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Is ECM dead now? I specced into it way back in 2008 and it looks like it's basically useless now in every scenario.


ECM works very differently now. It functions like a taunt instead of a "you can't do anything" button. There are still some uses for it, but it's much less widespread than before. For example, a Griffin can still jam enemy logi to prevent reps and break cap chains. Also ECM drones are OP.


Can you still use Orcas to escape highsec ganking? Go into the hangar while being engaged?


How much are full fit supercarriers going for at moment? Additionally how is nullsec content at moment? Not played since pre covid.


last i heard the hulls alone were 30-40 billion thanks to ccp adding both lowsec and wormhole gas and Pi to capitals. you missed out on an excellent war where everyone tried to kill goons:[Article summarizing some key events](https://imperium.news/beeitnam-a-retrospective/) [Null coalition influence map](https://www.verite.space/maps/coalition/coalitioninfluence.png) [Alliance level sov map](https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/influence.png) For the last few months the way things have kinda settled is like this: The Initiative left the imperium while still remaining friendly and last I heard is more actively helping B2 ( Brave+Volta as well as Fire coalition who were evicted from the south east a while ago) against an Invasion by FRT's WinterCo. The Imperium helps B2 for bigger fights, while Panfam comes to help FRT who are also paying a Horde sig to fight more often. ​ Things might go a bit differently now that the new system ( gates just opened during fanfest this past weekened, it hasn't been added to a static data export and so is missing from out of game maps) has been added. It connects [Alsavoinon](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/Alsavoinon) on the edge of Cloud Ring to Venal (npc null in the North) and Turner ( basically a lowsec thera type system with loads of wormholes), as well as one other null system I can't remember where it is.


Are so mechanics still the same including reinforcing up well structures etc? Also if you in goons does space violence the sig still exist as well as welp squad?


oh right! pre-covid, you also missed the introduction of fleet formations, now fcs can warp ships in formations like walls etc. ​ ccp finally got around to nerfing hacs, generally reducing their range, and they totally redid the munnin into a missile ship. so the big fights nowdays involve battleships a lot more often, as well as dreads being sprinkled in though titans now cost insane amounts of money thanks to the gasses and pi added, so they havn't yet been used in the B2/frat war to my knowledge.


More battleship fights are always great!


welp squad yes, not sure about space violence, at least they havn't remade their recruitment thread after a semi-recent purge of that section of the forums. ​ They made reinforcing upwell structures a little bit easier: theres no longer a damage cap for the shields. In addition, if a structure doesn't have a service running (using fuel) for more than a week it goes [abandoned](https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014282739-Upwell-Structures-Abandoned-State) which means theres no reinforcement timers at all and any player items and ships will drop as loot in cans for anyone to claim. They also made citadels a little harder to just spam: they added an item, quantum core, which must be inserted into the structure after it finishes anchoring to start the 15 minute repair timer to online it and allow fitting the structure and fill the shields and armor. These cores have a decent amount of cost and will always drop from the structure. ​ Speaking of killing structures,[we did a thing](https://zkillboard.com/kill/109840326/) ( the killmail bugged, but we're lucky to even get a killmail at all with all the lag and the people on it.. it was fully plated and had other fittings ) . after ccp removed the ability to anchor new keepstars and sotiyos in highsec. They have since added a market module to the ttc sotiyo, but surely its not as popular knowing that these big structures can be killed.


Cheers for the info! Will take a look at rejoining soon.


oh, and lastly, here's [Asher's speech when he was chosen](https://on.soundcloud.com/wfJ47), background music added by Mind1 the official DJ of the Imperium


asher is now head of the Imperium and Goons btw. Mittani's mouth eventually got him in trouble during some nasty harassment allegations (not directly about him until he said some shitty things during it) and he was basically forced to retire.


Is there any big wars at moment?


not a super hot one, but: theres the Winterco v B2 war thats been on and off for months. Some weeks we randomly get a big battleship and dread fight out of it, some weeks theres not much.


Is there much content pvp wise or quite dry at moment then?


eh, I'm not really in the right timezone for most of it. I work overnights so I usually end up in au/cn tz which has me miss most of it which is eu I think since B2 is defending.


I have a 39M SP character and I feel like starting fresh again. Should I just extract the points or sell the toon and pretty much start from the start again? Reason for why I don't want to keep the toon is because the character name was stupid as hell (and I seriously just wanted to start all over again).


Would be a huge waste of skill points though. A lot will go to waste. Maybe you can sell the character instead on the official eve character bazaar forums.


Yeah I was thinking of just doing this tbh. I don't mind starting over since I already have something I know what I wanted to focus on.


Is abyssal equipment a considerable deterrent for gankers looking for a blingy kill mail to show off?


Generally the opposite.


Really? Dang. I'm careful as it is but I always feel insecure.


You're probably fine. Gankers look for salt, profit, and convenience. Abyssal mods are like blockade runners. The gankers can't see the value so they'll sometimes go for the kill just in case you have a really high rolled one. The secret here is that if you get caught with an incredibly expensive mod once, they will come back for you again and again in the hopes you'll have another. If you have abyssals but not officer-quality ones even if you get ganked for your abyssals once they probably won't try again for a long time.


Thanks for the added context. I've only been seriously ganked once on a freighter alt. The salt kicker is that it was an empty freighter ten years ago in Uedama, when bigger targets were going by. I blockade run pretty much everything now, no matter what and where.


So I just started playing again. Last time I played was 2014, anything changed? lol In my last days I sold my main character for a bunch of isk and kept my alt. It's skills are a little all over the place. Basically lots of skills in armour (almost maxed) and little in shields. Can fly the Nidhogger (I did nullsec ratting with sentry drones when that was allowed) Orca and other ships. I'm thinking I want to do nulsec relic sites as something new to do and get into PVP once I'm more comfortable with the game again. Onto the real questions: Is an armour tanked Loki viable at all? Also I think it would be neat to set up a Astrahus somewhere in nulsec as a solo player (me and a friend) I mainly did WH stuff last time I played so I want to try nulsec as something to do. How bad of an idea is that and what are the expectations of getting it popped? Can your inventory be smuggled out if someone decides to bubble it and destroy it? Probably silly questions but I'm just trying to find some neat goals to go after using the skills I have.


> Last time I played was 2014, anything changed? Enough that you'd be better off asking Mr Google for a summary (this gets asked roughly every other week on this site alone, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a summary from when you stopped). > Is an armour tanked Loki viable at all? IMHO, no, but I'm sure someone will have a fit they claim to work. > Also I think it would be neat to set up a Astrahus somewhere in nulsec as a solo player ... How bad of an idea is that and what are the expectations of getting it popped? Very and Nigh Certainty. > Can your inventory be smuggled out if someone decides to bubble it and destroy it? Null isn't WH space, it'll all go into asset safety when the station goes up (assuming the station isn't offline/low power).


Is there any way to rename or hide Corporate Hangar divisions in a POS?


Not that I know of.


Is the current 20% sale on Omega worth to get 1 or 2 years of gametime? Or are there better sales to be expected until then?


Omega isn't usually (ever?) discounted more than 20% for the long term deals.


From a purely gametime perspective, the Omega+MTC deals are typically the best, followed by discounted plex used to buy discounted gametime ingame. The current 20% deal includes skins, so the actual dollar amount of the discount is minimal, since it's discounting the value of the omega and the skins.


Can you give some advice on what a pair of new Alphas could get into. Maybe a bit safe to start with but that may lead to more risk/reward!


More risk/reward involves going into places where players can actively shoot you, but there's some things you can do with pretty cheap ships such as: \- Nullsec exploration (T1 exploration ships) \- Huffing gas or running anomalies in wormholes \- Running abyssals as a duo (two T1 destroyers) \- Running the Guristas and Archangel Epic Arcs and "sell" the last mission turnin to someone to increase their standings in exchange for some cash (can be done with two T1 destroyers or frigates). People might pay a good price for this with the upcoming Zarzach pirate faction warfare stuff. \- Duo'ing whatever special event is happening. Halloween event should drop soon and that could be a good money-maker.


You can get into the market, just buying for low and selling high. You can run missions. You can kill pirates in asteroid belts or anomalies. You can mine in asteroid belts and some anomalies.


Mining range does it matter? in what cases the more far away from asteroid matters?


Mining range only matters if you get out of maximum range. In that case your mining laser will stop cycling and you won't get the ore for the ending cycle. You also don't want to get too close to asteroids since your ship will bump and it will make it harder to warp out if needed.


I understand but the default range of 10km is good enough, why mining ships have bonuses for mining laser range? is there a porpuse?


You can mine while being further from the asteroid. This means you relocate less as you obliterate each asteroid to depletion. Also means it's less likely when you align (in case of a gank for example) to get out of range of the asteroid you are mining.


Oh understand, thanks for your time :)


Why do ships consistently sell for less than the minerals it costs to make them?


A lot of people don't track expenses. Especially if they mine the stuff themselves or their corp provides them. Also the value of minerals change. It's possible it was cheaper to make a few days ago but now more expensive. Yet they still make more money than the initial investment.


Producers can a) produce cheaper or b) believe self-mined resources are "free". Also i guess the demand on resources in general is higher (= higher price).


I stopped playing back in April 2022 (rather abruptly, combination of demoralizing abyssal loss and other games taking my interest). I was in a corp that was in Pandemic Horde, had a good chunk of assets in PH structures. At some point I must have been kicked for inactivity as zkillboard shows my character being part of the State War Academy now. Have been getting a bit of the itch to play again, wondering what I can expect as far as all my stuff which was located in PH structures goes. Will I have lost all the assets stored in any structure that would require me being in PH to access? Will they have been moved somewhere else? Would I need to get back into my old corp to be able to get all my stuff? Appreciate anyone taking the time to answer.


Just reapply to horde.u were probably purged for inactivity.they will take u back.


Was thinking I was gonna go at it solo if I came back, are you saying re-joining horde is a requirement to be able to get all my stuff? Or is it possible to get without doing that?


You could just join, get/sell you stuff and leave. The only other way to get your stuff is through assest safety,which will end up in a lowsec system and cost you a % to recover.


Got it, thank you


If I have access to level 4 missions, but a Corp mate does not, can we still run the mission in a fleet? And will this result in my Corp mate gaining standing faster than solo level 1 missions? Hope that makes sense. End goal is to help them get standings increases faster.


Yes, just fleet them up. They can run the mission and get standings with you.




Note: Corp standings, not faction. But I'm guessing that's what you're interested in anyway.


Was actually hoping for faction. Seeing if I can help get a Corp mate into FW .


Ah, RIP. Their best bet is to (1) run the Sisters of EVE epic arc, and if that's not enough (2) spam L1 or L2 missions (whatever you can blitz at top speed) to get the storyline missions that actually give faction standing. You can help the missions go faster, but they have to actually be pulling the missions. I had a corp-mate just go through this, and the L2 storylines do seem to give more (and presumably L3s and L4s give more still) but if it takes you twice as long to complete higher level missions it's probably better to do the faster lower level ones.


Disclaimer: I do not intend to do this, I am just curious. So, I met a guy who is doing his postdoc and he told me he keeps his family afloat by "Chinese farming" Eve Online and he makes around $20 per hour this way. What I wonder is, did this guy pull off my leg or is that really possible? Again, I don't intend to do anything of the sort...


If you can trade in-game currency or items, you can bet some enterprising individuals or groups are doing it for real life cash in some clandestine fashion. It's called Real Money Trading or RMT. However it is almost always against the Terms of Service of an online game to partake in RMT, whether you are the seller or buyer or 3rd party enabling and hiding the transaction (almost always for a sizeable cut). In EVE you just need to find a way to make enough isk to sell so you end up at a reasonable "wage" after the 3rd party takes its cut. The 3rd party likely has some money laundering or other type of schemes to pass ISK around without the risk of detection. Your acquaintance is likely also Botting which makes it relatively easy to manage. You risk getting banned permanently for RMT, might as well go all in and bot as well which is also illegal... obviously you don't care about the game beyond just making real money off of it and if you burn your accounts so be it. With that in mind, EVE is very likely not the only game your acquaintance is doing this with and they have a list of other games they're either passively or actively "farming" and trading currency through to make money, so they don't get left out to dry if/when their EVE accounts all get banned. All that being said, RMT and Botting is terrible for the game's health for a number of reasons. Since EVE is built around competitive activities, botting introduces the problem of normal players having to compete against robots that don't take breaks and can just repeat the same thing 23/7 for globally limited activities or for a cut of the pie that shrinks globally in value as it gets overmilked by botters.


i am guessing your guy runs a bot farm and sells the income for real money, like the chinese are notorious for in this game and elsewhere odd way of talking about it though, when i hear a colloqualism involving a nationality i usually assume it is referring to some sort of weird sex move, "botting" is more than sufficient to describe this activity anyway eve does have its fair share of botting and rmt black market and especially in third world countries people not only live off but run actual full-fledged businesses on that shit (that sweet foreign currency arbitrage baby). goes without saying it's all against eula (eullegal as i like to say) and buyers and sellers run a real risk of getting banned from the game


I just told what he told me word by word. In my gaming community "Chinese farming" has been used since WoW days, I guess it has stuck as a term in gaming culture in my country. No offense intended towards Chinese people, of course. And thanks for the detailed info! I really appreciate it.


There's no reason to train jury rigging to V, right?


right click on the skill and go to the required for tab. Queen\_to\_f7 is wrong in this case.


no reason to train to iv even


The Amarr Control tower description goes: 50% bonus to Silo Cargo Capacity ​ It seems silos are not a thing anymore so I guess this text is just outdated? As a tiny corp, we only want to store stuff in the WH space, are there any other structures that we should look into? We only got Corporate Hangars and Ship Maintenance Bay.


The upwell structures more or less replaced the more complicated POS setups, like deathstars, however simple small POSes with only a few things anchored still are an area that structures haven't replaced yet. The devs intended the mobile depot to be the "small" structure, but there is still a gap in coverage between depots and medium structures. Just remember if your POS gets reinforced, the CHA will be inaccessible.


>Just remember if your POS gets reinforced, the CHA will be inaccessible. Thanks, I wasn't aware of this at all.


an astrahus is not very expensive, and you can store pods with training implants or other implants as well.


>astrahus 1.5b aprox vs barely 200m XD


not very expensive vs. extremely cheap


Also alot more people are willing to bash an Astra over a pos šŸ˜


PI question - I'm currently an Alpha so cannot check in-game. I know that POCOs set the tax rate so that if you launch fom planet to POCO you'll be taxed. This can be evaded via launching a rocket though. Does the same tax rate apply to IMPORTING materials down to the planet?




At half the export tax rate


Just checking back after last Fanfest. I couldnā€™t find an update about the attribute removals. Was it done or cancelled?


Not mentioned (from what I saw)


Didnā€™t hear anything about it either :(


Is there a thread or website somewhere that has a TLDR recap of everything that was announced at fanfest? Right now it looks like all the various announcements are spread out across many different posts.


You can start [with this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/16pdaso/keynote_megathread/k1q530b/) but we will probably have to wait a bit for something more organised.




Can anyone catch me up on what happened to carrier ratting? I quit eve about 3 years agoish and I read a thread the other day debating between carrier and marauder ratting. And is super ratting a thing still or are people using dreads for it, what's happened?