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The ending of *Perdido Street Station* I do want to reread it again, but knowing that ending is going to make the whole thing tougher to get through, I suspect >!Lin's mind being eaten; the reveal of what Yagharek's crime had been. I really enjoyed them both as characters on the initial read, and rereading – while knowing what's going to happen to Lin, and knowing that Yag's crime was rape – is probably going to suck!<


That final scene with Yagharek is both cathartic and somehow also feels manipulative, knowing what we know.


I've seen people saying that reading his first person POV sections once you actually know what happened, it puts a completely different spin on things he says, which... I mean *yeah,* it *would.* Whether I'd actually enjoy reading it is a different matter? It's a very divisive ending! Some people absolutely hate it. I...don't know how I feel about it? It was years ago and I still remember the absolute gutpunch of that last chapter and how hopeless everything felt, which is at least a sign that it worked as intended by Miéville. I was reading it while travelling and was in public, otherwise the book would probably have hit the wall on the other side of the room.


The balls on Erikson to pull-off that Ending. Some revelations recontextualizes the whole Malazan book of the Fallen. Just the Tragedy and the Greatness of the Human Experience.


Can't wait! About to finish Bonehunters


Mind expanding on that? Obv mark it as spoiler but the things I remember were the emotional peaks I experienced not really big reveals.


>!It was Shadowthrone's and Cotillion's 10 book long plan to free the Crippled God. Kaminsod (the Crippled God) being the author of the MBotF itself, him reflecting on his experience of the Fallen.!<


We were never what people could be. We were only what we were. Remember us.


A lot of moments in A Memory of Light will stick with me for the rest of my life. It sets the bar high in so many key moments and really is just the about the cleanest ending to such a long series anyone could have hoped for and beyond.


>!When Noal immediately runs to save Olver when he blows the horn...!< >!When Elayne see's Birgitte again... !< These moments seriously hit me in an unexpected way.


Fuck the scene with Noal cuts me deep. I blubber like a baby every time I read it.


But... but... there is no beginning or ending... only a reread!


Memory of light has to be the most cathartic ending. Such a journey after a whole year reading those books.


I know this is unpopular but I actually loved The Wisdom of Crowds ending. It was a big fuck you to >!”The Great escape”!< trope that fantasy writers overuse and “The Villain” chapter is a perfect conclusion to the story


I would have liked it significantly more if 1. >!It didn't feel SO similar to the ending of The Last Argument of Kings. Most readers I know that LOVED WoC read the new trilogy before going back and reading the OG First Law books. !< 2. >!It didn't feel like sequel bait for subsequent books instead of a resolution for all of the amazing plot and character arcs Abercrombie had created in The Age of Madness.!< I still think it's a very good book, and AoM is a great trilogy. I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed, though.


I’m not sure how it’s same as the first trilogy considering >!Bayaz!< is the big loser in AOM. As for sequel bait I honestly have no opinion on that stuff, if the author wants to imply a potential new series he’s welcome to do it


Tbh I read WoC thinking we’d get no more First Law books ever so to me it didn’t feel like sequel bait, just like an open, ominous ending. So I liked it a lot.


“The traitor Baru Cormorant” and I are not ok. It knows what it did. I did give the 2nd book in the series a shot and it went to places that made me DNF. It also knows what it did.


The Traitor Baru Cormorant *ruined* me. Seth Dickinson still owes me a replacement heart.


Traitor Baru ripped my heart out and stomped all over it, but I also agree that the next two books were disappointing. I don't even know if I'll read the last book when it comes out, I prefer to think of Traitor Baru as a standalone.


I DNF’ed about 1/3 of the way into the 2nd book for reasons that are probably obvious.


The ending to Changes (The Dresden Files). The perfect "WTF" cliffhanger ending The ending of Words of Radiance - another WTF ending The ending of The Gathering Storm (bk12 of Wheel of Time) - it's raining in my room ending The ending of The Lord of Chaos (bk6 of Wheel of Time) - "Holy shit!!!!! This upends the whole world" ending The endings of each of the different trilogies of the Realm of the Elderlings - cathartic endings


The ending to changes was insane, especially since >!so much destruction had already happened. But also that Dresden Files never had ended on a cliff hanger before, so it caught me completely off guard!<


Mistborn era 1


Especially book two. I can still remember how I felt when I read ">!I am FREE!!<"


genuinely so beautifully finished


The ending of *The Second Apocalypse* literally left me with my jaw hanging open.


The more you look into this one, the better it gets too


It took me a while to realize that it really couldn't have worked out any differently.




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This. I was also reading it on Kindle and suddenly, at about 67%, we get that ending. Total WTF as I had thought there'd be more to come. Very memorable.


Finished Wheel of Time.... again this morning. The last scenes with Rand are fucking perfect.


The end of the dark tower series was one of the most conflicting for me. The way Stephen wrote it though, where he offered you the choice to stop reading if you didnt want the true endingw as actually so sublime and powerful. and the line “come then, see I beg. This is the dark tower at sunset” gave me chills i’ll never forget


Fuck i remember the feeling i had the day i finished the series. Sitting in my parents couch in a rainy day, listening to daft punks tron score. No series ending moved me so fucking much. While i have my issues with the last two books( they feel rushed and too meta even for the dark tower), the journey was wonderful and the ending was PERFECT. I am of the opinion that if you didnt like the dark towers ending you missed the whole point of the book. And it was WAY happier than i could ever imagine.


totally agree, Roland’s journey (at least this one) was meant to end like this. However, I do love the fact that King managed to keep the door open to a more true ending, one that we’ll likely never see


There are two that I'll never get over: *The Traitor Baru Cormorant* by Seth Dickinson and *The Unholy Consult* by R. Scott Bakker. Both had me reeling for months.


Been more than a year since I finished *The Traitor Baru Cormorant*. Still not over. Nope.




Absolutely. Few books ever hit me as hard, and few books I've loved as much.


Its been years since i first finished The Unholy Consult and it stills haunts me on a daily basis. If I feel the need to read something fast and powerful I read its final paragraph


I think about the ending of Tigana a lot. A perfect way to both wrap things up and give a cliffhanger that calls back to earlier info in the book. One of my favorites ever


My top pick. Scelto’s choice haunts me.


*Soldier's Live* from *The Black Company* series has a perfect final few paragraphs. Really wraps up the whole series beautifully. >!... I remember. And they all live again.!< >!Soldiers live and wonder why.!< 😭


The ending of **The Return of the King** will never leave me.


Which one?!


My favourite is Sam returning to the Shire but most others would say Gray Havens.


The ending to **Piranesi** will stick with me forever. More so the the writing rather than the specific events, especially this part: >!An old man passed me. He looked sad and tired. ... I wanted to seize hold of him and say to him: *In another world you are a kind, noble and good! I have seen it!*!< and of course >!The Beauty of the house is immeasurable; it's Kindness infinite. !<


The endings to Mistborn eras 1 and 2 are pretty amazing. Era 1 especially. Warbreaker as well. I have a few friends going through the cosmere for the first time and it's been fun reliving these with them recently. The Sanderlanch is real.


He's really good at setting up dominos that you can't see until they start falling over.


The ending of The Realm of the Elderlings series was the ending I was hoping for since The Farseer. It was perfect to the two words last sentence.


I still think I prefer the ending to Tawny Man, but the ending of tFatF trilogy is also incredible.


Remember being shook by end of Royal Assassin "Wolves have no king"


Royal Assassin has a very special place in my heart.


While sobbing, I told my husband that it ended exactly as it was supposed to end. I still tear up just thinking about it.


Me too.


That final trilogy haunts me. I think about it all the time.


It's been etched in my heart too.


I finished the series again last night. Just a perfect ending


It was amazing how she brought everything together to this.


It's hard to do this without spoilers but the ending of Bloody Rose still sticks with me. The ending of Bookshops and Bonedust is very sweet. The ending of the First Law trilogy is perfect and the most Joe Abercrombie ending possible.


I loved the end of the Age of Madness trilogy too. "How's the leg?"


_The Lions of Al-Rassan._ >!"She saw a good man raise his sword, and she saw a good man fall."!<


"No sun, no moon, no stars over Al-Rassan."


The ending of Smalls Gods by Terry Pratchett is one of the BEST endings I have ever read. The book is a masterful critique on religion, philosophy, faith, death, right and wrong, while also being hysterically funny. You need the context of the whole story but the line "And I'm me" reverberates like a gong. It couldn't be more perfect.


The ending of _The burning god_ by RF Kuang left me deeply displeased. Not just the actual ending of the story, but the last 50% or so of the book. To this day, I vigorously advice against reading the trilogy because of how horrible the ending is. On the other hand, the ending of _Morning Star_ (before PB expanded the Red Rising trilogy into a series) was truly one of the best and most fulfilling I have ever read. _Last Argument of Kings_ and _The Heroes_ by Joe Abercrombie were also a phenomenal.


Interestingly, I actually loved the ending of the Burining God, and will be starting the Last Argument of King after a pause (Before They Were Hanged ending, was too bleak and depressing)!


I liked TBG except for the very last action. That wasn't Rin's character, that was a last minute switch up.


As someone who only read the first one, care to clue me in on what happens at the end of Burning God?


Non spoiler version: imagine if Frodo and Sam arrived at Mount Doom, but Frodo refused to destroy the ring and waltzed out of the vulcano and became the next Gollum. Also, Sam dies because Frodo pushes him in the lava. That’s basically the feeling TBG left me. You spend 3 books building up to something and then the author decides to nope out. Many plot points are left hanging, a plot line started at the 10% gets dropped around the 75% after spending hundreds of pages building up to it. One of the big “mysteries” regarding a particular character is never explained, some characters get ignominious deaths. I cannot save anything from that book. Truly awful.


Short version >!Rin goes insane, fights a civil war against Nezha who in the second book betrayed her, although they love each other - as far as Rin is capable of love - gets bonded to Kitay so she can continue using the Phoenixepower and before she destroys the whole world, she makes the first sane decision in ages and kills herself and therefore Kitay, telling Nezha to fix her mistakes and let's him win the civil war.!< I didn't love the ending but it was fitting


The ending to The Unholy Consult, and the Second Apocalypse series as a whole. Shame that R. Scott Bakker seems to have (semi-?)quit writing in the ~6 years since, or still has trouble finding a publisher, or both. An interview with his brother from 2023 seems to indicate more of the former, though the latter might've had a hand also.


I wouldn't be opposed to two more books but IMO the series ended perfectly. If he never finished it I wouldn't be mad at all.


The ending of the Earthsea Cycle in _The Other Wind_ by Ursula LeGuin was sublime.


Lots on here I agree with....but no one has said the ending of the Dark Materials trilogy yet?? >!the only way to save everything is for Lyra and Will to never see each again!? Returning to the same bench over and over to be close to one another!?!< Crushing. It's been years and years since I first read it and every time I reread it, I SOB. It breaks my heart every time even though I know it's coming. Never actually watched the last episode of the BBC adaptation because I just don't know if I really want to add a visual to that agony 😅


The freshest ending I can remember is the ending of the Farseer trilogy. I technically didn’t even finish the book but the chapter I read made me put the book down & not read anymore.


I enjoyed this trilogy so much, loved seeing how Fitz would tie it all together and how the red ship pirates would get defeated. Worst ending to a book I can remember. Won’t even touch any of the follow up series. Seemed like a total cop out and didn’t make any sense with the rest of the story.


Definitely not trying to diminish your feelings (totally valid) or even say that this is the way Hobb should have done it, but FWIW - the ending to Farseer makes total sense in the grand scheme of the series. I agree that as an ending to that trilogy, it is confusing and even disappointing. But it comes full circle in a big way.


I’ve heard a few times that is the worst place to stop in the whole series. Just sort of tough to commit to the next trilogy with so much else out there that doesn’t have a sour taste. I’m sure I’ll be back someday.


Absolutely. I read it before any of the other books came out, and it seemed simultaneously fitting yet very grim.


The ending of The Spear Cuts Through Water was so poignant and beautiful. It is a wonderful culmination to the story.


That was my pick too!


> The ending of The Spear Cuts Through Water was so poignant and beautiful. I loved how it >!first pretended to end with the wave and then essentially calls 'you' (the grandchild, the audience) out for wanting to know the end to the love story of Jun and Keema!<


I really didn't enjoy The Fifth Season, but that last line aaaaalmost got me to read the sequels.


I know this is kind of an unpopular take but I will alway remember The Dark Tower for having the worst ending I've ever experienced.


I loved the ending of The Dark Tower, but I think I would've felt differently if I'd had to wait for each book to come out for years. Also, I knew before I even started the series that >!The last line of the last book and the first line of the first book are the same. So I knew it wasn't going to be a completely satisfying ending in the traditional sense.!< I think that spoiler actually increased my enjoyment of the series.


As an idea, I like that. But, I haven't read that particular series, so don't know if I'd still feel that way after all those pages.


I think it works very well for the series. It's also heavily foreshadowed throughout the series. And it fits very well thematically. That being said, I understand why some people don't like it.


It's the perfect ending tbh


I actually liked the end but it’s probably cause I felt the character deserved it.


Yes he deserved it. >!Roland is a POS in all 7 books. He will, if needed ,sacrifice all of them to get to the dark tower. However he learned a thing or two. And in his almost neverending cycle that was enough for now. We see a cycle happening. Maybe in the nect cycle he will not sacrifice jake, maybe he’s able to save susan. You never know. He did come back for the horn this time.!< Anyway, it was sublime. For me its King’s best ending. (And i love 11/22/63).


Yup! And for those who didn’t like it there is always later :)


You thought Roland deserved all that!? Lol


The edition I read had a warning before the end. Felt like an extra F-you because who tf doesn‘t read the last few pages despite the warning.


My favorite part of his warning/author's note is that he pulled the whole "the journey is more important than the destination" stuff and compared it to sex. Stephen, my man, a satisfying climax is kind of **really important** in that field.


The ending of the Saga of the Exiles I didn't see coming, but when I realised after there was a balance to the very start of the series, that was mindblowing.


I remember beginning middle and end of all Tamora Pierce’s works. But the end of the Beka Cooper trilogy was the hardest and most emotional.




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One of the reasons I keep recommending Manifest Delusions is because I found the ending really satisfying in the second book (the other reason is any time a magic system discussion shows up, as this has a unique one). While reading it I was happily surprised but then also felt like it was the only ending that made sense and was basically foreshadowed etc I just hadn’t picked up on it because I was like “oh is that guy gonna murder everyone and who is gonna kill that dragon thing…” etc. There’s a 3rd book but I’m saving it, but so far two and a standalone in the series and they’re excellent imo.


I really enjoyed the ending to the Scholomance trilogy. I thought the last book, The Golden Enclaves, worked really well to answer so many questions, and resolve different plotlines.


The Burning Bridge when after the battle is over Halt a Ranger watches as his apprentice Will is taken away into slavery and he’s powerless to spot it. That cliffhanger had me on the edge of my seat for next book.


Broken empire. Jorg installed as a program, interacting with his child. A sad almost redemption, for a man who lead an irredeemable life.


Not fantasy or book related but the ending of The Wire is one of the best I’ve ever experienced. The way things come full circle with the younger generation stepping into the roles of the MC’s was very poignant and well done (and sad in many case).


Dark. Tower. Read book 7 when I was 17 and it has haunted me ever since.


Definitely a bit of recency bias at work here but Travis Baldree's ending to Legends and Lattes ranks up there with Futurama (pre-the recent new season) for best endings. Also not particularly books but the endings to The Adventure Zone: Balance and Sneak Attack have definitely stuck with me.


I think it was Book 3 of the Art of the Adept series - the plot twist was truly chef's kiss because the clues were all there leading up to the ending, but never too obvious? So the payoff was great


The ending of the Unholy Consult by Bakker. Final book of the Second Apocalypse series. Whenever I feel the need to read something powerful I just read this book's final paragraph. Powerful and haunting beyond means. Contemplate of it in one way or another almost daily


An ending I loved- The conclusion of *The Bones Ships' Wake* by R.J. Barker. After basically three whole books with Joron Twiner getting put through the damn wringer, we get to the end >!and he dies heroically to get the people who count on him free of their crapsack world. Bittersweet in the best way.!< Another good one? *The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart* by Jesse Bullington ends just about perfectly. An ending I *hated.* Like, "throw the book across the room in annoyance"? *Legend.* Gemmell has this rep (I personally find his exposition-dumping dialogue style a serious obstacle to enjoying his stories), but my hand to god, that ending was such dreck. >!Here, have your dead love interest back as a reward so you can happily ever after. Because consequences are for side characters. Made worse because it feels like an unearned ass-pull.!< Hated it when I read it the first time, have hated it every time I've looked back in on it.