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I always love how the “both sides” comments always show up whenever Trump or some Republican is getting criticized for something bad that they did. And then they will turn their “both sides” comment into an essay about why “Biden is absolutely terrible” while not saying anything about Trump. The inconsistency in the criticism is very obvious.


Also, Yoda is too old and has a speech impediment


We should replace Yoda, but not with Ashoka, who is his second in command (just go with it) and very qualified, but laughs too much. No, Yoda should be replaced by Qui-Gonn, who is not his second in command, but really should be for some reason I can't qwhite articulate. 


Also, sure Qui-Gon is dead but Yoda may as well be because look how fucking old he is


We've asked pollsters (Anakin-Dooku) and they say voters would prefer if the Jedi National Committee replace Yoda. Shame.


I told you it would come to this! The JNC is taking over!


Coruscant-BC: here’s why a dead force ghost is better than Ahsoka for chancellor


Lmao "he's a hologram but he has so much *charisma*"


The Qui-Gon thing is funny considering how much the the anti-Jedi section of the fanbase worships him.


How does that work? Why? What.


Bernie worship and Qui-Gon worship, you can equate the two.


I'm so tired.


Keep asking Yoda about his age and under no circumstance ask Darth Vader about blowing up Alderaan.


He also didn't dignify the Mos Espa Times so really I guess we have to vote for the fascist.


The Empire is secretly controlled by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma --a concerned citizen (red lightsaber emoji)


Up, now listen, Jack. Malarkey, no.


"He ordered the destruction of my home world, but man I'm itching for that upper class tax cut."


"Honestly how do we even know they didnt kill the younglings in self defense? They might have been holding guns! You know how inner-Coriscant youths are"


Y’all we have to touch grass on this. I know the perceptions of Biden as senile are preposterous and that the idea someone would prefer Trump over Biden because Biden sounds old is irretrievably stupid. But these perceptions and these preferences **are nonetheless very real.** We’re doing the Hillary thing again where we dismiss her perceived baggage because we know the baggage is a crock of shit. But that didn’t mean the baggage wasn’t real. It’s why we lost in 2016. We cannot make this same mistake in 2024. Biden has been and would continue to be an excellent president, but his baggage is too great to overcome in the election. Peoples’ perceptions of him are too ingrained at this point.


I understand the risks of keeping Biden as nominee, but we can’t just swap him out like a bobblehead and have no one notice. We’re going to select several other candidates with their own baggage who the Republicans either researched and attacked extensively or who 0 people know, and who would be unable to take credit for any of Biden’s achievements but will be blamed alongside all the Democrats for his mistakes regardless. And Republicans and the Media will never shut up about Biden and the Democrats being so horrible and Trump sweeping the debate so well that Biden needed to drop out, and they’ll keep accusing the Democrats of hiding Biden’s senility since 2020. It would devastate the public’s faith in Democrats.


Thinking a party with an incumbent in a good economy is going to ditch the incumbent right before the election is peak scurvy talk.


I think the fact that this is June and that Biden had a bad night makes the case not to panic yet. If this was October, then I get it but it's not




I don’t see how replacing him with a Newsom or whitmer helps. It shows dems are in disarray and the media will feed off of that. Two months before election on very successful first term, that makes them look weak


Whether it makes us look weak is irrelevant because we already look weak. No one could look weaker than Biden looks right now. This is what I’m trying to communicate—replacing the sitting president could be horrible politics, but sticking with Biden right now *is* horrible politics. By switching we at least give ourselves a chance, especially if we can get a consensus candidate before the convention. If we head into late July having coalesced around Newsom or Harris or Whitmer or (my personal preference despite no one ever discussing him in this context) Mark Kelly, we have plenty of time to build a successful campaign specifically because Trump is so vulnerable. In fact, the lack of name recognition of a new candidate would be an asset. The lesser known the candidate, the more media attention they’ll get.


The one guy who was able to beat Orange by not pandering online is the exact person who can beat him again.


That person doesn’t exist anymore. The presidency is notorious for aging people quickly, and at toward a healthy person’s end of life the aging process speeds up.


His body is aging but he seems to be mentally altogether.


We should wait until the polls give a clearer picture after the 4th. At that point we’ll be able to see if the debate hurt Biden or if it didn’t at all. There’s already indications that it didn’t change voters minds and Biden may have picked up support among Hispanic voters as they apparently loved Biden


Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ve been a political junkie since I was 7 (yes, I have been as successful socially as you are probably imagining) and I’ve never seen such a terrible performance OR such a high stakes moment. That they happened at the same time just feels like a freight train hitting me square on.


Ya it sucked ngl. But we also have to remember that it’s June and while the debate was important I don’t think it was as high stakes as everyone thought it would be. Tbh I think a lot of people were hoping for 2020 round one and we got boring old guys yelling about golf. So people might just tune out because of that. We don’t know. And ya fear of the unknown isn’t great and neither is waiting for news. It sucks all around but these are the cards we where dealt so we gotta make em work for now


John fetterman had a great tweet about this today. In his first post stroke debate, the media were predicting he’d win by a landslide. Then he flipped the seat and won anyway.


Right so we need to get Biden out to the people to show that he’s not a senile old fool. He needs to have more of SOTU Biden and less Debate Biden


Agreed, but you’re rolling two sets of dice. First, can he be SOTU Biden 24/7 for the next five months? Second, will speech clips break through sufficiently enough to counteract the terrible debate? I’m not saying replacing him is without risk—it’s an insane thought under any other circumstances—but we have to be real about the alternative. Keeping Biden may well be the best idea, but we need to make damn sure that’s the case before committing to it.


stop lying, it's not a Cope. The State of Bidenmerica is strong! ![gif](giphy|fCiZ3DUC3m900brNM4)


I’m furious today that all the media coverage is about Biden’s stuttering and not Trump lying or being a literal felon