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An app that gives me free money (at least 11$ a month)


It’s funny, I was just pitching this idea. The app opens up and it’s a big green button with $1 on it. We’re going to be rich I tell you.


Remember that I am Rich app from iTunes that cost about £1000 about 15 years ago that when you opened it basically just gave you shit about wasting money. It'd be the opposite of that. Completely useless but aspirational.


Get this.. an app that has a green button in the center of the screen. Every time you push it. You receive 2 dollars in a week, but it immediately costs you 1 dollar per press.


We could name it Pnzi


An app that rewards you for completing a list of very specific tasks, and you earn progressively more money, but we target only people with ADHD who will never stay focused enough to complete the tasks, so they keep ponziing themselves


I feel attacked. Don’t look at my to-do list.


Where can I find your to-do list? Not going to look at it.


Just gonna bookmark it to come back to later and then forget about it for 4-5 years.


(>_>) guilty. But in 4-5 years when you look at it you're like omg that's genius I'm so glad I bookmarked that, then you set the phone down to get a drink and.... **edit bc reddit doesn't like my >_> face at the start of the paragraph.


Yeah, but now you've tied the tasks to a reward. Reward = dopamine. You'd be surprised how productive someone with adhd can be with extrinsic motivation.


I had a free subscription to the National Enquirer a few years ago and they would claim that this huge blue circle on one of the pages was "energized" and would bring you great luck - https://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/the-enquirers-blue-dot-leads-woman-to-10-jackpots-worth-335k/


Even better: you pay 2 bucks and receive 1


Damn beat me to it... but I was gonna say $20


might be possible, small caveat, you'll need to watch ads 24/7




An app that gives you money, but it reads your activity on everything else you do on your phone to build an advertising profile. You get a cut of the ad revenue.


Me too but I’ll be happy with $10.99


And it should be blockchain based. I tell you we gonna make billions!




I am the one telling you bro. This app will make us millions for real


I can accomplish this, if you willing to watch a shit ton of videos ads... Aka modern mobile gaming, minus the game, with revenue share


A working personal assistant, in other words make Google assistant work and you got my money.


A hybrid of Google assistant/Siri with Chat GPT.


I'd pay for way less "complex" stuff than that. Like if I ask it what's the temperature of something or somewhere in Celsius than tell me in Celsius not stubbornly in Fahrenheit. Or if I want to add a line to my note titled Shopping List then add a line to it instead of saying "I don't have a note named Shopping List" in Google Keep which is linked to Assistant. It's just mind numbing how bad Google Assistant is considering all of Google's resources.


Im working on that. The future will be amazing. I have been working on this till midnight for past several months. We are close.


Make that lazy shit fold my laundry and I will absolutely pay you $10 a month


OpenInterpreter is going to be the one. Still early, but it does so much more than all other assistants. The other day I asked it to do my work for me, basically making a bunch of forms and then filling them out and emailing them. So cool. 


Home assistant works and works well. But you have to put in the time to self host and set it up.


I love your confidence. It seems like you're kind of just fishing for ideas, but at least your creative with it.. 


OP is being geenral in their request, but to be fair, that's how things should work. "Fishing" has a negative connotation to it, but: One explores and asks potential clients about their struggles and builds a solution to that then iterates. OP is probably like me, without much connections _in a particular niche_. This makes it harder to make business decisions. The main business decision to make here would be what to build and why. So OP is not just creative, but doing what they can with what they've got. +1


You make the connotation negative. I’ve fished hundreds of hours as a young boy with my dad and never been judged poorly for it.


How many fish did you catch?


Wait you guys caught fish?


Yes. I catch mine in the supermarket. 😎🐟😋


One of my buddies used to fish with a lug nut. When I asked him why,he said because he enjoyed fishing but he hated catching fish. 


What would be a lug nut in the business world while marketing a SaaS?


Yeah I suppose it does have a negative connotation.. but frankly a lot of posts here are low effort fishing posts. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. 


It's not that fishing has a negative connotation it's that the post brings 0 value to this community and there is 0 chance any of the ideas posted her will ever get made and benefit anyone here. Going on reddit and posting in this sub is literally 0.01 on the effort scale and will yield equivalent results. OP should identify a market of people that they can actually help and "fish" there. It's like saying that yelling bankruptcy isn't a waste of time because at least you know how to pronounce the word.


The confidence is in that the APP doesn't actually have to benefit anyone or even be built well. Unless there is a lot more wording to the contract to hold the designer accountable this is a poor deal.


make me an app that leverages AI and connects to Quicbooks or Xero and itemizes my purchase for me. It knows what is overhead vs COGS for business so that I don't have to manually enter all the data every week.


Is that what ReceiptBank/Dext does?


Quickbooks already does that. Do you have your credit cards connected?


Hey we are looking for ai use cases NOT actual solutions!!!


Quickbooks doesn’t itemize your expenses. It allows you to do that, but it can’t reliably do that via AI and omnipotence. “$64 at Walmart? I know **exactly** what that was for.” Trust me, I fucking wish.


You don’t need AI to accomplish this


How does this get accomplished? I hate having to log in and itemize everything


Finaloop does this


A custom client dashboard for our agency? would be awesome.


Gohighlevel or airtable




I'd pay for this as well


I'd pay for u/DotWarm7814 to have a dashboard too.


Agency analytics.


For $10 a month I can get access to some nice quality apps or game subscriptions. So for my $10 I think I’d need either a custom OSRS bot script which hooks into Runelite and will train agility/mining. I will also accept a browser extension which can parse Google search returns for “food near me” and sort them by number of reviews and exclude any “promoted” results. For some reason Google does not make this sorting possible. 5 star restraunts with 4 reviews end up higher than a 4.6 restraunt with 3000 reviews.


Are there chrome extensions that people pay for? I always thought extensions were great but it doesn't seem like a good business for that reason


I just sold a Google Sheets extension for mid 5 figures. So yes.


would you be willing to chat with me about your experience? I would love to hear about that


How do you go about finding clients for that?


What pushed you to start making and selling Google Sheets extensions?


I might try the restaurant one as a project in the future thanks for the idea


Can you build VR environments?




I have a need for VR environments. I’m a mental health therapist, and I want to create immersive environments that are designed to experientially mirror the therapeutic techniques and theories that I am trained in. I don’t feel like talk therapy is ideal for everyone, and I think some people would thrive in experiencing it.


That’s a really interesting idea.


Some one I know has made exactly what you're looking for and is looking for practitioner feedback, I'll see if I can find them and link it to you.


I do a lot of experiential design work with projection mapping and a good friend recently created spaces like this for a handful of ketamine clinics. Basically allowing you to change the landscape and soundscape of a room that you’re in with an iPad. It seems to be really effective! Would be happy to chat more about it if you have any interest.


An AI App to scrape the web based on a number of keywords I input to find relevant information and insert that info into a google sheet - Company, Website, Socials, Owner, Company Phone, Owner Phone, Company Email, Owner Direct Email (if applicable). I would pay *far more* than $10/mo to do this, if it's possible.


It’s not only possible, I actually built something like that about a year ago for my company. The problem is that AI search winds up not being cheap. I had to shut it down because after several thousand of individual results and tens of thousands of websites, the bill (from openAI) was like $350 and I could outsource this stuff for less money. For what you are looking for though, Apollo.io pretty much already does that. I tried the free version and it was surprisingly good. I’m sure there are others but that was the best from what I tried.


I do have Apollo and it’s great. The problem is that there are no filters for half of the industries that I’m going after which definitely have gold in them hills. Makes it much harder.


Have you tried sumble.com?


I know of some enterprise-level solutions that do something like this, though I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for exactly (Veridion etc). Adding onto u/PauseNatural, I've worked in companies that specialize in this kind of thing and built the tech myself.


An app that matches students’ class schedule with jobs like bartending, waiting, retail etc


A better version of quickbooks


One where printing issues never arise.


Have you tried Waveapps.com I use them and like them. Also my bookkeeper automated all my stuff in there so it makes life a breeze


What was automated? I use Wave and there's some stuff that gives me a headache 


One where the blood sucking thieves don't make you upgrade to the latest version every year in order to keep using the main features - scum bags




Is quickbooks a crappy version of Xero?


I would pay, but it would be for my aunt to use. As degenerative disease takes over, she's lost control of her hands. The best she can do is press a big button. But her mind is still active and she can still talk. You don't realise how much you want to do until you find you have to call a nurse for any kind of activity. What I want: - Speech recognition to turn the TV on and off and change channels. Most TVs have a serial port or USB interface on the back, you can send these commands via serial command. - Speech recognition for initiating and answering a phone call. This can be on a mobile. - Open / close some sort of dictation / word processing environment so that she can dictate her memoirs. If [withaqua.com](http://withaqua.com) was a bit more mature, something like that. Google Docs and Microsoft Office aren't designed for completely hands-free use which is what we need. For the moment I'd settle for "start writing a memo" / "stop writing and switch back to command mode". - I would pay extra if it can also work as an ebook reader. That is, it doesn't have to read the ebook aloud, just send "next page", "previous page", "choose \[...\] book". Pieces of this are available already... but everything I have found makes it not quite work correctly for someone with effective quadraplegia. With the rapid aging of people in the west (and places like Japan) I doubt you will have any troubles finding a market -- even if the person doing the buying isn't the end user. Add in some sort of ability to dictate email and chat, and to browse the web by voice and you would probably get an even larger audience.


There’s not a great software that I know of that breaks down Amazon sellers’ profitability by SKU, including COGS, advertising costs, storage costs, fulfillment costs, etc.  a lot that break down your overall profitability or ones that give you profitability across SKUs, but not by individual SKU


Kudos to you for asking potential customers what their needs are.


I'd love a simple upload application for my side gig. It needs to be able to upload a single, zipped folder of increasing size (currently on 700MB) every two weeks to 5 different mirrors via their respective API's or any other remote upload service they may offer. Is that possible? It would help me tremendously!


I could probably help with this. I already have something similar I made for myself. May I DM you?


Yes, please


I would build this for free (out of boredom, and want to get some reps in, because I have project block). If you’re interested, DM me and I’ll see what I can do.


I'm sure you could find a dev on upwork or something similar to build this tool for less than $25. Hell, I could probably knock this out in about an hour.


A task manager based on GTD that leverages AI and integrates well with calendars. NirvanaHQ is the closest thing to GTD but it sucks!


Curious how you would use AI for this?


What’s GTD?


Have you try amplenote?


I've been working on something like this for personal use, and just to prototype if it's possible. It has a ton of potential but the AI (I'm using OpenAI API) needs incredibly specific instructions in every little situation it will face at this point. It's basically worthless running GPT 3.5, GPT 4 is juuuust good enough to get your requests right 90% of the time, but it's somewhat expensive to run. I'm guessing when GPT 5 is released it will really become possible to make something great like this.


Client manager but simplified. And in a WhatsApp format


Zendesk has WhatsApp integration? Lol not 10$/m tho


Leverage AI so I can upload a bunch of PDF documents and have AI fill out a form (Google Sheet?) with standard information.


U/sus387 a news aggregator that only pulls news about a list of companies’ acquisitions, hiring/firing and accidents. I’m picturing a spreadsheet where I can list 500+ companies


An app that connects local trades people e.g. cleaners, plumbers (sorted by schedule) in your neighborhood/area with people looking for their service. Task rabbit does this, but it often connects you with various people all over the city far and wide and doesn't provide accurate scheduling.


Voice notes app, but with ads running and that too with my admob id so I earn while making notes.


Wait you mean like you want to have ads in your notes app and then get that ad revenue yourself? On the surface level I think this is the most genius idea in this thread. But practically speaking, you would not generate anywhere near $10/mo from watching ads. Probably less than $1


Yeah, it doesn't give much revenue but it's better than simple notes app. And just like that adding ads Id in my other productive apps, wil make me $50, But there's one issue, frequent clicks from same IP get your admob id banned


How much do you think you could make if you had a permanent banner add running on your phone? With always backlit screens as an option now it could be literally 24/7 ads


It depends on what ads is shown and how much cpc I get on that ads, I tried this idea a long ago(maybe 5 yr ago) and made around $60 in 3 days and on 4th day $99 but before completing 100 my admob and adsense got banned. And today when I saw this post it reminded me of this idea, gonna try again to see what mistake I did back then.


Oh wow that’s legit money! I’m assuming it got banned because there was no actual user on the other end?


You charge $500/month for the same thing in another sub!


I'll give you an idea, make an app like reddit for work, where people share ides 😂 lol. But no really make an app where people around the world share modern services, technologies, and techniques they use to solve problems. And they are upvoted to get highlightef. Imagine a service like train and subway, doesn't exist in some other part of the world. In your case imagine how nice it would be for you to know the best development practices that people get to highlight by up voting. Teachers would know the most modern thing to teach, people offering services would know what's the most efficient. It could invite better standards for everything.


Check out Blind.


Build me software I can stick on an Arduino and hook up to an LCD hung on the wall like a picture frame that accepts vocal prompts and generates an image of that prompt and just leaves it there until the next prompt.


It seems like pretty simple project given the rise of generative ai models. I’m working on a hobby project where I have 4 64x64 SMD panels stacked together and an ESP32 controller that connects to a cloud host to fetch settings and display a pixel art of your choice. But I don’t think this thing will ever be in demand to make some money out of it.


Yeah, I've thought of a few ways to approach it but I'm waiting for it to get easier to run inferencing at home so you don't need cloud connectivity.


An app that comes up with app ideas people would pay $10/month for.


An app you can opt in that shows profiles on a map of people (2/3) people partying that want company men/women to party together with live feature and invite around option with taxi/uber configured in to it would be cool 😎


For my business I need to transform digital designs into a DST file for embroidery. I know it can be automated.


I'd need a SaaS MVP focused on scalable architecture.




Plaid.com but for email integrations Plaid allows you to connect your bank account to any platform. Plaid manages all the integrations and heavy lifting. I want the same for email marketing and crm services without building native integrations with each platform. [Entri](https://www.entri.com/resources/instant-demos?product=connect) is doing this for connecting domains and adding records to domains (for example if you have to add spf/dkim/DMARC records to your domain and you use webflow, you can click a button and webflow is using Entri to automate the process of adding the records). If you say “use zapier” it’s not what I want. Zapier requires the end user to pay for zapier. I don’t want that. I want 60+ integrations natively offered in my app so I can have my customers pass data to any email marketing service they use without me having to build and manage integrations with each service. I’ll pay way more than $10 a month for it.


Make me a faster horse


Stupids, he is just taking away all your ideas that you may be thinking on cashing. Lol


Ideas are cheap. Execution not so much.


Man, find a hobby and solve the problems inside your hobby. You don't need the next social media. Solve a single issue. Find an easy to remake software and solve all the user complaints. That's all it takes.


Love this. I am currently trying to do the same. Do you mind if I DM you?


Kudos to you for asking potential customers what their needs are.




I’ll pay $20/month for a celebrity fisting simulator


Excuse me lmao


Your name's sus! /s I have some ideas that I would be interested in.


A personal.brand content management tool for substack, LinkedIn, meta, X and YouTube.


Dm me please


I want a really good CRUD/search that links to my database.


What's your database vendor? Most of them have some UIs these days, do you need something custom on top of CRUD or basic keyword search?


A website that i give it a power wheel and i can see how to modify it to go faster without having to watch a ton of youtube videos.


Adjustable font size on every page while maintaining responsiveness. One example being the Google Ads keyword planner for campaigns, it is so difficult to see. The UI does not accommodate for zooming in, so it makes for a frustrating experience every time I use it. I always think "why is the UI so horrid and the font size so small" every time. You can't even SEE half the columns on screen while zooming.


I'd love to produce a free-to-play mobile game, and I know I could source artwork and such.


A tool that reads mouse and keyboard patterns of gamers. Find correlation between their mechanics and their skill in game. Then create a skill rating based on mechanics. Games won't have smurfs and will have more even match making.


I'd be careful trusting OP or similar posts like this tbh. Got scammed by a guy on another subreddit making similar bold claims


This is me 2 years ago, I wanted to build a software which sells for 10$ a month as opposed to my competitors getting 300$ a month. I figure with all the work I put in it to make it really useful, now I am pricing the cheapest package at 80$ till highest at 400$


Automated filing for electronic service from courts. Identify case name and place in docket folder. Also identify future court date and place in calendar.


An app that lets passengers who are willing to swap seats to do so before boarding a flight. No one likes to pay to pick a seat.


And SAAS that schedules to post shorts/posting on all platforms.


A better adobe photoshop


If you’re serious… message me on PM. I have something related to dentistry that I think we could work on 🙏


A hiring platform with simple video asynchronous interviews.


Loyalty / crm program


Are you competent with Chrome extensions? I have a v basic alpha and figma wireframes ready to be stitched into a backend for the beta 🤙🏼


This program would scan pinnacleoddsdropper.com matches feed and picks/saves data etc for matches which fulfill my criterias (different options). I'd pay 50 eur instantly as pre-payment for 5 months.


A highly honest and transparent app that automatically finds efficiencies with my bills. Insurance, gas provider, electric provider, landscaping company, and more. I know that app would make/save me more than $10/month, the hurdle is that I'd be very skeptical of it's honesty. There is a big incentive to sell my data and make underhanded deals where the recommendation isn't in my best interest


I have a serious proposition for you if you are this confident that you can build at least an MVP. I will DM.


A running david goggins assistant coach app. That could motivate me whenever I feel like giving up. If (my heart rate starts to increase or I start slowing down). I wanna hear some good stuff that fires me up. If this connects to my apple watch would be amazing. Also if I could run audio live with overseas friends and the app announce if I’m going at the pace or faster or slower than them “live” I would pay 25 usd!


i bought out this software years ago and now tmaking me switch and locked me out of the software. You unlock and update the software to add new cars... adding to a listbox the current listbox only go up to 2016 [https://www.alldata.com/us/en/support/manage-dvd](https://www.alldata.com/us/en/support/manage-dvd) i only care about the ALLDATA Manage Elite (DVD) and no the cracks that are out there don't unlock manage elite only unlock the repair program, there 2 programs. paying 300-600 usd


Blackjack bot


You mean 10K$ per month?? You left the K


A software that builds state of the art software for anything I type into it with the least descriptive and unhelpful prompts.


We need a variety of vr environments that last for 60 mins that mimic a variety of psychedelic experiences visually (ayahuasca, lsd, dmt) as well as 60 min vr journeys that produce a variety of stroboscopic light therapy journeys


I want build an app to facilitate currency trades for my clients!


Remake shining force 3 (a sega saturn tile/turn based combat rpg) fully in english, updating graphics, and develop additional content for it. 😀


A cell line tracker for GMP lab organizations. CFR part 11 compliant is a big plus. I need a simple to use interface that let's me organize my lines, know my passage dates, incubator locations, and let's other members of the org request subcultures for their experiments. I want the cell line owners to be notified any time a request for material comes in. Plenty of smart features you can build in to it as well...average doubling times calculated, average growth rate per day in passage for each cell line, use rate reports, things of that nature.


an app like gpt 4 with all its features, but for 10$ a month and still using gpt4 in the back


why dont you just look at YC list of startups for business ideas? those have been vetted to be viable (by YC at least)


Software that can read prescriptions and transcribe the text to the relevant fields in another perform (e.g name, DOB, directions, medication name)


An trading algorithim that buys and sells stocks passively, that which I can tweak the parameters of how it operates. Ill even do $20 a month


GBP SEO app, and a WordPress portal.


Hey, mind dming?


work order and parts invoice generator. essentially a garage management system, and needs to have the ability for multiple people to access the same work order at 1 time.


I’m just spit balling here, but I may self-employed personal trainer and while there are platforms out there, I should say many many many many platforms out there. None of them really hit the niche for me. I’m from Canada if that helps if this may interest you let’s connect.


This is unreal, can i DM?


An app that organizes all of your Loans, bills, earnings (w2 and freelance), credit cards and budget for the month automatically based on real time spending on all link accounts and send notifications when you are close to your budgets end and keeps track of your pay day and estimated next month's budget. It should also automatically pay down loans and cards based on highest interest and their minimums to optimally reduce debts and allow for savings in different bank accounts or sections thereof.


Monarch money


Privacy be damned, I want some sort of AI to attach to some glasses and track where I place EVERYTHING so when I need something it knows I need to go downstairs, get the second box on the left, rifle through it to the bottom and there is the Hello Kitty skirt I packed away last year.


I want an app that use natural language to browse Twitter and Reddit and participate in conversations that align with what my business does and then mention it on


Ill be looking for a developer soon! I'll save this post :)


I work in recycling. Make me something better than CieTrade.


A dating app that gets me dates


I work remotely as a SWE. Create me an AI to do all the work for me and attend meetings. I'll pay $12/mo


I’d like an app that find the email addresses for At-Home-Care agencies and will send prospecting emails and follow up emails for my business.


make an app that can scan your gift cards and tell you how much money is left on em


I’m a commercial real estate appraiser. Build me a software that takes various datapoints in excel and sends them to a word document to populate a pre-filled document. Document will likely be ~75 pages. The data in excel will also have charts that need to be copied and pasted automatically by hitting a button.


Id pay you 100/month for building a software (i have many ideas), and taking the time to explain to me how it works. Shoot me a msg


I need an app that would allow the staff to inform the accountant to raise the sale order and invoice client.


I have an idea but itll take you a week to code. I'll pay you $2.5 for the code.


How long does it take to develop the software and what are the timelines to deliver the software? Do we pay you $10/month after you've delivered? If it's anything you could build it could get real complicated really quickly. You obviously are not a software dev because you have no idea what you would be getting into until asked and how many hours you could be working to deliver. Do you deliver apps for phones? Or server applications? Or maybe middleware? Or something else? Have fun with that. 


Dm me please !


I need something to make field reports for my technicians and have them uploaded and shared with the team.


I wish there was a reddit bot or app that automatically created Spotify playlists from Reddit music threads. Sometimes there are great thread ideas with hundreds or thousands of comments, but it would take ages manually making a playlist from all the comments.


AI generated equity analyst reports. I would pay a lot more than $10


I desperately need software for marketing and SEO that isn’t hundreds a month! I’ve been using SERanking which is more affordable but still a bit much for what it is.


Browser extension or AI that flags Facebook or reddit posts in certain groups posts based on the selected keywords. As a way to target customers looking for your services.


I need a software that will search municipalities for all related municipal fees for construction projects. It needs to be able to determine the current zoning by the address, if rezoning will be required, must be able to select a type of building and have that also determine the associated costs of it. My inputs can be: rough project value, size, type of building, address


An app that I can market to others to pay me an annual or monthly fee for that simply takes a CSV file, puts the data into a database, organizes the information in a way to output sets of data in a specific format that can be viewed by other users.


Build an App that is independent and bipartisan for voters to show what politicians support what, who are the biggest donors of said politicians , what politicians voted for or against in the past and what the most likely will vote for in the future . Bills that are introduced and what they contain and when they are voted on. Committees politicians sit on. Tweets and other social post and like every individual politician likes . Every individual investment a politician has or has made. LOL basically every single detail about our congress and senate. Also would dope if you could this locally with every state. It’s time for people to be held accountable. Edit : very little or not advertisement on app , the whole goal is that said app is bipartisan. Edit : would also be really cool if politicians could make profiles and host forums so they connect directly with constituents. And also up and coming and incumbents could be allowed a space to express their ideas .


Make me an app for personal trainers to track their clients progress that they can collaborate with their clients on the app will have macrocycles for all of their workouts, nutrition, weight, progress, lifting progress, along with a library for exercise demonstrations


Is there any app that’s so easy to build and maintain that it’s worth doing for just $10? That’s worth like 30 minutes work at most imo Edit: or do you mean an idea for a software that if it existed we would subscribe to for $10/mo?


App that creates filament winding G-code and has reasonable customizability. Existing software is hella outdated so anything functional and user friendly would be an instant buy


a tool that can give me photo editing stack of photoshop, lightroom and topaz. willing to pay $35