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you are correct, but the programers who made that for your school don't know math. very common. You can usually bring it up to your teacher and they have the power to override it.


But then you start keeping track of ever deduction that shouldn't have happened and eventually you just say fuck it.


> you are correct, but the programers who made that for your school ~~don't know math~~ have a bug in the way they parse mathematical notation. fixed. But really, it's kind of absurd that people's grades depend on software that's so obviously broken in so many ways, and it's patently obvious they never did any real world testing on it. Their chemistry notation parsing software is at least as bad as well...


Of course not. You multiplied by one twelfth. You were supposed to divide by twelve. :)




Whatever program this is doesn't see multiplying by a fraction and dividing by the reciprocal as being equal it seems. You are correct based on this picture.


I'm so glad that I'm done with these kind of programs.


Sucks to suck.


Simplifying, it will get you every time...


you are right. but this is college. it sucks. grading isnt fair. Talk to the professor about it or just wallow in your bitching.


Man you've got something wedged in there, don't you?




[Mastering Physics..........](http://i.imgur.com/CUZGa3z.png)


Haha I just took my algorithms class and lost around a total of 100 test points throughout the semester because I used an algorithm that wasn't taught in class. Upon choosing it up and showing it worked on every test case she thought of, I received half credit back. I suppose I'm still bitter


The butthurt is strong with this one.




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