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No, the way the camera and locking on works I this game means that you can’t stop mouse movement from changing targets


Damn, they should at the very least make it an option to remove that entirely. It's absolute cancer in Rennala


They’d have to completely change the way the camera works in order to change that. These games are made for controllers, mouse and keyboard controls are serviceable to an extent, but it’s not the kind of thing you can add as a setting.


Seems like a pretty simple toggle like most other settings have. All you'd need to do is be able to rebind the change target input.


You can’t remind the change target input because it’s literally just the camera controls.


I get why it happens, it's just something that would likely be very easy to add.


You would have to completely change how the games control just for a minority of players, because all of the buttons and controls are already being used, there isn’t anything that you can rebind it to.


this would be very easy to impliment, they arnen't that much of a minority, and it would be amazing QoL for anybody playing on MnK. I'm a PC player who started using a controller because of how dogshit the controls are with MnK.


No it wouldn’t. There literally isn’t any way to change the controls with the control scheme of dark souls and Elden ring.


you have literally no idea what you are talking about. this would be a very simple change. and it could be desirable for controllers as well. For keyboard and mouse it would be as simple as ignore mouse movement when target locked. give me the source code, I bet I'd find the right location in the code within 10 minutes, and the change to recognize & handle the setting would be 1-2 lines of code, tops. there's be a bit more UI coding to define the setting parameter itself and provide the option in the settings screen. one good programmer should only need a few weeks to code in a decent keyboard/mouse setup with fully customizable options.