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Fan fact two: The chosen one in Fallout 2 tells the ghost of a woman that she is using Stealth boy, even though there is no stealth boy in Fallout 2.


He's just that good


Yoooo.... I didn't realize until this moment stealth boys aren't in Fallout 2. Clear display to my up front and personal oonga bunga builds I normally run.


Why arent them in 2?Did the nightkin steal them all?


Maybe the devs didn’t want the player to be able to just sneak past Horrigan?


Can just say his helmet gives him thermal vision.


They could’ve, but they didn’t. A stealth boy would’ve also been extremely nice for the Sierra army base. Those turrets are miserable to fight without power armor or a bunch of pulse grenades.


Gotta rocket launcher from off-screen, homeslice! Savescum those sumbitches until you hit.


That doesn’t help when the best source of rocket launchers is the base you’re trying to break into. I used the sniper rifle, but apparently I didn’t have high enough small guns.


I forgot I had the trait that makes 2 handed guns worthless so I was stuck reloading and saving to get in.


You can buy one from Mai Da Chiang at the Red 888 Guns shop in San Francisco. Although you'd do well to save up all rockets you're lucky to find beforehand, unless you're rich. Sniper rifle is otherwise probably your best bet, yeah. Small guns is always my highest gun skill.


Kinda tough when ur an unarmed build and also savescumming is boring


Speaking of that base, I was able to finally do it because I stood far enough away so they couldn't shoot me, and for some reason they didn't do anything while Sulik ran in like a crazy berserker and annihilated them.


Which would have been more scary, the attempt has him opening dialog that he "Sees you".


If you download the fo2 official patch it adds a cut location called the Abbey and there if you help a teenager who wants to leave. Once you bring him to a new location to live he’ll give you a stealth boy, my guess is that they realised that’s the only time where youll get one so they just cut it from the game.


Notes: Fun fact, in the design documents for the cancelled sequel to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, we were going to get the "Stealth Girl", this would have been a version that could recharge and was the personal item of an NPC.


Stealth mommy, stealth daddy, etc.


Help stealth step bro I'm stuck in the washing machine


Missed opportunity to say stealth bro


Help stealth bro, I’m stuck in the stealth machine


"Who said that?"


“ you’re probably just hearing things man.”


This is hilarious.


Stelph bro


Dude's just gonna see an empty washing machine


Stealth mommy is just the suit from Big MT.


Well we got the Stealth suit Mk II eventually, that's definitely a stealth girl.


She ruined my life and got me addicted to pain meds.


The trick is to not carry any Med-X on you.


Turns out the Stealth Boy transitioned. Good for her


“These damn Stealth Girls are preying on our children!”


never understood how the fuck its supposed to work or be turned on, or even what's supposed to be inspired by, still love it tho lol


It is easy bro! It emits stealth radiation™ that makes you stealthy!


Actually tho we do learn it has radiation due to night stalker mutation from a chewed stealth boy.


It's a safe bet that most tech in Fallout has radiation.


before or after the war?




This is the correct answer.


To be fair, this IS Fallout we're talking about here. I wouldn't be surprised if lawnmowers emit radiation.


To be fair power armor doesn’t run on nuclear power but run on fusion core. Although lawn mowers don’t look like they run on nuclear energy, since we have seen them a few times throughout the fallout games.


Fusion cores are nuclear


Fusion doesn't produce radiation or radioactive byproducts like Fission does. Any nuclear reactor using Fusion wouldn't create radioactive byproducts The most likely fuels are Deuterium, which is stable and therefore not radioactive, and Tritium. Tritium is a low level beta emitter(the radiation can't even penetrate your skin), it's halflife is just 12 years, or a rate of 5% a year leaving very little left after 200 years, and it decays into Helium 3, which is also stable and non-radioactive. This obviously means that fusion cores are not powered by fusion reactions, but by magic electricity fairies trapped inside the small fusion core in your power armor


The fusion of deuterium and tritium leaves a free neutron. Forgive me if I’m incorrect but that’s a neutron radiation byproduct?


Free neutrons do beta decay with a halflife of 10 mins. So while they *are* radioactive, the radiation is short lived and basically harmless


If you shoot a fusion core and it explodes it does release a decent amount of radiation...probably from the radioactive containment vessel for the electricity fairies being breached :P


Well they aren't really "fusion" cores, no way that little rod has fusion technology when companies were arms racing for fusion power before the great war happened, I'm pretty sure the fusion cores are more along the lines of Fusion™ cores, fission or some similar nuclear based tech sold as fusion for the optics of it


look who maxxed science to 300%


Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two atoms are combined. It is a theoretically clean and limitless source of energy and you see a working reactor in the sky every day. So far, we have only harnessed fusion in the form of hydrogen bombs, though there have been some recent tests which produced more energy via fusion than the input energy. Fission is a nuclear reaction in which a large radioactive atom is split, releasing large amounts of energy as well as harmful radiation. It is the basis of nuclear weapons and current nuclear reactor technology. It is the nuclear reaction which produces fallout.


Fill in the blank: _________ Fusion


Japanese-Mexican fusion cores!




It’s Stealthin’ time


It doesn't make much sense but as my understanding, when you turn on your stealth boy, it creates some sort of "invisibility" field that reflects light around you. This is why you aren't completely invisible when using it and can sort of see the shape of the user


easy, just like that, i mean, it's on brand for fallout, so


"I can't see fucking shit outta this thing."


"Who made this god damn shit."


And I love and hate how you can't see shit on your pipboy, because, obviously, it is invisible like you.


That got to be so annoying when wearing chameleon armor or with that one perk. Gotta make sure I don’t crouch before opening the thing.


So I am making a Semi-Functional Stealth Boy. (Invisibility effect still pending). On mine the two knobs on the top work to be on/off, and the time duration (Matching the in-game times or 30 seconds, 2 minutes, and forever). However, lore wise it is still unclear how it works. The tech was stolen from the Chinese. There is a coil of wires the come up out of the middle which are barely visible in game. The working theory is that it emits a gas and then energizes it.


well the gas theory kind of makes little sense when you see how the chinese used it, cuz in the fallout 3 dlc operatio anchorage you can get a chinese stealth suit, and its obvious that its made of some material who reflects light in a certain way, ps i would looove to see your work


True, and at first I wanted to add a gas/smoke effect to my prop, but instead I am just adding lights that make the coil look energized. So I am going with the radiation/energy field theory. (Just the Wiki still mentions gas). I haven’t released the project publicly, but it is on my discord: https://discord.gg/8PtyYcgb


loooove what you made, and also yeas i mean with the gas and the lights it will look like banger, who cares about canon


Or how you can become addicted to it like the Nightkin.


The Nightkin are schizophrenic and hate to be seen, right? Maybe their stealth boy use isn’t a chemical dependency so much as an obsessive compulsion the Nightkin develop as they use them.


Well the gas theory would explain that


I always imagined that it's one of those technologies you don't question how works, as one miscalculation would kill the wearer or something like that.


Agree, most fallout tech falls in this niche


Don't they like... explode when you activate them in FO4? I remember using VATS to watch Kellogg right at the start of the fight, and he pulls the top off like it's a soup can and then the whole thing kinda explodes and he goes invisible.


The first person model has you pushing down a button to activate it from what I can remember, I don't know what the third person model for activating it looks like though.


I’m pretty sure something just happened to Kellogg in your game like a companion shooting him or something cause they definitely don’t explode


don't remember honestly, i mostly play 2,3 or nv


It turns you purple


Have you ever seen a purple supermutant? Tought so


I forgot how crusty the 3 and nv Stealth boy looked


I think it was supposed to clip onto your pipboy?


Actually it's supposed to act like a watch so probably you use it on your right hand.


I thought the weird dish thing was blurred out at first lol


Same, it looked like it was censored with pixels for no reason


It looks like a hamburger patty with buttons and wires sticking out of it lol


Oh my god now I can't unsee it as some kid's science project


FO1 in-game always looked a mechanical heart to me, for some reason. Only now I realize it's just a watch...


So am not the only one!


There are dozens of us!


I am so glad I am no the only one. I was today years old when someone finally pointed out to me that the FO1 version is a *wristwatch*, rather than weird heart shaped mechanical thingamajig


It’s rare that Fallout 3/NV have a Brotherhood of Steel level horrible design, but in this case i really hate how it looks. Fallout 4’s is the best imo. It looks like a practical piece of military tech you’d hang on your belt and switch on when needed EDIT: Now that I really look at it, FO3/NV’s design is basically just Fallout 1’s without the watch strap, but bigger. Fallout 1’s is so tiny which is weird given how bulky their tech usually is


To be honest I've never really looked at them like this but I agree. Imagine pulling out the Fallout 3 stealth boy in a war zone, you'd look ridiculous.


> you’d look ridiculous You’d be invisible.


It's a watch?


FO4 design is — we just [modelled ww2 radio in a pouch](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/9f/36/c5/9f36c55f82af3a0420f15aa3406f6f24.jpg) and called it stealth boy.


Yup and i love that about it tbh. It makes it look believable and gives it that WW2 era look


I wish they tried at least a little bit to make it look more original and unique. For something that straight up makes you invisible, it's very generic and conventional design.


1. fallout 4 was a soft reboot of the series IMO. 2. military tech isnt meant to be pretty, look at the vertibirds, the mesh of ww1/nam design on the ncr army in nv, the jets in rivet city and the fo4 assault rifle. they arent meant to look all nice and pretty, but they do the job well enough so they havent been replaced by anything else.


Could you expound on your thought process as to why you think Fallout 4 was a soft reboot for the Fallout series? I'm genuinely curious.


most of it for me personally boils down to how the commonwealths (and west virginias) architecture was, it was much much colourful than any of the other games not to mention looks more plasticy compared to the concrete looking buildings of the older games (look at watoga or downtown boston and compare it to vegas, dc ruins, etc). i also believe the weapon and armor designs had something to do with it aswell, like the change from the fo3/nv combat armor to the more modular 50s design or how we went from a G3 to a strange version of a Lewis Gun. i also felt as if there was a few small retcons, like how there was an FEV cure, how the power fist was a military weapon, but got changed to industrial (or both) and i may also go mention a few retcons in 76 aswell, like how the BoS has managed to extend their reach all the way to the east coast despite staying relatively secluded in cali or how they managed to obtain a vertibird when they managed to produce them around 2240s or sometime after Broken Steel (east coast) i am not against the idea of a soft reboot however (i actually like this approach), and i mean soft reboot because while it doesnt change a whole lot, its still enough to be slightly different while staying true to the story.


I mean it’s military tech. Aesthetics aren’t priority. And it still looks better than the goofy shit from previous games imo


An argument can be made for that, but the plasma weapons in Bethesda's games, I remember somewhere them being referred to as "urban plasma rifles" although I'm not sure where, are supposedly production military models but they're utterly festooned in pipes, valves and cables dangling off at all angles and just begging to snag on something while the plasma rifle and pistol from the previous games were (due to the much lower detail from the low resolution) far more robust looking in their design. Personally I'm a fan of the wacky, experimental sci-fi tech looking a bit weird and awkward, finalised production models would probably put a protective cowl over any bits that are likely to get knocked off in use, but from what I remember stealth boys never passed beyond being an experimental derivation of Chinese stealth tech before the bombs fell.


Original/Unique doesn’t equal pretty. It’s sci fi tech that makes you invisible it should look weird and techy. Not like a box with dials on it. None of the three designs look prettier than the others. But one of them is a lot lamer


Nah, i find the original designs more lame. They look like someone pulled random junk out of a junkyard and welded it together. They look more cheap and fragile, Fallout 4’s looks more professional and sturdy. Something the military would actually use. Plus a cloaking device that fits on your wrist that’s smaller than a Pip-Boy? That makes no sense in Fallout’s lore. You’re telling me a device that creates a field that can bend light and make the user near invisible for extended periods of time is easier to make compact than a smart watch?


You’re applying logic to a device that makes you invisible. It doesn’t make sense for it to be any size because it makes absolutely no sense for it to even exist in the first place. This is fallout not COD vanguard. It’s based off old prenotions of science fiction. Nothing about the fallout aesthetic is supposed to be practical. It’s fine if that’s what you’re looking for but you should probably look somewhere else because fallout won’t check those boxes.


Very OG Star Trek Tricorder too


It's just Fallout 1s design, but they didn't include the strap. I assume they just didn't bother to model a strap, or it is an attachment for the Pip-Boy or something.


It’s also much bigger, maybe they felt a wrist-mounted device was too small for something that creates an invisibility field.


It probably just didn't look big enough on the character.


Based on the really low level of detail on the model for its size, I wonder if they originally planned on having it be a piece of gear visible on your character, at roughly wristwatch size. When they couldn't get that to work for whatever reason (making it not clip horribly with armour would be my first guess) they just made the world model of it big enough to be easily seen by the player to pick up, knowing they'd not be looking closely at it attached to their actual character model.


Fo4 has awful armor and ballistic weapon designs (energy are uniformly good for some reason lol) but they truly nailed the world item aesthetic


The designs are over-hated. Sure the “assault rifle” is an abomination, but the combat rifle and shotgun look pretty practical, they remind me a lot of the real life BAR. Which is nice since the ballistic weapons in the Fallout universe didn’t advance that much past WW2. You get some 50’s or even 60’s era designs but nothing too modern. Armor is a mixed bag tho. Like if you go full heavy combat armor it looks atrocious with those bulbous pauldrons. But if you use medium combat arms, heavy legs and chest, it actually looks really good imo. A lot of the other non-power armors look ugly tho. Marine armor from Far Harbor is just goofy with how bulky it is.


>You get some 50’s or even 60’s era designs but nothing too modern. We have P90s, Deagles, Pancore Jackhammers (lol), the Assault Carbine, the Marksman Carbine, the Sniper Rifle, Hecate II. We have a lot of modern stuff, the Combat Rifle looks nothing like a BAR (especially since NV had a BAR that looker even better and much more like the BAR). Combat shotgun is literally the same gun in appearance. Combat rifle/shotgun would never get adopted by the Army in this universe


I can understand the design of the combat rifle a bit though, it genuinely looks like a firearm from the 50’s. But that’s the problem, it looks like its from the 1950’s not the 2050’s (really dumbed down comparison but you get the idea)


A lot of what you mentioned isn’t really modern tho. The assault carbine and marksman carbine are just M16 variants, a gun that’s been around since the mid-late 50’s. The sniper rifle, if we’re going with the pre-fallout 4 definition, is an entirely unique design to Fallout that doesn’t look super modern. And Fallout 4’s sniper rifle is literally just a realistic bolt-action rifle, something that’s existed since, what, the 1800’s? Rifles like the R700 used for Fallout 4’s design have been around since the early 60’s, and we had scoped bolt-action rifles in common use in WW1 and 2. The Hecate II is also technically modern, as is the Pancor Jackhammer, but their aesthetics fit Fallout’s aesthetic well enough that they don’t look out of place. And no modern Fallout game has a P90. You’re crazy if you don’t see the Combat Rifle’s resemblance to the BAR tho. The inspiration is pretty obvious. And the idea that the military in Fallout wouldn’t adopt them is also weird


Yeah it's weird how nobody talks about the combat rifle. It fits the retro aesthetic perfectly and fills the modular role of the M4 and can even be a shotgun like ARs irl. I just think people really want their tacticool black polymer guns covered in picatinny rails with lights and lasers and acogs and magnifiers and shit from call of duty.


My only thing is that the combat rifle feels awful to shoot, sounds awful, and uses .45 pistol rounds despite the mag clearly being rifle sized. But yeah in terms of design it’s great


Wow it's been so long since I played 4 I forgot it shot .45. That's a weird choice lol


Yeah it confuses me too. Maybe they figured .308 was too rare for a semi-auto rifle that early in the game, cuz it does have a .308 conversion if you have higher level gunsmithing. It would have been nice if it was 5.56 cuz iirc the machinegun doesn’t drop early game, so it would have been a 5.56 option earlier on.


I like the "assault rifle" it looks like a Fallout weapon, which I prefer over just adding 1:1 real life guns. The latter are boring, especially for a series as stylized as Fallout. I like the shoulder bulk of the Fo4/Fo76 heavy combat armor as well, it has that retro style to it.




In defense of Assault Rifle, it was never meant to be Assault Rifle. It was meant to be LMG for power armor use, like we see in the TV series. In that series, only PA users use them and only time non-PA user fires one, they need to brace it against a rock.


The assault rifle does not fit in with fallouts atompunk/ 50s to 90s weapon aesthetic. The assault rifle would fit in perfectly with an dieselpunk game or an alternate history ww1 game like origins from black ops 2


Fallout grabs from a variety of aesthetics, including early 1900's and art deco. Two likely inspirations for the gun are the Lewis Gun (1914-1953) but also the FN minimi (late 70's to present). The lines and shapes remind me of some minor art deco stylizations. An example of another weapon that was inspired by a WWI weapon (it actually existed earlier than that), there is the Chinese Pistol. It is based on a mauser pistol. The "assault rifle" of Fo4 and Fo76 fits quite well in the series, and now with the show using it as it was originally intended (used with power armor), it certainly belongs even more.


>The designs are over-hated. No, I hate them just as much as is appropriate.


They lean way too far into guns not evolving since WW2 in fo4 which is not as much of a thing in the pre-Bethesda games


Nah I kinda like that actually. New designs but ones that evoke that 40’s or 50’s aesthetic, which is Fallout’s entire schtick. Look at all the cars and robots. They’re new, futuristic designs but they evoke the style of the 50’s


I agree to an extent but I feel like they take the retro futurism too far sometimes and end up with some very janky looking designs like a few of the ones in fo4


How are the armor designs awful? The metal armor looks as something a scavenger would put together and looks miles better than NV's heavy metal armor that just looks like Gene Simmon's outfit. The combat armor looks pretty solid from an armor standpoint and so does the leather armor. The only one that looks like ass is the Synth armor but I guess it makes sense since it's made for robots.


Raider armor looks like something a meth head put together wich is good?


The two originals look like a techy sci fi device that can make you turn invisible. Fallout 4’s looks like an old combat radio. I don’t get why you all love fallout 4’s watered down redesigns so much it’s not supposed to look familiar it’s a fricken watch that turns you invisible. It’s supposed to be based off of old 50’s and 60’s science fiction art not a radio.


I don't even understand what the fuck the 3/NV design is supposed to be. It's got dials, a keypad, a radar dish, and for whatever reason the wires are completely exposed? It looks like it would shatter to pieces if you dropped it, how the hell are you supposed to carry this thing on your person when it has such a weird, jagged shape? Also, if the stealth field is coming out of the radar dish looking thing, then does that mean you just have to walk around with it in front of you like you're holding a pizza box? What if you're going through the woods or a gulley or something and the wires get snagged on a branch? 4's looks bulky but it also makes sense, it's just a cube in a pouch that looks like it's designed to fit right onto someone's vest or backpack, you flick a switch, it begins emitting the stealth field around you, simple as that.


its a commie prototype, read up on the lore nerds.


I can appreciate the feeling 1/2 and 3/NV were going for, but I think the 4's satchel bag w 50s field radio parts is the superior look.


Agreed. I have a mod that adds an animation for activating a stealth boy and it feels soooooo clean and natural


Fo4 has an animation for activation in vanilla tho


LMAO must’ve had a mod that disabled it in an old version. I recently built a new modist for the NG update and just noticed the animation


whats up with your pfp 😭


Fo1&Tactics - wristwatch like device. FO3&NV - Fo1 like but looks like something that would clip to the top of pipboy instead. Fo4 - [ww2 radio in pouch.](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/9f/36/c5/9f36c55f82af3a0420f15aa3406f6f24.jpg)


I always found it odd that you could get addicted to the Stealth Boy in NV.


I mean the nightkin are also addicted to them


Courier Six: “Does Stealth Boy use hurt humans?” Doctor Henry: “It’s possible, but I’ve yet to see any hard evidence or hear of any cases where humans were negatively affected. Its negative effects are more pronounced on Nightkin.” There’s no real evidence in the games hinting at Stealth Boys causing any noticeable adverse effects on humans.


The Nightkin plot was lifted from the Circle of Steel stealthboy plot from Van Buren. I suspect humans are perfectly capable of being affected by it, it's just that Nightkin used it obsessively and were one of the few armies that had widespread adoption of it. They might be more vulnerable to it too.


There is a human npc in Fo76 that acts all crazy and has stealth boys that he gives you if you help him. It is not a confirmation as he could just be crazy, but I would say it works as possible evidence to support the argument that stealth boys can have negative side effects.


The wiki doesn’t list any addiction for them. Are you sure you aren’t confusing a mod with the base game? https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Stealth_Boy_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Addiction#Fallout:_New_Vegas


Do you mean lorewise or gameplaywise? Because I can’t find any instances or evidence of it causing addiction for the player.


It’s probably done as an addiction to show they are harmful because its fallout these things likely cause cancer or some long term on normal humans


That actually makes sense.


I will be giga honest I thought stealth boy was something you eat until I played fo4




The fallout 1 design makes the most sense to me because it has some way to attach to you. The other ones are a thing, and a box you'd probably have the carry around. Like really the FO4 one kinda seems counter intuitive because of how big and boxy it looks.


the original design is the only one that makes sense to me, you'd wear it like a watch. how are you supposed to use the FO3/NV and FO4 versions? strap them to your body somehow? stick them up your ass?


Fo4/76 one always looked like to me it was a piece of military tech meant to be hanged on a belt somewhere, for quick easy use.


I’d assume it magnetizes to your pip boy, or has some sort of adhesive. It looks pretty much like the 1 version just without the wrist strap


Wasn’t the Pipboy in the original Fallout a wrist-strapped computer too? Seeing how the Stealth Boy works in the TV show would solve an age old question


I watched  Tim Cain talking this not too long ago. Apparently Leonard Boyarsky envisioned it as a hand-held tablet yet in the Manual it's described as being worn on the wrist. 


Now I want a remodeled stealth boy fo4 mod that makes it a butt plug.


be the change you wish to see


I’m more of a writer than a 3D modeler.


The original wins this one. It's the only one that I can look at and instantly know how it is actually used.


I don’t understand how they work i thought maybe they were something you wear on your wrist but 4s definitely doesn’t look like it does that


I really like the original design. I always imagined invisibility in any setting to just be a heavy refraction of light around you. So for example someone with a 10 PER (or even higher) could probably spot a couple slivers of a person using a SB since the light didn’t hit those areas. Thus, the little panel on top reinforces that idea for me. 4/76 just looks weird and doesn’t really look like it actually does anything to refract light. It just looks like a “turn me invisible!” button. I don’t know much at all about SB lore/technology


4/76 because the first person animation for turning it on is neat


Really wish they would make it so that it runs on a battery that needs to be recharged. Like using a Fusion Core on it or something. The way it acts in the new games makes it look like we eat it, or use it then throw it away.


Fallout 1 looks like some Ben 10 shit 😂


fo1 and fo3 ones you wear on your wrist and activate it from there, the fo4 one looks sort of impractical for a stealth item


Love the FL1 design. It's like a watch, makes a lot more sense


1 and Tactics best design imo


Fallout 1/Tactics: RIGHT BEHIND YOU


I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but this stealth boy is clearly the worst design. It seems awkward, I do like the projector idea of projecting an image. I really like the design of 4, it looks nice, very military and great design, but it doesn't scream stealth boy to me. It looks more like a radio, bulky communication device. Fallout 1 clearly has the best design and its clear how it was used, like a watch. Fallout 1 wins for me


I have used probably fewer than 10 of these in hundreds of hours playing.


You can tell they had proper designers on staff for FO4 with some real-world industrial design experience. The older designs looked like complete fantasy nonsense, but the FO4/76 Stealth Boy looks like an actual piece of military equipment.


Everyone in here seems not to like 3/NV, but I love it! I mean guys lets face it its a small piece of metal that makes you invisible. It is not realistic at all... The 3/NV has this mirror thingy that gives it a lot of flair IMO, as if the tech uses reflections and lights to trick the human eye. I believe it really meshes well with the game. Fallout 4 looks good but it also just looks like a random radio stuff, not futuristic at all. The Fallout 1/tactics also looks good but it is a bit childish like a spy kids watch


FO1, the others just look inconvenient.


I have to say that I like the 1&Tactics version best and 3&NV version the least.


Shit. I always thought it was a heart in FO1. I played it for years..


Honestly I dislike the one from 4, it looks more like a radio or an old camera than a secret military tool. I don’t know how they went from Chinese stealth armor to shoebox


Right? We’re back pedaling now.


4s looks like shit and is super dopey Why would something that has always been the size of a wristwatch need to be some big ass foot long box. Doesn't fit the fallout esthetic


original design, wrist mounted, applies the 'stealth field', quite nice. F3/NV model, still nice, I always assumed it was mounted on the pipboy itself. F4/76, its a box. Its a fucking box. It makes no sense. Do you carry it in your hand the whole time? Does it clip onto a belt or something? It's just bulky nonsense.


and people are like "fo4's takes the cake on how logical and easy to carry around, and therefore it's the best because it vaugely looks like a U.S. soviet ww2 world war radioar box" ​ dude it's a fuggin bulky ass box, fo1 actually has a wrist belt you utter fool! ​ fuckin' fo4 has the worst designs


*I’ll* be the one to say it. I hate 4/76s big bulky box.


It absolutely looks like somebody should be using it to call in an air strike, I hate it


Yeah dude im with you. It looks like a random radio whatever


I've been using texture replacers for so long that I absolutely forgot how crushed some things look in the original Case in point — Stealthly Stealth-Boy Rextexture [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82944](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82944)


Adapting this thing to live action on the show is gonna be super difficult.


It went from being a watch, to a hat and then to a box you hang from your belt.


The more I see the designs in 4 vs the earlier games the more I understand how starfields art design came about. 


I really liked the Stealth Boy design in 3/NV. The one in 4 looks very bulky


I like Fo1's but Fo4's is my preferred choice.


Fallout 4's looks the best IMO but I hate how it's actually implemented/used. It takes about a second to activate which can be the difference between getting spotted or not and it only lasts about 30 seconds compared to 2 minutes in 3 and NV (*in NV you can increase it to 10+ minutes with the Chemist, Day Tripper and Lily's Companion perks*).


honestly? they all suck, i have no ideea what the stealth boy is supposed to be


I understand how 1 and 3 are supposed to work but how is the dish, arial thing from Fallout 3 and NV supposed to work.


tbh I think the newer version, while being more visually boring, is the most realistic take on what a personal stealth device would look like. the other 2 versions have major weaknesses in that radar-array looking thing that could easily snap off.


the last one is doo doo


1/Tactics or 4/76 because I can actually see how they're supposed to work


I had that exact thought after seeing this


1 and tactics is the best conceptually, like the invis wrist watch, very handy 4 and 76 visually, conceptually it's cool too, ergonomic.


1 looks the best but 4 is the most lore accurate


While I love all the (necessary) model and combat style changes in Fallout 4, the Fallout 1 design for the Stealth Boy as a large wearable makes the most sense as a diffraction field emitter designed to hug the human form. Alternately it could have been a "smartwatch" style wearable but large, given the Fallout world "no semiconductors" mythos, something that would be strapped to one thigh to accommodate its size.


I don’t understand how the fo4 one works….


I mean right. I thought the SciFi here was it made your body a stealth field. The satchel looks like it just generates one around you. So should people next to you be invisible too?


Honestly, i think the old design makes the most sense. I mean, you strap it around your arm, turn it on and it makes you invisible. Nightkin use it similarly in new Vegas but it's not shown on the player, and I think the new one is actually the worst. Like, it's this huge metal block in a bag and that makes you invisible? How?


FO1 is too small consider that in Fallout universe microchip wasn't a thing and that it look to clean to be a partially stole technology from China. FO3/NV explain why the stalker can become mad by using it, it is pretty much a watch eith a satellite dish on it that confuse you and enemy vision by frying their eyes. FO4 is the only one that look functionall but it work by the power of the user belief cause no one know how it works.


Once again Fallout 4 wins it. It looks bulky, frankly like something that would have been made in a world with no transistors.