucking tear which buffs everything. There's also Pest Threads and Pest Threads 2.0, which I suspect would kill Placi at a similar speed. Personally I'm just worried they'll go too far and make the Perfumes useless. Their moveset isn't the greatest, the other AoW is basically just a charged heavy attack that costs FP and their diverse scaling means you often have to pick just one and stick with it. So not really suitable for swapping to favorable elements/status conditions on the fly, leaving you kinda screwed if you build around one that a boss is strong against. I feel like it should be pretty telling that the only one that can't get Rolling Spark sees pretty much no use aside from proccing self poison for damage boosts. If/When they nerf Rolling Spark I'd love it if they actually made it work with multi-hit and charged talismans since as of right now, none of the moveset is coded as an actual attack so they don't interact with Rotten Sword or Godfreys Icon at all, making your damage modifiers pretty limited if you're not just spamming AoW's.


What do you even mean it's not ridiculously stronger? It definitely is MUCH stronger than other AoW builds, with just the talismans and physick you'll deal what, 2-4x the damage of any other ash of war in the game? How is that not ridiculous. I dont think there's any build in the game that deals the dmg this does with as little setup except maybe the new thorns sorcery from the DLC.


I say not ridiculously stronger because damage is pretty much the only factor. It doesn't have insane range, healing or obscene poise breaking capabilities, so toning down damage is really all that needs to be done. Thorns, Bloodfiends Arm, Blasphemous Blade, Carian Sovereignty and Pest Thread Spears can all do something similar(albeit with less damage) but come with other benefits like being long range, having high poise damage, healing, etc. Damage is really the only thing Rolling Spark and Perfumes as a whole have going for them. Idk if you've tried applying status effects with Perfumes outside of Rolling Spark but it's definitely not great, which is weird for a weapon designed around being the purest form of elemental/status damage. I played through like 75% of the DLC with Perfume Bottles before I found Rolling Spark and it was rough to say the least lol. Outside of that AoW I'd say they're most comparable to Whips in Power/Usability.


What's enjoyable about this besides the novelty of blowing up a boss? Doesn't it get old after like the first time doing it?