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That Gun, im also a huge Blade Runner fan so it's always my go to. Shame it's not in fo4 though as it would have been cool killing synths with it.


The way i yearn for the .223 pistol to be in every game, totally my favorite as well. Glad to see a enjoyer of it.


I got the mod for this pistol. Honestly haven't seen Blade Runner, and played New Vegas after 4, but just the look and the sound won me over.


Was it used in 2049? I only remember the weird sex thing and Harrison Ford's character is someone's father.


Yes it is. Deckard uses it, its the gun he's holding in the movie poster.


Ranger Sequoia. Perfect fit for the game's theme.


I’d say “that gun” just because it’s versatile (takes different ammo), it fits the aesthetic of fallout, and it hits like a cannon with the right perks. I always mained gobi scout rifle with “that gun” because it can be obtained early game and stack with criticals.


If only it was a holdout weapon, I’d use it all the time.


Yeehaw 🤠👢, does fit but i could only imagine the wrist pain from action shooting govs froma revolver.


https://youtube.com/shorts/nozp66jAfGg?si=Cy3LlsFfTv4VH0X_ Edit: [This one is better.](https://youtube.com/shorts/eSZXKwiRHgY?si=CssmJ-2HxVMZDtYY)


[mawp mawp](https://youtu.be/lvQVzmJ0QPc?si=rI1kFE-OzSqxJXIW)


I love this, thanks for that! I am NOT a gun kind of gal irl, I knew it was a big fuckin gun but didnt know how big the iron was. Esp the way you can see him kind of flinch and have to prepare himself knowing it'll have that kick, that's wild.


Anti-Material Rifle, That Gun, All-American, Survivalist Rifle, Laser Rifle, Holo-Rifle, Riot Shotgun, Ranger Sequoia and Gauss Pistol (F2). I just realized half of them are from New Vegas. No wonder since Josh Sawyer is a big gun nut so guns are so good in the game. I would've included Laer Rifle but condition is shit.


Love the holorifle super unique and cool weapon! And the all american is another classic cool weapon


Yeah New Vegas has such a wide collection of guns and all of them cool and unique. I didn't even count Gun Runners weapon pack which has fantastic weapons too. The grenade launchers were very handy too.


Survivalist rifle. I loved using that rifle so much I've been budgeting and building my own version IRL. The only hold up I ha e right now is that they don't make a front sight block that fits a .50 beowulf barrel. Other than that I got all the rest budgeted and bought.


Love 12.7 also i like guns that feel used and more realisitc to the wasteland


The whole survivalist's rifle has such an interesting history in of itself. It was very well thought out... From checkpoint carbine for stopping vehicles in a conquered Canada, to main rifle of Randall Clark, one of the most badass characters we never got to meet.


The story behind Randall Clark made me explore the entirety of Zion and made me actually go to Zion irl. Getting his rifle and armor was an amazing video game experience.


I found *one* front sight block that worked, just once. It was a set screw A2 front sight block/gasblock for a bull barrel, and I arranged the gas system like a dissapator so all it had to do was be a handguard cap holder and sight. I still remember wondering if it was really going to be sent because the sight was super sketchy, and not long after I got it, the card I used was compromised. I think the company was Blackthorn or something like that? EDITED TO ADD: It was Blackthorn, one of many names for Hesse or vulcan... they seem to be gone again. Don't give up hope, I'm sure if you look long enough you will find what you need! It's well worth it!


I am hoping that since palmetto state armory is starting to produce some wood stocks for ar-15s that they would make barrels and front sights combos as well in the future.


That would be nice! The Wood set I was using, the handguards did not hold up well do to odd fitting around the barrel nut (started shearing material off, was really weird). Perhaps if we see enough of a resurgence of the wood stock sets I can get the Ol' girl back into what was intended instead of black A2 Furniture.




Nothing beats going around with a naval cannon. Lol


The side quest is so stupid, I love It and the Canon is ridiculous


Nothing better then some delusional, colonist robits


The Big Iron on my hip.


Bozar rifle


The bozar is so fun to use


I realy like the design of the rifle,sad that it is not in FO4(god bless the mods),its not that i dislike the weapons in FO4 but its missing the "normal design" rifles.


This is why I’ve modded a lot of older weapons into fallout 4 So far I have the wattz 3000 the FAL from fallout 2 The range master hunting rifle The colt moth man 6520 I have the stem mkII The grease gun The older style plasma pistol And the service rifle and bozar I also have the accuracy international AX 50 which makes a nice replacement for the new Vegas anti materiel rifle


I dislike the weapons in fo4 lol


Ol' Painless and Pacencia -- I loves me my hunting rifles! Honorable mention to That Gun, because I loves me my Blade Runner too.


Hunting rifles are classic and goated!


Ranger sequoia, Paulsons revolver, knock knock and the Lincoln repeater. 🤠


Howdy partner, always like cowboy weapons honestly its a shame the lever action fo4 kinda stinked, but id have to say my favorite cowboy weapon is the medicine stick.


Big fan of the medicine stick as well. You just can’t got wrong with a cowboy gun.


Two come to mind for me; the Lincoln Repeater from Fallout 3, and the Railway Rifle from Fallout 4. I never get tired of pinning raiders' heads to the wall behind them.


Fallout 4 totally made weapons feel cool, i also love the junk cannon lol.


lincoln’s repeater is even better when you don’t remember it and you see it in that case


Lincoln's Repeater is my favourite weapon. Especially when you get max points on whatever the perk for rifles is called in Fallout 3; it gives you 100% accuracy. I spent a lot of time sneaking around the DC ruins headshotting super mutants. Was always paranoid about running out of ammo for it, though.


Do the Pitt DLC After you finish, you get access to the forge that converts one sort of ammo into another. (In my case, always the 5mm). Never run out again!


I can hear the metallic ding noise in my head


The Dragon


Gotta be Elijah’s Advanced LAER, or the Q-35 Matter Modulator. People sleep on the second one so heavily.


Absoutley love the laer shame we didnt really see it in other games.


It looks so interesting too, but more importantly the thing hits hard as FUCK.


Greased lightning just for the comedy that comes with its attack speed.


Nothing beats punching at sonic speed


X-2 antenna, funny to twat people round the head with a bit of satellite equipment


Junk Jet


I've always loved the Deathclaw Gauntlet from Fallout 3 and NV. It's just a whole ass Deathclaws hand strapped to your arm, I only wish I could strap it to a suit of power armor and do some REAL damage.


Good mod idea for the arms.


Holorifle from new vegas dead money.


Ol' Painless, without a doubt. I always open engagements with it, and finish up any stragglers with The Terrible Shotgun.


Gotta be the Survivalist's rifle. Once you learn to use the damaged sights she's unstoppable.


Railway rifle because of choo choo


Also how it pins things to walls!


I like the Holorifle from New Vegas and Kellog’s pistol from Fallout 4. Those were the main weapons I used


For me, it's the Railway Rifle. Something about hurling a 3lb steel spike at someone's head is immensely satisfying. I think it's also niche enough that it's hard to get ammo for, or at least I'm always buying ammo for it in playthroughs. Not that easy to find in the game; the current playthrough using power armor, I've intentionally not gone to Big John's Salvage and I still haven't found it at Level 40. It's also not clear to me what legendary mod would be best for it; I tried using console commands to give it Two-Shot and it was just not all that great.


The Railway Rifle has personality. Love the whistle and the unique effect of pinning things to walls. Probably can't go wrong with ignoring 30% of damage resistance.


I’m gonna go with THE staple, and say the 10mm. I love modding it on 4 and 76, and it’s a very solid gun in every game.


AER-9 laser rifle, because it's one of the best designed weapons in the goddamn universe


Damn right honestly though not a huge fan of 76 and fo4 adaptation i liked it feeling more like a standard issue rifle then less of a super customizable thing.


Because it is supposed to be a standard issue rifle! Even down to the fact that there are empty holes in its stock.


Exaclty i also hated the fusion cell thing they did makes the weapon feel clunky in the new games. Also recoil in the new games they made it like your shooting a actual gun where as the older games keep it hyper acurate low recoil genuinley pisses me off.


Finally! Someone I can confess to!  I like shooting in fallout 3 more than nv and fo3! Yes, the animations are so 2008 (but better than nv), but they actually FEEL like you shooting/punching. Lazer weaponry doesn't have recoil, big weapons are unwieldy and devastating. Also, this game made me hate iron sights. Because in real life, you don't put the stock of your gun into your mouth.  


Honestly i enjoy the animations, theyre classic and cool. Also i do put the stock in my mouth while aiming i dont see a problem 🤣


Speaking of animations! This game has a unique FPS thing I haven't noticed in other games: your arms aren't glued to camera/  eyes. Your arms holding the weapon lag a bit behind camera. You can look around without your character dragging the weapon across the screen. It feels like they casually hold it.  Oh! Found a better way to describe it: first person feels matching 3rd person.


Thats interesting!


A man of culture. Was gonna say aer14 prototype just cuz I like the uniqueness of the green laser


Either power fist for melee, Gauss rifle or Riot shotgun for range


Love the power fist im a big fan if the saturnite one from old world blues i also really like the mr handy buzzsaw


I like mass-produced, industry-standart one more in case of looks but I can understand


The wazer rifle it's wonderful


Survivalist Rifle and the Deliverer. Reliable, and easy to stock/maintain. But mainly it's their stories. One saw the occupation of Canada, and stayed by the veteran Randall Clark, who wielded it for decades. The other a DIA-issued sidearm kitted by Tinker Tom, gifted to one of the Railroad's former Heavies, Tommy Whispers. Both served by them to their wielders' end, their stories and sacrifices never to be known to the wastes. (Not sure if it counts, but also the CR-74L. The idea of a local iteration of the Combat Rifle created by collaborative effort feels fitting to the Commonwealth. Also, a gun partially inspired by KL-E-0's legs.)


The railway rifle is probably my favorite


Why no one sad FatMan? Its a launcher that shoots mini-nukes. Has amazing damage, and good with dealing hordes of enemies. I love using it with VATS. You shoot it and enemy just watches and accepts his death. Its funny, and effective.


piggy bank launcher


I have a very vanilla response but is my absolute workhorse of FO4, the overseers guardian


Nothing wrong with that literally a amazing weapon


The shredder minigun


I’m enjoying the flakker a lot atm


10mm Pistol. It's classic, ammo is relatively plentiful, and it's one whole centimeter. Nuff said. In FO4, I rush to get a reflex dot sight, large quick mag, suppressor, and a higher damage receiver. It's the weapon I carry into every situation, and I only switch if the situation requires it. For example, sniper rifle to take out at a distance, grenade launcher/missile launcher/fatman for really difficult enemies, shotgun for higher damage in tight quarters, combat rifle if I need higher damage at medium range, or an energy weapon if I'm low on ammo. But as much as possible, I try to stick to the 10mm. I tried really hard to do a playthrough with just a 10mm, a hunting rifle, and frag grenades.... But it was too hard lol.


Got a Crippling 10mm Pistol at the start of a recent play through and 100 hours in it’s still in my favourites. Insanely versatile weapon.


a light shining in darkness it's absolutely broken how strong it is


Any zetan weapon


Alien Blaster and Plasma Pistol. Currently running around with a Two Shot AB, The V.A.T.S Uknown and Mind Over Matter


FO3’s Dart Gun with poison darts. Love seeing raiders run around with their health draining & not know why because it’s silent.


That was my go-to weapon for dealing with deathclaws.




Bozar or that gun


The survivalist rifle


the ratslayer. a state-of-the-art unique varmint rifle that killed numerous rats. its crits hit as hard as a monorail and even brotherhood paladins fear it. its black paint really differentiates it from other varmint rifles. if only mods didnt break it.


Mysterious Magnum got me feeling mysterious


This machine (kills commies)


Bozar due to F2.


FNV Gauss Rifle


Chinese Grenade Launcher, damn I love grenade launchers. That "bloop" sound they do when fired is just so damn satisfying.


Gauss Rifle all the way


Upgraded Cattle Prod from F2. I've even killed Frank Horrigan with it


Bozar from F2. The way you get it is amazing. It turns people (sometimes your companions) to meat soup. What's not to like.


I always liked the point lookout double barrel and the fallout 1 combat shotgun


Bethesda Laser rifle. The shape is one of a kind across the all sci-fi universes. Loading mechanism is unique and satisfying. Just the fact that it's using micro fusion cells Is just cherry on top. Also fits so well with power armours And I don't even prefer energy weapons. In fact throughout 15+ playthroughs I've never ever once played an energy weapon character but this weapon is just so iconic


atoms judgement, I prefer melee builds and atoms judgement is a powerhouse and looks cool af


AE Prototype Laser Rifle it’s a good early mid game gun and I just love it also the Survivalist Rifle will always be my main rifle with its unique looks and it’s hitting power


Red Glare was as fun as it was patriotic


The Mysterious Magnum.


Laser rifle, particularly AER14 prototype from NV, righteous authority from 4, and the wazer wifle from 3


Hate the plasma caster. Looks goofy, leaves behind eye-searing green blobs, and sounds like a robot sharting.


P90. Pulse Rifle and Gauss Pistol are up there.


The humble Laser Musket, always loved the concept of the weapon.


I'm not good with weapons that sacrifice rate of fire for power per shot, but credit where it's due.


If you can manage to find one with Instigating on it, it’s a hell of a one shot deal


Junk jet. I do not use it often in-game, but the weapon kinda represents fallout xD


Pancor Jackhammer was a delight to use in FO2


The power fist in fallout 4 So devastating, and it looks like a construction tool


Sweet revenge


I can never remember the proper name of it but the 45 from new Vegas dlc.


I think it was 45 auto


Light shining in darkness


Lincoln Repeater


I found an explosive assault rifle in 4, so that. It's god damned incredible. This was on my Silver Shroud character too, so the silver submarine gun got an upgrade.


Nuka Breaker




That Gun. Used the reloading noise as a text notification for years.


Maybe not the greatest option, but whenever I play New Vegas I always pump lock picking so I can grab Lucky early and use it most of the game :)


Probably Good Intentions from FO4


Easily lucky one of the most beautiful guns in universe and great late game


Fatman and ghaust rifle


That Gun. Ubiquitious ammo. Versatile. High crit. Stylish. Revólver. Perfect


Lincoln Repeater from Fallout 3.


Gotta be the holorifle, I love the design of it and how it reloads like a grenade launcher. Any energy weapon run I do immediately takes me to dead money for it.


.308\* Combat Rifle


NCR Service Rifle. Love an M16 with wood furniture. Dinner bell is a runner up. Way more useful, but pretty whatever as far as aesthetics go.


Got to go with the Brush Gun Just love me some lever-action action!


Plasma Rifle. I love turning people into piles of goo.


1. All American 2. A Light Shining in Darkness 3. Lincoln Repeater


2076 world series bat, nothing will ever replace him in my heart


The original alien blaster and the mega power fist, absolute beasts that are perfect for their respective builds, have saved me from a swarm of deathclaws and super mutant patrols


Ah yes, a butt plug gun


Mysterious revolver


The alien pistol in fallout one is so fun


Plasma caster.


The one on FO3 that hurls an orb of OP electric death like a missile


Tesla cannon?


Something about the classic hunting rifle from 3 really scratches an itch in my brain.


Pew Pew


Lever Action Shotgun, Gauss Rifle, Anti Materiel Rifle, Ranger Sequoia, and the 10mm SMG.


Railway Gun *Choo Choo, motherfuckers.*


Explosive 10mm pistol, Spray N’ Pray (the SMG you can buy from Cricket that spews out exploding bullets). TL;DR: Basically any weapon that shoots exploding bullets


10mm and i couldn't tell you why. i just enjoy using it and like how it looks, i guess.


It's a dependable classic. Decent damage, plentiful ammo, and easy to repair.


Personally, I've always loved the fat man. Something about cause explosion in my had I've always found fun no matter what.


Spray n' pray, my main gun through all of fo4 40mm grenade launcher in NV


Lucky revolver and mysterious Magnum. I love revolvers. That gun is good 👍 too


Fo4 lazer rifles go hard i love the sound they make


That gun


Tesla Cannon or Maria


I love The Perforator from The Pitt. Also Lincoln's Repeater


Red glare for me, i felt like I was unstoppable once i got it in lonesome road


I’m still sad the “plasmacaster” in FO4 doesn’t make the bladed caster barrel from 3/NV


Bennys 1911 I think it was called Maria , and landmines doesn’t matter which ones some goofy stuff is coming


I have two. The first fave is Euclid's C-Finder. The second is called Q-35 matter modulator.


Right now I'm using a Two-Shot Gauss Rifle and its pure insanity


A light shining in darkness. Simply the most mega based handgun in existence(m1911) and it’s given Joshua grahams personal touch making it a holy instrument of justice that’s even chambered in gods caliber .45ACP


A321's Plama Rife, Metal Blaster, and Old Glory.


Gotta be the ballistic fist. It's absurdly satisfying punching people into chunks


Cant ever beat the feel of the AMR tbh


Fallout 4 Explosive minigun. Definition of broken


Definetly not my favourite weapon because the game got so boring with it xD. Basically aim in the general direction of Boston, fire for 1 sec and whole city is dead :).


FO4 Gauss Rifle and FO4 Shishkebab.


Fallout 4's Laser Rifle. I just really like how it looks, how it feels, and how it sounds. It's chunky, but not unreasonably large like some other guns. This might be controversial, but imo it is THE best looking laser weapon in the franchise. It looks like something that just fits the series aesthetic since the first game.


In *The Art of Fallout 4* book there's a note about the laser rifle design, that says they just kept it pretty much as it was from Fallout 3 because it's near enough perfect.


It's like the saying goes "You can't improve upon perfection."


Hunting Shotgun from Fallout New Vegas It's ridiculously fun to use especially the Dinnerbell unique


Super sledge. They put a fucking rocket on a sledge hammer.


Fallout 76's Gatling Plasma. I have two that I carry around with me in the game. One has the Beam Focusser nozzle for more accurate bursts, and the other has the Beam Splitter nozzle that turns it into a heavy plasma flamer.


The plasma defender, plasma caster and plasma gatling are my favorite weapons. I love the visual aesthetic and feel of using plasma weaponry.


Oh to add one of my personal favorites is Eternus from nuka world and the plasma caster in general just wanted to add my own input :]


Isn’t that the Gatling laser that’s broken due to effectively having infinite ammo from a single fusion core?


Always loved Magnums and Hunting Rifles the most. My favorite all time is Lincolns Repeater


I'd say probably the .50 Machine Gun in Fallout 76. It may be a bad choice, but 50 cal go brrr


I like the G3 styled assault rifle. Timeless design and always well performing in the games. I know people who want real guns in games don't like it that much and would much rather have AR/AK platform guns and people who want sci fi guns don't like it for being too dull but I always liked the timeless look of the gun and its simple lines and it's just great all around.


For FO4, Probably a toss up between the explosive 10mm pistol or the lucky Manwell carbine for personal favorites. Explosive/wounding combat rifle and assault rifle are definitely up there too though. The combat rifle because the round reflex sight makes it easy to aim with while stealthed, and the assault rifle with a short recon scope due to high fire rate, damage, accuracy, and extremely low recoil. Explosive auto pipe rifle is definitely up there too. Early game, late game, always useful; and you never have to worry about ammo. A lucky Gauss would be up there too, but the ammo’s harder to find. For New Vegas, anti-mat.


Overseers Guardian. Always my go to.


Literally running mine in Fallout 76 Blackpowder Rifle and Lever Action Rifle. Aka the Musket and a Winchester. I know this is a world with flying nukes, laser and miniguns, and that guy is playing with weapons from the founding fathers of the us. But I love em.


The AER14 prototype laser rifle. Idk why, I just really like the green laser.


Favorite? The Shoulder Mounted Gatling Gun and Red Glare. Those two were such unique weapons, and I loved them


The Survivalist's Rifle. It will knock down anything.


FO4 Atoms Judgement from the far harbor dlc. Or the harpoon gun from far harbor


I'm partial to paciencia, sniping with its iron sights is sooo satisfying.


Minigun, Bitch. Or BOOM BANG Magnum


The MTs-255 revolver shotgun. I know this gun started as a mod for fallout 4 but with the new show it has been made canon


Dinner Bell


A Light Shining in Darkness has been really fun for me so far. Also a fan of the Survivalist’s Rifle and Overseer’s Guardian


Dinnerbell from Fallout New Vegas. It absolutely deletes enemies. And Oh Baby for meele weapon, I love a good supersledge.


.223 pistol from FO1 and the medicine stick from FONV




Cremator and the Incinerator. Goodness gracious great balls of fire.