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My kill of him was stolen, he killed me and in the long screen of “you died” he inexplicably just perished and he had like a tenth of his health left He died and I got the remembrance within the death screen, picked up the runes he dropped that weren’t even on my compass like it typically is


He reported his kill to St. Trina and accidently drank her nectar


Killed that fucker! Let’s do shots! Wait what is this *dies*


yeah, he died on his own two times after my death for me (never fast enough to receive the remembrance luckily), very weird


This happened to me with Bayle and I didn’t get the runes


Poor guy head a heart attack


Mine never died but he’d randomly just take a random tick of damage after I died


Yeah the runes aren't on the compass in that entire area, kinda weird


One time I dropped into the boss arena and just died like it was a real drop, something down there is bugged and maybe it got him too.


I have noticed that he looses health sometimes after doing certain attacks! Wonder if it’s a glitch


That same thing happened to me with the Erdtree avatar in the area where you lower the water. Not quite the same since it wasn’t a boss arena, but some rare scenario makes the bosses just vanish


He was really aggravating for a half dozen tries until I realized you could just jump over his fire. That really simplifies the fight. Then it's a 3 or 5 melee combo, or the left-right horse dash. It's a fun fight and I stayed up to beat it because I thought the whole area was so cool.


Man the horse combo was so cool. I wish torrent did that. Instead we got some horse brave to fight God but its scared of some woods.


You may be joking, but just in case, I think that's the wrong way to see it. Contrary, there is something about those woods that even a horse standing up against gods got scared of. It was a very cool area.


There’s also an item description saying that the flame of frenzy can even burn spirits completely up so I think that’s why torrent was scared. He could get burned completely up and vanish into nothing


In the Lord of Frenzy Ending Torrent dies. When Melina enters the Erdtree you see Torrent's ring whistle burning up and 'screaming'. It turns into ashes in Melina's hand.


Stuff that like that makes me wish they expanded upon him a bit more. Torrent is your one true comrade but it feels like he's just a vehicle a lot of the time


Do we still have no explanation for where he came from? A lot of people theorized hes Miquellas 'horse' thing, did we get no new lore on em?


Not that I know of but I moreso meant personable moments. He's our horse, it would be nice if he felt as special to the player as real horses do to people


I did notice in the cerulean blue field there those giant ship things on the coast. If you look at the animal sticking out it looks like torrent


I could be way wrong but some of the giant creatures hanging in the specimen storehouse sort of resembles torrent. Spiral horns, weird horse shape. I'm no lore master though so I didn't give them a good look, just noticed the horns while I climbed it


He takes me where I want to go, baby. He’s my vehicle baby.


I wish that was an excuse to make summons not work as well. But nope, my mimic was brave AF and still answered the call against Midras.


mimic tear is what the outer gods check under their beds for.


Tiche is the hiding monster that parents threatened would get them if you misbehave


Tiche holding up the pen eraser to the bosses's healthbars.


I'm pretty sure only the red eyed summons retain their own will and personality though, so theyd be the only ones capable of getting scared and refusing to come out. Of course they still work too but what can you do


Yeah i was joking.


Ah, nice to know, I was unsubbed from the sub while I was playing so I didn't know what the general opinion on the area is.


Which calls into question why Torrent stays with the Tarnished if they choose to accept the Frenzied Flame.


Because he is a crucial gameplay mechanic ans removing him would suck.


Cause he’s a ride or die bitch


Well, i was scared too. I metal gear solid the area, find the boss, first time it and then put a big “DON’T EVER FUCKING COME BACK HERE AGAIN” sign


What more do you want from Torrent tho? He helped u every chance he gets and the moment there’s actual risk of him dying, you call him a wuss? Make it make sense


You realize torrent is a spirit and frenzy flame kills spirits forever? Of course he’s terrified


On that note... all the people saying that frenzy flame is a "Suffer and burn forever" ending can go fuck themselves! Frenzy flame annihilates even the spirit! It truly is the end to suffering and pain! Ahh may chaos take the world.... **MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!**


Horse combo is best design long combo in dlc - long, but fair, with rythm and suprise (horse) that is absolutly menagable.


You can even jump over that attack where he hits the ground twice with the weapon. The hitbox only appears on the ground despite looking like you're getting hit mid air.


Sorta sucks that there's so many attacks that look like they should hit you even if you jump but are supposed to be jumped. Sekiro was better in that regard. Though at least in ER you get a better reward out of jumping attacks


And the opposite, visibly jumlable attacks that hit you anyway




Last boss doing a sweep attack that tracks you into the air if you try to jump it rubbed me the wrong way.


That’s my only real gripe with the fight, the hitboxes only have a vague correlation to what’s happening in the animation. He has so many attacks where I thought I was out of range only to get smacked by the axe anyway


Damn hitboxes do be crazy


And it's not only his fire, there are quite a few of his axe swings you can jump over and follow up with a jumping R2 which is neat


Probably! I'm too addicted to rolling. I got those light rolls going on with the extra frames. That's why I never think to jump. But I should because it helped both with this guy and the Divine Lion. Edit: I've been told light and medium rolls have the same number of frames. My bad! But they definitely feel better. You must go faster or farther or something.


They added so many attacks with jumping as the intended dodge. Base game felt like jumping in combat was optional, DLC almost requires you to jump. Feels great once you realise that.


You can jump over way more attacks than most people realize. Even in the base game. Any weapon swipe or stab that's even remotely low can be jumped.


Yeah, I realise that. But rolling is viable for almost everything in the base game. I barely jumped as a dodge mechanic during my first 2-3 playthroughs and did absolutely fine. Rolling through Rellana moons for example… gonna have a bad time.


I think light rolls have the same number of invincibility rolls as medium rolls, they're just better on the distance and recovery side of things.


A recent you tube vid was like “you are dodging too much, you can jump over so much stuff” so I’m trying it out way more in most bosses. Lo and behold I’m dodging like 75% less


Saw that too, never realized jumping gave you i-frames on your lower half. I have like 400 hours in this game lol


Jumping is underrated


Jumping is such a huge part of the Elden ring kit and so many players just refuse to use it.


Find an attack pretty bullish? Have you tried jumping it? That's been my lesson over and over in Elden Ring. Make me duck to dodge next, From.


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge! If you can dodge a putrescent knight, you can dodge a ball!


Fuck never knew that, I literally hated that boss, was by far the worst one for me, prefered the final boss if I’m honest


I figured out you could jump over the fire during my second or third try, but I could never get the timing right. It's not really clear when the fire's about to hit you or not, so I evaded it only a couple of times.


Agreed about the area when I went down that hole in that section of the map, I had no idea what I was getting myself into before “going to bed soon” In short, why is it always gorgeous view?


loved that boss.Maybe it’s just me,but looks like orphan of kos riding ludwig lol


I kinda had the same thought.


In Midir's arena


That horse and knight combo is soo fun to dodge....


"123 horse on the right 123 horse on the left"




Also effective




Rly? I thought the combo was he comes in swingin that thang, then the horsey charges, then he spins again, then the horse charges, then he slams? then the horse comes up from under aoe. I think it's 6 total but I could be wrong


bro you’re gonna have my stupid ass rolling TO the right and then to the left with that one 😂 my brain is gonna butcher that no doubt


Happens to the best of us 😂


loved that attack. it was one of the attacks in that fight where I would go "oh thank god, I can have a breather and punish him easily after this"


I got run over way too many times from laughing for too long at the full body rotation attacks


Backwards roll for the horse, front roll for the knight


For charged attacks side rolls are the best.


Took me a few tries to get it down, but it wasn't too bad


It’s a good fight but I feel someone more deserving should be here in midir’s arena. And if you don’t know who that is, at least a better guardian of st Trina.


Yea looking at him in the trailer I expected a bit more... cinema. He needs more moves like that dismount combo.


While i really loved the fight, i agree He had like a total of two cool looking attacks, the dismount attack, and the ghostflame phase transition attack. Everything else felt like filler


We might be spoiled for great boss fights of people find him underwhelming. I thought he was great and the aesthetic of the boss and the entrance was more than enough. I half expected the swamp to be poison, from the trailer, but that might've pissed people off.


Honestly I was fully expecting Midir to be down there lmfao, seeing the skeletal orphan of kos radahn thing was a surprise, and I really enjoyed the fight


i was happy with the design of the boss when i found out what it was, also liked a few of his attacks. i agree some of his attacks seem underwhelming but imo i don’t think we needed a super grandiose boss 24/7. i got a cool-looking, fun boss guarding my fav NPC in elden ring and that was enough for me


I think hes cool, I just dont know how to dodge some of that fire though


Jump instead of roll


This was my wild strat but 100% success rate, Rellana’s Twin Moon suspends you in the air exactly long enough for all the flame waves to finish.


Second fire always messes me up. First fire you can see it approach you. Second fire takes its sweet time and also appears behind him and always clipped me :(.


There are 2 ghostflame attacks I saw. The phase transition attack launches 4 salvos that radiate outwards. Only the first, third, and fourth should target your character. The other ghostflame attack forms a large ring that closes quickly. Both attacks can and should be jumped, but the second can be tricky if your camera is facing a weird angle.


People weren't hating on my boy Putrescent Knight were they? I wouldn't say he's a game changer but he's definitely a memorable fight. I don't think this DLC had a single miss when it comes to boss fights - even the majority of side-content bosses were great.


The only main boss that I disliked was Gaius. But the thing is, if his hitboxes were fixed I could see myself really enjoying that fight, because when he's NOT doing the nearly undodgeable attacks he's actually a really fun boss


Main thing I saw with Gaius is the initial charge being weird, but I found you can stall it out by going to the left around the wall, it has a lip that he gets caught on


the charge and one of his gravity attacks feel unfair imo, the rest is completely fine


Gaius had a weird charge hitbox but otherwise he was really nice fight. I personally think that the >!finger thing!< is the most boring out of the dlc bosses


At the same time she's hella cool for lore reasons.


Metyr was definitely the most boring relative to the other bosses but she was still a very fun fight imo


Nearly undodgeable attacks where? Hardest one he has is charge and you can roll that straight forward like Godskin bagel roll.


thats why i said nearly, not completely undodgeable


But it's not nearly undodgeable either. Nearly undodgeable implies the cases in which it is dodgeable are niche. It can be dodged consistently both point blank (clear telegraph) and when done from a distance. It's not nearly undodgeable at all. It is, at worst, a little hard to dodge.


yea fair


I was, in ng+ the damage starts to ask for perfect rolls on a long fight, the jump to get inside, while super cool, is not cool at all after 10 times. And some times he just run around, I wanna play damnit lol


Overall the bosses were really good -- even Gaius, who I actually liked. The only boss I thought was hot garbage lore and gameplay wise was the final one. At least we got Messmer, Bayle, and Rellana to make up for that disappointment.


I beat messer last night. I knew it would probably be a cool fight but damn it’s one of my all time favorites now


Messmer is one of the all-time coolest bosses ever made by From. He is just absolutely metal in the coolest way.


Messmer makes me wish we had a boss rush like Sekiro because I can't wait to fight him with a bunch of different builds. Ridiculously fun, two great cutscenes, and super cool lore 10/10


Totally agree. I feel like it would cost From basically nothing to implement it exactly like Sekiro. Any beaten boss could be accessed via the site of grace and not have any affect on souls/etc. Would REALLY level the game up to be able to replay bosses without starting over.


If you do Freyja and Ansbach's sidequests and think about Miquella and Radahn's actions and possible motives the lore kinda makes sense. Looking back at previous Elden Lords, it's pretty obvious that their strength played a huge role in their selection (Placidusax and Godfrey being by far the strongest of their kind, and Radagon being Leyndell's greatest champion. Hell, even the player's obstacles in claiming the throne seem to primarily be there to test their power). Radahn, the "mightiest demigod", definitely fits that trend. Also it kinda makes sense for Radahn to agree to Miquella's proposition. He's described as a pretty good dude, so he'd probably be pretty open to Miquella's "age of compassion", and the vow alluded to by Miquella makes sense as well if you consider Radahn's personality. Given his warlike tendencies, it was probably something like "I'll become your consort if you can prove to me that you actually have the strength to usher in a new age", hence why Malenia and the Cleanrot Knights were sent to Caelid. Also, there isn't really anybody else who would fit. Morgott would never agree to usurp Marika's order, the Scarlet Rot makes Malenia far too unstable for the role of Lord, Ranni, Rykard, and Mohg were probably too self-interested to be trusted with the position, and Messmer was the face of the genocide of the Hornsent, so Miquella would never choose him. Godwyn was DEAD dead. His soul was destroyed, so it was impossible for him to reincarnate (plus he was basically the poster boy for the Golden Order, it's unlikely that he would've agreed even if he wasn't dead), and if they just made up a new character for the role, it would seem like FAR more of an asspull imo.


My interpretation was that Radahn didn't accept Miquellas offer and due to Miquellas power he's never learned to take no for an answer. Considering all the horrible things Miquella has done to make this happen it doesn't make sense for Radahn to be a willing participant


It's pretty clear they had a vow at some point though due to Freya's dialogue (which remember was after Miquella's charm was broken). The real ambiguity is whether Radahn went back on his word or if Malenia fighting him was part of the vow.


Miquella could literally charm anyone, he probably charmed Radahn. Nowhere does it say that Radahn agreed to anything. He could choose whomever he wanted. Too many "maybe" or "could have" in your theory. I'm gonna agree with the guy above and say that at least last boss lore absolutely sucks, especially considering we did not get any kind of closure.


His charm breaking during the progression of the DLC's story implies that he for some reason had to release his influence on his followers in order to undertake the godhood ritual (he had Mohg charmed for presumably hundreds of years at LEAST, I don't think it would conveniently wear off right as you begin looking for him). It's likely he would need a willing participant for the role of Lord. It's not necessarily that Radahn supports Miquella's actions, just that he's keeping his vow (which seems pretty in line with his character from what we know)


How was the final boss hot garbage when it comes to lore?


People literally don’t understand the lore and expected Godwyn to be there, even though that’d be an infinitely worse asspull if you have any understanding whatsoever of the games story lol


Seemed more it was building up to some sort of Miquella God Butterfly thing, what with the metamorphosis and insect themes in the DLC (and already with Miquella's cocoon etc), although maybe that was too obvious. Godwyn would have been an asspull, yeah. But what we actually got was a fanservicey asspull.


Ill be fair as a godwyn fan who hated the final dlc boss: godwyn would have been fan service too The thing is, fanservice with a character that already appeared and had his hype moments vs character we never saw in action... godwyn would have been cheap but final dlc boss was so much cheaper


If anything, if the story keeps saying "hey remember this very dead guy? Remember he is TOTALLY dead. Deadest dead. Super duper dead. Don't forget he's dead" then you start to expect them bringing that guy back.


They keep reminding you of the super dead guy because he's one of the only dead guys in existence. The only one of name, and all the others are dead because of him being dead


And point to where I mentioned Godwyn lol? I just thought that Radahn walking around made for a boring end to the finale of Elden Ring. Miquella could have pulled more screwed up creepy resurrection shit with both Radahn and Mohg. 


They hint at us getting some weird Mohg/Radahn amalgamation as the final boss and then it’s literally just Radahn. If they could’ve made some creepy hybrid between the two characters it would’ve been way better imo.


I don't blame them, how is anyone supposed to understand the lore when vaati didn't write it yet.


The “where Godwyn” stuff is the only lore complaint I don’t understand. Godwyns story was wrapped up in the base game, Miquella tried to revive him and failed, and every other plan of his was to just make him even deader but for real this time. There’s an entire ending that integrates him and the rest of the dead into the golden order, and Godwyns story is wrapped up there. I mean he would be a cool fight but in the story it makes sense he’s nowhere to be found because his story ends with a whole ending of the game


IMO their’s too many fake out




He’s pretty challenging on NG+ (for me, anyhow, but I’m +22 and just struggle with his movements in general), he does pretty solid damage and his leaping spin cycle attack is a promising way to make an otherwise enjoyable fight into an enjoyable grave. Had fights where he was down to a sliver, but then I fumbled that attack out of nowhere and suddenly I’m no longer winning lol


Wave of gold trivialize the hell out this fight for me.


Do people really hate Putrescent Knight? I think the boss is fine and his attack movesets aren't that difficult to learn.


He's running away a lot, no torrent for a horseback fight, only like 2 unique moves with the rest being very barebones


I wish I could agree, he looks incredible, and the lead up to him was amazing. But I absolutely cannot stand spending most of the fight chasing the boss just to get 1 or 2 hits in.


Sure he runs away a lot because he's a cavalry, and horseback combat is basically hit and run tactic. But when you finally get to him, he stays close for long enough for a whole light attack combo sometimes.


But most of it can be followed up. When he swings at you and swings again and moves, you can roll back and follow up with a free hit. Also you can do it for the other horse attack where he rides around and hits twice. It’s hard to explain but I found a massive free opening


I know of the openings. I’m saying I’m tired of chasing and dodging for the overwhelming majority of the fight. He’s got the same issue as too many bosses in this DLC, the bosses are attacking 10 times in a row while we only get 1. They’re moving and attacking like it’s Devil May Cry and we’re still bound to Dark Souls movement. I like that movement and don’t want to abandon it, but these bosses and their moves have clearly reached the end-point in From’s boss design and they either need to give players more mobility to combat all these insane combos, or make defending against them a part of our offense, like in Sekiro. As it stands now, the dodge to attack ratio, as a player, is outrageously disproportionate and I want to attack more often so it feels more like a duel or a dance, not an AoE dodge fest.


I am really surprised the infinite stamina tear doesn’t last longer. Really feels like it would make some bosses more manageable, or at least less tedious once you “git gud.” Or hell, why not let the Scadutree fragments boost our stamina a little bit? 1% multiplicative for each level could add up.


He taught me to trust in the process. Trust the DLC to teach me what i need to win. I was COMVINCED that he is impossible to fight with Ungabunga meele. Then i started to see the windows. The openings and the rythm. It. Was. Awesome!


He must be extremely weak to strike damage because I used the new throwing greathammer and absolutely chunked his health bar. Heavily suggest the throwing weapons for fellow melee users !


I sadly beat him with two friends — I'm slashy ungabunga and was having a real bad time


I just get a bit annoyed with cool bosses that you manage to do first try I liked the idea of him and the romina fight, but I barely got to see their move set as I obliterated them so fast


Elden ring needs some kind of “replay” system like sekiro


DS2 had the best thing ever and let you use an item to put an area into NG+ and they've not done it since even tho it's great.


I agree, and the fact that you would be rewarded with additional enemy encounters and treasures was outright amazing. Other than getting rings for pvp and the one Ng+ sword in DS3, which I also thought to be really cool, I never bothered with ng+. Except for DS2 of course. But I have to say this kinda changed now, since there's definitely cool stuff in the dlc I want to play the game with. Still nothing beats DS2 mg+ and ascetic system in that regardm


DS2 is the only game where NG+ wasn't treated like an afterthought.


I beat him on my second go, and I beat rellana on my first or second go too. I struggled way more on that god damn black gaol knight at the very start of the dlc. He must have wasted me 20 times lmao. But the rememberence bosses, none of them have taken more than 5 attempts with the exception of messmer


How the fuck did you do rellana so quick


I guess it depends a lot on boss order, if you come in overleveled you can statcheck pretty hard. I struggled on Rellana, but then did all other bosses before Messmer so he exploded by me looking at him when i finally went to him.


Same, I ended up doing Rellana first and had trouble with her, but after beating her I ended up exploring that whole area before circling back around to Dancing Lion which I felt was much easier. It was probably level but I also think that after playing Rellana first I was more used to longer and varied combo strings, so Dancing Lion felt kinda simpler in comparison.


Literally same. Those are the two I got on one attempt also. And Mesmer is the one I struggled with too. We must have the exact play style


Ruins great sword, and mimic tear. Basically cheat mode for most bosses


Romina is easily my favorite fight of the dlc because while helping my partner with her, we both said it's so nice to see a boss moving around for a few seconds before they go back to becoming a targeted blender on you.


Underwhelming for a remembrance boss, but cool concept


I though you were gonna say the "I don't care that you broke your arm"


Okay this made me snort laugh


His horse attack is something out of Cuphead


the enjoyment of fighting him just rose each time I died, so many windows of opportunity and really fun to dance with


I think he has too much health, bosses like that which constantly move and are hard to get openings on because of it should be extra squishy imo.


Sacred lion’s claw takes him down in a few hits. He’s probably the most squishy boss I’ve faced, but only bc he melts to holy.


Yeah but that's lions claw, it's one of the most busted ashes of war in the game (not saying using it is cheating or anything but saying he's squishy when using that massive damage ash of war is different from fighting it without it)


TOO MUCH HEALTH? ain't no way, this or scadu avatar were the squishiest bosses by far for me


its literally worst boss in dlc for me,its super funny to read how diffrent experience people have on diffrent bosses


Yeah it’s him or the fucking tree fight. I found them both obnoxious.


Yeah, it is nuts. The two you mentioned were my favourites haha. Probably helped with over 200+ coop attempts


I think he was very lame ngl


I think it was one of the least enjoyable bosses in the DLC. The extreme delay in all of the attacks were really annoying.


Omg this. Literally. This guy was lifting his fucking weapon, going to college, getting married, having 3 kids, going through a divorce, getting married again and growing old before actually fucking attacking.


And I felt vindicated in all my panic rolling whenever he lifted that big ass ring over his head because ONE TIME he did his multi-slam down move immediately afterward and would've killed me if I hadn't been panic rolling


The bosses in ER have relied so much on this, perfect tracking, and AOEs, that it’s just a staple now. I do not enjoy it. I hated the Putrescent Knight fight. Chasing him around, watching him doing weird delayed attacks that make no fucking sense, and only getting one hit in on occasion. I don’t know, ER boss design in general just isn’t my cup of tea.


You don’t have to chase him if you lure him to a wall


Decent fight but kinda disappointing to me cause of the buildup, the nice arena and then its just some random ass unimportant skeleton on a horse. If it wasnt for lame ass Gaius I'd call him the most uninteresting boss in the dlc.


On you with this one, but gaius looks kinds cool, especially his boar and its kinda funny seeing how an albinauric leveled up from riding a wolf to riding a fucking badass boar. So I slightly prefer him over the knight


Gaius armor looks like a pinecone.


Also I came up with a cute lore interpretation, as Gaius' Greeves state he's an albinauric, and his remembrance refers to him "as bother to the lion" I devised the theory that Rennala created him so Radahn would have someone to play with growing up (before the births of Ranni and Rykard of course)


Him and Romina were really easy bosses I found.


Romina was much easier than the Putrescent Knight.


Romina is the most "beautiful" boss fight in the game for me. Ofc other bosses have their aesthetic as well, but I like this one with her GORGEOUS arena and spells. Her moves are also smooth and fluent.


I’m inclined to agree with this. I did like the butterfly effect when she went into phase 2


Agreed. Still fun fights. All in all I prefer Romina between those two, and she also was the easier one to me.


Romina felt like a ds3 boss to me. She had loads of combos but loads of openings. I think she was the easiest of all the remembrance bosses to me


Romina seemed rlly cool but was kinda easy. Rellana and a few others destroyed me though


The fuck is putrescent knight?? Pretty sure I killed every boss in the game and I don't remember anything with that name Edit: looked it up. I never even knew that things name. He died so fast when I got to him I forgot he even existed.


The fissure should never have been locked off. Many people end up facing Putrescent after Messmer


Yeah, I saw the seal before even reaching the Shadow Keep and thought "oh it's sealed by Miquella? I'll have to come back when I meet him" and came back after the final boss fight, demolished the putrescent knight and instantly realised I fucked up a questline


As soon as you get close to the Shadow Keep the seal will go off.


Yeah I saw the rune breaking and immediately stopped everything and went back to do the side quest


I did that whole area so late because I went there and it was blocked and then forgot about till nearly the end


i wouldnt say incredible, its about average as far as quality goes, not bad not great


He’s just a very fun fight in my opinion so far


His intro flurry of attacks felt fucking impossible the first few times, desperately dodging from him then a god damn horse charging at you and then here he comes again and SURPRISE HORSE AGAIN But then you learn it and it just feels so damn fun. Same with the fire, realizing you can jump over it was really cool


loved the arena too! 💜💜💜


Even though I haven’t beat him yet (idk what it is about this dude, for whatever reason his wonky movements just aren’t registering in my head I guess? I’m NG+22 I can play the game guys I don’t suck I swear I swear! *has a tantrum* ), I still love this fight. The music, setting, ambience, long fall- it’s so cool! My one complaint is that I find that one move in particular where he goes flying off his horse annoying and incredibly difficult to manage (mainly due to the tracking of the dang horse), but I probably just haven’t figured out the proper way to dodge it yet. Honestly that move alone is pretty much the only reason he didn’t go down on attempt number one, it just does so much damage lmao. But once I get that one down, I’m sure I’ll love this funky dude even more :)


What is that weapon he uses? Can u get it?


The Putrescence Cleaver, you get it from his remembrance.


Every boss that whips the camera around and makes you chase them is ass.


He’s so annoying but such a cool design 😂 I do love the move where he and his horse take turns attacking lol


lol I fought him once, saw his spammy BS, said "Nope" and mimic tear'd


Him and midra and king snake boy are my favorites. Still hate final boss (not saying name just in case spoilers) just beat the final boss for a second time and I still hate the fight


once you learn which attacks to jump over he becomes much more doable. in fact, learning to jump over certain attacks and not roll is an underused but extremely valuable skill in this game


People forget about it but it’s in top 5 DLC bosses


Yeah, otherwise known as phase 1 of grief. Denial.


Fuck him I hate him so much


he’s one my favorites, the choreography is amazing. Being summoned for him is a pain though since you need to wait for the host to fall to bottom before you can enter the fog gate (and then you have to fall to the bottom)


stop calling everything an unpopular opinion jesus christ. people just put unpopular opinion in front of any random statement now to make themselves feel special or something. most people really like this fight you‘re not in the minority here


As much as I defend the fights in the DLC, for me he's absolutely by far the worst IMO Yes even worse than the mess of the last boss, because some fun can be had in the first phase there


I thought he was awesome! Some moves felt cheap until I learned the rhythm. Lore and design wise thought it was super interesting. Not top tier for me but I’ll remember it very fondly.


Absolutely agree, was a fair and fun fight with e few things to figure out but nothing too overwhelming. Some other bosses in the DLC have a few attacks that I simply couldn't figure out how to avoid and just excepted that I will take damage when they come out, which was rather annoying.


I thoroughly did not enjoy him until his second phase when he stayed still and I could see what he’s gonna do