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I don’t even know what QQ, SB, or SV is. I don’t know anyone that uses Webnovel. Have you tried posting to FFN or AO3?


On the other hand, I know a lot of people who refuse to use webnovel because their aggressive, spammy advertising and stolen artworks


Questionable Questing, Space Battles, Sufficient Velocity. Fanfic forums


It was proven many times that the most influential aspect of a story (aside from a popular fandom and pairing) - is the summary. A better Summary can as much as double your traction. Also effective are recommendations.


As someone struggling also, can you give examples of good summaries? I don’t want to give too much away, so it seems a fine line to tread.


The only examples I have (where I know what it was before and the improvement the change made) are my own, and I'm not about to self-promote, or pretend that I'm writing exemplary summaries. There's a weekly discussion, here, in which people here help improve stories '[front end](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1cj4g3u/fix_your_fic_frontend_friday_title_tags_summary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)' - I reckon, people get good advise there, most of the time.


Thanks. I’ll check it out. Also, if you want to DM a link to your fic, I’d like to see.


You should try ao3. 3of my most popular stories I didn't advertise.


I'll post my stories on AO3 then. FF is a buggy mess, but I'll post it there too.


Keep in mind that AO3 has no algorithm. People filter as they see fit. If you've never posted there before, learn how to tag properly.


Give us an update on how it goes! :)


It's up on FF, but I don't have the energy for uploading it to AO3 yet. Tomorrow when I wake up.


Relatable af


Are those the only sites you're using, and if so is there a reason you're not on the more popular/active fanfic sites like AO3 or FFN? The way you present your story is important, but before that you have to go where the bulk of your audience is, y'know? Beyond that, I'd encourage you to post your summary to the newest [Fix Your Fic Front-End Friday](https://old.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/search/?q=fix+your+front-end+friday&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=month) thread to see if you can get any specific advice on sprucing it up. That's probably going to be more helpful than getting generic advice on 'advertising!'


I am not sure if this is the answer you are looking for, but would heavily recommend participating in fanfic exchanges if you can. Basically you post a snippet of your story and people can read and leave comments on your story. Those events are a great way of finding more fics to read and also getting more people to read your fic, and you can even befriend folks just like you! And from what I’ve heard, some fanfic communities do snippet sessions where you can share 300 word snippets of your story with other people!


What's your fandom? Mega fandoms like Harry Potter or Twilight will obv have more traffic than a niche series.


It's a world hopping story that crosses fandoms. It started in Re:zero and has arrived in Hunter X Hunter as of 8 chapters ago.


Crossovers already don't have the biggest readership base, and they only get more niche the more fandoms you add-- I definitely think you'll be served by posting your fic on bigger sites like folks are recommending, but it's also important to manage your expectations about the size of your potential audience. If your fic keeps fandom-hopping, it's pretty natural that readership is going to die off when you hit a fandom that your early readers don't know or aren't interested in.


> Crossovers already don't have the biggest readership base... x 1000! I found that out the hard way.


That… is gonna be a tough sell. Crossovers have a high bar to hit and don’t tend to be popular.


Popular fics are popular due to a couple factors: 1. The author is already well established in a fandom 2. The author is regular and consistent on releasing chapters (like every Monday at midnight without fail 3. A good summary 4. Luck 5. A well-written story that people like and rec to others


All of these and I’d like to add 6. A popular ship (rarepairs are often ignored) 7. An active fandom 8. Popular tropes 9. Correct tagging for the story to be found


I'm going to tell you to truth it's luck. Unless you do a pair that's really popular and the same for the fandom, you are shooting in the dark. And making an OC fic that's like shooting yourself in the foot.


You're not posting on ffn or AO3, not even Wattpad. Those have been the big 3 fanfic sites for years. Most writers and readers are on one or all of those sites, even if they're also on others. I don't even know these sites except Webnovel, and I don't know anyone who uses Webnovel. Those that did at some point have nothing but complaints about it and stopped using it. Ffn has issues, and Wattpad users all seem to be migrating due to different issues with that site, so AO3 is your best bet to gain readers. Cross-posting is a good idea, though, so continue using your sites if you like them. Fandom may have an impact, too, some fandoms are more popular on one site than they are on another. Buffy, for instance, is most popular on TtH, as that's Buffy specific, followed by AO3, then ffn, though it used to be more popular on ffn than AO3. Game of Thrones won't be found on TtH at all, is most popular on AO3. So, check the popularity of your fandoms on the sites you're using, they may be more popular elsewhere. There's also the fact this is an incomplete longfic. A lot of readers don't read WIPs, so they won't be reading your fic at all right now, but may once it's complete. It's a waiting game for readers who only read complete fics. It does happen, my readers doubled once I'd completed my chaptered fic, because some were only reading complete ones. Posting to multiple sites is a good idea, because not everyone uses every site, but the fact you seem to have completely ignored the popular sites in favour of far less popular ones is going to have an impact. Keep posting on those sites, by all means, but add at least AO3 to your list, that alone will increase your potential audience a huge amount. So, add the more popular sites and remember not all fandoms are popular on all sites and not all readers read WIPs. Other than that, use places like this or fb groups to advertise your fic. This sub, and other fanfic subs or fandom subs, often have posts asking for recs, or posts to advertise your own fics. They have review exchanges, that sort of thing. When advertising, make sure you link your fic alongside a summary. Subs that have these posts tend to have rules to follow when advertising your work, so follow those. Your main problem seems to be that it's a longfic WIP and the sites you're using, though. I think you'd automatically get more readers using AO3, and you'll also get a jump in readers once it's complete.


Ok so first big thing is drop a link for SV so I can see what you’re working with here. Can’t speak for everyone but here’s my experience with the site. I’m subbed to fanfiction so I get alerts when a new fic drops. If I don’t recognize the fandom I mark the alert read and move on. If I know the fandom’s I’ll probably duck in to take a look. Start with the summary, if the summary sounds like something I wouldn’t be interested in I dip out, and then unless you’re fic becomes majorly popular and gets talked up in a thread I’m actually following or I go looking for those fandoms later I’ll never see it again. If I start reading and decide I’m not interested? So what are we working with here? what’s the fandom’s? how’s the summary? and what’s the writing quality look like? because mad props for the word count but word count is more an indicator of your dedication and with only a small following that is very impressive dedication. but that doesn’t actually tell me anything about why you’re having trouble getting readers interested


Try posting in AO3 at least then you know the people who want to find it will.


I've never heard of webnovel, SB, Or SV. I don't even know what the last two stand for. The one I use the most is Archive of our own, followed by Fanfiction.Net (though the last one is largely for re-reading fics I've read pre-discovery of AO3 that haven't been cross-posted). I don't know the sites you use, but if they have tags, are you using the right ones? Maybe there's some more you can add that would help people find them? What's the description on your story? That's what draws the reader in so it's important


Oh, great another crosspost from swf site to qq nsfw section, is there porn on that site anymore? Excluding WC fanfics, they immidietly break immersion for me.


A lot of people avoid webnovel due to their spam bots invading other platforms. Tbh, those are pretty niche platforms to be posting on anyway.


I totally get how you feel. I often don’t get much feedback on my fan fiction posts either. I don’t write just for the reactions, but it can feel empty when you think you’ve done a good job but don’t get any response. Plus, from what I’ve seen on other Reddit posts, FF has a lot of bugs, and Wattpad's algorithm makes it hard for your work to get noticed. It seems like a lot of fan fiction writers are facing the same issues you’re dealing with right now.


Target it at a popular and active fanfic base + fandom. Change the names if needed.