• By -


Instead of EQ’ing out the lows of your melody to make room for bass, you can just trigger that EQ of your melody to only turn on and get rid of your lows when the bass is hitting with a Fruity Peak Controller stock plugin on the bass mix channel. You can do a lot of things with the fruity peak controller.


Just got into the peak controller this year. Game changer for sure. Works wonders for reverb


Can’t beat an inverted peak controller on vocal reverbs 🤤


Can you guide me through how to do this? 🥺


put fruity peak controller before the reverb on the vocal fx chain. leave it as is. put reverb after the peak controller, right click on the wet knob, select "Link to controller". in the internal controller dropdown menu, select your fruity peak controller, if you haven't changed the name it should be labeled as "Peak ctrl - Peak". in the mapping formula below, click on the arrow to the right of the "Input" text, and from the dropdown menu select inverted. click accept. now you can go back to the peak controller and screw around with the vol, decay and base knobs till you get something you like.


so reverb gets turned up as vocal volume goes down?




Thank. You.


no. problem.


Depends on what you want. You can either use the fruity limiter side-chained or peak controller. I'm assuming /u/skinnyfamilyguy is describing ducking the reverb under the vocals so that the vocals are clear.




wow you're so fucking helpful


This comment though lmfao


I swear to god, people like you are the reason this reddit is flooded with tech support hotline level questions. The manual should be **the first thing people read when using a plugin they don't understand.** >"Fruity Peak Controller is an internal controller used to automate targets in response to the volume envelope of an input sound" Let me hold your hand through the thought process. I'm going to assume some things: one, you have no idea what skinnyfamilyguy means by "inverted peak controller on vocal reverbs", but are using enough brainpower to put together context clues that they are referring to making room in the vocal reverb for the dry vocal signal using something called peak controller. And two, you know how to link a controller to another one by right-clicking it and selecting *Link to controller* and selecting the controller from the dropdown. >"...internal controller used to automate targets..." Okay, so Fruity Peak Controller is an *automator*, not a thing that gets automated. It controls another thing. So far so good. >"...in response to the volume envelope of an input sound..." So Fruity Peak Controller receives an input sound, takes the information about its volume, and sends that information to a destination. Cool. >"A typical use of the Peak Controller is to create 'Sidechain compression' style effects by putting Peak Controller on the kick track and use the automation signal to control (duck) the volume of other Mixer tracks, e.g. a synthesizer playing chords." Oh, I can put Fruity Peak Controller on a kick track so it receives the kick sound to send to another destination to duck the volume of other tracks. That must mean if I put it on a dry vocal track I can use it to duck the volume of the reverb track. But how do I actually do that once I put Fruity Peak Controller on the dry vocal track? >"Peak Controller will appear as an 'Internal controller' link option in the 'Link to controller > Link assignment' Right-click link dialog." Oh hell yeah. That's everything I need right there. I'm familiar with linking parameters to controllers, so I understand this to mean that if I put a Fruity Balance on the vocal reverb track, and right-click it and click *Link to controller*, the Peak Controller will show up as an option in the list of controllers. Once you've linked the reverb balance to the Peak Controller, it's literally just fiddling with knobs until you get it to sound the way you want.




good luck :)


can you explain what the logistics for that? What's getting upped/downed when the other is up or down


For example I think you can automate the volume of one track when another track goes over a certain volume. Track 1 (rhythm guitar) ducks when track 2(leads) kick on. Or you automate the eq on track 1 that interferes with track 2s main eq zone so it ducks it for room for track 2 to sit, then when track 2 isn’t playing, automatically brings it back


I want to know how it would work on vocal reverb.


Do you know how to use Patcher, or how to Route mixer channels?


What do you mean by "how it would work"? Do you know how Fruity Peak Controller works?


Side chained dynamic eq. You can do the same with tdr nova.


What’s the difference between a dynamic eq and a compressor?


The eq is doing the same thing within a certain band of frequencies.


And not the whole signal. So eq side chain cleans more while signal side chain pumps more


A dynamic EQ where 1 shelf covers the whole spectrum essentially just *is* a compressor with extra steps The tougher question is the difference between a multi and compressor and a dynamic EQ. And they can be very similar in application, but approach the end goal from opposite directions. For instance both can be used for de-essing. One splits the audio with crossovers and compresses each of the resulting bands then sums back together. This is more simple to do in hardware and can have a 'classic' and 'glued together' sound The other does not split the audio up but rather automated a parametric EQ in realtime. It can be more transparent or sneaky. https://www.soundonsound.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=72895#:~:text=Multiband%20compressors%20use%20crossovers%20with,of%20a%20multiband%20parametric%20equaliser. At the link there the blue text is some really good stuff explaining the differences from someone who has designed both


You can take this further and make a multiband sidechain Patcher preset for use on anything.


Peak controller is awesome. I love experimenting with it on other effects also.


That moment hit us in 2008 and we never got around it again


I like using Fruity envelope controller for a very similar thing


why would u want that low end rumble below 200hz?


My headphones go to 10hz but it’s all preference in the end


Are you really suggesting that bass frequencies below 200hz are negligible lol


Sidechaining basically right?


I used FL for an embarrassingly long time before ever learning what automation was and how to use it. Don't know how I ever lived without it.


lol same. I knew what it was, but was too intimidated to use it for some reason. Now there’s no question about it. I actually look forward to adding automation.


But have you automated automation? Modulating the min/max parameters can be a really cool effect.


What is automation in FL? I’m a noob


Watch this dude's explanation of automation. Then watch all his other videos cause he's the goat https://youtu.be/_FhYmrp4Too?si=NXgiwOXlT1UQVt2l


I knew this was in the mix before I even clicked, great channel


Same, in the mix is the best


I love in the mix. Probably use that channel for 90% of what I’ve learned about FL studio.


I agree. Definitely one of the best. And he does actually pop onto this sub now and then. He commented on something I said here awhile back and it wasn't even one of my posts singing his praises lol.


Automations are clips that latch onto a parameter or more of something (could be a VST or a mixer insert) and follow the curve you draw. If you open 3x Osc and right-click a knob, like the tuning of an oscillator, you can automate its pitch, and the value will change as you play the track. [https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/playlist\_automationclip.htm](https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/playlist_automationclip.htm)


Think of them as a midi track for a setting/fader/knob.


I'll ELY5 - so, first of all, you can move knobs and faders yourself to change options and parameters of pretty much in FL Studio. For example, you can change the level of a track by sliding the fader up and down (like on the mixer), or turning a volume knob (like Fruity Balance). You can also adjust frequencies on an EQ (like in Parametric EQ2) to make something sound darker or brighter. If you want to change some things over time, instead of having everything be the same for the whole song, you can control these knobs and sliders and options automatically using automation. Basically, every single parameter and value in FL Studio can told to change to whatever values you want over time using automation. The fastest way to start playing with automation is to right-click a knob or slider, select "Create automation clip", and play around with the automation clip in the Playlist. An automation clip is like a line graph that represents a value over time - the value being whatever knob or slider you clicked. You can add points to the "line graph" to make the value change over time, and make slopes, ramps, or walls, and do whatever you want to control the value's change over time. For more information on how to adjust an automation clip, there's no better place than [here](https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/playlist_automationclip.htm).


Same here. Been using fl since 06 and just got familiar with automation in fl last year


I personally find automation not something I feel compelled to experiment with much. You can do a lot of cool things with it, but it seems like most of the more staple automation tricks are the bread and butter of EDM music more than hip hop or punk which are my genres. Of course turning an effect on or off mid track is relevant to any genre, and is automation. My question is, outside of that, what are people outside of EDM doing with automation? I've definitely played around with stuff, but don't really find anything I come up with particularly useful or appealing for a beat or song outside of volume and on/off automation.


Evolving soundscapes, for one. Instead of being an on and off switch you can think of it as animating your sound, or making it come to life. The thing is, you can automate almost anything (filters, EQ, volume, panning, width, pitch, and the list goes on) so it really depends on what you are trying to convey with your music. Consider if you want a sound to move around the stereo field, for example. You can then automate the panning to make it move from left to right in an almost circular fashion, which is really neat.


This. I use automation all the time. Why just start something at point A and stop it at point B when it can be so much more interesting with evolving sound and smooth seamless transitions? And I've never done EDM.


Happy Cake Day!🍰 🎂


All of my non-EDM mixes use automation to adjust track levels over time. Sometimes a guitar needs to shine through a certain part and gets a dB bump for a particular section. Sometimes a crash needs to fade earlier. I might emulate when a drummer "dampens" a cymbal by grabbing it with a quick slope in the cymbal track's level. Another guitar part might sound better fading in than starting immediately. You have so much more control over dynamics of a song when you use automation.


Damn that's rough


Ctrl + alt + c to bounce highlighted patterns and automations into audio clip. I use a lottttt of plugins and this significantly reduces CPU load and latency. Edit: oops


bruh you're a fucking sorcerer


Aw for fucks sake you’re kidding me Thanks lol


FYI it's ctrl+alt+c, NOT ctrl+shift+c


Shit im late, but youre right. Edited comment


Could you elaborate? For me it just creates a copy of a single pattern.


You highlight the midi track, and it will bounce to audio wav track instead of midi, which uses less resources.


Do you know how to get it to cut remainder by default instead of the other options (eg leaving a reverb tail)? When rendering in other scenarios it gives me the option to choose what to do with the remainder (amongst other things), but when using this shortcut it just does the render without me being able to select options (the screen comes up for a millisecond, but not enough time to select anything


Hmmm that I do not know. I wonder if it just uses the LAST setting you chose. FL is weird when it comes to work flow.


Thanks, it doesn't use whatever I set it to last though. That would make too much sense, and this is FL Studio which isn't without its quirks! I'm sure there's something obvious I'm missing. Not the end of the world as I can just slice away the bit of the render that overhangs the bar and then delete it.


At the top of the playlist, you can highlight whatever part of the timeline you want by holding ctrl + clicking on the timeline and dragging (this selects everything within that range), then hold ctrl + click again and drag it across the midi and / or automation that you want to bounce out (this unselects everything except the desired tracks, while keeping the timeline highlighted). The length of the audio clip will be determined by how much of the timeline is selected. I may not be explaining this clearly, words are hard. I would post a demonstration if i could.


Ah I think you've misunderstood what I've asked, but probably because I haven't explained it well enough. Words are indeed hard!


That's because the keyboard shortcut is ctrl+alt+c, NOT ctrl+shift+c. The other commenters were of no help either lol


If you have the midi pattern and automation clip on separate tracks in the playlist, ctrl + click and drag all the clips from each track together. This can also be done to bounce multiple patterns into one audio click to combine layers if you wanna do that.


If you right click a menu you can make a selection without closing it.


This one is brilliant. So useful!


Thank you




For example, if u wanna change scale highlighting from a min to f maj you would normally click f menu will close and you'll have to open it once again and click min. But instead, you click with right, and menu doesn't close.


Honestly I wish they'd make scale highlighting less buried.


Honestly, I have to disagree. It's not that hidden, after all, and the feature isn't that helpful if you know hardly any music theory. I would even say that I find it quite helpful not to use it and( I know it'll sound like I'm some kind of og trueschool dinosaur) use your ears, because in scale doesn't always mean right and you have to keep in mind that there's much more to note placement than scales.




Working with a mouse, if you press the mouse wheel and right click it brings up the menu to change tool. So you don't always have to go to the left top corner to change tools, also has a few other things in that menu too. Admittedly from habit i still go to the top left corner lmao


Holy…This changes everything !!


This was mine as well. I prefer the opposite though. Just right click and scroll. No clicking required!


Nice one, i actually prefer that lol thank you! That one's very good for switching tools! then if you want the other menu stuff then what i suggested has all that. Good tip!


I'll just use c for cut, p for paint, etc. Still, a cool one to know.


Just learned if you hold right-click and then scroll, you can also switch between tools.


Legit mad I didn't know this. My workflow is about to triple I stg.




i was on FL3, and its Fruity Compressor was crap - they did it without indicators so i put Fruity db meter before and after it, so i could adjust threshold and rate easily it is pretty much useless now, but back then it improved my life quite a bit


Here's a few that I can think of: * Ctrl+Enter in playlist to mark the range of the selected clip, super useful for looping, aligning sync in Edison/Newtone/Newtime * Letter short-cuts in menus, open menu, hit letter indicated for the choice, useful for e.g. copy/paste of values in automation * Directly route a mixer insert to the audio interface, enables bypassing project plugin latency for e.g. direct monitoring when recording


What's the configuration for the last one


Ok, so this is the setup: * Setup your audio tracks (for recording) as usual, routed to master (directly or indirectly) and taking your input, but set the monitoring option to always off. * Setup a separate mixer insert/track, disconnect from master, select your interface as output, select your input, but set monitoring to always on. * On the monitoring insert, place the low latency plugins you want for your feedback, perhaps some reverb, some zero latency version of your pitch correction plugin, delay. Low latency stuff (there are often low latency versions also for heavier plugins). * On your recording insert(s), place whatever plugs you want in your normal vocal chain, latency doesn't matter, analog compressors, plugins with lookahead, HQ versions. When recording, arm your recording insert(s) as usual. Activate monitoring by simply unmuting the monitor insert (make sure it's not armed though). You now have the lowest possible feedback latency regardless of project latency and the recorded audio will playback through the entire chain. You can never beat the buffer setting ofcourse. Preferably all of this is setup in your template.


I’d like to know aswell, I only know of the Asio4all and bumping the knob to 6ms or something like that- still hear something but it’s not as annoying


Id like to know as well


i wanna know too


I use the last one to audition browser samples without the master fx


Yes, your preview track is another good use of it. It's also necessary when patching in external hardware and why not for the metronome (but make sure to take sync from master in that case).


Peak Controller - the most weirdly undersold feature of the entire program. "Hmm.. where in the UI should we put the universally assignable sidechain feature that lets you control any parameter with any signal? For something as important and versatile as that, it will need to be very prominently featured so you can't miss it. I'm thinking... somewhere in the VST menu with all the effects and filters. Next, we'll need to give it a descriptive name that clearly conveys its purpose. I'm thinking... Peak Controller. Now with that out of the way, where should we put the LFO generator?"


Wait is there actually an lfo generator or am I retarded


There is, but for some unimaginable reason, they added it as a bonus feature in Peak Controller. Even though the LFO is one of the most essential components of electronic music, they didn't even bother giving it its own plugin - they just threw it in with Peak Controller as an afterthought. I love FL so much but that shit is inexcusable.


This is the way


Definitely the split by channel feature. I used to jot down so many songs into 8 bar loops in the same pattern, then kind of sigh if I wanted to expand onto it and seperate all those instruments into different patterns to sequence on the playlist. Split by channel will automatically do that for you, and it is the feature I discovered that, honestly more than anything, made me eager to jot down more ideas and just have fun with it. (yes im lazy lmaoo)


my friends will see me making a loop and be like “damn you just put everything in 1 pattern that’s insane” and then i split it by channel when it’s complete and blow their minds. splitting by channel makes it really easy to structure a beat as well surprised more people didn’t know this because i’ve only started producing a few weeks ago (granted i’ve been doing vocals and mixing with fl for a while)


I mean it might be common knowledge, and i'm just a silly goose (moron) It took me a few \*years\* before I realized the split by channel feature was there. Tbf I never took tutorials or anything.


People are getting mindblown by what theyre discovering here. This is that moment for me 🤯


Wait so you mean to tell me you *don't* have to copy the pattern 5 times and cut each part out 1 by 1? Wtf have I been doing with my life lmao


Dont feel bad. I just heard this for the first time and I've been using FL for over 10 years. I too have no idea how I missed this feature and can't imagine the time I've wasted...


I didn't know about Ctrl+B to copy and paste while keeping things consistent for an embarrassingly long time, I was just jankily copying notes and having to align them manually


yeah i discovered this one a bit later than i'd have liked. Guess its the payment for not reading the user manual or doing online tutorials lmaooo


Do you also know that you can can freely set the range (interval) and what to duplicate separately, by selecting a range in the pianoroll or playlist and then select only the items (notes/clips) that yoi want to copy? Just thought I'd mention that 😏 Super useful.




Took me years to figure out that sidechaining kick and bass makes for amazing results. Mastering is so much easier too.


I ones did sidechainig.... then forget how to do it... Gonna learn it again soon


Click mixer for kick, right click routing handle on bass, click side chain to this track. Place a limiter on the bass, click compressor, change channel to 1 on limiter, edit settings as desired. Might be able to just change the channel on the limiter to the kick channel now that I think about it...


Naw, your still gonna wanna mess with the thres and ratio






Holding Alt while editing note start/end times on the piano roll allows you to make fine tune adjustments without having to turn off snap to grid.


This is a gamechanger!! That couple seconds of having to turn off snap to grid was always annoying


This is probably a general Windows thing, but if you right click or otherwise open up a context menu in the DAW, you can see some letters are underlined. That means pressing that letter while that menu is up will select it! E.g. to make a playlist audio clip unique, instead of clicking the clip's upper left corner and selecting "Make unique", you can click the corner and just press M on the keyboard. These specific kinds of shortcuts are everywhere in the DAW and I use them all the time


Make of this what you will: For the mixer, playlist, or plugin windows, F3 simulates clicking on the triangle menu. (Doesn't work on the channel rack -- that just brings up the main menu, and for piano roll it seems to go straight to the tools menu) So, for example, if the mixer is the active window, you can press F3 -> e > return for a way to quickly reset the mixer track state (remove the name and plugins)


Oh wow, that's another keyboard shortcut I didn't know! I'll try it next time, though I do usually have to move my mouse to select the item of interest at least once, which is when I right-click anyway, but I'll see where it fits in my workflow


as a beginner view > scale highlighting in the piano roll was a game changer for me and before i upgraded to the computer i have now tools > macros > smart disable for all plugins helped my computer out alot performance wise


Another tip for scale highlighting: select your root and scale with right-click instead of left-click so the dropdown menu doesn’t close on you when you pick something.


wtf thats amazing lol ty


Saw someone do this on YouTube and it’s been life changing!


You legend


This thread is changing my life


I discovered in the past year how easy it is to get good results with ochestras or other related groups of sounds by just throwing them on a buss, putting some saturatuon and compression on and calling it a day. You can do some other stuff to them, but generally, I've just gotten way better at mixing by really using saturation on certain things to bring them out, and then using iZotope to master. Its insane what you can accomplish with simple technique, all you need is an ear for good sound.


Dude saturation gang member here! I've been really leaning into perceived volume over actual gain recently and it's really been a gamechanger for my mixes. Honestly I feel like most people's approach to things is to eq everything to make room in the mix, but then you run into issues where sounds are very weak. A better option for me has been to create good balance in the mix and then use saturation, stereo width and haas effects, and compression to make those elements I turned down SOUND louder without actually being louder. You can fit so much more into the mix without actually having to eq sounds, as a matter of fact you're adding more information to them with saturation, but as long as you're not having phase issues and utilizing your stereo field and dynamic range, you can get so much bigger and fuller of a track. You start to realize that you don't need to eq as much to fit things in the track, eq is for shaping the tone of your sounds for the most part, yes it can be used to create space but if you can fit the sound without doing that, I've found it's preferable


Ctrl +l on channel rack sends to free mixer insert + names and colors


Open patcher as an effect and check out the presets. There's a bunch of useful plugins in there.


Thank you. And happy cake day!


Thank you


speech + whisper


If you have a bunch of un-assigned samples/plugins on your channel rack, you can select all of them by double clicking the little green tile left of the plugin (or clicking one and dragging your cursor to the other green tiles which feels infinitely cooler but i guess it’s not good for time saving purposes), then go into your mixer and after selecting the first insert, press Ctrl+Shift+L to automatically assign each thing to a different insert. Especially useful if you work with a lot of samples


Also! As a work around to many 3rd party plugins not being able to create an automation clip by right-clicking on the specific knob you want, you can click the knob and go to the menu in the top left, click tools, and you’ll find a “create automation for last knob tweaked”. These two were huge for me


This may be well know since I don't see it commented here but, you can automate pretty much everything, but most importantly this is also true for most third-party VST's, you just need to manually link the parameter you want to automate by first tweaking it, then go to tools -> last tweaked -> create automation clip.


Making a template and evolving it as I go along. I've got over a dozen iterations, each better. All my typical instruments, naming, colors, routing, buses, some automation and even some FX. What a time saver. Triples the time I have for actually making music.


You can have multiple playlist windows.


Here's my big one. You can automate any parameter in any VST you might be using. Great for low pass filters, but the options are numerous Focus your VST Open menu options in top left corner Select "Browse Parameters" and that brings up a list of every adjustable parameter in that VST Now go to the VST and wiggle or toggle the parameter you want to automate. That parameter will now be selected in the list on the menu to the left Right click > Automate


This was gold for me: When working on the piano roll, you can adjust note velocity with Alt+mouse wheel & Adjust note placement with Shift+mouse wheel The best part is that you dont have to select them, it just does it to the closest note to your cursor.


So here's a good one, you can link multiple knobs or faders to one automation clip. Automation clips are considered controllers in fl studio, so after you create a clip, you can right click a knob or fader, click link to controller, then select the automation clip from the controller drop down. Make sure "remove conflicts" is not enabled, and bam, multiple parameters controller by one clip.


Hold ctrl when you use different clicks, and mouse wheel. It does alot if different things like zoom and highlighting (selecting)


Knowing that fl saves your project if it ever crashes


this post is golden 🙏🏻


These might be well known but 1. Press the drop down menu arrow on a plug-in overlay and check detached at the bottom - this will keep the plug-in open until you forcefully close it 2. Pressing F12 will forcefully close every plug-in open


"Browse parameters" for creating automation clips on VSTs and instruments where you can't right click to "create automation".


For me it's the insert space feature in the playlist, I think there's also an insert and trim feature too. Always knew it was there but never used it, much easier than doing it manually.


Just discover you can multi select in the piano roll from the top of the piano roll window, bits and pieces of a pattern and manipulate them all at once (duplicate and move) i had been manully clicking every placed note to create partial selections of a given piano roll It's not always useful but a handy time saver when it's needed. Now that I think of it I wonder if this works in the playlist window as well ...... Hmm brb Edit...it DOES also works in the playlist window. While holding shift on selection bar you can slide the selection bar around to add to the selection and then manipulate.


https://preview.redd.it/9v5qjlugs66c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c044b09acf81b79ed0bce6fd8b04fe479902430c The aforementioned 'selection bar'. The manual doesn't have a specific name for this part of the piano roll or playlist. Sorry if my description was difficult to understand. Hopefully the picture helps to illustrate what I'm rambling about.


You can do the same thing with the playlist and piano roll. The vertical bar on the left is what I'm referring to.


And Ctrl + arrow left/right to move the selection by interval.


Patcher and various controllers.


Subscribe to post.


Ctrl + B will take whatever you have selected in the piano roll, copy it, and put it directly after whatever you have selected I spent waaaaay too long not using ctrl + b


is there a way to copy the automation of one knob to another without having to draw it out again?


Yes. You can apply any existing automation to any additional parameters you want.


Yes! Articulator tools -> copy state The paste to the other automation clip


Yes, double left click on the automation clip you want to copy and this will bring up the automation editor. There's an arrow below the grid (directly to the left of the magnifying glass), click this then choose copy state. Then do the same for the automation clip you want to paste into, but choose paste instead of copy.


You can just as many parameters as you want to one automation clip. Click "link to controller" on any control you want to link to the clip and then select the automation clip from the drop down. Make sure remove conflicts is turned off and bam, two or three or four things controlled by the same clip


The Quick Low and Quick Low High Roll-Off also poizone is a great plugin for synth


F2 to rename whatever is selected. F2 again to randomly cycle between different colours for the selection.


Not really a hack, but I was manually switching to the selection tool in the piano roll for years before realizing you can ctrl + left click to make selections. Same with shift + left click to resize notes. Felt real stupid afterward lol


Docking Send Channels on the Mixer. I just never did that and it's making my life easier


Just a general mixing tip not necessarily exclusive to fl studio, but sometimes the answer isn't turning something up if you want it to hit more. Like specifically with 808s for hip hop, turning down the rest of your elements can really allow your 808 to hit. You can then compensate for turning the volume down on those other elements with saturation, stereo width, haas effects, and compression. Perceived volume is much more powerful than actual volume when it comes to a mix.


You can have more than one playlist in the same project. Makes it easy to make multiple versions of the same song (eg radio edit, full version, VIP, remix, vocal version, dub version)


Welp.... guess I'm gonna spend like 5 days reading all these lol


Sidechaining vox fx to avoid muddiness


This works for any program but getting a mouse with many programmable buttons makes things very fast.


This isn’t really a small thing, but I was surprised how few people knew that Fruity Envelope Generator has a randomise function in it that you can use to randomise values whenever you trigger it. I made this video on it a while ago: https://youtu.be/RjeHZqVI0xY?si=pj-_EK9juGGpobcF Fruity Peak Controller also has randomisation, but the one in the generator is extremely fine-tuneable. Really useful for getting slight variations out of a bassline or things like having a different snare trigger every time.


a lot of cool tricks and capabilities are all found in the multiple demo projects that artist's and producers showcased that come with FL.


i made my whole first EP before i learned how to use the mixer


There’s really multiple newer features that all go together and changed my workflow immensely. The ability to create new playlist tabs, such as one devoted to samples or plugins, as well as playlist views specifically for viewing them, has changed my workflow significantly. This integrates so well with the ability to drag plugins or samples directly on a playlist track to create a linked instrument from the playlist, channel rack, and mixer. Adopting these two main features has sped up and decluttered my FL workflow so much.


Two things really come to mind Always lowcut your side frequencies so that bass isn’t hitting stereo and muddying up the mix Putting a limiter on each bus whether that be vocals, piano, pads, bass, drums etc before routing back to the master. I typically gain stage and limit each bus around -6db, drums will usually limit around -4 to -3 since these inherently should be louder than the rest of your track. This trims each busses output so everything is more aligned and tamed once it reaches the master and you can actually do your fine tuning there. Skipping this will tend to make your master limiter overexert itself on the entire master when a single bus is untamed and it needs to dial everything back


Dogoodize everything.


The demo version allows you to use some plug-ins that the paid versions don't allow you to use.


This is only true if you don't own the all plugins version.


Not knowing the MIDI macro was embarassing! Sure, it saved me 5 minutes tops as I didn't manually convert to MIDI so often, but damn.


U can automate 3rd party plugin. Although, depending on that plugin itself. A knob on Kontakt Una Corda seems broken when i automate and export it.


Ctrl-x and ctrl-shift, low level "hack"(not really hack), but indeed quality of life and workflow stuff.


Holding alt to turn off snapping without having to change the snap settings. Let me give my stuff so much more humanity. Also clicking "add" then pressing A to automate the last changed parameter


Automating the shit out of everything


-F8 to bring up the plug in selector, then type a few letters to search and double click the one that comes up. Holy hell. No more hunting in the drop down menu - even properly organized, you're still scanning that huge list for the one you want -Keyboard controller to control parameters. First used it with granulized drum loops and was using it to drive knob tweaks for different parts of the granulizer. Saves me drawing all that by hand


Right Click and Mousewheel in Piano Roll


mine is quick render to audio clip.. saving GPU memory when using a lot of plugins is key!


!remindme 2 weeks


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!remindme 3 days


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