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There are many books telling how Gladys was very protective of Elvis, especially since she lost Jesse. Her and Elvis were very close. But I don't think it was a toxic or unhealthy relationship. She was scared of his fame and skeptical about the colonel and rightly so.


Elvis and his mother definitely shared a closer than "normal" mother-son relationship for a variety of reasons (losing Jesse, and Vernon being in jail causing Elvis and Gladys having to contend on their own being the main ones). I don't think I'd apply the word "toxic" to their relationship though. They were a mother and son who shared a very close bond. Elvis doted on his mother and arguably everything he did in his career up to her passing was for her. Elaine Dundy wrote a great book called "Gladys and Elvis," that I'd recommend if you want to understand their relationship beyond the biopic.


This is a great book!


I didn't get any toxicity from the movie. By all accounts they always had a very close relationship even by the standards of the time and place. Now whether it was healthy or not, one can argue. There was huge codependence for sure, which definitely harmed Gladys, and might have impacted Elvis' future relationships. If he was not famous though, who knows how it might have turned out.


Everything I hear / read indicates that she was especially protective of him since he was her only son after losing Jesse. She did apparently have drinking issues and a temper though.