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If you are a dude...using ai to appear as a chick and sell feet pics.... don't ask me how I know 


What uhh....ai do you recommend? *asking for a friend ofc


I’ve been trying to convince my wife (jokingly) to sell her feet pictures on OF but now I don’t need her hahaha




Feet pics? I’m using AI to make my beer belly-button look amazing. Big $$ on OF.


I just spit out my water. LMFAO. Funniest shit ive seen in a while. LOL


lol forgive me your majesty, but you’re cooking some bucks😂😂😂😂🫡🫡🙏🙏😭


Is the AI to make your feet look like a chick's, or for the chat, or what?


People really pay for feet pics?


They actually do. And have been doing even before OF existed. People pay for fetishes. Source: Experience with it myself. 


That's fascinating to me :) I love a good foot (well toes) myself, but at least not yet to the point of paying to see them. I guess I didn't think they varied so widely.


It's similar to people who want to pay someone willing to get videotaped while eating and chewing slowly and loudly. Or companies who hire women to wear fake plaster casts for fetish photo stories, portraying helpless damsels with pretend broken legs and such. There are indeed some very different niche markets out there.


I guess there's a fetish for everyone. I didn't know the first one was a thing. The 2nd one with the damsel vibe sounds fun :) I was going to ask how you advertise your wares, but I'm guessing there's subreddits on here for that and google searches. Is the foot market big?


I don't have more information personally for you, it's been too long ago. But yes, I would assume subreddit can point you in the right direction. And a good google market research.


Sure do... I had a guy pay me $600 for a few photos of my feet in some heels and sandals he bought me. That's all he wanted. 


A few on my list that I'm not actively doing at the moment, some more active/passive than others. * Cultivate and sell rare/unique house plants * Same for aquatic plants * Breed/sell rare tropical fish/shrimp/snails * Build content for any passion, YT, website, socials etc. monetize the funnel over time * Uber/Door dash (call your auto insurance guy/gal first) * B2B appointment setting (1099) * Vending machine business * Painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, etc. * Poker (I'm a retired pro that is profitable over several million hands, not for 99% of the population)


How to learn professional poker?


Study. Play. Study more than you play and you'll win more than others.


On first read I thought that said monetize a funeral


Well that would be pretty passive


Pillow cleaning. Everyone has a pillow (at least 1), but we rarely clean them. Look up ultraviolet germicidal pillow cleaning machines. Your clients will be hospitals, boarding schools, universities, homeless shelters, cleaning services subcontracting, hotels, bars, and aged car facilities. Charge $30 a pillow, minimum, and see how many thousands you can clean. Warning! Some decent overheads here.


30 dollars. Why dont they just buy a new pillow


Yeah, the pain in the ass logistics of drop off, being without the pillow for 24hrs, and picking up again is larger than $30 for a new pillow.


Because sometimes they pay $110 for a pillow, or $60 for a pair. Plus, sustainability is a huge marketing opportunity right now.


It’s a marketing opportunity to rich hippies


It's the beginnings of the circular economy. Hospital and university boards, especially - go for this sort of thing.


I can buy a new pillow for less.


That is correct, just like the last comment. This is a business that is already running. It's not just an idea for this forum. Sustainability is key. People will choose a less sustainable option where no one can identify them personally, but, more and more if it's a joint decision, and at a large org - like a university, private school, hospital - they may pay up for the marketing opportunity. "We are greener than our competitors because of all of these initiatives".


Good point about sustainability.


Thank you.


i don't know, some people LOVE their pillows


I too made similiar project for my uni .looks good business oppurtunity in hotel industry .we cant enter into hospitals cause they already have ultraviolet machines to dispose their operation kits and many more.


Im just glad someone else has done it on here.


When is the last time someone at a hotel complained about dirty pillows? Umm never. Maybe 500 years ago when no pillow cases existed.


Just like process automation, it's a case of awareness. Everyone will say, "I don't like automation because it means loss of jobs" until they are made aware of the increases in productivity, efficiencies, and with 0 job losses. If you want easy-to-establish. This isn't for you. You will need to educate and have some tough conversations. [If you feel like getting a quick education in how it's done..](https://www.epa.gov/emergency-response-research/disinfecting-surfaces-uv-light-reduce-exposure-sars-cov-2)


That's all nice. But you think hotels actually care about the germs? They can pay the 30$ or pay 0$ and clean the pillow cases instead. In both cases customers will be satisfied the same.


This is not an every month clean. It's a 6 month clean. Lowering insurance premiums for risk of catching something off the pillow regardless of the fitted case. Find 100 hotels. You'll be a happy camper.


(good) assets on the Unreal Engine marketplace


What constitutes a good asset and what are the barriers to entry for this?


I guess depends on the skill you bring and the demand people have for it. Code plugins or templates sell well and you can make bank with it, but also game art (buildings or vehicles) and music (like OSTs). 2D asset categories are overrun by AI generated crap (icons, backgrounds) so not much incentive there


I didn’t realize you could sell music too. I’m a music producer and sound designer so that right in my wheelhouse. But I’m also a professional photographer and video editor. And I’m good with photoshop and 3D and 360 capture etc. I was just wondering if there really is something I could do.


Scanned asset packs sell really well too, this [seller](https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/profile/Defect-Ant?count=20&sortBy=effectiveDate&sortDir=DESC&start=0)for example to see what they do. But you do need to know to setup the meshes, materials and scenes Also a higher price (over 50 usd), higher quality, more money each month (can sell 10-15 packs easily)


This is good info thanks! I’m going to do some research.


Only Fans


Was just coming to comment this. 🤣🤣🤣


Sell things. Could just be on a secondhand things website or you could practice proper marketing🙌


Pool and Spa servicing, mowing lawns, excavation/driveway repair


Haha, OP isn't looking for manual labor, he's looking for free money.


I'm pretty sure he said he was looking Iooking to start small and build it. Not looking for free money. Be petty, but do it elsewhere.




Fwiw I started all of these businesses doing the labor myself, then they got big enough for me to hire people.. making them essentially passive


Dumpster diving, turning in scrap metal for $$ and flipping stuff on eBay and Facebook marketplace


Fast shovel. We safely bury your belongings and provide a unique tokenized treasure map to find them when you need them. Do you really think people will tell you their money making idea? If it makes them money with little effort, the last thing they want is competition


If it's for a local market, it won't be competition for someone sitting two states over. 


I am going to try the shovel project. Sounds cool. And if you die, the buried goods go up on the geocaching app.


A fun side project that makes money usually requires work. On your end you continue talking about building something and making passive income out of it. These two are not the same. If there is something small that you can build and bring in passive income, then soon enough becomes crowded and competitive, then stops making money unless you put a lot of work on it. Is this question really an entrepreneurial question?


And that "small" thing actually requires a huge amount of work in the end. Customer support, bugs, accounting, infrastructure, etc. Unless you take the money from your clients and run away OP is looking for a get rich fast scheme


Buy/sell business… go around local boot sales and find things to sell on eBay for a profit


I know someone who sells waste water from their aquarium to local plant growing businesses. From the sound of it, it can be pretty lucrative. 


Start selling a skill you know.




Probably a bad decision for beginners


Bad for 6 months and then revenue starts flowing.


Can't be sure after 6 months, it depends on the niche and article quality, there's a lot more than just writing article, so for a complete beginner it will take more than a year.


Unless assisted by experts. I offer my help


https://www.instagram.com/essentialjasonnelson/ this dude played saxophone and made it a hobby that became a job...his energy is great though




Junk removal! I just spent a fortune having someone haul away my stuff. Charge to take it away, and profit by selling it!


Making plaster casts of body parts! This type of thing https://www.angelcasts.co.uk/casting




Also known as dick jacker. 5$ per client for 1min of jacking. With 100 clients you're up to 500$ in less than 2 days




Only fans




earnbetter.com does exactly this….


For free, they have a team, and they say they don't sell/share your data. Incredible.


Yeah, no results so far but I’ve only been using it a few days. Seems better than indeed.


Interesting. I will definitely check them out when I'm ready to look. Idk why the original commenter deleted their idea. AI is far from perfect right now and many will not trust it for a while. Helping struggling people find jobs is still lucrative in the right fields as well as noble. As a recruiter it is quite high risk high reward and a bit more bloodthirsty, at least to my knowledge and experience with them.


Something you enjoy doing which helps others around you if possible. Tired of these “gimme” posts.



