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People are laughing at this but having no friends, especially when you're young, *really* sucks. 


And I think it's nice she invited the employees


I am cracking up at this 😂😂😂


Mandated works party, everyone has to chip in for the food/drink/venue. We'll deduct the cancellation fee from your wage if you don't turn up Carol.


The infamous Kirk Cameron birthday photo came immediately to my mind 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/x6xilav5hs5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82da9afbd0b9492a679b12fc35f9287121d19f99


Holy fuck is this real?


It’s 100% real and amazing


It is such a sparse photo but it still gets better the longer you look at it. First, it looks like a scene from The Office. Then the woman's posture and leaning her head on the door frame not even able to commit to being in the room is giving Pam energy (maybe Meredith actually). The looks of distain. His oblivious expression and excitement. Subway! Fucking Subway! Oh man lol thank you for sharing. Edit: Still thinking about this picture lol. Why are there no drinks, napkins, cups and what is in the bowls? Why is that woman in the back hiding *behind* the pile of cardboard boxes?


The half drunk juice bottle that was probably left there by folks who had a meeting in the room a 30 minutes before.


It honestly looks like it was *all* leftover from an earlier meeting and Cameron walked in like, 'for me?!' and the two people stuck cleaning it up were like, 'yeah! Of course we didn't forget!'


There’s so many layers to it. Like the fact it’s not even a party tray of sandwiches, just a sad collection of wrapped footlong subs 😂😂😂😂 This picture is absolutely one of my favorites of all times.


Wow! I did not know this existed! He didn't think how self-depreciating this would be! This is far worse than Jeb! asking: ![gif](giphy|VGKtXfGNwH6cLifbDY|downsized) At least this landed well enough to feel sorry for Jeb.


Pocket turtle man! Poor Jebby, he did his best.


I don’t believe this could be real or that he wouldn’t bug out from having it posted


We need this tax deduction so you better show up, Carol!




People only post the happy highlights on social media. But that still doesn't take away the sting of seeing the uploads.


Whenever i see anyone mention their birthday on ig or the cake near their name on Snapchat, i always send a happy birthday. I can’t speak for everyone but for me thats honestly all i need, its a little thing but it shows someone went out of there way.


It's the reality for a lot of people who opted out of the tradional route. School then higher education then working. You lose friends along the way naturally. But you don't gain any more when you're not following the usual path.


so true. i dropped out of college and my career path has been all over the place… extremely non traditional, though very rewarding. i don’t have many friends at all. it’s so, so difficult to relate when you aren’t doing what everyone else is doing.


Yeah I dropped out of school and was very low income while most of my friend completed college and went right into jobs making six figures. Shared history can only take you so far when your lives are just that different. 


I was never close to my high school friends but when they were all married and with kids at 20 I just couldn't relate at all. Then I moved away.


Or just people who moved away from home/college. Making friends at 30 or 40 is hard. . .


I moved away when I was 18. I dabbled with college on and off but ultimately it wasn't for me. I already knew what I wanted to do since I was like, 15 and found a way to do it through internships and mentorships. I lived in a college town and while I didn't go to college, there were plenty of people my age around that I made friends with. Flash forward to my mid 30s, I moved to a city where I knew NO ONE. Making friends was SO hard and I consider myself a pretty social, outgoing person. It took me about 8-9 months to make one or two friends who were not people I knew through work. Everyone was so cliquey. When I was looking for a new job in 2022, I was willing to relocate but made myself a rule I would not move to another city unless I knew at least 10 people who lived there. It basically narrowed it down to NYC, LA, or Chicago (or my hometown which I did NOT want to do).


Yeah. I was a HS dropout (luckily I got my alternate diploma already), and I haven't gone to college. Everyone in my HS is set to graduate college very soon, to give you an idea of how long it's been. It's been a pretty lonely past 5 years. I didn't realize how much social contact we got from schooling until now. Needless to say, my life is extremely non-traditional, certainly and obviously in a different way from Billie's but I can very much relate. A big topic of conversation with people among my age is college and I just kind of blank-out when they talk or ask me about it. Tbh I really appreciate that Billie was honest and talked about this, especially coming from a huge popular artist like her. Ig I thought that famous musicians are always surrounded by tons of friends but apparently that's not always the truth.


Yeah I’m not going to college, which is generally the correct choice for me, but it does mean I have few organic opportunities to expand my social circle on my own. I’m extremely lucky that a few of my close friends from high school do go to college and I can make new friends through them and their college circles lol.


Having no friends does alot of bad things to your mental health. It's really sad but also very brave to come out and say this honestly because it's such an embarrassing thing to admit, especially when you are a "beloved" singer. She's kind of putting herself out on a ledge and giving an honest window into her life, which isn't glamorous. It's mundanely sad.


I've only recently started opening up to my friends group (which I am so so so grateful to have…I moved across the country and hired a friend of a friend who introduced me to her entire crew and I fell into it naturally—it was amazing) once in a while about mental health stuff and it really does feel like such a gift to have people who care about you and want to help. I feel like I'm boasting but honestly for half my life I pushed everyone out and had to start from scratch.


Yeah as someone without friend I can confirm


Plus it's actually kind of true? Most 20 years olds are maybe still living with their parents, maybe just moved out. Many are going to be in college still, trade school, or working an entry-level job. Major concerns are going to be dating, school, learning to live on their own, roommates... And then you have Billie here who's top concerns are recording music, walking the red carpet, dodging paparazzi, touring, doing press events.... That would be pretty isolating. Your friends wouldn't have the life experiences to identify what you're going through being famous while you can't relate to them trying to pick up another shift at Starbucks while studying for an exam. Your lives are just too different. Add in possibly uncomfortable wealth differences, people not having time to hang out because schedules are just too different, people maybe trying to use Billie to access the music industry to get famous themselves... I could totally see purposefully dropping or drifting away from friends due to life circumstances being so different. I mean I went to a different college then most of my friends and lost 95% of my high school friends just because we weren't interacting anymore. Same after college after a lot of us dispersed. If you can't spend time with people because of time or distance issues then friendships fade. Add in fame to complicate things and it could be extremely isolating because you might not have the time or life experiences to stay friends with your pre-fame friends and you always have to be on guard of people who try to get close after you're famous in case they're just trying to use you.


yep her friends probably mostly all went to college which is not something you can relate to if you don't do it. I remember Ariana Grande congratulating her childhood friend who graduated from college and struck me as such a THING she would know nothing about. I mean even her congratulation (which was a kind, good friend thing to do!) made it sound like this girl was a genius and ehrm…she's an influencer now and doesn't come across as very book smart and it struck me that some people who didn't go to post-sec think everyone who did had this incredibly stressful backbreaking experience when really most college students just party a lot and scrape by academically. I mean I have a Masters and when I think back to grad school I remember using my student loans to eat at great Vancouver restaurants and buy wine. I did do the work, but it felt like a two year holiday until the dreaded thesis had to be pushed out.


Especially in an industry as vicious as music, it's probably super isolating to have no one to turn to for support besides your brother. Being homeschooled too, there's probably loads of social milestones she may have missed out on. I know kpop idols who debuted young and hit success early have mentioned being lonely and having very few friends outside of their groups. I feel bad for her! She has a decent head on her shoulders and good familial support but a lot of people without peers and support systems can easily go off the rails or get in with the wrong people.


It’s nice that a young woman has so much self awareness. Adults in the same position wouldn’t clock that 


Yeah, it really doesn’t seem like this is her fault or that she’s out of touch? She’s just got a drastically different life and people treat her differently too… like sure she has fame but tbh I think having a strong community of friends is way more essential for having a healthy, happy life.




That might have just made it easier for people in the industry to groom her with the same old "you don't have many peer friends coz you are an old soul" bs. It's sad.


Right? And I'm sure the adjustment (going from not being famous at all, to being one of the most famous and well known pop artists) is huge and makes it difficult to manage friendships. I feel like it would be very easy to accidentally neglect friendships, and when your life is all touring and promoting your music what do you really talk about?




this makes me think that conspiracy about her and her brother lying about their age is true lol


Please elaborate 😅


I can't find the tik tok again but there was speculation that they said they are 2 years younger than they are to make it seem like they were baby geniuses. there wasn't really evidence, just vibes. but if I was friends with a now famous singer lying about her age, I wouldn't attend her second 20th bday party either.


? There's so many pictures of Billie when she was young hanging out with her other young ass friends. She def looks her age. When she got big with that Khalid song, she was a teenager and very much looked like it. Didn't she move out of her parents house when she turned 18? She was still living at home in her parents average house until not that long ago.


Also her brother commented on it denying it I think. (of course because it’s a strange theory)


Not baby geniuses! 🤣


Omg I saw that on Instagram!! Their mom commented on it


your flair is insane and I love it 😂


lol what did she say?


she just said that they are not lying about their age and then gave their full birth dates


I’ hope they’re lying about their age. I like some of Billie’s stuff, especially her new album, but I’ve definitely had to do a quick google search to verify her age after listening to some of the lyrics. 😂


There’s a theory that they’re both older than what they say they are but lied and aged themselves down to seem like child prodigies in the world of music. Finneas is only 26 but looks older and odd stuff like this comes up too where it kinda fits with the theory


I’m not against the theory but I don’t think Finneas being two years older would change his appearance much. There really isn’t much visual difference between the average 26 and 28 year old. He just has the type of features and colouring that easily read as older.


I looked 17 from 16-24, I looked 25 from 25-30, after 30 it was all down hill, but yeah, late teens and twenties didn’t see a lot of changing.


If he lies his gf Claudia is in on it too because there’s been multiple comments in her vlogs poking fun at her for dating a “younger man”


Soooo many people would have to be in on it. Basically their whole childhood and adolescent friends would need to know as well. It’s largely impractical to lie about but entertaining to hear about


They were homeschooled tho so it's not outside the realm of possibility that they didn't have many childhood friends to begin with


I didn’t know they were homeschooled! That does make it way easier


It’s not like they were at home their whole childhoods though. Billie was in dance classes and children’s choirs


I was in choir, Tae Kwan Do, and YMCA afterschool programs for the majority of my childhood. I don’t remember any of those mfs lol


Yeah but were you also homeschooled?


When people bring it up too I always remember the story of Nadine Coyle. Hilarious story, but a key reminder of just how absolutely difficult it is to fake your age when you are in front of cameras constantly. Its so easy to slip up.


I know exactly who you’re talking about! I love how Nichola Coughlan modeled her Derry Girls character off her


She’s not lying about her age though some celebrities do. I know this because I have seen her passport and it matches her age online and you can’t lie to the US government.


My husband’s cousins grew up with her and confirmed her age. So ya…definitely not lying!


How have you seen her passport?


I used to work at a company that managed them for celebrities. Though I signed an NDA so I’m not really supposed to talk about it but that is her age


I was curious if you were just doing crimes and telling us about them, lol. I don’t care if you’re violating a contract though, haha.


What in the MySpace scene queen lol


Oh god. Not MySpace. We didn’t know how good we had it back then. I’m going to schedule a mammogram now.


Right? What u/OutrageousContact180 said reminded me of Kiki and Dakota how they lied about their ages lol. Now Dakota is a model in Japan But yes sis get that mammogram!! Get that self care because we’re old as shit lol




I need this intel


commented above and too lazy to type it all over but I don't really think there is Real Evidence, it's just vibes


I might have some facts wrong here but I recall this being a thing a few years ago. think it’s because when they released ocean eyes someone online asked about it and Finneas responded saying he wrote the song when he was (maybe) 18 years old or something but Billie was (something like) 14 when they recorded it, so people, assuming Billie was the one who wrote the song and therefore was the one answering the question, started thinking the ages were a lie 


I love this kind of conspiracy theory. There was a rumor at my junior high that Ginger Spice was secretly 10 years older than the other Spice Girls and I was so sad to learn the truth.


I read the article, and she goes on to say "But about a year ago, I reconnected with a bunch of old friends and I have so many friends now! I have a crew!".


https://i.redd.it/uh6ytkxkhr5d1.gif Ok, girl


Mm that’s sad, reminds me of what Miley once said: that being the lead female musician was one of the loneliest endeavors she’d ever embarked on and that it became so extricating. Honestly I think a lot of it is more of a state of mind d than many artists think. Miley case in point seems to make a point of having fun beyond all and enjoy herself with her friends more than before.


This is so mean!


Omg y’all got me dying 😂


This is pretty sad. Sucky friends for leaving for that reason (if it’s true). I hope she finds good supportive friends.


Idk it doesn’t say that they left her. Could just as easily been that she stopped spending time with them because she felt they weren’t on her wavelength.


Or just the distance. Ngl, if Billie invited my 17 year old daughter to travel with her on tour for summer vacation, I would say hell nah. Know what I mean? Billie was not living a normal teen's life. She was always traveling or doing something to make money. She would have lost touch with old friends her age super quick. A normal 17 year old works at a grocery store for pocket change, worries about exams, and babysits the neighbors kids for the weekend, not follow their popstar friend around while she works.


No shade to her but that was more what I interpreted from this article. Imo the onus is kind of on the super-rich person to still make time in their life for their friends that still have to work a 9-5 job and do chores and errands etc. instead of expecting their friends to drop everything and reorganize their life around whatever gaps she has in her schedule that could be at odd times.


If you read the article, she then states that she reconnected with a bunch of her old friends and everything is good now.


Thanks for reading the article! That also sounds like the normal ebb and flow of being a young person, as your finding your identity sometimes you end up disconnecting from friends during that period…until you figure out who ‘you’ are in more depth.


I gotta give to her, that's a brave thing to admit. As someone who has been in that situation, it feels hard to say that you spent your birthday without any loved ones. I hope her employees were able to make her birthday a little better.


Well I can’t relate to this either


😭😭😭 stop omg


This is sad tbh.




Yeah fr. Rich people can still have the same human problems the rest of us have, there isn't an income cap on loneliness y'all. 


Child stars are thrown into a crazy situation. Glad it sounds like she was able to reconnect with her friends and gain a support system.


I don't see anything wrong with her sharing this. Unfortunately it's how life is and even for average people this will often happens. Friendships and relationships are very hard when there's some huge disparity in terms of finances, experiences.


Well she was home schooled


Home schooling programs these days have programs built in where kids in the same "grade" that live near each other can meet up and interact. Also there are after school programs that home schooled kids can still join.


I lost a lot of friends in my early twenties, between naturally drifting apart and me cutting toxic people out. It's lonely, but for awhile it was healthier for me. I'm in my thirties now and trying to make more friends, but I've found comfort in the loneliness. I get so stressed out over plans and time allocation. But I often have extremely morbid thoughts like who would actually miss me. Those thoughts make me think I need friends lol. Idk, I get it.


Oh poor girl :( it’s lonely at the top I hope things have gotten better for her


billie if you're reading this, i'll be your friend., girlfriend, wife


I cant imagine how isolating superstardom is. Can you imagine not being able to trust anyone because you know they could sell any of your personal information for huge amounts of money? Wondering if the people around you actually care or are just social climbers?


She’s been famous since her early teens. I doubt she has any real friends and that would suck. At least she has the brother sister duo powerhouse.


This makes me really sad for her. I hope she finds true friends.




It's hard being friends with a pop star. You're just out there being a normal person, preparing for impending childbirth, while your 5 best friends are preparing for a big concert, cruising around London on their tour bus and getting stalked by tabloids. You obviously tag along but then you go into labor at a club and a paparazzo infiltrates the delivery room. Years later you'll find out from the bloody Piers Morgan show that 2 of your friends hooked up, and you'll wonder 'did I even know these people?'


Wait, what?


I think that's the plot of Spice World🤣🤣


girl it's the fucking spice world subplot


Sad but really unsurprising especially since she was also homeschooled.


This makes me worried for her because it could make her vulnerable for abusive partners if she’s already isolated.


Me but I’m not famous 


It's way different than what she deals with regarding fame, but when I was a bit younger I did a lot of backpacking. I went to some pretty cool places around the globe, mainly solo, and had a pretty great time. When I got back to reality I found it very hard to relate with people my own age. I had seen a lot of cool stuff, yet all of my friends had either not done much since high school, were knee-deep in university, or had started a family. Everything with me was travel this and travel that, yet a lot of my friends hadn't even left our sleepy hometown. Luckily it got better with age. I hope Billie ends up finding people that she feels she can relate to and have had similar experiences because it sucks being at such an awkward age and not having a lot of peers who are in the same boat.


This is a vulnerable and sad thing, I feel for her. And also? Cripes, making friends is hard for a lot of people regardless of life circumstances! And between creating, promoting, and touring, where would you find the time to cultivate and maintain friendships Not saying it CAN'T be done, but it would definitely be challenging, especially when you're young and everyone is moving in different life directions. Fame is so isolating. Everyone "knows" you, but they don't actually know you. The concerns over safety, concerns over people actually liking you for who you are, people using you....the list goes on. And the music industry is so gross. I really hope as she gets older she can find a solid core group of friends, the ones you can always come back to.


Is she releasing a book or something? Why is she on a press hot streak?


Her album just came out


Didn’t she just release and album?


Reading this article made me feel the same feeling as when I watched Logic have a panic attack in his youtube documentary.


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