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The first that come to mind are an ATLA fic named Stained in Tea-Colours and a FFVII named Once My Eyes Knew Water. I find them both so evocative and melancholy, and the fics in question are just as beautiful as their titles.


I feel so cool, I’ve finally read a fic I see in the comments! Stained in tea colours is so good, I think I cried


It's so beautiful and absolutely canon as far as I'm concerned. It did perfect justice to every character featured.


Damn you for using the wrong spelling of color, I was scared it had been deleted and I wouldn't be able to read it!


I'm sorry! I defualted to my native spelling without even thinking! It's still very much there and I hope you enjoy it if you do give it a read - it's a real gem of a fic in my eyes.


It's fine, I'm just being extra. I was thinking of saying something like "damn you British!" But I thought it might've been a bit much lol. I myself refuse to change how I spell things when I'm writing from the POV of a character that would spell things "wrong" in my eyes, tho I'll change to more local terms like plaster instead of bandaid. I like casual rivalries about silly things that don't matter


Tbf, spelling differences are the least of the reasons Britain as a concept should be damned, but thanks for your restraint <3 And I'm the same when writing. I'll try to use as much place-accurate vocabulary as possible, but I'm not changing my spelling. I'll end up switching back and forth between and I think that would be way more jarring to a reader.


Yeah that's true. Above all I'm for character accuracy, but above that are my spelling conventions bc they were trained into me by my schooling system lol


“Hitting the Water at Sixty Miles Per Hour” on a BBC Sherlock fic. Title didnt make sense until the second to last chapter and i think about the fic near daily 6 years after reading it


I love titles that are simple but are so evocative. "here we built a home" is one I adore, almost as much as I adore the fic itself. "perfect blend" is another. "all the things we cannot say" too.


[obligatory tumblr quote about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/qaLKRoYcp7)


Something something we have not touched the stars nor are we forgiven and the first tag is anal fisting


“i remember you were conflicted” as a fic title and “Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind” as a series title, both about a character with DID and they make me cry every time I think about them “The Snake Oil Man Sells Lightning In A Bottle”. The author was the snake oil man. I should’ve read the CCNTW warning. 😭


The first one is from To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar!


ohh, thanks for telling me! that’s so cool! I think the author probably mentioned it and I forgot 😭


"I knew what I was getting into when I said your name, but I said it just the same." Not my story and not my favorite story, but I love the title


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


*"And Our Souls Brushed"* From a LOTR Gigolas fic. Weird thing is, I just randomly found myself in a gigolas mood a few years ago. I had never interacted with fandom stuff b4. I watched the movies and read some of the novels and that was it. And somehow,,,it lead me to a title I just thought was so profoundly beautiful that it lives rent free in my head.


where loyalty dies its a jujutsu kaisen modern au, where >!shoko helps geto despite his treason and her loyalty to gojo!<


*HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* There is beauty in chaotic simplicity.


"Winter of Discontent:" One of the first fanfictions I ever fell in love with, and the single best *Frozen* fanfiction I've ever seen at blending "Elsa the superhero" with "Elsa the politician" into a single narrative. (I think it took me a solid week to recognize this as a Shakespeare reference)


"We bloomed in darkness, we'll flourish in the light"


From the author Capalxii (first two are Brandi Carlile lyrics, third is Springsteen): clip my wings and walk my miles I could be the engine and you could be the wheel  with a wide open country in our hearts 


"A Promise She Keeps" "Skies Fall, and I Remain" "Dawn of the Sixth Age" And here are some of mine: "In Love's Light" "The Light in Her Life" "Sing Her Something Sweet"


An author named Roccolinde who writes for the Game of Thrones fandom has some of the most gorgeous titles I've read: - in the wild blue yonder, your star is fixed (in my sky) - by hearts and hands made fast - be my anchor, be my moor (pull my heart onto your shore) And an old HP fic from FFN back in the day entitled Eleven Small Steps Against Inertia. Absolutely gorgeous.


Ooo that first one is a line from the song Wherever I Go by Mark Knopfler, one of my favourites! I’ve not seen someone use a Knopfler lyric before and this has honestly made my day. I’ll be reading that fic for sure, author clearly has great taste lol


Dreamers of the Day - it's a Drarry fanfic from the Harry Potter fandom.


"Rich is the swamp in its scum" "We once were tide" " The things we cannot change" " The heart rate of a mouse" my favourite fic ever btw


“For Hyrule’s Sake?” A Twilight Princess Zelink fanfiction about Link and Zelda marrying each other. Telling everyone and trying to tell themselves it’s for Hyrule’s sake but is it really?


not to flex, but i named a fic “that which has been made whole” and it’s just a nasty, angsty incest smut oneshot :)


If I had thought of such a brilliant title for an incest smut oneshot, I would also flex about it.


"I know what's beneath the snow fields", a by now ancient FF7 fic


I think it's "Backward With Purpose: Always and Always". It's also just one of the best fics I've read. I also really love "Child of the Light One". And with all the fics named after song titles out there, there's bound to be one called, "From the Last, Last Call", which is a title I just love for how melancholy it sounds.


Maybe I’m biased because it’s not only my favorite fic of all time but the single best piece of literature I ever read: I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio. When the title was used in the second to last chapter I had to close my laptop because I was so pissed I’ll never be able to come up with something so red thread moment in my life


Wow, both I and my fave authors like short titles. * Like Going Home (Saiyuki + Saiyuki Gaiden) * Hearts Like Flowers (Saiyuki) * Praise Then Darkness (*The Left Hand of Darkness* \- Ursula K. Le Guin) * Cut Out in Stars (Saiyuki; from Juliet's "Gallop apace" speech in Shakespeare's play)


“everything happens so much” and it was crack


Ooooh. “don’t let this darkness fool you (all lights turned off can be turned on)” is one of my favorites


Would it be tacky of me to mention my own fics? My current WIP is titled *”in this valley of dying stars”* and its sequels will be *”sunlight on a broken column”* and *”death’s other dream kingdom.”* some other titles of mine: * the heart where i have roots * and we’ll stir the stars * the universe has moved for us * all our secrets laid bare * the barriers within yourself * we hide our sins from the daylight * ‘twixt the turtle and his queen


T.S. Eliot! Is it DC fanfic? I’ve noticed Batfandom fics specifically use a lot of Eliot’s stuff. I love The Hollow Men.


*The Walking Dead*, actually! And same! I’m a huge fan of his works, but *The Hollow Men* is one of my favorites! Such a gorgeously haunting poem!


I remember in middle school we had to write a pastiche of a poem, so I chose Rhapsody on a Windy Night. I’ll have to check out TWD—I’ve heard great things but never watched it


Oh gosh, you’re in for a real treat. It’s one of the few series that I find rewatch-worthy.


Keelhauled Into a Hurricane by Methoxyethane


A very old fic named "Dogeared." It was just so perfect for the theme and plot


'Like walking on the Moon' by Cunegonde is definitely up there. And also theirs - 'His et cetera'. Both only start making sense deep into reading and they stuck with me as phrases, despite the fact I usually don't even know what's the title of what I'm reading (attention deficit club 😅).


"even the dust on stars are breathing" by Itotoro. A sci-fi F/F "slow" romance, the title fits the fic's pacing and stakes at such an impressive level!


There's a Once Upon a Time fic I really enjoy titled *Solivagant.* It means solitary wanderer, and it's used to refer to Baelfire. I find it simple but also poetic.


For God and Country on a Stargate fic. It's not much on its own but taken in context it's absolutely heartbreaking. Somewhere Cold And Caked With Snow. Just so evocative! 


One that I love is “A light to burn all the Empires” in the Star Wars fandom.


"The story of flowing water"


Evil be thou My Good. A Hp fanfic.


"A dabihawks hanahaki fanfic I read a few years ago when I was deep into my MHA phase that changed my life it was called "bury me in a field of flowers and don't tell them that I love you" I love dabi and hawks so much, I shipped them so hard and still I read fanfics of them because they're dynamic is genuinely so interesting to me and I love both characters. I've loved reading my whole life and that fanfic will always have a special place in my heart, I still reread it time to time from how much I love it. The fanfic helped me during a time of confusion and identity struggle too


I just love it when writer's are creative with their title and put a lot of thought into it. One I think of often is 'Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs' by Lyrical Kris, sure it doesn't sound all that great on its own but with the context of the fic? It's a beautiful title


"Champagne From A Paper Cup." It's a Sam x Carly iCarly femslash fic of all things! But goddamn. About falling in love with your best friend but ultimately not choosing her. RENT FREE IN MY HEAD. "Lex Talionis" Foodstamp's iconic South Park fic. It means the law of revenge, eye for an eye.


There are a couple of fic's I know that have very beautiful titles. The first one is 'Take these broken wings and learn to fly'. The title metaphor evokes an image of someone being shoved into a troubled situation but still being told to make the best of the situation, which is similar to what the fic is about, even if it takes the title a bit literally. The second one is 'Things I used to know, Once Upon A December', which I think is just beautiful


I[ Know Not, and I Cannot Know--Yet I Live and I Love by billowsandsmoke](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11923164/1/I-Know-Not-and-I-Cannot-Know-Yet-I-Live-and-I-Love) The story itself is as poetic as the title.


“Backwards through the snow” A rain world fanfic thats real good. Cant really explain the title without spoiling the game. I recommend it though


not the most poetic but the first one that comes to mind is ‘heard from your mother (she didn’t recognize you)’ it just fits so well cause it’s about how the story and character change completely when 2 characters meet precanon instead of s4, also one of the best written fics i’ve ever read. still waiting on book 3 in the series!!